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Transtic Nerve

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Everything posted by Transtic Nerve

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B] well i wouldnt want all the gays in my school pretending there straight cause if id be talking about how good hot sex with this chick was and there over barfing and thinking about nsync id think its me...id be better off talking to a chick about that stuff. but i guess its good you showed your true colors....good for you. [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks.... however I find NSYNC to be not attractive at all... I don't like many boy bands... esspecially Nsync.... now that 17 year old blond kid from A*Teens is hot... hahaha I'm sure some females would agree....
  2. Apparently not alot of you know how many times we've bombed Afganistan.... Oh yes.... we've bombed them before.... lots of time... in fact one time we almost got Bin Laden.... off by an hour.... SO MANY secret missions go on to kill that man.... we've missled The taliban many times before.... ofcourse you never hear about it cause it's not for the media or anyone to know.... we have spies in Afganistan just like they have spies here... Did you know the WTC had been planned to be taken out 3 different times, the third being the one that succeeded?... The first one was that bomb that went off underneath it back in 93? i think.... the second, NO ONE heard about... not one of you... the FBI and CIA got a tip that there were people attempting a terrorist attack... so they went into this appartment... they found blu eprints of the WTC and blue prints of the surrounding area and enough explosives to blow up 3 or 4 city blocks.... in NYC!.... So much secret stuff goes on.... Anyway, I agree with James aqnd Seph... We are not carrying out revenge.... we are carrying out a mission to give Taliban another chance at giving up Bin Laden.... It's either that or more of those "flying this that blow up".... The taliban really has little to do with the Terrorist attacks, we are just going to proove our point that we make no distiction between terrorist and those who harbor them... in case they didn't understand the simple english.... BTW, I'm sure you can add Japan to that list of allies.... and a few others.... The only country I'm even skeptical of "betraying", which technically they wouldn't cause they aren't in Nato and they aren't really our friend.... would be China... but I don't think theyd try anything... they are too smart to want war.... no one with the intelligence of mustard would want war with anyone... war prooves no point and is just stupid.... but sadly sometimes, it's needed... And we are helping any refugees tat come out of Afganistan..... the troops in Uzbekastan (sp?) which is bordered to the north of Afganistan, are taking in any Muslim refugees.
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  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B] so that whole "bi" incident was a put on, and haruka was just for a flash card for us to belive you? wow you was actually afraid of critism? i guess its a good thing you crawled on out the closet. [/B] [/QUOTE] Haruka never knew at the time. I only said I was bi because i was afraid of saying I was gay because according to some of you, thats worse.... It's actually quite common, if you will ask any gay person, that they've had a girlfreind or girlfriends. My current boyfriend is gay and he had a girlfreidn for 4 years. Why you ask? Because we are so afraid of just being hated for who we are, we make you believe we aren't, so that we aren't hated and so that we are accepted. Yes, I am afraid of crtisism... I don't want nor do I like it when people hate me, talk about me behind my back, etc.... I don't do that to any of you, I'd like the same respect back. I didn't crawl out of the closet... I walked out, I stood tall, proud of what and who I am...
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B] eh i thought u were bi...? you dont still go with both sexis? [/B][/QUOTE] I never was Bi... yes I said I was but I wasn't comfortable coming out to [i]some[/i] people.... who i knew would critisize me..... at the time..... now I'm more free with it... just like years ago I used to deny being gay.... if people were just accepting of facts I, and many others, wouldn't be so affraid to reveal the truth... just so you know how much stress it puts on us..... it took me 18 years to tell someone.... the stress is unbelievable... Yes, James today decided to censor a few more words and uncensor "damn" so enjoy yourself BG
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Hahaha I cracked up at that last part :D And [i]yes[/i] Transtic, you're very hot :smirk:. But d@mn you! going and liking the males and all...hehehe...Yes yes, just like you said, I believe my friend said the other day "Why are all hot guys gay?" (d@mn you again, Transtic :p )[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Thank you :) Everyone says I'm hot... even Alex's friends think I'm hot... 0-0; They need to keep their hands off my prize :p hahaha HAHAHA!, sorry, It's not my fault :p Believe me though, if I weren't gay I'd find you EXTREMELY attractive personality wise... as I'm sure you are very beautiful physically :) Time for bed... gotta wake up and go to work... grrrr.... Midterms Monday too! GAH! And no, I haven't posted my pic on the boards.... and I only send it to people who I have trust in.... and one other thing, "damn" is no longer censored :)
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Heh, I've read this whole topic and I suppose I'll respond. Ok, my whole take on it is that looks [i]do[/i] count. Call me petty if you like, but that's my opinion. Of course, I can easily see the cuteness in a guy that none of my friends can...so I'm not too picky. And you know how it goes...usually the better a person's personality and the more you like them, the more attractive they become. I have personally had very bad luck with relationships...ugh. Still waiting for the day that I find a guy who will care for me the way I care for him...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I'm flattered :) hehehe.... I feel good that you called me hot when you saw my pic :) I still can't figure out why everyone thinks I'm hot... oh well :p Aww You'll find someone... damn I feel bad.... all the girls like me... :(.... well as they say, the best guys are either married or gay.... dust thee beist the perfect example?
