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Transtic Nerve

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Everything posted by Transtic Nerve

  1. Pioneer has the rights to the first season or two of DBZ.... still... also of DB.... then I think they sold it to FUNi or FUNi bought the rest and now FUNi has them.... Pioneer lost out big.... it would have been tons better having Pioneer dubbing it and translating it. ::sigh:: Oh well.... why would you want dub DVDs anyway?
  2. I still think you should have him arrested... he broke the law for god's sake... not only did he hit you, he consistantly beat you for no reason. That is battery, and THAT is a felony.... and above all he hit a girl..... I don't care if a woman is 2, 80, stronger, weaker, fatter, skinnier, whatever..... any man with any sense of chivalry would respect women.... But regardless.... no one should hit anyone.... As James said.... I see no reason to say it again.... Women, to me, get the utmost respect. So do guys.... but since we kinda didn't give women all the respect they diserved till the mid 1900's they diserve alot more. To hit a woman or ANYONE just shows totally lack of respect.... People who lack respect are all stupid... they don't understand the meaning of life... or of intelligence.
  3. You think thats bad? try being gay :p hehehe anyway... When I used to draw anime in Math class everyone would complement me on how good it was..... However, alot of the "popular" kids would watch the show... alot of the "punk" people did too.... and stoners... and jocks... actually... alot of people liked it to my disbelief.... so I never got made fun of... even if they did make fun of them, they would just get mouthed off by the people around me who liked it... or by me... showing off my skills and their stupidity.... all at the same time....
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillin6913 [/i] [B]hey kool kam are you a girl? if so....kool! whats your aol s n? [/B][/QUOTE] Naw, Cam is a guy.... a VERY cute guy at it :) he was my first crush :p and he doesn't have AIM.... because his dad took all his internet communications away! bastard.... Anyway..... [b]THe first time you had sex, did you enjoy it.[/b] Nope... I've never enjoyed having sex yet for the specific reason I've never been in love with them [b]the first time you had sex, what was the reason?[/b] Purely just to do it. For experiment if you will. [b]if youve never had sex then have you ever masturbated?[/b] Even people who have sex, masturbate. [b]if youve never had sex, then what do you think sex should be like[/b] N/A... but for those who care.... add some lotion to your hand, do the deed.... it's all feels the same....
  5. the J stands for Jin.... in this case it means the following the word "Saiya" means Ape or Monkey in Japanese the suffix "-jin" means person or man or human, etc. in Japanese Put them together (Saiya-jin) you get Monkey person, which is what a Saiya-jin is.... It doesn't mean anything else.... SS-J = Super Saiya-jin
  6. have him arrested... hitting anyone, esspecially a girl, is wrong and against the law.... have him arrested and press charges... don't let people push you around.
  7. TAKE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! You can't go to the Trance capital of the world without ME! ::cries:: I always wanted to go there.... this is so unfair! I'll just sit at home.... doing homework.... while you.... you party.... grrrr Do yourself a favor and don't come back pregnant :p (not that that is possible.. heh .... I was joking!) bring me back pictures and post cards... and CD's.... and.... hell just take me! ::flies to UK:: hahaha
  8. Todays Secret word is.... IGNORE! Thats what I do.... if the person I don't like has nothing nice or mature or whatever to say or do with me, then I would ignore them... I do it to my brother alllllll the time....
  9. Sex really isn't that important unless you want to reproduce... even then you don't REALLY need sex :p.... but like... it's just one of the many acts you can do to show your love for one another, but i mean.... a kiss can be just as important to a couple as sex can be..
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B] Transtic, that's scary. They're very powerful. Do the police do anything about them in Japan? [/B][/QUOTE] Not really.... there's not much they can do.... just look at the Mafia we have in the US.... the police don't do much about them.... The Yakuza don't really kill people for the fun of it.... you have to either be an enemy or just piss them off... they don't go around killing innocent people that have nothing to do with them... it's a wate of their time.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B] Talking about cruelty. [/B][/QUOTE] Now I was mearly talking about what the Yakuza do. I don't condone what they do. I don't condone any violence.... I was making more of a statement.... that the Yakuza is much more well organized than any street gang or whatever. They have power, both financially and probably political somewhere along the lines. Street Gangs may have power in numbers and like illegal weapons, however the Yakuza also has that, but 5 times better. The Yakuza probably control some of if not the whole Japanese black market, also I'm sure a drug ring,and alot of other things that a street gang might not normally do. Plus a street gang member is usually unintelligent and lacks any type of thinking process, while the Yakuza are some of the smartest people in Japan. If they came here. they could probably wipe out any street gang in a matter of days... they are tough.....
