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Transtic Nerve

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Everything posted by Transtic Nerve

  1. [b]What Video Game systems do u have?[/b] Umm... PS2, PS1..... N64.... soon to have a Seag Dreamcast and Gamecube most liekly... all of them are my brothers except PS1.... I don't play games that much. [b]Whats your favorite Video Game?[/b] At the moment... MGS2... over all... The Tekken series. [b]Whats your favorite anime?[/b] Rurouni Kenshin [b]What kind of music do you like?[/b] Trance, Rock, Pop, you name it I like it.... except Rap ad Country.... And I love Japanese music... any kinds. [b]Are you gay?[/b] Why yes I am ---- thanks for asking lol!
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Hey! I'm [i]not[/i] an alcoholic, I swear! Oh damn, where did my drink run off to? [size=1]For those of you who really don't know me...I'm kidding[/color] :help:[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, BG doesn;t drink... not at all... ::slips BG a Carona under the desk:: ... why are you all staring??? ::bans everyone who was staring::
  3. [url]http://www.atmosphere.be/media/holeintheground/dbmanga1_1.html#1[/url] [url]http://winwww.rutgers.edu/~ryates/brett/dragonball/manga.html[/url] [url]http://members.aol.com/Gogeta5026/manga.html[/url] Those three pages have some Manga pics. Since I do not own any DB manga, i cannot scan any.... however if anyone needs translated Kenshin manga, that I do have lol
  4. AHEM!.... i still don't see the bowing Chinaman! ::cough:: I mean... great smilies.
  5. ahh, you all have never seen any Malice Mizer or Dir en grey... you want freaky, watch some of those vids.
  6. You know, no one is gonna pass this quiz... the dubbies are gonna sit here and wonder what the hell you are talkin about... There are only a few people that could even attempt to take this quiz and not score a negative 10... I can't even remember half the stuff you are talkin about, i doubt many more people will. I think this was some attempt to look like a smartass... which you succeeded in... There's no point in making a test 99% of people will fail, thats just being stupid. If anyone wants to answer these, you can PM CWB.
  7. I'm just gonna throw a little tidbit of info in here for a second. The Big Bang theory isn't the ONLY theory on how the universe was formed.... And I find it highly doubtful that God would create this HUGE universe and only have life on one little tiny planet.... Think about that for a while...
  8. [b]1. Is there any good left in the world??? Post reasons if you want to.[/b] Good left? Yes, but very little... [b]2. What do you think is the most dangerous thing in society?? And please keep it coherant.[/b] Stupid people. Actually all people. [b]3. Do you still believe in "Jolly ol' St. Nick" [/b] Yeah he was in my bed yesterday... oh wait... you mean that Nick!... No... no.... no.... [b]4. Should science mess around with religion???[/b] They are like the exact opposites, but yes, science should... just to proove some religious ideals wrong. [b]5. Is it morally wrong to kill a person if you were told to???[/b] It's wrong to kill anyone. Which goes to backup the fact that all people are a threat to society. [b]6. Is this saying right: "The World is a safer place." Post reasons if you want to.[/b] The world is never safe... never was, never will be. [b]7. What is worse?? Hatred or anger?? Post reasons if you feel like it.[/b] Hatred is worse... Hate is so strong, anger can go away with something as simple as an appology [b]8. If people say you're rich, do you brag about it or just say: "I'm in the upper-middle class." (Heh, that's what I say when people say I'm rich.)[/b] I always tell them I'm not rich.... because I'm not...
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ2 Gohu [/i] [B] I beg to differ. . .Ok in the premortal exsistance, God wanted us to progress to a higher state. And the way do to this is by the Plan of Salvation. The Plan of Salvation was a plan that God created and in it we were to be taken to Earth and tested. Lucifer and 1/3 of the spirits rebeled against God's plan and wanted to take away our agency so we would make it back to heaven, for sure. Jesus did not rebel and went along with the PLan of Salvation. Therefore Lucifer and his folowers were punished and their punishment was to be thrust out of Heaven to Hell. So now Satan tempts us so that we can become miserible like he is. His name was meant for a righteous person (Lucifer meaning: Son of the Morning, Shining One, orLightbringer)and since he was not righteous, it ws changed to Satan(meaning Slanderer or Adversary) [/B][/QUOTE] Hmm, Didn't Satan exist before Mankind was created... I specifically remember him saying he would vow revenge on God... but through God's creation of man.... he was the one that tempted or put the snake in the garden of eden... to temp God's creatures..... He succeeded quite well if I do say so myself.. If you want more of a good background on Satan and what happened, watch the movie DOGMA..... it's really good when it comes to that stuff.... and making fun of Catholosism... which I found funny.... because Kevin Smith, who directed it, is also Catholic... so all is good... it also opens your mind about certain aspects talked about in this thread.... deffinantly a good watch.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B] I never said that it is not a Religion, i said it wasn't MEANT to be one. and LM, I am not trying to witness, but it happens sometimes. and half the time, I dont care about what the hell i am talking about. [/B][/QUOTE] Whats meant to be and what is are two different thigns. You should probably stick more on what is than what is meant to be, cause really, you don't even know what anyone meant anything to be.
