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About Transtic Nerve
- Birthday 03/22/1983
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I hate stupid people, racist, and pretty much everyone who thinks they are some badass who really just make more fools of themselves than they already are. Also I'm gay and proud of it!
Professional J-Rocker!
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It's good, but i prefer Saturate to any of their albums so far. I just think it's more of their rock roots than their pop/rock upcoming, though Diary of Jane does show a huge focus on their guitar playing as do many of their songs. I like Breaking Benjamin, probably one of the bands i like the most since their first album. Them and 10 Years.
AIDS was created? Like in a laboratory? ME LIKE GWAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would go back in time to when the Transformers crash landed on earth after they left Cybertron and wake up Megatron and he and I would take over the world (and kill Starscream ofcourse cause no one likes Starscream) and then you wouldn't have to worry about Osamatron or RIDS (Robot Immune Deficiency Syndrome)... You will all be cyborgs gentically altered to leanr only what we teach you and to do only what we tell you. it would be a perfect world.
the point i was trying to make was written in my post... a few months may be considered old to some people.... i dont consider that old... i would consider a few years old... and i'm not concieded.... ok well maybe I am... oh thats right, my signature kinda says so... heh. [b]Who:[/b] [i]Queen Asuka, Sephiroth, BabyGirl, Shy [/i](or is he still around)[i], GinnyLyn, wrist cutter, coolkam007, and Syk3[/i] [b]Profile:[/b] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/member.php?u=1409]QA[/url], [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/member.php?u=3]Seph[/url], [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/member.php?u=59]BG[/url], [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/member.php?u=306]Shy[/url], [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/member.php?u=2]GL[/url], [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/member.php?u=2656]WC[/url], [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/member.php?u=1132]CK007[/url], [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/member.php?u=67]Syk3[/url] [b]Reason:[/b] [i]QA[/i] - She was a good friend who was nothing buy polite to me and always worried about my feelings. SHe was that girl that every gay guy needs in their life. Int his case she was one of around 5 special girls :) [i]Seph[/i] - I've never met an Iraqi citizen before and he was by far the most understanding person I've ever met. [i]BG[/i] - She's one of those other girls. Her 12 year old brother died while she was still around her. He was the world to her. She meant alot to me and her friendhsip really did help me through alot of hard times [i]Shy[/i] - He sent me a Christmas card with Jack Skenlington on it! thats an automatic jump to the top 10 lol. And we've helped each other through a few years of understanding ourselves. I really liked him... like really like like. [i]GL[/i] - One of a kind woman with a mind to speak. I loved her posts, everyone of them. She was great to these boards. [i]WC[/i] - Was, and still is a good friend of mine. I've know him since he was 14, and now he's turning 20 this year. Watched the kid grow up. I owe so much to him... he doesn't even know. I would certainly not be who I am today without knowing him. [i]CK007[/i] - A really super understanding friend who never had anything bad to say about anyone and also another one who i knew since he was 14 and now he's turning 20 as well i think... wow. Oh yeah and he's adorably cute [i]Syk3[/i] - Hot! And nice... and hot.... too bad he's straight. Josh got to meet him though, lucky bastard.
Does anyone here really even know any old OB memebers? I mean, a few months isn't old... i can name people from 3 years ago.... I'd bring back Sephiroth... not that anyone whos anyone would remember him. I think he's number 6 in posts behind me....
I forgot what this topic was about... oh right, seven days or something... horrible movie by the way.... Look anything to deal with religion is always going to be based on faith whether or not i have 1000000000 things to prove it wrong, people who believe tend not to change their minds. I dont see why anyone bothers to argue about it.... I just like saying things though. It makes me feel smart on the inside.
[QUOTE=The Boss][color=navy][size=1] Heh. And the re-telling of the flood story by several faiths kinda makes ya ponder if 'A Great Flood' really did occur sometime in history.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Makes me wonder why Christianity couldn't come up with their own stories, they had to steal someone elses...... . . . . . . now before you go all getting angry, that was a joke..
