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Transtic Nerve

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Everything posted by Transtic Nerve

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Epid3mic [/i] [B]BTW, I don't literally think I'm a god, I was just speculating that to a simpler creature, I could be percieved as one.[/B][/QUOTE] Well yeah, to an animal where their sole instinct is survival (they don't have to worry about money and where they are gonna live, or school or anything like humans do) the one who provides them with the needs for survival may very well be as a God to them, but it's still a parent... just in this case, the word God and Parent are synonomous.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]If it weren't for online music sharing/stealing, I wouldn't have the 50 or so CDs I have now. And I wouldn't have gotten other people into this music either, who also purchased large quantities of CDs. There's no easy answer to this situation. [/B][/QUOTE] Exactly... I'm one of those people who got into music more BECAUSE of file sharing. In fact, I can think of ONE case where I got into an artist because I just randomly bought his CD... and then I bought all of his CDs after that. But the rest of what I'm into and artists I support I've gotten into because of file sharring... If the RIAA wants, I will be more than happy to ask for my money back and pretend I never got into their artists, ofcourse that would be silly. The majority of my 6,000 mp3s have either been personally ripped, which I've done with almost ALL of my CDs. I have well over 50 CDs, both Japanese and American, some European. The rest I have downloaded has been mostly Japanese or European music, not anything the RIAA can get me for anyway. What I don't understand is that they are going after people who do not download much, or all the time. They are going after 12 year old girls... a grandfather who's grandkids downloaded some songs... a university professor..... I mean come on. If you wanna make a point go after people who have thousands of mp3s, who download on a regular basis, people who SELL burned copies of CDs. Not innocent people. That prooves nothing but the heartlessness of the RIAA and how greedy they really are. I personally still do not understand the reasong behind this. We've been making copies of music since the recorder was introduced with tape decks. There's nothing wrong with that. We've been making copies of VHS tapes for ages. There's nothing wrong with that.... the reason? Because we don't make money off of it. SHouldn't it work the same with file sharing?... I'm not making any money off of it. I don't even share my files, I just download them. I essentially borrow music from other people to listen to. It's as if i went and borrowed a movie from my friend and watched it. I'm not making money off of it, I'm just watching it. Why is that so wrong? It doesn't matter though. I don't support many american artists, I don't download from many american artists. If I do download, I usually end up buying their albums to. I own every single BT album made. I own all Metallica's albums, except for their last two and I don't have one mp3 from either of those albums... Support the artists you like in whatever way you want, but if you think buying CDs is supporting your artist, you're wrong. You're supporting the RIAA and giving a measly 5 cents to the artists. Mail thema nickle yourself and go download the album if you want to support them. Go to their concerts. Buy their merchandise. This is not about the artists like the RIAA is making it out to be. It's about them and not getting a humoungous profit from CD sales. It's all about money and money for them, not the artists. It's ridiculous. And just because they do stuf like this is the sole reason i DON'T buy American CDs... and you shouldn't either. There's only one way to support your artists.... give them your money yourself. Any other way, you're supporting other greedy people like the RIAA.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinji Ikari [/i] [B][size=1] And maybe *gasp* they could drop the [price of their CD's, that would certainly curb some poples desire for downloading if the price was reasonable, they're 30 NZ$ over here. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] One of the record makers is lowering their price now... from like 18 to 13 bucks, American. It doesn't cost but MAYBE $5 to make a CD. Probably significantly less. Yet they charge the consumer anywhere from 12-20 dollars for ONE CD album? The artists gets like 5% of the profits from CD sales, the RIAA gets the rest respectively. Its ridiculous, as this mother pointed out. Like they NEED more money... come on. This must be why this country is so great. They just can't be comtempt like eeryone else? If anyone wanted to due, it should be the artists, not the Recording Indistry. SOme artist LIKE sharing files... Limp Bizkit, Dave Matthews I think was one, several others.... even some purposefully put their stuff online FOR download... Yet all that doesn't matter to the RIAA, lolw hy would it, there's no money in it for them and thats allllll they care about.... ridiculous.... absolutely ridiculous. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#707875] Forget the RIAA and think about the artist, whom you are stealing from. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes think about the artists. Look up their addresses and send them money personally. Go to their concerts. DON'T buy their CDs. You're just giving money to the RIAA, not the artists. At least not enough.
