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Everything posted by Lesterzz

  1. that would be Bioshock Halo 3 Halo 2 Halo Combat Evolved Pokemon Diamond Pokemon Silver Halo Custom Edition Ragnarok Online Super Smash Bros Brawl Crackdown yea... SSBB, and the pokemon games count your time so I know those and all the others, I played each one from years every day(the halo games) to several months every day(bioshock which I recently got) and I been playing ragnarok for 7 years and crackdown since it came out
  2. my xbox 360: Red Alert 3 my brother's xbox 360: GTA IV my other brother's xbox 360: CoD 5: World at War my wii: Super Smash Bros Brawl my nintendo DS (original, not the lite): Pokemon Diamond
  3. hey my name is Lester Peeters I'm male I am born on may 31, 1994 I am from the Netherlands, Limburg my time zone is +1 ... im bored because im waiting for bioshock 2 and dont want to waste money on other games I dont read alot of manga, I do watch anime, but im a newbie at it so any directions for nice anime would be nice if yo uwant to know more you can ask me or send an email to [email]byorgue@hotmail.com[/email] all done? O:
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