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Transtic Nerve

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Everything posted by Transtic Nerve

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B] if you would get to the real world now. looks are everything, ask a girl here if they would date an extremly ugly guy they would say no. so looks do matter. i dont fall for that bs like its what counts inside but that doesnt go as far as it sounds. if you look really ugly your chances are so bright but if your hot you got any close to any girl. its like having a key to a door. but as far as people think of themselves then sure, lie to yourself. if you know your ugly but think your cute thats still ugly. no point in lying to yourself... firemac, congrats your not lying to yourself. you say your ugly cause you are ugly. same with nman. hes ugly. you know when girls tell you your cute there not always being truthfull, sometimes they jus say that so u wont feel bad....or out of desperation. i know how the real world works and bottom line is looks DO matter. [/B][/QUOTE] HAHAHAHA yet again, Will your stupidity is shown when you open your mouth.... You're what, 14 years old... you don't know shi? about life... you live with bad parents (I'm gonne guess a single mom due to your attitude toward other people) who obviously don't know how to raise children. So you sulk in your stupidity and your "belief" on life... I'm not ugly... I don't lie to myself and call myself ugly... I've had many girlfriends before... according to your "philosophy" I should have zero girlfriends... but your philosophy is based off of stupidity, therefor it's irrational and utmost rediculous..... But I'm sure you can't understand that being the fact I'm speaking intelligently, one thing you lack the ability to do. You may think you rule the world, well whatever dude... I rule you here and everywhere cause intelligence is power, and since you have the intelligence of an empty mayonaise jar, pretty much anyone can rule over you.... Nothing you post makes you look any smarter than before, so why do you try to act like you know what you are talking about... You are arrogant, ignorant, prejudice, and an overall idiot.... you are what makes this country a shi? hole to live in... And yet again, all of the above posts by Will, go again to proove my point: that the only thing stupid people are good at is making themselves look more stupid... CONGRATS WILL! You are the prime example! Now that you've made a stupid fool of yourself, and the fact no one cares about your worthless topics besides me, and the others who just like to exploit your ignorance, this topic is hereby closed.....
  2. i got a new wallpaper I just made tonight... [url]http://jikannohizumi.net/wallpaper/mizer-wp.jpg[/url]
  3. According to Dogma, Jesus has brothers and sisters... hence why the bible left out 18 years of his life (age 12-30)... Why did they leave those years out? What is the bible hiding from it's followers? Nothing? maybe... I think there's more to it that not many people know and not many people are willing to say.... BTW: Don't you love the fact I base all my religion thoughts off of a movie, none-the-less a Kevin Smith movie.... i dunno if I'm flattered by the plot or dumbfounded by the fact I'm basing my ideal off of it....
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B]??? i dun get it. its not that funny. hardly funny at all i was expecting something like M&M sticking his fingure up a chics but or something.... i see peeps like this at school all the time. and as for the shirt...its just a shirt. oh well if you really wanted comedy id reccomend the family guy, buts that too inapropiate for you guys isnt it? [/B][/QUOTE] What you fail to realize is that the shirt has ALF on it... now, if you weren't some punk kid you'd know who ALF was and you'd realize that ALF was a great show, and you'd appreciate it.... You are not a child of the 80's but a corrupt immature little shi? who has come to appreciate nothing in life and who will ultimately fail.... perhaps you should try two words.... "grow up".... till then you can shut your mouth cause no one wants to hear it's smart@ss remarks.... Life will give you a swift kick in the @ss one day.... that day will be one of the funniest days in the whole of existance.
  5. I like the fact he uses his voice as if he were an instrument. He changes the sound, octave, and etc on his voice to use it to create sound in a song and not just lyrics.... although I've only heard like... 3 songs.... they were pretty good.
  6. You have such an optimistic opinion of everything.... it's amazing how cheerful and happy you are in ever bullshi? post you make.... I'm glad we have people that help boost everyone's self-esteem, like you Will.... you certainly are one of a kind.... Now, aside from sarcasm... If people were strong enough in their mind they wouldn't care what they look like.... and they wouldn't care what others look like.... they would judge from personality and intelligence, cause those are what get you somewhere in life....
  7. Whoever is spamming.... Pedroo I guess.... whatever, it's making me more stupid everytime i read "hey waz up?" so I opted not to look for more... but.... please stop.... One more time and I will report you to Adam who will take appropiate action..... Arigatou Gozaimasu bakamono :)
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Little Gohan [/i] [B] That's neat, I've never tried to sculp, I would like to try though, just to expand my horizons or upgrade my chi :) My paintings are pretty abstract, I mainly paint acrylics, I would love to paint with oils and pastels etc. I've done a watercolor here and there. I've been working on art history, mainly Marc Chugall, I stopped for awhile but would like to start reading about him again. [/B][/QUOTE] I don't like acrylics that much.... they dry to fast for me... I do oils... those are my best and favorite medium of art... tempra isn't that bad either... although, like acrylic and watter color, they dry fast but not to fast....
