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Everything posted by seress

  1. visit this website: and check out a really awesome band! [color=purple]Website links to commercial sites are not permitted on OtakuBoards. We suggest you name the band and see if anyone has heard of them or possibly sugest songs to download. Thank you[/color]
  2. seress

    Race Wars

    [I]Is this guy for real?? I have never had a guy be so nice to me before...I'll definately have to seek counsel from my friends but...(sigh)...Don't fall for him yet Dana, get to know what he's about. (sigh)[/I]
  3. seress

    Race Wars

    [I]6.25 seconds, I don't believe it!! He lives up to his reputation. He's a really, REALLY good racer...[/I] "Dana, did you see that guy??" "Yea, Lynn, I did. He was super fast!" "You're not racing him! I don't care how much you want to, you're not!!" "Yea Right, if you even romotely think that I would race him Lynn, YOU must have fallen on your head then. Nobody's engine is faster, no possible way. Besides...why would I...." "Why would you what??" "Nothing, nevermind." "Whatever Dana."
  4. seress

    Race Wars

    [I]finally, the race has started. Now I can see how good these people really are...I do have to admit though, these people are really good racers. I wonder when I'll get the chance to race against them, or where I have go to even race.[/I] "Lynn: (shocked) Are you JOKING!! If you even think that you'll be able to beat any of these guys, then I have to ask, when did you fall on your head?!!" "Listen, I know that if I work on my engine, I can beat them. All I have to know is there time, and then I can fix up my engine and body, and beat them. There's nothing to it." "Okay, but how are you going to find out the time??" "Duh, whenever you go to races, trying to figure times out, you always bring a stopwatch." "Oh, I see." "Okay, shut-up and watch the race." "Whatever."
  5. seress

    Race Wars

    [I]Dana picked Lynn up, and they headed towards the race....after a few minutes they arrived at industrial street. Dana could feel the raw energy of the cars and racers-it's a good thing she was only here to watch. But next time she'd be racing.[/I] Lynn: "So, why are we here again??" "To watch the races stupid! I've told you that like 20 million times!" "Yes, I know that. But are we here because of that guy from your class, or are we here to watch?" "Only to WATCH the races, and learn the skills of the racers so that way when I race against them, I'll know what I'm up against." "I swear...Sometimes you can be so...." "So what?" Laughs:"So....you!"
  6. seress

    Race Wars

    [I]Dana looked up from her game (Grand theft auto 3) at the clock to see that it was 11:25. She picked up the phone and called her b/f Lynn.[/I] ~Hello~(groggy) "Hey Lynn! Are you ready??" "Do you have any idea what time it is?!" "Yes, duh! Why the heck do you think I'd be calling you for! It's 11:26, hello, time for the race at industrial street. There's suppose to be a lot of people there, get ready, I'm picking you up in five minutes...okay." "Fine, but if I get in trouble, the first thing I'm going to do is order your head on a wooden board, then I'll hang that board on my wall and play darts, got it!" "Yes, just be ready!" "Okay" "bye" "bye" [I]Dana fixed her hair, and changed into some decent clothes. She grabbed the keys to her comaro, and walked out the front door, making sure not to let it slam for fear she would wake someone up. She started her car, and was on her way to pick up Lynn.[/I]
  7. I have two pets on that site, a blue tiger and a wolf, I don't have alot of money though. My friends mom told me about that site. She has two neopets, and a really REALLY big house.
  8. seress

    Race Wars

    [I]I can't believe all these people...although I do understand that getting out of this crazy parking lot before traffic would be nice but I mean come on![/I] Dana opened the door of her 67' comaro, started the car, and actually managed to be one of the first people out of the parking lot. [I]Its a good thing I park near the exit of the parking lot otherwise I'd never get out of here.[/I] Dana sped away towards her house taking the back roads, hoping that all the police officers would be in a donut shop somewhere.
  9. seress

    Race Wars

    [I]9:30, phew I made it to class on time. (sigh) I still can't get over that guy in Algebra class. I'll have to tell the girls about him.[/I] "Miss Bowen-Miss Bowen!!" [I]I snapped back to reality[/I] "I'm sorry Mrs. Rieche(gov. teacher) what was the question?" [I]The whole class started laughing.[/I] "I see you made it here in one piece." [I]My friend Morgan leaned over and said...[/I] "She was doing roll call. What's got you anyways??" "I'll tell you later okay." [COLOR=royalblue]The tedious lesson continued, seeming to have no point. Catching no interest either.[/COLOR] "Morgan, you know that new kid named...Jon I think?" "I've seen him around, real cutie!! He's really into racing I here. Maybe you two should hook up sometime, and race or something." "That's kinda what I was thinking except my other bf says that he wouldn't race with me cause I'm a girl." "She's probably right. You know how guys are." "Yeah I guess."
  10. seress

    Race Wars

    [I]I was walking down the hall when I heard that really cute guy from algebra class talking about industrial street at 12:30 when I met up w/ my gf Lynn[/I] " Hey girl, wuz up?" "Not much Dana, you?" "Get this, I just heard some really awesome gos." "What didja here?" "Just meet me near industrial street at 12:30, there's gonna be some sort of car race there or something." "You are so stupid:) ever since your dad bought you that 67 comaro, you seem to have this crazy idea that you need to watch every race possible. You know they won't race with you right?? You do know that because you're a girl, they won't race w/ you. "Yeah, I guess you're right....they're still fun to watch, the races I mean. Meet me at industrial street at 12:30 okay?" "(sigh) Fine, I'll meet you there. But if I get in trouble, it was all your idea." "Okay" "See you at lunch Dana" "Bye Lynn"
  11. I want to see the movie too, sooooooooooooo bad!! That's sad that Aaliyah died though, I'll probably go w/ one of my bf:babble:
  12. That face was definately not scary, I don't see what the big deal is. The first time I watched it, I started cracking up laughing.:laugh:
  13. Misery My head is acheing from yur voice, Dicisions; there is no choice You've given me a painful life, but pain can be stopped by arrow or knife. Everything you say or do, brings me closer to scarring you Everything you make me do, makes me want to stop loving you. You think you know everything about me, but all you know is what the eye can see. I will never be your friend Speak with me, never again. One more word, I swear I'll jump the pain is numb, it has been stumped. But then, nonicane was always fun. Or maybe that thing called weed hard liquor, cigarettes, and speed. Oh what? Didn't think I knew about those? I know a lot more than you think I know Don't try to force upon me slavery, Lest you live your life in misery.
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