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Transtic Nerve

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Everything posted by Transtic Nerve

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]Hopefully it'll at least be better than the original live action DragonBall movie. Well, that one was pretty funny though... [/B][/QUOTE] I love that movie... it's so cheesy and funny... ahh good stuff... As far as this movie goes... It better be good... it'll be newest technology, so they better use some good graphics... I'll be very pissed if they don't...
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]I want to know how they just happened to have a documentery on that. I mean, did a tv crew just happen to be inside the building, and follow the firefighters in, and see the first casualty? how do you know it was the first casualty? How do they know for sure, can they prove it? [/B][/QUOTE] Well at the time, two french brothers were doing a documentory on the life of a fireman... in this case, how a boy becomes a man... they were going to document the life of this probational firefighter, named Tony... they were in NYC... and it just so happened, one of the french guys was out filming one of the squads doing a rutine gas leak fix... thats when the first plane hit.. and that squad was the first one the scene.... they didn't plan on it to happen, the camera man just went with them. It wasn't the first casulty per say... it was the first documented casulty... one they knew of for sure... I'm sure alot of people died before the priest did, esspecially when the planes hit, however they were not documented... thats why his number is 00001 on his death certificate/
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by outlawstar_14 [/i] [B]p.s. DGOD, no offense but you sound like my English teacher:D [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah but it's only your fault you are in this meeting... so why do you complain about it? There's one person so blame for it... he's in your mirror, why don't you go ask him what he did wrong.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B][COLOR=purple]What did America ever do to Osama bin Laden? No seriously, I want to know. What did we do to offend them so much? How could we have caused them to have so much hatred and disrespect for us that they thought it would be holy to fly into a tower, crash into the white house, and fly a plane into the camp where the president was? [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Compared to Bin Laden, we the "western devil" stepped foot on his holy land.... and then proceeded to stay there during the gulf war... that land is Saudi Arabia... where we HELPED Osama Bin laden.... and trained his men.... he's an religious extremist, blinded by his own faith, and stupid by his own morals...
  5. ACTUALLY! hehe I am going to proove this fan drawn thing wrong... anyway... Actually in a Magazine around the time of the Buu saga in Japan, Toriyama did a little aricle on fusion... he ended up making a little funny on Piccolo and Kururin... as some may know, they did the fusion dance to show Goten and Trunks how to do it... Toriyama played with the idea and for the magazine article, he drew what the fusion between Kururin and Piccolo would look like. I found it hillarious. His name given was Piririn. You can see a small picture below.
  6. Please talk/type like you are at least 5 years old... maybe you'd get a more mature responce if someone felt the need to help you...
  7. Please refrain from posting anymore "favorite" topics.
  8. Please go to this topic: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8772[/url] for the same question you asked... also please remember to look on the first and second page before posting a topic.. in this case, you would have found the answer you were looking for...
  9. Seph... isn't your daughter... daughter right... I can seriously never remember what gender your child is... hehe you can slap me later for it... but anyway, isn't the child due sometime soon? You gotta tell us when the expectation date is... I gotta send presents :) And I've been in love, but alas, love currently doesn't exist within me... however love is overrated... don't let it ruin you... the worst thing I have ever seen, is someone who is in love but cannot have who he is in love with... this has happened to two of my friends... one which has worked out,t he other, sadly didn't... and it's absolute hell what they went through...
  10. No, the tower they were in was the second to collapse... Thats why when they were looking outside they couldn't see the other tower... And they were in the lobby... if that was the tower to fall, they would have been stuck under there... They were in the first tower that was hit by a plane, which was the second tower to collapse...
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kakkarot ssj4 [/i] [B] yeah i think ur right...krillen is the worst off by far.. and he does have a nose cause u can see it in some eps..its just small n pudgy. [/B][/QUOTE] No he doesn't.... you should watch DragonBall sometime, they explain it there....
  12. Yes they are going very fast.... I think a 5 year old could figure that out...
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B] Nope, I just looked at the scene where they all go SSJ to fight Brolli and Trunks' hair DEFINATELY goes USSJ style! :D (Spiked up in all directions) [/B][/QUOTE] If it's in movie 8 then thats not U-SSJ Trunks... it's just the way his hair is... the true symbol of a USS-J is the buff muscles....
  14. Well I changed the topic title.. please next time, if you are going to post a relatively meaningful topic, please make a meaningful title... Altron, i deleted your post... I almost closed it myself but I decided not to because I think it has some type of meaning... Cam I also edited parts of your post pretaining to Altrons... As far as DBZ goes... no it won't be canceled and replaced with Tom and Jerry... no matter how many bad parents whine about how terrible it is and the fact they suck as parents and can't raise their kids not to watch it...... the fact of the matter is DBZ brings in TONS of ratings... and with ratings comes money.. and thats all they care about... they don't care about stupid parents... they don't care about stupid children... unless they spend their money.... it's business... Thats how it works... so don't get your hair in knots, it's not going to happen.
