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Blood Huntress

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About Blood Huntress

  • Birthday 10/31/1990

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  1. [quote name='Delta'][SIZE=1][COLOR=#35425e]I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with version 4.0, but I'll try to help. First up, check your [B][COLOR=Red]Layers[/COLOR][/B] box (probably in the bottom right) and see if the layer with your picture is named "[I][COLOR=Red]Background[/COLOR][/I]". If it is, then that means everything you erase will have the same color as your background (which is probably set to gray; check the icons at the left of the screen). Just like in Paint, yeah? I'd like you to double-click the [I][B][COLOR=Red]Background[/COLOR][/B][/I] layer and rename it to whatever you like. You'll see that the layer name won't be in italics anymore. Now you can use the Eraser/Marquee/Lasso/Wand/etcetera to get rid of the background completely. Hope that helps![/COLOR][/SIZE][/quote] Yes! That helped wondrously! *bows* I am now in your debt. Thanks!
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed]*hangs head and quietly waves* Yes... tis me again... But on the bright side... I have a new...ish..... (ok, old. but new to me.) version of Photoshop. Tis 4.0. What's really bugging me, is I seem to have issues figuring out how to crop the picture, so that you have one image (say you want JUST the character in the screen shot, and you want to put him in a differnt picture, but after you get the rest of the picture out, you have just this grey space that won't go away.) *bangs head* that makes no sense. :animeangr But if anybody gets what I'm trying to figure out to do, could you pleeeeeeeease try to explain it to me? I believe I'm desperate. :animesigh Thanks[/COLOR]:animedepr
  3. Blaaaah, that really stinks... :( I'll see what I can do though! Thanks!
  4. [quote name='Yookie1'][URL]http://www.easyelements.com/free-photoshop-brushes.html[/URL] Dont know much about elements sorry. What is it saying when you try to load the brushes?[/quote] It keeps giving me a message saying things like 'this texture/brush is not compatible with your version of photoshop' And such.....
  5. Thanks! Anybody know where I could find any textures or brushes for Elements 2.0 at all? None of the ones I can find will work with this version.... :animecry:
  6. Hi, i was wondering if anybody knew a link or something to a good tutorial for making wallpapers, avatars, banners, etc. using Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0? I'd really like to start making graphics, but I dont know how >.< Thanks! :confuse2:
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