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by backspace [/i] [B] excuse me here for a minute but god loves us all and he would never send us to hell because there is no hell god love us to much to throw us away even if we did kill ourselves he would forgive us but if we would not let him forgive us then u would be put away to an evil place because god loves us and it is a waste of time loving someone that does not love u back. but if he can sense u do love him then he will give u enternal life in his worl of love. [/B][/QUOTE] have you even read the bible?.... whoever believes in heaven believes in hell.... in the bible it states that hell exists.... and according to Catholosism, suicide is a mortal sin, which does send you straight to hell.... I'm not sure about the other factions of Christianity, but I think it's the same... watch DOGMA, or that one movie with Robin Williams.. or read the bible....
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]ok then let me ask u this: wat country has the balls to wage war against the U.S. [/B][/QUOTE] China.... Cuba.... Russia.... Lots of countries have the balls to do it, lots of countries won't because there's no need to.... why start a war with no meaning... the last thngs countries want is war.... esspecially with the US and that goof ball in office... god knows what he'll do.... but still, the last thing any country wants is war.... there's no need for it.... And will there be a WWIII? Yes.... anytime soon? no.....
  11. you really should send that via PM...
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]ITS ALF!!!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] I was gonna say that! Anyway, I have gained a new respect for that idiot Eminem... Just because anyone who loves ALF is ok in my book... i still can't stand that shi? he calls music.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Little Gohan [/i] [B] Very well said, you like art? I paint alot, I would like to go to an art college possibly. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh yeah, I enjoy all art to it's extreme.... I took 4 years of art in HS, AP Art History, Humanities, and now Humanities in college. I plan to take more art classes next semester and my years in college. I also paint and draw.... I'm not to keen on Sculpture or architecture.... but i know about them. I love Gothic architecture and renaissance sculpture. Well pretty much all sculpture, but I can't sculpt...
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zanza [/i] [B] Can't forget Akihito :) hahaha Innervisions is almost embarrassing... good song though. [/B][/QUOTE] I don't like that song much but it's still good.... and Da Pump..... and ZEEBRA, despite I've never heard any of his song... and DJ KRUSH :)
  15. How dare thee not add the greatest embarrassment to American next to George W, Vanilla Ice, up there?? Anyway, they both suck... all American rap sucks pretty much... except Snoop Dogg.... Japanese rap ont he other hand.... Motsu!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. i much perfer Japanese car over American piece of shi? Uhhh American cars aren't that bad I just think I heard that from a movie or something.... I've never driven a Japanese truck though... how odd.... they don't look good half the time.... I have a GMC truck that has been spoofed up to an extent.... I would like to lower it but it void the warranty or some crap.... my brother drives a Honda Civic and my mom drives a Toyota Camry MADE IN JAPAN! not the ones made in America :) Cause my mom's cool.... anyway... and my dad drives a '93 Ford Mustang GT 5.0 V8 Convertable manual.... god **** I love that car despite the fact i hate all fords..... needs some fixin though......
  17. hahahaha I wouldn't doubt it.... Fred Durst needs a wake up call... a few nights in jail outta do that very well... But reagardless.... I'm sure it's false.... but would be **** funny if it were true....
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by zanza [/i] [B]I think the Bible is looked at far too critically. As you've all pointed out, it has been translated and reworded in places probably thousands of times. That's why it's probably not good to look into each verse so much. Because indeed, you will probably find many contradictions and such. But I think what God wants is simple. It's not something you have to carefully examine every verse for; he just wants you to have love and faith in him, and to follow his ten commandments, all of which are simple. That doesn't mean it's useless to read the Bible; I recommend doing so, as it will bring you closer to God, as would going to Church. [/B][/QUOTE] Ok, here's another problem that I have... why be closer to God? Doesn't god treat everyone equally? Doe she not love everyone no matter what?... So wouldn't just having faith in him be enough? If I've read all the bible and I pray or whatever whenever I can, why go to church? You leanr nothing new? Can't you be close to god in your own way? Am I christian? no... do I believe that the God that Christians believe in exist.... yes... I believe evry god or godess from every religion exists.... whether real or just in the midn, they are there and people did and do worshop them.... I have faith... just not in God as a single Diety... but i believe he exists along with Sheeva, Zues, Apollo, Gineesha (sp?) Buddha, Osiris, Rah, and every other god/godess from every religion... but do I believe in a single religion? no... will I ever? nope.... it's not right for me to do that.... and thats where I put the most faith... in me....