[quote name='Cygnus X-1][COLOR=Sienna']In fact, many of their stories originally came from pre-Christian religions, which were modified to fit in with the general message of Christianity. Most notably is the Flood myth. [/COLOR][/quote] You're absolutely right. And any evidence of this can be seen by quickly refrencing any mythology book at your local book retailer. Or just be smart and take a class at your local college. Anyway, one thing i don't get, and this may be off topic, since the old testament was oral transmitted through hundreds of years, maybe more, how can we be sure that what was the outcome when it was written was what was originally said at the beginning. I mean, i can say something to one person, and it can go and go to just 4 other people in a matter of one hour and be completely different when it gets back to me, how am I supposed to believe that something that was said 400 years ago is going to be the same now? I can't and thats why I can't see how things in the bible can be exactly how God intended them. After all, humans are flawed, and humans wrote the bible.
I've had this username on OB for.... probably around 5 years now... wow its been a long time. When i first came here, this place was over-run by DBZ fans who were still obsessing over SS-J 5 Gokou. lol. I was a pretty mean member, just telling it how it was though... I eventually made my way up here into moderator status/super mod or whatever is right beneath admin. James and I are good friends, speaking of which, you need to send me a message James-y. When i was a mod, i had to be myself, but not so mean, and tons more professional... and I was... for a long time. But then I had school, work, and relaitonships to worry about, took my time away from OB... now i come here every once in a while.... just to check up on the place you know.... but i'm still the smart-*** know it all i always was lol.
[QUOTE=The Boss][color=navy][size=1]These texts were written so that God, through the Prophets, could convey his message of how one should handle their life. So basically, you could say it is the Guidebook written by God through his Prophets. Or a Guidebook written by the Prophets, influenced by God in a near direct way.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] If by prophets you mean the hundreds of years the jews orally transmitted the old testament?
[quote name='cancer']Yes, I would have to agree with Boo. Science claims to have the answers to so many things, but constantly they change something or something that they've said proves to be incorrect. And even what they've shown has not disproved the existence of God, and there is so much that science cannot explain. I do agree that much of it is to be interpreted not literally.[/quote] Spoken like a true religious person.... Science NEVER claims to have the answer, we have theories... look it up in the dictionary..... the only time we have answers is when we prove it... [quote name='The Boss']By saying that Christianity is a cult, you are basically in turn saying all world relegions are cults. Which is complete crap, Tical.[/quote] Actually by definition, all religion are indeed cults. P.S. Am i the only one who enjoys how much Tical purposefully pisses you all off?
There's a sonic boom in Orlando everytime the shuddle lands... i've must have heard it about 20 or so times. (it's never shattered one of my windows by the way) How is that a weapon?... the only reason i can see it causing misscarriages is purely from the fact that it may scare a woman enough to cause that... but anythign could scare her, i dont think it's the actual sonic boom that causes the misscarriage. Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, those two countries have been at it for so many years that i am convinced that they will never stop, so I am not going to get all bent out of shape about it.
yay i like polysics :) I could not name the Japanese bands i have liked or currently do like. I'm a huge Dir en grey fan. For those of you not up on current concerts, they will be playing with Korn on the Family Values tour this summer, tickets still available for $10 :) I also like move, pop/trance/dance/whatever... I've seen Psycho le cemu and Despair's Ray live. I've been a DR fan since they were playing small clubs in Japan. Their music was so good and still is. I wasnt a big fan of Psycho, but i got the chance to see them live, and I really liked their live performances. Great stuff. Other bands i either own CDs of or like would be: L'Arc~en~Ciel, Luna Sea, Favorite Blue, PENICILLIN (look at avatar) Porno Graffitti, Hakuei, Chisato, Gackt, hide, Kagrra, Kagerou, and probably a good 20 more i cant name off the top of my head. It seems so that Hot Topic will now be carrying some Japanese paraphenalia... They already carry a Dir en grey, Despairs Ray, and Phantasmagora shirt, plus the Dir en grey album [i]Withering to Death[/i]. SO expect to see more Japanese bands hitting American soil very soon.
The only problem i have with mormons or any religion for that matter is when they begin to push their beliefs onto other people. I mean you wouldn't appreciate me coming up to your door and forcing your son or brother (or you) to be gay would you? I mean, thats not a really good comparison, but the point is made either which way you look at it. I dont appreciate when someone challeges my beliefs and puts their own in its place. Thats not only completely annoying, its rude. Im sure the Mayans appreciated it when Cortez came to their land and forced them all to become christian under penalty of death.