  4. The RIAA has been doing this for years. They think it will accomplish things, and it won't. This is why i don't buy alot of American CDs. If no one buys any CDs, that'll shut them up really quick. Of course that would mean sacraficing any music you may like, but hell, most of you like that crap anyway so it shouldn't be a problem. Anyway, the RIAA will continue to do this, they will continue to sue and make "threats" on people who trade mp3s. I have almost 6,000 mp3s on my hard drive and I haven't seen the RIAA yet. So they can go screw themselves, lousy, greedy, American bastards. And you all support these people by continuing to give them 90% of the profits from every CD you buy? lol. They are sueing a 12-year old girl... lol What kind of pathetic people are they? What kind of pathetic person supports this?
  5. It'll probbaly be a bit cheaper if you go somewhere like Best Buy or Target.... looks pretty good though. I'll be buying it.
  6. There's a topic on this already here: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29517[/url] Thanks.
  7. Except throw and catch the ball which is almost the whole premisis of the game. You use a stick in hockey but they don't call it stickball lol. Anyway, who cares about the Patriots. Their time is up. The Bucs are whats happening lol. Super Bowl last year, 1-0 already this year, one loss in the preseason... Greatest Defense in the league, top rated offense, great kicker, great everything. The smacked the Eagles around tonight. Tampa and jacksonville are about the same distance from where I live... I liek both teams, but Jacksonville blew their opener... they should have had that, so should the dolphins. At least I have one florida team to be proud of Now here the team I'm interested in seeing this year: The Redskins... now I know you all think they suck, hey they beat the Jets lol. But i'm interested in seeing their rookie QB and how Spurrier changes his method of coaching this season. I like Spurrier, I LIKED the Gators... till they completel blew their lead against Miami on Saturday.... I lost all hope in them after that.... but Spurrier is good... he can make this team something.... Something like they used to be back int he day when i lived in DC. They are my hometown team... I will always like em. Teams to watch this year.... Bucs, Redskins, Lions, Chiefs, Titans and I think I'm gonna go with Carolina. They all have great potential. Teams not to watch... Raiders, Patriots, and Rams. Horrid starts. Probably a horrid season.
  8. Actually it's been well documented that birds follow whom they precieve as their "mother"... the first thing a bird sees it considers it's mother. I've seen several cases where birds are born and someone takes care of them and they constantly follow them. It's like that one movie about that girl who raises the geese and they follow her when she flys that plane thing? Same concept. They just precieve you or your family as parents to them. People that will look out for them, feed them, etc. You're not a God, you're just a parent.
  9. You're the nice guys, thats why you're all their friends ....if you were one of those stupide jerk offs, then all the gurls would be all over you.... I have alot of guy friends, straight guy friends... so there's not much work there. I never associated myself with alot of girls and I don't associate myself with alot of gay guys either.... I'm the straightest gay guy you'll ever know.
  10. I have a simple American accent, although I can willingly change it to several different things... from Aussie, to british, to southern, to Chinese, to middle eastern, Indian, etc etc. People at work call me Dana Carvey cause I have so many voices. lol. ANyway, I know tons of people with accents... My ex used to be British, so I was living with that for a while. lol. I'm very used to a northern English accent.... but I've noticed alot of British accents, some of them, essepcially a londonish accent are harder for me to understand. I've also heard some rather strong and almost unbearable Australian accents... lol
  11. Yeah, there is already a Finding Nemo topic which is far more intelligent than this one. Ofcourse if you would read before posting you'd know this.
  12. I go to Uni right now... I'm a Junior.... officially majoring in History right now, but that'll probably change to a minor.... I dunno what I'll major in yet, that'll be next semester.
  13. If I wake up before noon, I'm very grouchy.... But I am a mornign person, cause I'm usually up till about 4 in the morning.
  14. Eminem is smart too. His rymes are more rythmical and well written.... 50's are boring, simple,a nd pretty unintelligent. He doesn't come across as a very smart person to me, unlike Eminem who comes off as a person with at least some intelligence.
  15. I had/have the same problem. It's an IE error, not really a MyOtaku error. if you use Netscape, it will work proporly.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by lea2385 [/i] [B]did you know ben franklin was anti semetism, too? but it wasnt because he was so smart, it was because he excelled much more in booksmarts then in common sense [/B][/QUOTE] Right.... exactly what I said.... it was because he excelled at being smart... book smarts = smart... at least in my language. And no I didn't know Franklin was an anti-semite. Although I imagine alot of people were back then. America was very anti-non-protestant for a long time. We've been anti-catholic alot too. As far as Einstein working on the A-Bomb, as far as I know he did some work on it. Not alot, as he came to the US during the making of it, at least as far as I know. But I know he did have SOME part, maybe not hands on, however big it might have been, in it's creation. Well, they didn't know the Abomb would have done what it did either. They had no idea it was going to be a big as it was. I can't remember the scientist who was the main scientist on the project, but as soon as they tested he turned to the other scientist and said something like "my god, what have we done?" Due to the circumstance (they though Germany was building one to use on the US) I would have tested it anyway. After all they didn't know what it would do, there was only one way to find out and personally I had rather it been us then the Germans lol. Even though the Nazis quickly abandoned the atomic project not to the knowledge of the US.