  11. Shinji and Kaoru from Evangelion Just about every Kenshin character too :)
  12. While you bring up the meaning of faith as something you trust that you don't see or know is truely there, it also refers to trusting of something or someone... that IS real... tw types of faith.... faith (fth) n. 1) Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing. 2) Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. 3) Loyalty to a person or thing; allegiance: keeping faith with one's supporters. 4) [i]often Faith Christianity[/i]. The theological virtue defined as secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God's will. 5) The body of dogma of a religion: [i]the Muslim faith.[/i] 6) A set of principles or beliefs. As you can see, faith has meaning for both spiritual and physical planes of life... When refering to spiritual Faith, the idea you brought up having to do with God or something not knowingly there is true, however, int he physical plane you can put faith in something that does exist... a person, place, idea, thing or event. I tend to sway more toward the physical plane rather then rest my life on a spiritual feeling or belief. As far as the fact we matter.... to alot of people, they believe we are the only ones that exist in this universe... which i find extremely hard to believe... it simply isn't logical enough... our solar system, our Galaxy is not but a spec on the canvas that is space... and space is still expanding..... we are puny little nothings..... I'm sure out there... somewhere there are more living creatures... a culture, a society, a race... somewhere.... I can't wait till that day when we find those things.... which won't be in my lifetime... but sometime in the future we will find more..... at least i think we will.
  13. Uhhh errrr so you all wanna know huh?.... well uhhh.... I forgot the question.. yes thats it... ::runs off:: This is probably confusing to you all. Well my original post was a joke aimed at all perverted people who would get it... only one has gotten it it seems... but I'm sure after reading this post the rest of you will understand it lol. I have a bad habbit of.... umm.... i have alot of bad habbits.... chewing on pencils... in fact just chewing on anything.... I only do it if I'm bored, which happens more often than not.... and anything that moves I'll start to play with... like throw it around... this is most common with little beany animals lol.
  14. Goin back to the faith question... Why is it that humans want to put faith in what they do not know exists? (ie: God).... Why not put faith in what you do know exists..... Yourself... Are we too afraid of ourselves? Why don't we put faith in ourselves? We do not trust in our own selves? I put alot of faith in myself... i believe I will lead my life and that I will make the right choices and that God will guide me through my own actions. Not base my actions off of "God's word" in some book.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wild Freedom [/i] [B] Sorry I love ya Transtic but I cant agree but I will be blunt. No disrespect but you can compare what you said about worshipping God differently to how people love. You can love a girl or guy or both intimately and no one judges you for that in fact that is a very intruiging part of you, but if your a guy and you love a guy thats different than the social standard but its not stupid. Niether is wordhipping the same god differently. Its apart of that person and that persons culture and no one has any right to down that. [/B][/QUOTE] I completely understand that. And essentially I do agree... I wasn't saying it's wrong or socially unacceptable to have different religions worshipping the same God I was asking Why do people do that?.... when it comes to love... If you are a guy and you love a woman you are heterosexual, it's how you feel, thats a reason why. A guy loves a guy, you are homosexual, it's how you feel and thats a reason why..... but to form 3,000 different religions to worship the same god, I don't see why that happened... Peopel didn't like Catholosism? I suppose thats how Luthernism was formed.... Because he didn't like like the way the church ran things... I suppsoe thats a good enough reason, but it would be fine if there were 2 or 3 religions, but there's hundred! it's almost ridiculous... Buts thats just me.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]LOL transtic, when you said it was called "It" i could've sworn you were talking about mr. garrison's "it" from south park... p.s. i would never buy either "it"... [/B][/QUOTE] mmmmm yeah.... I'd buy Mr. Garrison's It in a heart beat lol!