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B] i feel love every once in awile, and no it isnt jus my penis getting happy its like the feeling being around my people on a family reunion and stuff... and as for the talk shows the guy with 6 girl the girls arent that so good lookin either, jus buck tooth hill billys. i guess the love thing is very important....how else does a pimp get his hoes, they love him and so they work for him. i dont know about anyone else, but if im getting married to someone, i mean like spend the rest of my life with em,and look at the same face everyday, ill want her to be pretty. being pretty really gets you far in life. as a lil boy in pre k every boy wanted to marry to prettiest girl in class. one girl who was nice said "anyone wanna marry me?" and a boy said "no way your not as pretty as melony" so the girl cried. i couldnt, and wouldnt never ever date a deformed person, even if they was the richest person on the earth, its just so gross.. [/B][/QUOTE] It's your choice.... whatever makes you happy... Tastes in love is like tastes in music.... they vary to much, not one can be right.... or the best or whatever... I'm sure you understand.... I'll be happy with what I chose, you'll be happy with what you chose... And MoB....everyone looks at looks.... I do to, it's society... but like I said, they aren't first on my list.... love is love and if people would get to know people without looking at them first, perhaps they might realize that one day..... untill then it will always be a part of society, some will go around it, some won't.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B] yeah i mean wheres love in a deformed figure of 300 pounds and crooked teeth? id rather be kissed a ghost than a chic with a lip in her nose and tongue in her chin... [/B][/QUOTE] Why do women love guys who beat them with lead pipes? Why do guys love women who look beutiful but strip and prostitute themselves? Why is it everytime I watch some talk show women are always saying "Wah Wah Wah, he beats me make him stop... but I don't want to leave him cause I love him"... Why does some old fart like Hugh Hefner have 6 girlfriends? They aren't old... your logic doesn't stand.... There are too many exceptions.... one, and probably the most prominant being money... Sorry, money doesn't buy you love... you just sulk in it thinking you have love.... all you have is a money grubbing mate who cares not for you but for the green in your wallet. True love is more than looks.... you'll realize that soon... You don't know love.... love has nothing to do with looks.... love is a feeling not a physical feature.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jeff [/i] [B] anyway...aww:) good luck with your relationship vegi. [/B][/QUOTE] Thank you Cloudymon :)
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AlmightySSJ4 [/i] [B]Y' know what? If stardust is going to be such a ****in ***** about it, screw the ****in Saturday Otaku! It is no longer operational! Finito! Fin! Finished! [/B][/QUOTE] Thats nice.... and so is this topic... You all can work this out on your own time, no use in arguing over such a useless topic like this.... She's not gonna change... and I don't care, and you can do your little "newspaper" all you want.... but this topic is over.... And you need to watch your mouth.... another rule you have broken, that we all break, but when refering to someone like that makes it worse....
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jeff [/i] [B] i know what you are saying. i'm just pointing out the majority of ppl that they are looking for are looks comes first and personality comes in second. but still..don't you look for looks first tho? even you look for just love, love must grow. you can't just click in secs that you've met..you have to spend time with her/he to make yourself comfortable with your partner. i know this because you always say this guy is hot and stuff. [/B][/QUOTE] I didn't say looks don't matter... obviously in today society looks do matter.... but they are in no way the first thing that I look at.... My boyfriend right now may not be the hottest person on the planet, but do I care? no... I love him because he's the nicest, sweetest, most lovable person I've ever met. And thats what I want in a relationship... Love....
