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Transtic Nerve

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Everything posted by Transtic Nerve

  1. Snowboarders are hot... Oh and don't forget that 18 year old who won gold for Women's snowboards halfpipe. Anyway, thats cool :) Does anyone know when they are showing the hockey games?
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]JESUS F**KING CHRIST!!! That scared the hell out of me! i knocked my moniter off my desktop!!! [i]never[/i], [b][i]NEVER[/i][/b] do that again!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] I.... told you not to click it....
  3. The top 5 worst movies this year or last year or whatever came out recently. Driven was number one... I thought that was funny. Although Pearl Harbor came in 5th... which I find odd... anyway. Star Wars... all of them, and the ones to come.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]What are you talkin' about? There's nothing scary about that face... Maybe I'm just crazy again, and see a big yellow smiley face...:) :) :) [/B][/QUOTE] why don't you click that link one more time.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]What the hell is acid??? [/B][/QUOTE] A drug....
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B] LOL! I knew i shouldve took that period off. I told u it was freaky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And you wanna know how f***** scary that was to me! I am 12 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 [/B][/QUOTE] I sent that to my friend, and I specifically said "do not click"... he clicked anyway and it scared him... i laugh.... thats the second time I've gotten him.... damn our human curiosity! Still I advise no one to click that link. YOU WILL BE FRIGHTENED even if it's just for a second.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B] I dunno maybe i got the addy messed up but i saw a lil drawing and it said something in *** or somthing then another drawing and it said something then I saw a freaky face in the dark... [/B][/QUOTE] I think you need to lay off the halucinagens. HOLY SH!T!...... excuse that language.... uhh my advice, no one click that.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B] I closed it right when I saw that face........I didn't see any yahoo thingy.. [/B][/QUOTE] What are you talking about? What face?
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cibo [/i] [B]Hey TN...what IS that pic supposed to be of anyways? [/B][/QUOTE] It's KYO! Kyo! The lead singer of Dir en grey! A very popular Japanese rock band... Kyo is SEXY! Don't call Kyo ugly... that picture maybe a bit... ugly, but when he isn't wearing makeup that man is HOT! If I were you, I wouldn't stare at Kyo... he bites... On an interesting note, Kyo said in an interview once he hates to look femminine and that he doesn't want his band to look "queer" (lol)... but yet, SHinya, their drummer, looks exactly like a woman, Toshiya can look like a woman on many occations, Kaoru is a sexy bi?ch but when he wears a dress, he looks like a woman... and the majority of overseas Dir en grey fans are either gay men or lesbians. I think Kyo is messed in the head... I also think that goes without saying... he wrote a song about cats and doing something to them... i don't remember.
  10. And this is freaky why? If you notice, Yahoo is world wide with a Yahoo for almost every major country. From Japan, to China, to Australia and then back again. Seeing Chinese on a yahoo site isn't anything new to me, nor is it freaky... just try [url]http://www.yahoo.co.jp[/url] (Yahoo Japan)
  11. I've never seen so many newbies post in one thread.... Anyway, uhh yeah, useless topic me thinks, thus me think it time to close topic. I only needed one person to think the same and Justin did that, so ::clicks the close topic button::
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B] Actually...i think that was Vegeta, judging by the hair. Little too upright to be Goku. [/B][/QUOTE] Does it really matter?
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manick [/i] [B]Thanks TN, thats exactly what I wanted to hear. All of the tests and quizes have questions that are exactly like this. I've fought about 2-3 questions on each one, and have gotten nowhere. Now, I have to figure out how to break my Econ teacher. How exactly would I go about doing it in general? The quizzes are made by Glencoe Division of Macmillian/McGraw-Hill. Has anyone ever taken a course with this material? How did you do? PS I know I said I would forget this thread, but it turned out a little better than I expected. [/B][/QUOTE] First, tell you teacher to LEARN economics and not use the book. A real teacher would know what they were talking about and not use a test that the book made for them. Then again, I can't expect so much from an American Public School teacher. Anyway, I think we used those books... or not... hell if I remember High School Economics... I slept cause my teacher was so damn boring. Tell your teacher if he/she has a problem, then they can come talk to me, and my teacher, and anyone I know, cause whoever your teacher is, obviously doesn't understand the ideal of economics.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kuja [/i] [B] blah just read threw the tread oportunity cost has always been in terms of something you can buy and sell you cant buy and sell time (without a service being provided) and in this case there is none... so A is wrong as is all of the above i dont know how you could come up with that answer the answer is always measered by 'what else you could have spent the money on' not on time... well at least in micro economics i dont know much about macro [/B][/QUOTE] Oportunity Cost is something that means something to the individual, it's not something to seel or buy. If Ronda decided to go to work this morning instead of sleeping in, her opportunity cost would be sleeping in. You can't buy sleep (technically speaking), it is time you woul dhave been sleeping, instead of working. Had she chose to sleep, her opportunity cost would be not working, and not gaining money. The opportunity cost is whatever the next best thing is to a person. Whether it be time, money, products, squirells, whatever.... and it's all matter of opinion, because what you think is the next best thing is not always what I will think it is. Here's another economic ideal; whats good for one is not always good for a whole group. The Answer to your question is ALL OF THE ABOVE because the question doesn't state what the person buying the soccer balls's next best thing would be, so in turn you must assume. You can assume a correct answer, however you don't know that. That may be the next best thing to you, bt not to me, and thus, thats not economic.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manick [/i] [B] and... I actually think the correct awnser is one of the four choices. *oh.. D. Dark.. think closely about what you said... I think there is something hidden in the question (personally) that you aren't seeing.. try it again. [/B][/QUOTE] All 4 of the answers are correct... like I said, economics is a matter of opinion, not factual statements.
