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About Dragonballzman
- Birthday 09/02/1990
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I don't watch DBZ anymore, I was just addicted when I first joined. These days I'm a fan of Megaman, and most videogames in general.
Cheese-eater. Yeah, how much do YOU earn in a year!? I earn 50,000,000! Cheese eating is where the moneys at, baby! Woo!
Dragonballzman's Achievements

Senior Otaku (4/6)
Writing Throw a little more gasoline on the fire.
Dragonballzman replied to Raiha's topic in Creative Works
Nature is Gone has a pretty strong ending, which I personally think is one of the most important things in poems, but Q&A seems like the best one there to me. The twist sets it apart from all the horribly repeated "omgz i haet leif" suicide poems. I'm not the greatest at explanations, so I won't go in depth, but they're good. -
Gaming Ideas That Should Never Be Translated Into Video Games
Dragonballzman replied to Charles's topic in Noosphere
Ok, get this. You have to deliver drugs somewhere, but the cops are after you. Also, another guy has the same problem as you. You end up racing your trucks to get to the destination. Only, there's NO COPS. Also, your rival is actually a ghost on PAUSE. He doesn't move, and you can't touch him! :D Your truck can drive up almost-vertical hills without losing speed, you have the best brakes known to mankind, and you can drive off the edge of the world! Also, the backgrounds are ghosts too! You can drive through houses! And there's NO SOUND EFFECTS! Just one music track on repeat! Now I know this sounds great, but you ain't seen nothing yet! When you win, it says...Wait for it...It says...YOU'RE WINNER!!! ...Wait...What? Big Rigs already did that, you say? Damn. *Cough* Um, yeah. My own idea: Office Worker Sim! You need to buy a keyboard for your console to play this game. Basically, you sit at a desk typing letters to people, telling them they haven't payed their loan or something. It uses the built in clock like in Animal Crossing. You have to turn it on at 9am every morning, and you HAVE to play it until 5pm, or else it's game over! Game over man! IT'S GAME OVER!! And don't think you can cheat by leaving your console on all day, you have to complete at least 25 letters every day! Or else it's...GAME OVER MAN!! Spellings, punctuation ect all have to be PERFECT too, or else...You know...GAME OVER MAN!! I think it has potential. :) -
Whoops, just noticed I mixed thirds and quarters in the SA2:B rant...^_^;; I'd thought there were 4 characters in each story, then remembered theres only 3 and forgot to edit that part...^_^;;;;;
NES: Dk Junior Math. I think this speaks for itself. PSX: Um...Gah...I can't remember the name...It was a Star Wars game, based on Episode 1...Jedi Power Battles, that's it! Jedi Power Battles. I can't really describe in detail what I didn't like about it...It just wasn't fun... GBA: Sonic Battle. Geez, why does everyone love that game!? It's impossible to control it!!! >_< The graphics hurt my eyes. The "3D" backgrounds look ugly, and the characters don't even have sprites for when they move up. They just run sideways up the screen. They also slide about everywhere, and when you attack, it has a 10% chance of actually hitting. It's not hard, it's CRAP. The story doesn't seem very complex either... Various consoles: Any of the Resident Evil games. I like being able to walk around without looking like someone rammed a pipe up my ***. If Resi Evil 4 IS in full 3D like I've heard it is, I'll love it, but until then...Resi Evil games = euuugh. GC: Turok Evolution. Eugh. No story, bad graphics, boring weapons... Sonic Adventure 2:Battle...I spend third or so of the game speeding around with high paced music, smashing everything in my path. Fun. I spend the other 2 thirds shouting at crappy camera angles while looking for keys with rap music in the background, or mashing the B button in a crappy robot...Actually, if you include the "dark" story, you only play as Sonic for 1/6 of the game! >_< It just wasn't fun at all. The Sonic games have really disappointed me recently. I'm not going anywhere near Sonic Heroes, for fear of a heart attack when I witness the crappyness. ----- I'll think of more later...
Art Metal Gear Solid Codec Parody Thingie. (spoilers!!!)
