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Everything posted by Devidramon
Hypershadow: 1: MetalSeadramon's River of Power cannon is where his nose should be. That count? Of course, there's the infamous 'snot blaster' from the Sandiramon ep, used by Guilmon. 2: Impmon? He always calls Guilmon "Pineapple Head," and I guess a pineapple is *sorta* football shaped... 3: ChaosDukemon?
"Jesus Chicken?" Oookay... Where's the idea of the souped-up Leomon being Panjyamon come from? Panjyamon's fur is white.
Oh, Leomon. You said they had "two of his Champ forms," which makes it sound like it's one of those diverging evolution line things, making it the Rookie or Ultimate of whatever Vegiemon and RedVegiemon's Mega is. Or Gardromon and Mekanorimon, or Devimon and IceDevimon, or... well, the list goes on.
1: Impmon 2: VenomMyotismon 3: Gotsumon 4: Terriermon 5: MetalEtemon (come on, nobody remembers it? That was one of my favorite scenes, MetalEtemon explaining how he came to be. "I'm sure y'all remember my battle with MetalGreymon. He's one tough dinosaur, baby! After that, my data was scattered throughout the universe. I managed to pull myself together and chill out for a while in Digimon Limbo. My information was chopped, sliced, whipped, and pureed. I felt like a four-speed blender, honey! But I refused to return to the digital world until I was bigger! Badder! And had a full head of beautiful metal hair! Now I'm back to get my revenge on [i]you,[/i] Digidestined! [singing] I've got the low down, dirty, revengeful... yow! I'm talkin' big-time Digidestined bluuuuues!" That's when Puppetmon stops him. Sage: 1: Kabukimon 2: I'm thinking Kokuwamon, DinoBeemon, or maybe BlueMeramon. 3: Gazimon or Monochromon. They both work for the teddy-bear-wielding Etemon. Gazimon's belts are black, though, and there's some red in Monochromon, so I don't know if you can say either is all gray.
Ah. I thought you meant her [i]next[/i] form, something higher she can only attain by not going through Nefertimon. Which left Silphymon and Angewomon. I'm not good at making riddles, so here's a 'who said what.' 1: " 'Mean' would be letting you go in there and get erased faster than you can say 'is this the delete key I see before me?' " 2: "I shall enjoy devouring you. Angel food is my favorite!" 3: "Chicks dig evil Digimon." 4: "I don't mean to eavesdrop, but I've got really big ears." 5: "My information was chopped, sliced, whipped, and pureed! I felt like a four-speed blender!"
Goblimon, SnowGoblimon, Ogremon, Hyogamon, Gomamon, MegaSeadramon, Majiramon.
Sage: 1)heavenly looks will make HIM cool, though he's not even a champion. Lucemon. The boy angel Darkmoon's talking about. 2)It would be eaten by Gatomon if it wouldn't be as strong as it is. One of a dozen. Make it half a dozen and you have the rat Deva Kumbhiramon. 3)Three of these were seen in Paris. This is the fourth and the most noble of them all. PrinceMamemon. He wasn't with the Mamemon Brothers. Mina: 1)I am very graceful, even when combined with a serious fighter. I attain this form when i shed my only armor-Light. Silphymon 2)I am a warrior yet a meditator of peace. My line thrives in the night. I bear the markings of an oriental religion. there may be 2 ans to this Shakkoumon 3)I am a merciless serpent proud of my bearing. I revealed information. My enemy is my kind. I am the second of my kind to die by the dinosaur digimon. (some1 from the Guilmon line.) Sandiramon
2: FlaWizarmon?
1: SaintGargomon/MegaGargomon (that's the form that has him as mostly machine and primarily fighting.) 2: Kenta said to MarineAngemon, "Time to go 'phoo,' buddy." 3: Etemon.
Mine: Etemon, IceDevimon, Machinedramon. Hyperhsadow: 1)i was a "good" litlle kitty until the easter bunny circus clown came.where is the sword?king arthur slay the dragon! Lady Devimon? Her Champion is BlackGatomon. 2)keep your clothes on Deputymon/Revolvermon/Revolmon/whatever we're calling him today. 3)i can amke a "L" with my fingers can you? Antiramon. Clowmet: 1) I am very self-centered 2) I'm full of poo (literally and metaphorically) 3) I love to sing 4) I have something in common with Impmon (think Leomon) Etemon, uh-huh-huh! The ?full of poo? thing refers to the theory that every Puppet Digimon actually contains the Digimon it evolved from, which makes Etemon really a Sukamon in an Etemon suit. But a theory it remains. 1) My gender is debated (DON'T debate it here!!) 2) I have one of each inside me 3) I'm one of the smaller Perfect Digimon 4) I appear only in 02 Silphymon. 1) Everyone thought I'd show up in the end 2) The title of the second to last ep in 02 made it look like I'd appear 3) My name origin is still *kinda* being debated, and my attack hasn't been confirmed 100% yet Puttimon. The Japanese title for The Last Temptation of the DigiDestined is ?The Last Armor Evolution.? However, I don?t see how that?s confusing: It was the last time we would see armor evolution. (There are Armored Digimon in 03, but we didn?t see them evolve. It was certainly the last time we?d ever see anyone hold up a D-Terminal and yell ?Digiarmor, energize!?)
Oops, someone beat me to it. Cloud Strike's are Gekomon and Tortomon.
All are bad guys: 1: "It's time to lay it on the line, 'cause I'm so fine." 2: "Why waste time with beauty when you can tame the beast?" 3: "Nothing like a little wholesale destruction to end a hard day's work."
The wording is as important as the words themselves in a riddle, so be sure to use proper language. Some of those are quite confusing because I don't know what you're trying to say. 1: Cherubimon/Kerpymon? All his/her forms have three horns and floppy ears. Not sure what the third thing would be. Also, since Willis' Antiramon is virus and Suzie's is Data, that means they can't have the same champion form (the virus Antiramon and the data Antiramon have no possible champions in common.) So Cherubimon/Kerpymon is the mega of both Wendigomon and Turuiemon/Rabbitmon (Data Antiramon can come from either.) Also, Omnimon is a mega and is a DNA of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon, and is a hero in Adventure, but the one in the Tamers movie, while he's the enemy of Mephismon and therefore on the Tamers' side, may not necessarily be heroic (so he'd be a hero in [i]some[/i] ways instead of just being a hero.) 2: The only in-training to become important is Calumon. The DD In-Trainings never stay in-training long enough to do any good in their in-training forms. Also, when anyone is in trouble, the triangle on his head glows before triggering a digivolution. 3: Clockmon? We've seen several of his possible evolutions, but if Kokuwamon's his rookie (has to be. Just look at the hands and feet) then his rookie has never been seen.
[quote](i read that somewhere)[/quote] And I read somewhere that Season Four would star the children of TK and Kari and the final villain would be LadyApocalymon, a female version of Apocalymon. Do [i]not[/i] trust everything you 'read somewhere.' Not that I have a clue as to whether those statues were always statues. That was never stated in the show. (And since it wasn't, whoever wrote what you 'read somewhere' doesn't know any better.) [i]Last edited by Devidramon on 02-22-2002 at 02:22 AM[/i]
Obviously, mine comes from those cool black dragons that Gatomon once created from the statues in Myotismon's castle. It means devil dragon monster. (I always go for ominous names, some reason.)