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Transtic Nerve

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Everything posted by Transtic Nerve

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B] [COLOR=orangered][FONT=century gothic] Waru--Michael Crichton? The name sounds famailiar...what did he write, can you give me some titles? [/FONT] [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] He wrote... Jurassic Park, Lost World, Airframe, Congo, Andromeda Strain, dountless other books, and he produces or directs ER :) He my favorite Author.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Gohans Gurl~ [/i] [B]yeah so i cut my self once (purposely) so that makes me immature i thnk not suicde was truly his only way out and i mean i tried to help him but suceeded in getting suspended beacse i broke her rib ~GG~ [/B][/QUOTE] No, you'd be stupid and Irrational if you did that. How many times do I have to say that violence also gets you no where... this is more proof... for god's sake... NO one told any person in authority did they?..... MAYBE you should have done that.... maybe even his parents? The police, school principal, the girls parents... did you try all of them? If not then there was SO much more you could have done to save him.... Suicide is never the only way out.... it's an irrational and selfish way out. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megabakin [/i] [B] HAve you ever actually committed suicide and luckily survived it? I have. [/B][/QUOTE] Uhh... you can't committ suicide and live.... That would defy life in itself.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B]Very rare, I could name some illegal places I don't use, but I won't cuz then someone might think I do use them :laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] They aren't rare... I've had no problem finding fan-sub copies. You can find fan-subbers on the internet, I can't give you links. And you can go to any local anime/import shop and they should have some... if that doesn't work, find when the next convention is coming to your town.... they will deffinantly have some.
  4. Please read the rules before you post: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/announcement.php?s=&forumid=4[/url] Posting links to your site is against the rules... you may put a link in your sig, bbut you may not make a topic concerning it. Also, please remember to post in an appropiate forum... ie: Dragonball stuff in the Dragonball forum. Thank you.
  5. If you don't wish to come here, then DON'T! Jesus f-ing Christ it's not that hard. I'm tired of you babies whining about this and that. We aren't forcing anyone to stay here, and if they don't like it, they are free to leave. Whining like a child gets you no where and only makes you look like a fool. Kuja wasn't banned... he was de-modded as far as I know. He is free to return to the best of my knowledge. There are plenty of people here that accept the rules and abide by them... I am one of them. I'm sorry if rules preventing stupidity annoy you... but you annoy me and our rules are to keep people like you out. If you have a problem with the way we SUCESSFULLY run the boards, you can complain to someone who gives a rat's a$s... complaining gets you no where fast. Bye thimoc
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jlow [/i] [B]I have just returned from Japan and the rumors are flying high in video stores and arcades that there is going to be a new Dragonball series but the people I talked to had no idea what the name would be and it is fairly popular there especially the cards(many of the kids and some adults have them and they even have tourneys there in the parks) [/B][/QUOTE] hmm perhaps you could be so kind as to speak some Japanese for me, so I can be sure you were able to communicate with them.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B] [color=indigo] Haha!!! You and I are on the same page TN. When I first saw the question, my immediate response was going to be that I found Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism to be the most fascinating of all mythology...then I was going to sit back and watch the flaming of yours truly begin;) [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well i don't see why one can't call them Mythology.... I mean... the Greeks, Egyptians, ROman, this that or the other people all found their gods and goddesses to be just as real as Christians precieve their God to be. They all had their sacred texts that they followed... well in the Egyptian's case, paper wasn't invented when they first came about, but while they were still in existance.... papyrus paper that is... but still... anyway back to the point... they all felt as strongly, if not stronger to their gods/goddesses as modern day religions do.... there's not much difference besides those religions aren't practiced anymore.... Maybe one day, Christianity won't be practiced anymore... then... it will just be thought of as Mythology?... I'd like to see that day myself... however I know I won't... In fact I don't think anyone n the next thousands of years will... not till something drastic happens to the earth... or God just comes down and tells everyone to shut up or something lol. The term Mythology is kinda rude. Those people put their lives for theirs gods... they followed everything, did everything for MANY MANY years... and the respect we give them is "mythology"? Blah... oh well.... one day all your religions will be considered mythology, I think.... how will you feel then?
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B] Which do you think is better, Rorouni Kenshin, or Evangelion? (I am not trying to start a flame war, just seeing which the master thinks would be better for an anime newb) [/B][/QUOTE] I'd say they are both good... however, they are too different to compare so easily Kenshin takes place in early 1900's late 1800's... deal with ALOT of Japanese history, some of it real, and alot on the way of the samurai. The Meiji era, the constant revolutions at the time... everything during that time. Due to that, alot of words and dialogue are used that aren't translated into English very well... techniques with the sword, group names, battles, significant names of people in Japanese history, etc... it can be VERY hard for an anime newbie to keep up witht he plot. It's VERY developed, more so than most anime, and can get rather confusing. EVA on the other hand takes place in the futuristic present... yeah lol... it's a mecha anime, so big machines shooting guns... This anime though is VERY complex in it's plot and overall it's just confusing. It deals alot with mental problems, death, "love"...and all at the same time... it's like a giant soap opera. I don't recomend either for an anime newbie. Something simple, ie: Gundam, DBZ, etc, then progress into more complex anime like EVA, Kenshin, FLCL, and the sorts.