Dragonballzman posted a topic in Creative Works
After playing through TTS a few times, I felt the need to do something MGS-related, then I thought of the Hind D battle. As we all know, Master Miller was actually Liquid in disguise. I never called Master during the Hind D fight, so I don't know if he gives you any advice or just doesn't answer, but the idea of Snake calling his current opponent for advice sounded funny to me, so...*poof* I made this. There's one s-word in there, but it's tiny anyway, sooo...>_> -[url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18425&stc=1]Hind D Codec call[/URL]- Notice the bad lip-synching? Oh well. ^^;; As for the actual spritework, the codec itself was scratch made, while the faces were edited from mugshots on Megaman Battle Network 2. -[url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18426&stc=1]Originals are at the bottom[/url]- I'm actually planning on making a MGS sprite comic series, this is just a test run of what the codec screens will look like. Anyway, tell me what you think! ^_^ -
I always found the death animations from the first few Sonic games funny. It pops out at you, with a "dunk" in the background, and Sonic has this crazy expression on his face. XD Funny funny funny. The death sequence in Metal Gear Solid is pretty cool too. Seeing the words "game over" spelt out while a random CODEC helper person screams out Snake's name. As for death sequence, probably MGS SPOILERS [SPOILER]Grey Fox's death. It was just so dramatic. His speech really added alot to the scene, then seeing REX stamp on him...This isn't my favourite death scene because Grey Fox dies, I actually really like him, its just that it looks so cool. XD[/SPOILER]
My friend got it, I slept round his house last night, and we played it non-stop. You were right, it is amazing. XD I think the thing that blew me away as soon as I saw it was the graphics. I mean, yeah, the screenshots I'd seen looked nice, but seeing it in motion like that...Wow. The handling of the cars and bike was a little bit sluggish, but it they were still great levels, and the levels where you're Bond are just great. I'd recommend this game to anyone, even a non-Bond fan. ^.^
You can play it co-op, right? A friend of mine says he's getting it this weekend, and he wants to play it with me. Hopefully it'll be as good as you say. I've never actually played Goldeneye, so when all the magazines and sites whine about AuF and Nightfire not being anywhere near as good as Goldeneye, I don't really see what the big problem is. I enjoy playing multiplayer on them, which means they're good...^_^;; So if EoN is better than them, I guess that means the multiplayer if amazing. Um...Actually...IS there a multiplayer on EoN? o.O;; Besides co-op... As you can see, I know basically nothing about this game, besides some pretty nice looking screenshots and something about co-op. XD
I play Multi Theft Auto on GTA Vice City just about every day, but don't really know any others who play it besides Kazuko, so if anyone wants to go to the stunt arena and do some 2-man jumps, or just team up and kill everyone else, contact me on AIM. (just in case anyone doesn't know, its sort of a mod for VC, so if you've got the PC version, you can download MTA for free and go online with it) When UT2004 comes out over here, I'll definately be on that alot of the time, so I'll let everyone know when I get it.
I haven't played very many RPGs, but I enjoyed FF9's. Easy to get the hang of, nothing overly complex, yet at the same time having a good amount of depth to it. ^_^ [SIZE=1]I haven't played it in a long time though, so I can't remember exactly how it was, but I don't remember feeling that there was anything wrong with it. XD[/SIZE] The Megaman Battle Network games have a pretty good battle system, personally. Instead of just standing there all turn, you have to move around and dodge attacks manually instead of just hoping your opponent attacks and a little bit of text saying "miss" appears. XD The Counter Hit system is proably my favourite addition to the system, where if you hit an enemy with a chip attack when they're in the middle of an attack sequence, you go into Full Synchro and your next attack does double damage. It works wonders when you're against bosses with lots of HP if you can keep the Full Synchro going by always attacking at the right time. Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga's battle system is also very good. Timing is probably the most important part of it, especially with the 3 levels of Bros Attacks.
