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Transtic Nerve

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Everything posted by Transtic Nerve

  1. As far as a Saiya-jin goes. It has been documented throughout the series a Saiya-jin obviously doesn't age like humans. They are alien after all, they probably won't have the same qualities of life as humans. The more a Saiya-jin fights, the stronger he becomes. When pushed to the brink of death a Saiya-jin can double his already existing power. As Vegita stated once or twice in the series, a Saiya-jin's hair never changes. That also somewhat insinuates that they don't age rapidly. Age is often defined by hair. Length and color.... I don't believe Muten Roshi ever drank from a fountain of youth...
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B] [color=red][size=3]Uh...actually...Gohan is 1/2 Saiyan, Videl is 100% human...that would make Pan 1/4 Saiyan. She could go Super Saiyan, possibly, but it might take a little more work, just depends. Keep in mind it all depends on the training. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I believe he was refering to Kururin and 18. not Gohan and Videl-chan
  3. A Beautiful Mind was an excellent movie and probably deserved Best Director (which it won) but I don't think it deserved best movie. That shoul dhave gone to Lord of the Rings. Best actress... I totally agree that Halle Berry deserved it. I didn't NOT want to see Nicole Kidman win, just because I don't think she deserved it for that movie. However, best actor... it's an absolute SHAME that Denzel won for Training Day... the movie got terrible reviews and I don't think that role played by Denzel was even nomination worthy (he even said that himself) it's terrible that he won and I think the only reason he did was because they wanted to support African Americans that night (as I'm sure you noticed) I'm not racist, but Will Smith was tons better than Denzel, and if they wanted to pick a black man, they could have picked him. I love Will Smith and he did an incredible job at portraying one of the most influential men in black history. Russel Crow (that hottie) would have been nice to win second time in a row, however we all knew it wasn't gonna happen. he is not to be overlooked. 2 years in a row nomination for best actor... and won it last year... I'll deffinantly keep my open for him int he future (not like I wasn't staring already) But overall, my best time was Halle Berry. She's is so beautiful and an amazing actress. PLUS she is going to be a Bond girl in the next JB movie! WAI! lol
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Merchant [/i] [B]Some of my friends think that Toriyama is gay, becouse he didn´t put female ssj and becouse all the fighters are build up muscular blonde dudes. That´s how they feel but i think he just a machist (do that word exist in english). Then again, wolud anybody want ro see a female ssj3? i don´t particurally want to... [/B][/QUOTE] Toriyama is married and has children... And he made it that way because DragonBall Z is a maculine anime. It's a Shounen anime as opposed to something like Sailor Moon which is Shoujo... ofcourse it's gonna have muscular guys. He has to convey the feeling they are strong and powerful... he does a good job.
  5. Please look and see that there are other forums. Then please look in the correct corosponding forum to see if your question (or in this case, nonesense) is already answered. PLEASE READ THE RULES TOO! And then you may post. This is a warning. If I see anymore of this you will be banned.
  6. This is spamming. This is your final warning. Do it again, you will be banned.
  7. I think this topic has worn out it's welcome... you either like Disney or you don't...
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Milliardo [/i] [B][font=comic sans ms]There are two things at work here: one is that priests have made a vow to serve God, and serve faithfully. Since that is the case, then, the Church takes their word for it if such people don't admit it, since their vow makes them liable for their actions. Until it is proven otherwise, the Church will stand by these people because they have vowed to be fauthful to their calling. If found that they have not done so, the Church often will not hesitate to take them off the priesthood. However, the Church also conducts its own investigation on the matter, to see the other possibility: that these priests might also be victims of malicious intent. Another point is that there are not too many priests who are like that, and indeed majority are still faithful to the call as servants of God. Media, however, makes a fenzy of such issues, since it is news. And news like that sells.[/font] [/B][/QUOTE] The bottom line is that child molestation is against the law and will put you on the list of sex offenders. The fact the church and state are seperated in America allows for these molesters to go free. Such should not be the case, esspecially when the church find outs and does nothing about it. I don't mean to be rude to any relious people, for I am just stating facts. The Church is known to cover up it's inner corruptions and wrong doings. This has happened for THOUSANDS of years... since the Catholic church first came into power in Europe. But when I think it becomes a little severe, and involves the normaly citizen of the US (Esspecially children) they should not cover this up. I do applaud the church for now giving these molesters away to the state government. I think it's the right move. Also, you said the church will stand by these people because they vowed to be faithful. The church needs not to stand by these people... they KNOW what these people have done, and to stand behind them, to cover it up or whatever, is being just as guilty as the person who did it. I give no credit to the church for having this reputation of hiding child molesters. If they did it for the people who have been caught, imagine how many others there are that haven't been caught, or who don't confess. To continue standing behind these child molesters is totally unacceptable... and it's about time they turned them over so that they can spend their time in jail like they should have years and year ago. There's a difference between standing behind your faith.... and standing behind you reason of right and wrong... by standing behing these men who they know have molested children denys all distinction between right and wrong. They are basically saying it's ok for priest to do this. Or they did... now they are finally taking the right action. I commend them for such action, however I condone everything they did before on the issue. Like I said, it goes to proove that not even the hands of god are what they seem. People trusted them, and they turn their backs on them... how am I supposed to trust them then?