  9. DragonBall Z plays once or twice a week in Japan. Either Saturday or Sunday or both... in the morning at 9:00 am if I'm correct. You must realize, It's popular here, doesn't mean it's popular there. It's kind of like the Brady Bunch.... it was really popular in it's day, but now that it's over not many people care about it and re-runs are played. I forsee the only reason a new movie or series being made is to appeal to the American audience... and European and Canadian, but more so American. But thats the only way I see it happening. But they not need to do that now... simply because Americans haven't even seen all of Z yet, none of GT and not even half of the Original... there's no need to throw some more junk in the mix... it'll just confuse the poor little kiddies even more.
  10. There's many places online that will give you in dept info on Uubu. Anyway, as already stated twice, Uubu is the reincarnation of Buu... Hence why his name, backwards, spells Buu... the "u" after the B is mearly for punctuation purposes.... He first appeared in the last Tenkaiichi Bodukai... in pisodes 285-291 or something like of DBZ. In which case, Gokou asks Buu to rig the drawing of who fights who so that Gokou and Uubu can fight so Gokou can test his theory on the power Uubu really posssess. They end up fighting and Gokou realizes his potential. They stop in the middle of the fight in episode 291 and Gokou tell shis family he's leaving and takes Uubu on his shoulders and flys off, end of DBZ. Gokou trains with him, and eventually Uubu becomes VERY powerful, and you'll see him fight the "bad guys" numerous times in GT.
  11. I like how these religions of many year ago to these civilizations are now considered mythology.... do you think that in future year, Christianity and all other religions of our time will be considered... Mythology?.... Anyway, my favorite would have to be Egyptian and Greek.... Minoan I guess too... some weird things there... I'm taking Mythology over the summer at school, so YAY!
  12. It doesn't matter... either way. That shoul dbe easily figured out using simple Common Sense...
  13. I have a strong fear of stupid people.... which probably explains my dislike for 80% of the world.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B] My arguement with TN has nothing to do with your arguement with him. And I was talking about the boy, regardless of your arguement, so just chill. We're both on the same side, and if you look at my first pose, you would notice I wrote against TN talking about children and discrimination. And TN, I do agree that suicide is not the right way to go, and that he acted like a coward, but some people are just like that. I don't believe that suicide has anything to do with being childish, as that is not a thing a child would do. However, it is the lack of finding a different solution, and an excessive amount of fear. Don't forget the guy certainly had a different mentality to you. There are those who stand up for themsleves, and then those who can't and won't do anything to stop being downtrodden. [/B][/QUOTE] Taking your own life is selfish, and thats something childish. But I was more so pointing to the bully who was being childish. I don't care if his mentality was different, committing suicide is cowardly, selfish, and only prooves you care about no one but yourself. I will think that if you were beaten up or if you were the best looking person in the world. You also need to read my post again. I stated that I wasn't talking about children... I was talking about being childish.
  15. I already have my Toriyama cut-out right here... Jeeze, you couldn't have more blantantly said "I didn't read the rules before I post, yet they are right there at the the top of the forum" PLEASE read the rules BEFORE you post! Or you'll just make a foo out of yourself... again. Thank you.
  16. Somethings in life can be hard to grasp with a hand... however, if one is patient and understanding, the hand will become closer to the object it wants to grasp. In other words... if she wants him that bad, she can sit on her butt and wait till it happens. If she isn't patient, she needs to leanr the words "move on"...
  17. Please don't make topics like this. It's pure spam.
  18. bah, this is basically another "favorite" topic... please stop posting these.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B] I think he's asking to work on the DB section on tO or here at OB.....O_______________o Lesson 1, kid, "Never ask for a position; you will not get it." [/B][/QUOTE] I don't think he's a kid... he seems fairly intelligent from the way he was writing. And that never ask for a position thing only applys for mods/positions on OB Anyway, you shouldn't ask on the boards for a position on TheOtaku.com. I suggest e-mailing Adam and giving him some of your work or whatever. He's probably in need of people to work there.
