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Transtic Nerve

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Everything posted by Transtic Nerve

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssjsupreme [/i] [B]and another thing, i don't need to be threatened by anybody, even by you, so shut your mouth! crack whore:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] Well here then, be threatened by me. Please DO NOT ever post anything like this again. This is a final warning. Nex time you will be banned.
  2. i watch comedy central any and everytime I get the chance... some of my favorite comics are: Robin Williams Dana Carvey Conan O'Brien Steven Lynch Dane Cook Paula Poundstone Margaret Chou And a multitude of others.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Pud [/i] [B]Goku claims Vegeta was the one who went oozaru and destryed the city killing his grandfather. I thought it was Goku himself. I think it may be a mistake dubbing not sure [/B][/QUOTE] But Gokou doesn't know he went Oozaru as a child... He was just told stories about it... he never fgured it out that it was him... so he thinks it was Vegita who was the giant monkey who killed his grandpa.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]If you don't find the simple irony of Seinfeld funny...then you sir have [i]no[/i] sense of humor! Also, the show was written largely by Jerry Seinfeld...the others were just actors. Thus, if they went somewhere else, I frankly wouldn't expect them to be funny lol. So I don't see how that proves Seinfeld was unfunny or whatever...:drunk: Anyway, back to discussions of oiled up men wrestling...and then we can talk about Smackdown. :drunk: :worried: [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] LOL!... anyway.... No that show was NOT funny... I couldn't stand it.. I hate Jerry Siendfield as an actor and a comedian... horrible... his voice, his jokes... it's terrible!... Now, An American Girl with Maragret Chou was THE funniest show ever (next to the simpsons, and the like)... the gay community was outraged when that show was cancelled lol.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Pud [/i] [B]Aight 2 quick questions/pointouts. Rite now the old dbz episodes are airing here and the part where Goku and Vegeta fight just finished (very cool). Newayz i dunno if this has been asked before but here goes; When Vegeta tranforms to oozaru Goku has a flash back of a oozaru destryoing a city when he was young and killing his Grandfather. Now this is not an exact quote but he sez somehting like "So hes the one who destryoed the city and killed my grandfather" Now this is ridiculas as everyone knows Vegeta had never been to earth before and the Oozaru from his past was goku. So why does he say it? Is it jus crappy english dubbing or what? jus wondering. A second more suttle thing is when Bulma is shown the old Namek spacecraft and the accidently take off into space with Mr. popo i could swear there was a huge hole/crack in hte front glass bubble. If they were in space how did they not get sucked out and die? again jus curious [/B][/QUOTE] I don't understand your first question/point... However the second one is probably just a mess up in the show, like the millions that are already there.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B] I thought it was Jinzouningen Juushichi-gou. Ah, there r probably a million ways to spell it. Yea, transtic was right. Couldn't hav said it better myself. [/B][/QUOTE] Juushichi and Juunana are just two different pronunciations of "seventeen"... kinda like how "four" can be said as shi or yon. Juushichi and Juunana are both spelled the same way in Japanese Kanji however. And I can remember the words because I learned them... kinda like how you learned to speak in English... same concept, except it's a different language.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]After Sinfield was over, all the other shows that the acters were in flopped.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Which just goes to proove how unfunnt Sienfied was in the first place.... or at least i think so... but I'm off topic... I only watch the wrestling PPVs... nothing else.
  8. Hmm if your thinking hte same thing I am then it's a dream sequence that Gokou has in the series when he is unconcious due to the heart problem thingy. BTW It's Jinzoningen Juunana-gou
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shibatku [/i] [B]Woow I never knew that. But, did super 17 ever try anything like killing 18 again? Well now I now. Thanks for the info. [/B][/QUOTE] He fought18 and Kururin... he ended up killing Kururin and 18.. or supposedly 18... I can't remember... she ends up coming back though. Kururin doesn't. Thats if I rememeber correctly.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Apokronos [/i] [B] Your the most dense person I have ever met. WHen you look like a fool when your older and it turns out Im right, Im gonna be laughing even more than when I saw your views of quantum physics. And thus concludes the Dues_Ex_Machina Physics Comedy show!!! Tune in tomorrow for more dense people and physics jokes from Dues_Ex_Machina himself! Goodnight, folks! [/B][/QUOTE] Actually YOUR the most dense person I ever met... Don't DOuble/Triple post again... READ THE RULES... and stop being a arrogant moron. You don't know it all, sorry to burst your bubble. If I see anymore of this crap from you.... You WILL be banned, then we'll see who thinks you're Mr. Know-It-All... I think Mr Know It All could have figured out how to show respect and to debate in civil manners.... it's apparent Mr Know it all isn't Mr Civilized.... why don't you go back intime to the Neolithic era and live with other uncivilized people. You're pushing your luck, and now have officially been added to the "being watched" list.... next screw up, you're gone. BTW, due to this topic's lack of facts and the fact that IF time travel were 100% possible it's be on the news with cloning... this topic is here-by releaved of it's duty.
