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Transtic Nerve

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Everything posted by Transtic Nerve

  1. Gackt's new album comes out June 12th.... ::cough:: Anyway.... I want to do a little survey/thing/whatever.... 1) How many people have heard any J-Music? 2) If yes, how much of it WASN'T from an anime? 3) If you haven't heard J-Music, would you be interested in hearing some? 4) If yes, what genre would you like to hear? 5) Do guys in drag and lots of makeup (who may or may not look Gothic) disgust you, facinate you, or you don't care what they wear as long as their music sounds good? 6) Straight girls, gay/bi guys, and straight guys comfortable with their sexuality: Does [url=http://jikannohizumi.hypermart.net/pics/gackt3.jpg]this[/url] look sexy? 7) Straight guys, gay/bi women, and women comfortable in their sexuality: Does [url=http://jikannohizumi.hypermart.net/pics/fb-maya6.jpg]this[/url] look sexy? 8) If you listened to J-Music, what groups/singers did you enjoy the most? 9) Does Japanese culture/music intrest you in the least? 10) If no, why not? --- One of my goals is to try to extend Japanese culture and music into the American scene so that possibly some Japanese music will be played on American radio like the Japanese play American music on their radio. Also it's to break barriers put up in American culture. Japanese Music has become mor eand more popular over the last year... With Duel Jewel (Japanese indie rock band) playing at A-Kon this year (A-Kon in an anime convention in Dallas Texas, late May), more barriers were broken. We've had some J-Music stars play in the states, but mainly for the Asian/Japanese population in such cities (like New York and Southern California where Japanese and Asian populations are very high) Please fill out this survey with your best knowledge and truthful-ness. Thank you very much :)
  2. I am planning on buying my ticket for the first day showing... Like I did for episode I.... I wonder if they do presale tickets...
  3. I'l have some Kenshin and J-Rock/pop ones soon.... when i get to it... tonight very busy...
  4. I like Shenmue's music.... ::walks off stage left::
  5. EVIL TWINS! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!! lol.... Happy Birthday you... admins you lol
  6. Check ebay.. they probbaly have something... can't gurantee they ship to the UK though. If not, ry Yahoo stores or rightstuf.com ...
  7. Television, like all forms of Entertainment, is purely based on the popular "vote"... Alot of people will have different opinions, but in the end, the more ratings it gets, no matter how dumb or stupid the show is, it's going to stay on TV. The same goes for movies and music.
  8. They show just how stupid you have to be to drink...
  9. How can you not hear of Adema... they is cool! Their two singles out are Giving In and The Way You Like it.... I think their lead singer is kinda cute.... that is all. Edit: really, I should be faster in my responces.
  10. Transtic Nerve

    Jason X

    Kane from the WWF did not play Jason... Jason is played by Kane Hodder... who has played Jason the last 3 Friday the 13th movies previous to this one. I'll see it when it comes to DVD or maybe to the dolla theata.
  11. Be sure to play the wrong note and screw everything up!..... err I mean don't play the wrong note and don't screw everything up....
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]If you're surprised TN just said that, raise your hand... [/B][/QUOTE] ::raises hand::
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]I'll be working to help pay for my college education [/color]:genius: [/B][/QUOTE] And I'll be working ON my college education... Summer Session starts in a week.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B]Right now I'm on a dc Talk kick...I'll get over it in a couple weeks... [/B][/QUOTE] I like DC Talk somewhat.... I'm going to sell the CD I have though... I'm selling all of my CDs, that aren't my favorites or Japanese or Trance.... They are good though... I prefer Jars of Clay though...
  15. Trunks and Bra may argue... I don't remember either... if they did, it wasn't something the series focused on... and there probably was only 1 or 2 arguments... after all, there are only 64 episodes of GT.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] well now I wouldn't say that, I've heard of dir en gray ;) you like j-pop too, right? [/B][/QUOTE] Yet you can't spell Dir en grey :p Ofcourse I like jpop.
  17. WHEE ::shows off new Avatar:: Daisuke is sexe!
  18. My favorites are Rock (all types of it), Trance, and more dance-like pop. My favorite groups... well, you've never heard of them.
  19. If it makes the money.... it stays on TV.... no matter what a little amount of people say... if that little amount mattered.... Seinfield would have been never shown.
  20. They cut alot already from the beggining episodes. One where Kururin gets stabbed by one of Furiza's horn... Oh well.... I suppose, with watching dubs, thats what you get. We're infamous for deleting episodes aired on TV.
  21. That happens... some viruses spread quick and have strong effects... and what better play to interact with people than a school?
  22. Phobia is a good Japanese rock group... ::looks around::
  23. Blah thats normal weather for up north.... Wanna talk about weird weather come to florida... it will be 50 degrees one day, 90 the next and 40 the day after.... Lots of people get sick because of stupid weather here. Up north, once it cold, it stay cold till it gets hot, then it stays hot.
  24. Actually it IS Illegal.... but like everything, there's always a way of getting around it... There's no level of Illegal.... it's either legal or it's not.... in this case, downloading episodes is basically stealing. You are taking something commercially made, putting it on the internet, and giving it away. It's not yours to give away. Who ever distributes it is breaking the law and whoever downloads it basically is now in possesion of stolen property. Regardless, I suppose you could download them logically.... although they are in REALLY crappy quality unless you are feeling brave and download the 600 meg file ones.... They SHOULD sell them at local anime stores or import stores. Also at conventions. You will rarely find any original version of any of the DB movies unless it's by Funi... they simply aren't found when you could buy a fansub copy for 4 times the cost.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B][color=purple]Justin.. I never knew there was a difference between Heracles and Herculese. What is different about them? I always thought it was just a mis-spelling. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] They are basically the same person. As you may know, the Romans took alot of the ideals of Gods and Goddesses from the Greeks... in fact they took almost everything from the Greeks with the exception of the arch and building in concrete. Heracles can be seen on vase paintings fighting bulls and other animals. As well as one of the famous ones where he's wrestling another person... I can't remember his name. Roman and Greek mythology is so similar that they are easily confused.
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