  20. Please read the rules. They specifically say "No more favorite topics"
  21. The rumor spread online a while back that a new series, DBAF or DBVertigo were being made. This picture of SS-J 5 Gokou was spread around "signed" by Toriyama. The signature was later prooven fake. It has also been prooven that the "new series" is nothing but a little fan manga draw in Japan. I don't know who drew it or will draw it and I don't really care. They very well make a new series.... Bird Studios or Toei Animation, but Toriyama isn't planning on it. In fact I believe Toriyama is doing alot of video games now... along with returning to work on Dr. Slump. You have reason to believe the person at the anime store, but I'm willing to bet she heard about this from the internet, and thus likely has no good source of info. I mean, 90% of the internet is false, why believe this? I suggest asking her where she got her information. Alot of people say they have a "friend in Japan" or a "Source in Japan"... how can these people in Japan know, yet Funimation doesn't know? Or even other mainstream animation companies? Plus not to mention, they don't have any friend in Japan... I could say Osama Bin Laden is my friend... does that mean he is? I didn't think so... you can't believe anything on the net unless it's from a prooven reliable source... and an anime website, fan based, is NOT a reliable website. As for the episode thing you were talking about... I'm not sure I understand what you are asking.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B] You're being way too practical and stubborn in your arguement. Have you ever been bullied, to the point of suicide. I believe YOU'RE in the wrong, as you can't imagine how the boy must have felt. The practical solution was, obviously, to go to te police. But realistically, they would believe they have more important things to do. In such a desperate situation, I doubt the police could be trusted. You can never argue from just one side, otherwise you will always make a poor and ,isjudged arguement, as you are not thinking of why he killed himself, why he believed he had no choice. Don't forget the boy was in a different state of mind to you at the moment. You're thinking what you would have done if you were in your current state of mind, not if you were desperately seeking your way out of a never-ending nightmare... [/B][/QUOTE] You have a point... but I do know what it's liked to be looked down upon. I for one, believe suicide is only a cowards way out. How could someone drive you to kill yourself... thats basically you saying "I give up"... There's always more than one choice in life... esspecially your own... If there is only one choice, and that choice is to take my own life... well then the world is already decended into hell. There is two sides, but I can only relate with one... Do you think Democrats sit there and argue the reasons that pro-life should be there and not pro-choice.. of course not... they are going to argue pro-choice ALL the way... if you are trying to make a point, there's not need to give good reasons for your opposision. Killing himself was the wrong thing to do. And I believe, and I know people will disagree, that it was his choice to kill himself. Rather thinking rationally or not... it was still his choice... no one made him choose that... If someone made me eat dog crap and pants me... I'd spit it right back out and wave my dick in their face. I'm not gonna go kill myself over it. Two people made the wrong decision in this manner... too bad one was worse than the other.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Gohans Gurl~ [/i] [B]a few points i want to clear up so i don't get so many pms the bully was a GIRL he shot himself in the head with a semi automatic or somthing and TN i know u are telling ur opinion but i am 13 and i if u really want to know he will be better off in heaven and if u don't believe me come down here and i will introduce u to the girll who killed him also we HAVE charged her with manslaughter won that case easily and she is sentanced to 1 month in some place and when she gets out she has to to 2 weeks community service i think she got off way to easily but i cannot change what has been done also i DO relize the full story because what i know is he is NEVER coming back i could search this planet and i would never find him he is gone forever ~GG~ [/B][/QUOTE] So what if it was a girl? And what if I was introduced to her? I'll run her over before she tries anything to me. I fail to see your reasoning. BTW, the girl didn't kill him.... He would have been better off if he called the cops, or somebody... I also find it hard to believe, that if he killed himself on the 10th of this month, which was 2 days ago, that she was already setenced? The court system usually takes a significant amount of time, not to mention an investigation intot he matter. 2 days is not enough time, in my opinion, to conduct all of that. To the other person who said I was 17.... why would you have judged it to the year 2000? What does that year have anything to do with anything?
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Megabakin [/i] [B] Your only 17, your still a child by my judging. And so am I, and Im 18. People your age still act like morons, and need some sense. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm 19 actually, but thanks for trying... Thank you FF :) Children are the problem in this. Thats my point. If this jerk wasn't so childish, this other person wouldn't have been driven to committ suicide. It's the majority of childish behaivor that leads to horrible things. Two people are bullied at school and not liked by their peers, so they decided to shoot up the whole school killing almost 20 people. Why did they do it? Because they were being childish themselves against others who were childish to them. Which makes them no better than who the people were that treated them bad. When I say childish, or children, I don't mean people who are 13... I mean people who act like little babies, who don't have maturity, who don't think rationally, or care what others think. Thats what I mean... Hell I know adults that act like children. When I refer to children, I refer to anyone who doesn't act mature in any manner, because I'm sure you'll all agree that children aren't very mature as it is. At least the younger ones. I don't expect a 7 year old to think twice if he calls me a *** or anything. I don't think he realizes how much that may hurt me to hear that. Maybe I don't make my point clear but you should b able to get somewhat of a better understanding. If this guy had an ounce of maturity in him, I bet he woudn't have done those things to that other person. But being the child he is, of course he didn't have any maturity and he didn't care. Thus driving another person to take their own life, which I don't agree with but whatever. I guess that person didn't care if he hurt others either....
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