  11. Well yeah, as stated, 17 was never dead... Dr. Gero and Dr. Mew, in hell, created this Artificial 17 (who was a new robot)... when Dr. Gero and Dr. Mew escaped hell, they brought him with them. (I also believe Nappa escaped hell as well, but was quickly disposed of by Vegita, again) where Artifical 17 and 17 were "fused" together to create Super 17. At least that sto the best of my knowledge.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Monkey Magic [/i] [B]But you are right, it is very childish. Next I'll be talking about who the best super Saiyan is or asking about specific episodes of a children's cartoon. [/B][/QUOTE] Thats what I would expect when you come to an ANIME forum which ams it's popularity to CHILDREN. Did it ever occur to you that people talk about that "childrens cartoon" in this forum? Did it ever occur to you that maybe this forum, called DragonBall mind you, is dedicated to that "children's cartoon?" That maybe children whp watch this "children's cartoon" would come here to talk about.. seeing as how this is a forum/message board... one would leave messages... I'd expect you to talk about those things... not some silly guy, whom most haven't seen nor give one rat's azz about, who does some "Kamehameha" and uses a made up form of martial arts. If you wanted to talk about UFC, you could have either a) posted it in GD, or b) posted it in a forum dedicated to UFC... BTW: I still think it's silly that you're going to dress up as or do whatever to make yourself look like a "chrildren's cartoon" character. But if you truely are going to.... then whatever. Goodluck...
  13. You can always just look at your post yourself... Anyway, no you don't have one, and there are intructions on how to get one in the Intro forum.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]A [url=http://www.creedfeed.com/discography/songs.php]Complete List[/url] of every Creed song written/recorded is there, and I cant find the other songs at all... o_O...?.... Strange. Very!... Hmmm..[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Opspeculate is an acoustic Instrumental, so it's not going to have lyrics. Feel Me Tonight is a short song (2 minutes) and a very hard song Level with the Ground sounds like your regular Creed song with lyrics and all. And Whats this life For is just an acoustic version... so I assume it was on the single.. if there was a single for that song. I'm not sure.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson][b]Young Grow Old[/b] and [b]To Whom It May Concern[/b] are on the Non US version of [i]Human Clay[/i]. [b]My Own Prison[/b] is on the Non US version of [i]Bound and Tied[/i]. [b]Is This The End[/b] is off the Scream 3 Soundtrack. The others I can only find lyrics for. Hmm.... Let me keep looking..[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] -______- Why must they confuse me like this... I'll have to remember to raid their houses... they live down her eby me, so such a task would not be that far out of the question lol. I also erased some of the songs I listed before cause I found out where they were from... I'm thinking the rest are off of the Non-US version of Weathered... cause they had them listed as like.. track 12-17... thats alot... I hope they plan on releasing these on an album soon. How dare they try to deprive me... lol I'm going nuts. Anyway THANKS :) you help much! Oh yeah, also are their any songs that I didn't list that they have?