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B]Yes, I believe in GOD, no, I don't go to Church. I have one other thing on my mind, if no one has ever met GOD, then how come they claim that latin is GOD's language? I've been wondering that for a long time now. And everytime ppl say they've seen/talked to a angel, they always speak that person's language, so how can we be so sure that latin is really GOD's language? [/B][/QUOTE] That is refering to the fact that Latin was the language the original Bible was written in. At the time, there was no other language but latin in Europe. And Christianity started in Europe and essentially thats why.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B] You would be smart in not believing in religion, because Christianity is not SUPPOSED to be a religion, it is a Relationship between God, and yourself. We just need something to call ourselves, and since, we are in a relationship with christ, then Christian came out of it. But dont anybody forget, that even demons believe in God, and scorn him. so if ppl on this thread are tryiing to say that they Believe they are saved, they should say that, otherwise, saying you believe in God is a moot point. I believe in God, and I also believe that his son died for me, I just dont care right about now. and religion is BS, it is supposed to be a Relationship, he didn't i just say that???...........:nervous: :smirk: [/B][/QUOTE] Here's why it's a religion.... [b]Religion - re·li·gion (r-ljn) n. [/b] [b]1) a)[/b] Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. [b] b)[/b] A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship. [b]2) [/b]e life or condition of a person in a religious order. [b]3) [/b]A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader. [b]4) [/b]A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion. The fact that you have a sacred text, refering to the bible or any variation of it, confers that Christianity IS a religion. A religion is essentially a cult.. now before you get all pissy pants about the word cult... I'm not refering to evil cults. You all need to get dictionaries.... a cult is a group of people who all follow or believe in the same things... a religion is essentially the same thing but it has set morals, a diety or dieties, more so than not a sacred text, and they don't have to pay taxes lol Whether it's supposed to be a "relationship" with God or not, it's still a religion. Christianity has all those in the deffinition of "religion" and is widely considered a religion... It can still be a "relationship" with God, but it's also a religion....
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]well, those things look unsafe to me. you're riding along, and u run out of gas and you fall foward. or some car hits you. ouch.:blackeye: [/B][/QUOTE] Well they are battery powered.... and they have a back up battery.... gas won't be a problem... As far as changing the world... Beatings perhaps... I'm thinking the rise in obese people lol
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]I hate to get off topic in here, but...yes. It would be (as I said) oddly awesome if Jedi was a religion *realizes everyone is glaring at her, runs away to hide with her lightsaber*. Eh...but anyway...is it safe to say this in here? I think that the whole made-up Jedi stuff is actually really cool. They follow a very strict moral code of conduct (hence, it is called the Jedi Code, something that I could recite for you, but shall spare you the pain...) Anyway, the whole idea of Jedi-ism (the teachings and beliefs rather than the "using the Force") is actually [i]based[/i] on Christianity. So yes...Anakin Skywalker, the "chosen one"...the one to bring peace to the galaxy? We shall see, but...sounds a lot like the prophecy of Jesus...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I'm a Jedi lol Umm Umm Umm.... Yes, the whole Star Wars plot is based right off of Christianity.... yep yep... Ofcourse, Anakin would be the representation of Satan.... Being good, then becoming bad (Satan was an angel, then thrown down into hell blah blah blah).... Luke would be the representation of Jesus.... The Force is God... etc etc...Thats for anyone who couldn't figure it out.... or did I just ruin a spoiler or something... I dunno lol...
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]Whaaaat?! How was any of that rude?[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] It's what he said, not what you said. And I deleted what he said.... there was something else in it's place.... Basically saying that if you didn't believe in God you were wrong and then some other rude comments that have no place here.
  22. lol. Anyway... have you all seen this thing... umm I think it's called "It" and it's nickname is "Ginger"... ::cough:: way to be original there.... It's a little scooter/alsh transport thingy thats supposed to change the world .... If you haven't seen it, just turn on your television, I'm sure it'll be on there.... your local news, etc.... it's actually really neato.... I think the inventor is gay, but that means nothing lol... You stand on it... yeah here's a pic.... [url]http://us.news2.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/ap/20011203/capt.1007391631secret_invention_nyr102.jpg[/url] So what do you all think? No it's not avaliable... not till next year around this time in the least.... it'll go for about $3,000 American... I wouldn't mind one myself... but yeah.... i dunno how it's gonna change the world.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Oh... that's satisfying to hear! And TN, if all of humanity is flawed, and God created humanity in an image of himself... wouldn't God be flawed too? Machine Gods are easier to belive in...[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] I dunno really... according to most Christians, God did create humans to be the perfect being. To have his angels bow down before us.... but, God didn't create the perfect being.... Humans are flawed... greatly.... he made a mistake somewhere. Possibly, however, sleepy is right also.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]Not that energy dies, energy is not wasted, humans are made up of energy, so our energy can never be wasted. We need energy to live, so why do we die if our energy never goes away? --Machine Gods--[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, Scientific Law states Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only trasfered.... the reason why humans die is because the energy they have is transfered. Energy that your heart uses is then trasfered to help work other organs or visa versa... The energy is used up... either by your doing so much.... or working or whatever.... Energy the humans have is transfered till we simply don't have enough to work all the essential parts of the body, thus we die.... and the remaining energy is transfered into the ground or air or whatever.
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