  16. Well that question is way to broad for any answer... The oportunity cost would be the next best thing you could have done with the time and money spent... it's a matterof opinion, not right or wrong. Whoever made it a right or wrong question doesn't know what economics is about.
  17. Your status said you are still awaiting e-mail conformation.... perhaps you need to check your e-mail... you have no been banned though.
  18. I seriously doubt this is true... if he has killed or even been suspected of killing 56 women (which is ALOT) then the government and FBI would have already got him... The government can get any info they need from a s/n... IP address, real address, name, phone number, whatever... they would have him already... I doubt any of that is true... probably some kid playing a joke.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B][color=blue][size=1]That's an idea TN, off topic, TN, you really like Kyo. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, he's my sekkushi biznatch.
  20. I THINK what James was refering to when he said "utter stupidity" would be when some religious extremist flames because one or two people don't believe in god or the bible or whatever.... I don't think he was refering to all religions as... utter stupidity...
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B][color=blue][size=1]I know there're many threads about love already. I have an assignment in Philosophy class. I have to write a paper "What is Love" and I need some info. Here's what the professor said "Love is an act of a will, not feeling." I know you have a good answer for the qustion "What is love?" Thanks for answering, I need all the opinions and idea I get to write this essay. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Well perhaps, I dunno if you can do this, it's just a suggestion.... that instead of focusing on what one may think what love is.. focus more on the aspect of people don't know what love is... or that... like, you can't know what love is because it is unexplainable... it's too powerful to have one or two or three meanings.... Thats what I would do... it would be unique but still stays on topic... unless ofcourse it's an opinion essay where the professor wants your opinion on love and not what you want to write about it.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by outlawstar_14 [/i] [B]i belive they died out before noah built the ark. the early old testament books refer to "great beasts" and such. i belive they died from lack of oxygen because of the growing population(and there small lungs) so they died. also, thats why i belive "sea monsters" exsist because the can be breeds of ancient dinosaurs (water ones, no duh:p ) that are still staying around. [/B][/QUOTE] Dinosaurs had pretty big lungs... well the bigger Dinos did. something like Compys wouldn't obviously... but I Tyrannosaur or a Stegosaur would have large lungs. Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, the Dino's were extinct before man arrived on this planet... and even if Noah made an Arc, I don't think he could have Dinosaurs on it anyway.. there are many many many diffferent species of Dinos, and most of them would be too big... and some had even died out... from Permian to Triassic some species became extinct... from Triassic to Jurassic some became extink.. and from Jurassic to Cretaceous some dinos became extinct.. until the finally all were killed... by either the meteor theory or a global winter or whatever... I don't think they were alive when man set foot on this earth, however that happened.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]I'd at least try to make mine more meaningful than 'When will we meet aliens?' [/B][/QUOTE] lol This reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Apu and Homer go in search of the High Kwiky Mart guy person and they can only ask three questions and Homer goes "Are you really the High god of Kwiky Mart?" (or something along those lines) and the guy answers yes and Homer goes "really?" and he says yes and then Homer says "reall?" again and the guy goes yes and then says "Thank you for coming. I have answered your three questions, you may leave now." Anyway... Uhh I dunno what I would ask to tell you the truth. Actually I'd probably ask if he really thinks being gay is a sin.... in which case I'd hope he answer no and then I could point and laugh at all the people who believe that nonsense... then God would probably slap me... :bawl:
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