  16. Ok, well I'm not sure where to ask about this, so I'll do it here since the majority of you listen to American music. I'm sure most of you, if not all of you, have heard of the rock band Creed. (NOT POP... evil Radio Stations) Well online, on like Sharing Programs, I've got some new Creed songs that are like Bomus Tracks to [i][b]My Own Prison[/b][/i], [i][b]Human Clay[/b][/i], and [i][b]Weathered[/b][/i] Songs I've gotten are all done by Creed. I can tell by the way the singing and guitar is done... Here's a list of track names that I've seen -Whats This Life For (Acoustic/Piano Version) -Opspeculate -Level With The Ground -Feel Me Tonight Now I dunno about these. I've checked ALL of my Creed albums, which is all three, and none of them have bonus tracks. Now, if anyone knows where these songs have come from, would you please be kind enough to tell me. Were they B-Sides to their singles? I dunno, I'd like to know though. It just seems odd that all these people have Bonus Tracks that aren't there... or maybe they are I just can't find them. If anyone has these bonus tracks on their CDs please tell me.. or if you know how to get them off of the CD, ever better. Creed is one of my favorite bands (even if Scott Stapp can be an egotistical piece of shiznit) and I would like to have all their songs. Also, I know there was another unreleased song from Creed on some Omnibus album... I wanna say the Family Values tour, although I don't think thats right.... I have I'm Eighteen off of the Faculty SoundTrack and To Whom it May Concern off of the new Scorpion King Soundtrack... Does anyone know of any others?
  17. His wife just made it up off the top of her head as far as I know. At least thats what Toriyama said. I don't think it was based off the King... this was also already a topic a while back. And the same answer was givin.
  18. JAPANESE MUSIC ::faints::... Oh yeah and hot gay boys... ::faints again::
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] he's also homosexual, man is he cool or what :smirk: hmm, wonder if he has an interest in yaoi.... [/B][/QUOTE] Seph, I think you're the only straight man I know that likes Yaoi... and all gay guys like Yaoi... well... except the really conservative ones... which are far and few..
  20. To reiderate some more... Obviously Japan is not going to be totally accepting of any people but Japanese people.. and othter Asian people. Why? Because simply put this way. Japan doesn't have mixed cultures like America or Europe or whatever... It's pure Japanese from south to north. Everyone there is Japanese, everyone there looks Japanese, and everyone there speaks pretty much Japanese. Ofcourse with dialect... Osaka (the Japanese "hick" accent), normal (Tokyo) etc etc. So when you introduce something different into their society, ofcourse they aren't going to react everytime as possitively as the next. Just think if you had a group of bees in a bees nest and you threw in a beetle in the mix, what would happen? exactly. Thats why if you go there and aren't Japanese, they might just call you "Gai-jin"... I love Japan, but they aren't perfect, after all they are human... well most of them... J-Rockers are gods... ::sigh::
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Merchant [/i] [B]The death of granpa gohan happened in the first episode? or just the part of bulma stomping with goku? Becouse i dont remember seeing that part in DB, the bulma´s part i remember well. perhaps i missed one DB episode after all, there goes my record... [/B][/QUOTE] No it didn't happen in Episode 1... they might have said something about it, but they never showed it in the series.
  22. I only made fun of the topic cause it's absolutely ridiculous. What does you fighting in the UFC have to do with anything Dragonball? And I still think it's rather ridiculous for you to pretend you are a "Super Saiya-jin"... if you want to do that, go to an anime convention... BTW Dragon Ball uses no one technique... it's a majority of just punches and kicks. Akira Toriyama is not a master at Martial Arts... sure he has some knowledge, but not alot. I think DragonBall Jiu-Jitsu is just a made up name for an altered form of Jiu-Jitsu... I've never heard of it before.... I think some people just take a little anime show too far. And in the proces make fools of themselves.
  23. Post in your other topic about the same guy next time please.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkness [/i] [B]Also I think T N said earlier that Will Smith was more deserving. Sorry, Most people that knew anything about the champ thought that Ali wasn't a very good/accurate representation of his life. It only really focused on his tenure as champ (not even the whole tenure) , and it didn't go deep enough into his personal life. It seems that the movie was made with too much of a bias. [/B][/QUOTE] I movie can only be so long... and Ali himself watched over the making so it lived up to his standards. Esspecially when making a biography of someone, you can only focus on certain parts. And since it's a movie, they are most likely gonna focus on more entertaining parts. If you wanna say it was made with bias to Entertaining plots, then yes you would be correct. Think of it this way... if they made a movie about Hitler... would the focus on his life as a child and leading up to when he became leader of Germany and crap? or would they focus on what he did to the millions of Jews in WWII and other WWII related things? Exactly my point. As far as Denzel goes... the movie might have been unique roll for Training Day and Denzel might have played it well, but it wasn't Oscar worthy. If they wanted to give him an Oscar because he "deserved it for all his other great works" then they need to wait til he makes a decent movie, then give him it. I don't believe he deserved it one bit...
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