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B][b]cunningest, popularest[/B][/QUOTE] I don't believe those are words hahahaha it would be "more cunning" and "more popular"... or most instead of more... whichever
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by True Otaku [/i] [B]thank you transtic nerve :) I'm sorry about grammer because I not speaking english very good :( [/B][/QUOTE] yeah, i noticed it said you are from Germany, i don't expect you to have perfect grammar... I was just pointing it out :) No harm done.
  21. No i don't think so... If you do something wrong, it's still wrong.... no matter if it made something right or not.... at least thats my perspective... now just because it's wrong doesn't mean it's the worst thing in the world either.... there are different levels of wrong....
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by True Otaku [/i] [B]I just curious what some titles meaning, I know what member meaning, but what god and administrator and who is them? :confused: [/B][/QUOTE] Who ARE them is correct grammar :) Anyway, Gods are: Safer (who goes by the name Sephiroth) and James.... basically Admins with limited powers... Admins: Adam... the "all powerful" i suppose... Super Mod: H-Bomb i think... you never see much of him... Mods: just look at the main page... they mod... obviously I only know two member ranks: newbie... and Junior Member.... junior member has 250 posts an more AI do believe.
  23. parties suck.... I haven't had a birthday party since I turned 12 or something....my birthday is just like any other day... So in turn i would want a car... or a truck..... i have a truck now.... but a better one would be cool..... i still need to get pics of my truck -_-;...
  24. I don't and never will understand religion.... The best thing that I could get to understanding is from watching Dogma, as bad as that may sound.... it may be a comedy but if you look deep inside it's meaning, it is one of the best written plots and has some of the best ideals I've ever seen.... To me, to say something I do not have proof of isn't real is wrong. I don't have proof of Aliens or Spirits but I do believe they exist.... The major word used here is "Believe"..... the other magor word here is "faith".... both almost always associated with religion.... but both words so vague in themselves.... is a belief prooven real? No... is faith by any means real? No..... This is more focused around the Christian belief than any other.... why not talk about Judaism.... they believe in Jesus Christ and god... but do they believe in heaven?... No.... there is not after life... whats makes them different from Christains... essentially to be Christian is to follow Christ.... don't the Jewish peopel do that? But why are they seperate... why is their religion wrong? Believe in the same person/people.... Judaism isn't that much different from Christianity.... aside from the countless holidays and no after life..... Samething goes for Muslims.... they believe in God... they call him Alah (sp?) but essentially it's the same god.... so what makes them different?... Why is Chirstianity the only religion associated with God in this f'ed up modern world? It makes no sense..... Even Satanist believe in god.... but they aren't Christian.... I think the whole religious issue is to complex to even try to explain.... you people let it run your life.... do not you have a soul? Do not you have uniquity? The choice to live life the way you want to, yet you hide behind a religion? Why? What makes you do this? Thats what I don't understand.... Why do you choose to have faith in one religion and shut all others out as if they are wrong and don't exist? Another thing I don't get about religion is the undeniable fact that it contradicts itself left and right.... Does not the bible say "Do not judge people" but I'll be damned if it doesn't say Homosexuality is wrong. IS THAT NOT JUDGING??? What a bucnha BS! Again, it says do not judge people.... yet people who believe in other religions are shut out and hated because what they believe isn't "right".... I'm sorry but thats judging.... I mean, right there, the bible goes against itself... the BIBLE just committed a sin.... at least thats how I see it.... I already posted this next thing but I dunno if people saw it... It refers to the "which is the right religion": [list]"It's not about who is right or wrong. No Denomination is neglegent, because they are so self ritious to realize that it doesn't matter what you have faith in, just that you HAVE faith"[/list] And I'll post this longer one, both from Dogma refering to the things religion does.... not only does this refer to Chirstians but ALL religions, just using Jesus as an example. Read and it'll make you think... [list]Bethany: What's he like? (refering to Jesus) Rufus: He likes to listen to people talk. Christ liked to sit around the fire listening to me and the other guys. You know, whenever we were going on about unimportant ****, he always had a smile on his face..... His only REAL beef with mankind is the **** that gets carried out in his name.... Wars, bigotry, televangelist..... The Big one though, is the factioning of all the religions.... He said mankind got it all wrong by taking a good idea and building a belief structure on it.... Bethany: You saying having beliefs is a bad thing? Rufus: I just think it's better to have ideas... I mean, you can change an idea, changing a belief is trickier.... people die for it, people kill for it.... the whole of existance is in jeopardy right now because of the Catholic belief structure on this Planetary Indulgence bull ****! (You walk under some arc and all your sins are forgiven)... Bartelby and Loki, whether they know it or not are exploiting that belief.... And if they are sucessfull, you, me, all of this ends in a heartbeat......... all over a belief.... [/list]
  25. So let me get this straight... They have a "reading festival" which has Marilyn Manson playing on stage..... uh huh.... well I've heard it all now.....
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