V7 Changes - Some good, some bad
Dragonballzman replied to Dragonballzman's topic in Help & Feedback
Ai ai ai! Well, there's my daily reading intake filled. x_X;; Anyway, now that I've looked around and explored a bit more, I think I'm starting to get more used to it. I guess coming on and seeing all the new changes was a big shock to me. XD The little button thingie next to names has brightened up my opinion on the new board style, last night I was assuming that I'd have to look at someones profile to do those options. XD I'm also starting to get the hang of the new gaming forum...It makes it a tad harder to find something specific, but then there's the Search OB sidebar to handle that... You're probably right about the "growing pains"...I'll give it a week, and I'll probably have grown to enjoy it by then. ^^ -
While it's obvious that you guys have put alot of effort into this, I gotta say, it just doesn't feel right... Everything seems so squished together...The main problem is the page width. What's wrong with having the sidebar all the way over to the left and the forum part stretching all the way to the right? Everything looks mashed together like this. >_< You say it's organised and more enjoyable, I say it's made browsing the site alot [I]less[/I] enjoyable. V6 was great. Easy access to all the forums. Now I have to trudge through subforums on separate pages...It just wastes time. On the other hand, the sidebar is quite handy, and the "thread preview" thingie is also useful when searching for a particular thread. I could live with the new "sub-forums", "teams" and username and avatars placement, but PLEASE, make it spread out again! >.< It's TOO DAMN SMALL!! Oh yeah, and merging all the gaming forums into one? Bad, BAD idea.
A few of my friends and I all play MMBN3, and one of them recently got his 7th and final Star, after around half a year of playing. Today, when he started it up, the only option was "new game". It's happened a couple of times before, although simply blowing inside the cartridge had fixed it, but today it didn't do anything. It was nothing to do with his GBA, as we tried our games in it and it worked fine. Anyway, we tried blowing the cartridge, resetting and turning off then on again the game like we had the other times, but it was no use. We all spent alot of time (2 hours, sometimes alot more, a day since July) on our save files, and him having his cart wiped is...Well, I don't know how to describe it. [I]Really[/I] depressing. If I were him, I'd probably be crying my eyes out right now. Yes, we can give him all the battle chips he'd earned (we've been helping each other with the chips and PAs, so we're all at the same part) and all our spare customizer parts, but he'd still have to do around 100 hours worth of gaming on it. Does anyone have any idea what we can do? Is there any way to get the data back? Like I said, it's happened before, but after a few resets the continue option came back, so there must be a way of getting it back this time... We all really don't want want for him to have to start again...:bawl:
[U][B]General Awards[/B][/U] [B]Overall Member of the Year:[/B] Charles [B]Female Otaku of the Year:[/B] Uh...Raiha? [B]Staff Member of the Year:[/B] James [SIZE=1]Honorable Mention:[/SIZE] Charles [U][B]Random Awards[/B][/U] [B]Avatar Award:[/B] Charles [SIZE=1](He was the one with Super Heros In Training, right? XD)[/SIZE] [U][B]Otaku Writers[/B][/U] [B]Orginal Story of the Year:[/B] Otakuboards: Enter the Net [U][B]Otaku Gamers[/B][/U] [B]Nintendo "Mario" Award:[/B] Shinmaru [SIZE=1]Honorable Mention:[/SIZE] James [U][B]Otaku Artists[/B][/U] [B]Best Spriter:[/B] Kazuko [SIZE=1]Honorable Mention:[/SIZE] Dragonballzman
The Evil Creatures known as "Siblings"
Dragonballzman replied to Hittokiri Zero's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SaiyanPrincessX [/i] [B][SIZE=1]He has been getting on my nerves alot lately. Hes in that lazy teenage stage where all he wants to do is play video games and sleep. He'll stay up untill 5am playing computer and/or GCN then wake up at 2pm and hes back on the computer. Hes frustrating sometimes when I try to get him to do his chores. He'll sit there and stare mindlessly into his game and not even acknowledge me, or anyone else for that matter.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] *cough* I suddenly feel really guilty after reading that...>_>;; Those are the exact times I spend doing the exact same things on holidays... Um...Anyway, my sister's 17, a few months away from 18, and I'm 13. I don't think we ever hated each other very much...There were times when she'd make me cry, when I was about 6 or 7, but looking back, they were pretty stupid reasons for me to burst out in tears. XD She went through an "angsty teenager" phase a few years ago, but during that she was still pretty nice to me. It went to a "you leave me alone, I leave you alone" situation, then she went out of it and shes back to just being...her. *shrug* I don't think we've argued for something like...What? 2 years? After seeing how some of my friends get along with their siblings, I'm happy knowing I've got a really nice sister. ^_^ Especially since I just reaslied what I've been putting her through...XD