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by k9* [/i] [B]the dvds start having japanese audio with subtitles at the captain ginyu saga.....i know this because i own them :D :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] Well there you have it, straight from the horses mouth (no offense to you that is... it's just a figure of speach)
  10. I like how the church kinda excuses the actions by saying that 3% of the people have tendecies but on 0.3 act on it... The Church obviously doesn't get it... they shouldn't be doing it at all! If the church wants to be all high and mighty and be "perfect" as God is said to be, then they need to do it. Molesting children is not perfect by any means. And I hope people soon realize that they can't trust anyone, even those who claim to work under God's hand... I'm sure God commanded they molest the children... till then... They won't see any of me anytime soon. On a side note, this kinda reminds me of one episode of Queer as Folk... Brian's, a gay guy, mother was a religious fanatic. She had said, once Brian told he was gay, that she still had trust in on person... her minister. Oddly enough, that minister was the same guy Brian had had sex with a few Days before... obviously a male Minister. Again goes to show, that no one is whom they seem. Not even those who work for god.
  11. I think he probably named her after Marron because she obviously meant alot to him.. then again, there could be no reason and Toriyama just made it that way to pun and see if people remembered Marron.
  12. Please read the rules before posting.
  13. Thats really disturbing, but things like that happen... In American innocent people are put on death row... and then 20 years later they actually find out they are innocent... but give them no compensation.... Judicial systems acorss the word are F'ed up... and sometimes they let things happen... when you put the fate of other people in one person or a handful of people's hands... then sometimes you're bound to mess up.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SakuraHope [/i] [B]Well I'm so terribly sorry that my friend Skyy showed me that picture that was false. It's her fault. Don't blame me. I bearly got into the show in September. But the other stuff about Maron is true. Why the h*ll would somebody name their kid after their ex. That's as stupid as my first post on this thread. So sorry again. And Akira Toriyami didn't want girls to go super sayain because he is being sexest. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes I know.. it's ok, sorry for uhh being rude... I just really would like people to research their information before posting it on a public forum. People tend to believe it and then more rumors like that SS-J 5 BS get spread around.
  15. Some do... It'll say if it does on the box when you buy them... I know certain ones I;ve seen do.. like the 4 movies they've released and the Trunks and Bardock specials do come with both Japanese and English tracks.
  16. George Michael is like.. my idol lol... no not really but he's cool.. If I'm not mistaken he wrote that one song, who's name I've forgotten, than Limp Biskit remade that made them famous. My parents like George Michael... and them like WHAM... my parents rock!
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SakuraHope [/i] [B]Pan can go super sayian. I have the pic to prove, but I don't know how to put it on my post. But she does, just here eyes stay blue. And did anyone notice besides me that Maron has no nose. And also did anyone else notce that she is named after Krillin's ex-girlfreind. You know Marron, with two r's instead of just one. But Maron gets a nose in GT. Weird huh? Sakura [/B][/QUOTE] Listen.... no she doesn't go Super Saiya-jin... people can alter pics very easily... I can make one of me doing a kamehameha... does that mean I can do one? Ofcourse not... Go watch GT, you'll see Pan doesn't go Super Saiya-jin... Till then, PLEASE people, stop giving out false information.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Monkey Magic [/i] [B]and did a KameKameHa wave after he won[/B][/QUOTE] Yeah..... riiiiiiiiiiiight.....
  19. There's a topic on this on this front page of topics... all you had to do was look... [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=9199[/url]
  20. Yes I've heard of it... I think I have the movie of it.. if there was a movie... I don't know... And please do not post spam like the other post you had again. This is your warning.
  21. Yeah......................................... If you are so distraught over this, you need to go to your doctor right away... If you need "new" episodes... you could go buy the subs or buy the tapes. You obviously have some problem mentally that you need to take care of. It's just a TV show... no need to go wacko over it.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zora's King [/i] [B][color=purple][i]Hey..why in DBGT goku become smaller...And There Are Total Super Saiyan That They Can Become...[/color][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] Please speak in English and use correct grammar for us to completely understand you and then we could help you more.
  23. They gave times and dates... however they were not in the same type of years that we measure time by. Some other type of year besides Earth Years.... I've forgetten, but maybe someone else can give specific dates on which events happened. I never really payed attention to them. Also, please turn off your caps lock. Typing in all caps is really annoying to read and it's just a pain to anyone trying to understand what you are saying, so please type regularly.
  24. Two more shows are already in the works in Japan. I forget the names of the show. Ones an OAV the other is a TV series I believe.
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