  15. I watched this documentory tonight... and I must say it was the most intense, amazing, and outright horrific thing I've ever seen. If you didn't see it, I think it's just starting now Pacific time.. 9:00 that is... if you are on the East Coast, you missed it... If you aren't in America, you probably didn't see it... Anyway, for those of you who watched it, I'm wondering... did it change your view on the events of september 11th? If it did, how?... what are your views now, as opposed to what they were before... I'll say it changed my view... this documentory took me right inside the Trade Centers... You heard noise as people fell and hit the ground... you heard the tower crashing beside them... you saw pitch black as they walked through the dust filled streets and buildings.... You saw the planes hit the towers... with full sound and from views not seen before.... And you saw the lives of these firefighters... and what they saw... and what they did as all this was happening... And you saw the first casualty claimed by the attacks... I never looked at it from that stand point.. well I have mentally, but I never could completely grasp it untill now... and it's more horrendous then i though it was.... and i would have never been able to do what those firefighters and those police men/women did that day....
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]Uh, Transtic, how the hell did Brolli kick the crap outta USSJ Trunks easy then? :whoops: I don't think he had the power of SSJ3, but maybe SSJ2!! ;) Think about it. Gokou+Gohan+Piccolo+Trunks+Vegita= Very strong!!! :D [/B][/QUOTE] I may be mistaken, but I don't remember USS-J Trunks ever fighting Brolli... perhaps you are thinking of Cell? And it doesn't matter how many strong people you have put together.... I can have 1,000 human with a power level of 100 each, and someone with a power level of 10,000 could beat them all.
  17. Don't you think Gokou gets it rough?... I mean he just DIES in every saga almost... or is dead throughout a saga.. ::cough:: buu....anyway, I think Vegita gets it pretty good, considering his arrogance... he cares only for fighting most of the time.... thats ho true Saiya-jins thought...
  18. Well too bad this is the DRAGONBALL forum and not a Street Fighting forum... and street fighting is stupid... meaningless fighting, you should be arrested for it.... And just to make things clear, Brolli was USS-J... that means he had the power of US-J... nothing less, nothing more... and if you think he was SS-J 3 or had the power, yo uneed to lay off the crack.... because obviously you know nothing about DragonBall...
  19. It's potara earrings.... which belong to the Kaioshin. Also don't forget that any fusion using the Potara earrings is supposed to be permanent.... however, in Vegetto's case, because he was swalowed by Buu, that undid the effect of the fusion...
  20. Do you have a camera? or a video camera?... use them wisely... show them to the police afterward.... if you feel legitamatly threatened, they SHOULD do something... when the car comes by at that time a night, you dial 911 and/or the police and tell them to come see for theirselves.... but if you have a camera or video camera... use them If nothing else, make sure you have some sort of protection handy.... they may just be after your neighbors... usually buglars don't hit houses when they know the ones next to them are unoccupied....
  21. I NEVER trusted the media to begin with.... all they do is care abour the R word... Ratings... nothing more, nothing less.... they'll lie, steal, cheat, and do anything to get them... they're all political even though they aren't supposed to be...
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Pud [/i] [B]There daughter named pan is rumored to go SSJ in DB AF a fake series that someone made up and spread around as a new offical one. All kinds of crazy stuff happens like SSJ 5 and 6 and pan going ssj. DB AF however is nothing more than a bunch of stupid pics floating around the net. (p.s. don't talk about DB AF cause moderators get reeeeaaalll pissed) [/B][/QUOTE] So why did you talk about it? Anyway, No, Kururin's and 18's daughter doesn't have much power... at least none that you see... mainly because Kururin isn't ALL that powerful, and I guess, since he's human, your power comes from training and not all natural, like that of a Saiya-jin... and Android 18's powers are all artificial, so it's also not going to be heriditary. No female in DB/DBZ/DBGT goes Super Saiya-jin... period... never does, never will...
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B][SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=crimson]first off... what exactly are you talking about. i got an im to come delete this thread and well... i should, but i have NO F'IN clue what you are talking about and would like to know. first off who is she? what the heck are you upset over? and y did you bring this to the boards, u should have taken care of it through PMs or IMs since it is obvious we have no clue what is going on.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Read his other post about this girl that has an abusive father etc etc to get more details... And as CWB said, this is obviously a personal matter between you and whoever... which is not something that should be here on the boards... ask her who the s/n was, then search through our database for them... making a topic won't work, cause whoever did it probably won't say so... and we can't can them for something they did off the boards... thats not how it's run... it's like the US government banning someone from coming back to American because they said something to someone in Italy or something... it just won't happen, sorry... please take up your personal matter, PERSONALLY... which doesn't include these boards.
  24. We really don't need anymore picture topics... if you'd like to post your picture, please do it in an already existing topic. Thank you.
  25. it is against the rules.... a) don't post links to other sites in a post b) don't post links to illegal material.... which in this case is downloadable episodes.... they ARE illegal.
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