  17. This is spam. You should read the rules. Not to mention there is a forum dedicated to pictures, it would have made at least a little more sense to post it there.
  18. there's a whole list of linkin park threads here: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/search.php?s=&action=showresults&searchid=52329&sortby=lastpost&sortorder=descending[/url]
  19. Edison created the lightbulb, not Franklin. As far as I know, Franklin was primarily responcible for the founding of electricity. And he wa s a pretty good politician, except he fell asleep alot. Some interesting facts.... Henry Ford was an anti-semite. He absolutely despised all Jews. He wrote several books on anti-semetism. To this day, you will not see a Jew with a Ford. Albert Einstein was so smart, he forgot the way to his house. Everytime he's dome home he's have to ask the policeman standing on the street corner where he lived. I guess your brain can only hold so much information. He also regreated ever working on the atomic bomb project.
  20. "Students may not have sex in the teachers lounge" I mean, how stupid is that rule!
  21. Either you're some super brainiac, or you copies most of that right out of your science book, which I'm willing to bet is the case. Anyway, can anyone spell theories or theory right? If you're going to have a theory, the least you could do is spell the damn word right. As far as the topic is concerned, there are too many theories as to how the universe was created, there's no answer, there probably never will be. All we know is what we have. And that in itself is far to huge to even remotely calculate.
  22. Write him a note. Ask the teacher, they should know his name if you want it. Or just go up and ask him... And the reason you like him without even knowing his name is what we like to call "lust"... for you like the way he looks, he could have the worst personality ever for all you know.
  23. Hunny, it's High School. Everyone is tired, there's nothing you can do about it.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]As much as I would like to go into extreme detail about how overrated 50 Cent is, and how his entire mainstream career is supported only by the fact that his album was produced by Dr. Dre, I think I summed it all up nicely in this sentence. [/B][/QUOTE] That and he was shot 9 times. lol. MTV basis all of it's awards and all of it's everything off of mainstream music and movies. Nothing else. They pay no attention to upcoming stars, nor do they pay attention to indies artists or anything of the sort. If they aren't mainstream, then MTV could care less.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] You're so ignorant, Chris. Christianity is not about an 'holy war' between nations and peoples. The war is spiritual, and Christians should be soldiers rallying to the Standard of His Name. Our weapons are not deadly, they give life. If any blood is spilled, it should be(it [i]will[/i] be) our blood. That is following Jesus--not any holy crusade of 'killing for Christ'.[/quote][/b] Never said it was. I used what youa re refering to as a rebuttle attempt. Religion has a BIG BIG BIG background of "hate" believe it or not. Whatever you say maybe what you think but it's not true. Most of what religion has done in the past is harm and kill people. Some take religion differently, kinda like you, but the majority of your representatives in Christianity and those of Jewish and Muslim have all represented religion as something so right it's worth killing and dying for. And thats not what it's about as you said. But thats what happens. SO blame your fellow Christians, blame the Jews, blame the Muslims, blame everyone, but you cannot represent the whole of your religion. Your religion is represented by th majority of the people who call themselves Christians and you are not them. If you want to blame anyone for how I precieve Christianity, blame Christians. Cause they are the ones who did what they did in the past and continue to do today, not me. [quote][b]By the way, God does not damn anyone. People damn themselves. Therefore, you use of that expression further demonstrates ignorance.[/quote][/b] I only use cuss words to emphasise my point. the use of "God Damn" is simply to add umph to what I am saying. I don't actually believe God would damn a church or a statue. Since those words have no meaning to me, I solely use them as emphasistic words. How you precieve them, well thats not my problem. [quote][b]Drix: I do not know what salvation you claim, but I hope it is not by Christ. Your language alone demonstrates your lack of the Blood, because Jesus never swore in preaching the Gospel. However, if you're just one of those few who is not a Christian, but believes and knows about the Lord, then I thank you for your encouragement, and I'll pray for you.[/B][/QUOTE] Dunno about you, but that is just as about as ignorant as one can be. Shame on you for judging others before yourself. God is not the world. Maybe to you he is, but to me, he's not. I speak as an open minded person who is not blinded by a faith, who's decisions are not obstructed by a belief. I believe in God, but he does not obstruct my free will given to him by me. He shouldn't obstruct yours either.
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