  12. So have I, except I saw them all in Japanese.... and in Japan, DragonBall is a thing of the past.
  13. I woul dhave replied earlier but my Cable internet decided to crap out on me... anyway... here is my reply... [b]1. Do you have a sexually transmitted desiesed?[/b] Negative [b]2. Do you know anyone with a Sexually Transmitted desiese?[/b] Yep... well... I know a few people.. no one really personal [b]3. Are you a virgin?[/b] Iie (no) [b]4. If not, how many times have you had sex?[/b] I never bothered to count and my memory sucks so I'd say 5 or 6 [b]5. If you are then when do you plan on having sex?[/b] N/A [b]6. How old do you think a person should be to have sex?[/b] I dunno.... as long as you have sex responcibly and understand everything that goes along with it, including emotional and physical bonding.... [b]7. Do you think its right for preteens to have sex if they love each other?[/b] Refer to above, however, I refuse to believe any preteen knows what love is.... I never knew what love was till I was 18, how is some preteen gonna know what it is? I highly doubt that they do, even if they claim they are. VERY few relationships that start in preteen years last to anything, thus love is never present. Making Love and Having sex are two totally different things. [b]8. Have you ever got anyone pregnant, gotten pregnant?[/b] Well no, for it's kinda hard for a male to get another male pregnant.... in fact it's physically impossible :p.... My brother, however, did get his girlfriend pregnant... and now they have a beautiful baby girl :) (and he's younger than me!) [b]9. What would you do if you found out you was pregnant or your partner was pregnant.[/b] Completely freak.... because it can't happen! hahaha :p... i dunno really.... I don't have that to worry about. [b]10. What would you do if you found out you had a desiese? [/B] I also dunno. Obviously try to get treated as well if it's possible.... but I really don't know what I, personally, would do. [b]11. If yourve had sex then does you parents know, if not then what would they say if they found out. if you havent had sex then do you want to have sex, what would ur parents say if they found out u wanted to have sex.[/b] Ummm hmmmm I really don't know... I assume they just accept the fact I probably have.... Ahem, once I was kinda caught, but thats not anything I really want to go into..... If they can accept the fact I'm gay I see no reason why they couldn't accept the fact I've had sex before.... not like it's their business anyway.... I don't ask them when they have sex, they don't need to ask me anything about it. I'm old enough to take responcibility and to know the consequences..... unlike my idiotic brother, who obviously didn't or well he wouldn't be a dad at age 16..... Don't have kids.... essepecially before the age of 20.... if you are going to have sex, do it responcibly for god's sake.... it doesn't take but simple common sense to wear a condom.... or just to say no for some people... there's no shame in not having sex... in fact it makes you stronger.
  14. Can you tell everyone I don't know everything about every anime? heh.... people think I know all... I don't....
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B] heh, you seem interested in them tn....are you a member? ;) [/B][/QUOTE] Naw.... they are Japanese extremist. If you don't live in Japan, aren't fully Japanese, and don't hate everything but Japanese, then they kill you.... The Yakuza doesn't exist in America.... only the Chinese mafia exists here that i know of... maybe lesser known Mafia's in Japan exist here as well but nothing compared to the Yakuza. The Yakuza would take any punk street band, beat them senseless. cut them up, and feed them to tigers quicker than you can get food from McDonalds :p hehehe but seriously, they are the toughest, meanest, etc group I've ever heard of.
  16. JAPANESE! The Yakuza ownz j00! They'd kick anyone's *** faster than you can pronounce Yakuza....
  17. Teleltubbies are the work of SATAN!
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Capt. Stephanos [/i] [B] So, enlighten us, what does this "shimatta" mean? [/B][/QUOTE] It means Dammit... heh
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Meanie :p Hehe, I like rap, but I detest Eminem...so I shall not vote.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I like that logic :p I think it's in agreement this poll sucki sucki for $10
  20. NOOO! THE BRITISH ARE INVADING! :p hahahaha j/k The word of the day should be "shimatta"
  21. I hate internet lingo.... My friends and I call it "st00pid talk" deservingly enough....
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B] What in the hell are you guys talking about? And what is an Oregonian?!?!? ...I thought you were from Florida!;) :p [/B][/QUOTE] I am.... Cam and white out are from Oregon....
  23. Yes, the use of puns in anime is rather concurrent.... esspecially in DragonBall
  24. You may just want to PM James... or e-mail him.... I'll tell him when he gets on but that usually isn't till late tonight since he lives in Australia... Mods can't deletes user names... only Admin's can... PS: You misspelled something in your sig.... It's "Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu" as the name of the whole method of stance and attack techniques..... you spelled it wrong.... just thought I'd let you know....
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CanadianVegita [/i] [B]Wouldn't that make him gay? Just what we need, another large purple annoying creature to hate. I wonder who would win? Barney or Trunks in Oozaru form? [/B][/QUOTE] How would that make him gay? I'm confused....
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