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B] i know its none of my business but out of curiosity how many guys have you asked out anyway? [/B][/QUOTE] Every guy I've gone out with I've asked out. I asked my current boyfriend out, I asked my last one out, I asked a few guys out before that too... And I don't ask guys out unless I know they are gay or bi....
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jeff [/i] [B]if we found them attractive and get us our attention, then we go out and ask them out..hoping to get laid. if that girl is fat and ugly..but you liked her/him personality, would you still f*ck 'em? sorry to say this..but "i'm looking for personality" is bull. that's just one of line saying, "i want to get laid." [/B][/QUOTE] Thats not true with all guys... some guys actually look for love..... then you have other people that just want sex... they usually get the nasty sluts anyway.... so it's all their loss, they'll be single their whole life.... I'd rather have love and marriage than genital warts and crabs with 10 kids with different mothers cause i don't use protection...
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by white out [/i] [B]But he's yet to send me any Glay so I can finally hear this Teru who he hates so much! [/B][/QUOTE] I will NEVER send you any GLAY.... I only have 2 songs anyway :p Yuuwaku and the Bell Silence song thingy.... Yuuwaku is the only good one!
  16. Since I know nothing of asking a GIRL out, I dunno :p Girls just like me... for obvious reasons.... I'll save MoB and not say the evil G word :p
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B] Trans, now obviously I don't care if you don't like slipknot(cuz I'm not in the babd...so it doesn't effect me ;) ), but I'm just wondering what songs you've heard? cuz some are better than others. Also, one of my biggest reasons for liking them is their lyrics, they're simply amazing! Some of the stuff Cory sings about can be easily applied to my life, and I feel like I can really connect with them...so you should get the lyrics and read then while you listen, it's a trip. :p [/B][/QUOTE] I dunno the names of the songs I heard, I tend not to remember things that are terrible.... sorry... I just don't like their sound... And lyrics don't mean anything to me... it's about the sound, not the lyrics... why do you think I love Japanese music so much? I can't and don't understand every word they say... so I don't listen to the words they say... most of the time, with english songs, I understand what they say and have a tendency to "sing along".... Lyrics to me are not music... music is sound, lyrics are just an addition.... which is why someone with a terrible voice singing (ie: Teru) can ruin a perfectly good song... Also the reason I LOVE trance music.... because alot of Trance music contains no lyrics... which to me is the best type of music you can get. But people have different tastes in music....
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by the Guardian [/i] [B]who here likes slipknot if you dont then dont post! if you do then whats your fav. songs what cds do you hav and how long hav u been listining to them and whos ur fav member? songs: spit it out, wait and bleed, left behind, purity and prosthetics cds: mate feed kill repeat, slipknot(digipack), and iowa how long: bout a year or so member: cory #8 [/B][/QUOTE] I should post here anyway hehe No really, They look cool, but their "music" sucks... to me.... but they look cool! Kinda similar to GLAY, well not their sound.... you see, GLAY is a Japanese band (I'm sure you American music lovers haven't heard of them) and they suck... well their lead singer, Teru, sucks..... anyway, but they look cool! Esspecially Hisashi :)
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AlmightySSJ4 [/i] [B]Well, since this hasn't been posted in a while, there is a new newspaper here, headed by yours truly. And too late, Forte is the Megaman reporter for the Saturday Otaku! I'm taking over the news business here, and if you don't like it, leave. [/B][/QUOTE] Not with that attitude.... The "Daily Otaku" was here first, for one. For two, she can do it if she wants.... nothing in the rules states that there may only be one "newspaper"..... there is, however, a rule that says you shouldn't be rude....
  20. I wonder if my avatars were ever uploaded.....
  21. Will you clean my house for me? You won't be bored and I won't have to do it... it's a win win situation...
  22. YAY! I love Blue Sub No. 6! Although I don't have a favorite charatcer because they are all good.... But yeah, it was a great OAV :) I encoded all the episodes onto my computer :) and I have both Soundtracks :)
  23. I was at v.02 and I'm still here... under the same name....
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]you know, you should be thanking james and adam as well, without whom, this forum would not have been made as gods have no power to create forums, heh.... [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah but if I didn't ask, then it wouldn't have been made :p and where would we be without my constant pestering of James :p who then said ask Adam, who then created this forum :) But yes, they are to be thanked as well :)
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