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Everything posted by Dragonballzman
I'm not exactly the most talented person when it comes to poetry and literature and all that, so I can't really describe the certain points I liked about it very well. Sorry ^^;;. All I can really say, without confusing myself or going on for hours about the same thing then sounding like an even bigger idiot is that it was interesting. Throughout the whole thing, I was hooked. Really good job. This is the first poem of yours I've read, and I'm impressed already.
Hmmm... Well, I do that thing that most guys do...Usually infront of the pc, watching stuff I shouldn't watch. ^^;; Oh yeah, I have an annoying habit of listening to the same song over and over again, until I start humming it loudly...Good thing I finally got some headphones. XD Every day it's a different song, but I listen to it on repeat for hours. o.O;; Er...I daydream alot? I know I'm being really vague, but I can't help it...I know I have bad habits, but I can't think of them specifically...They're just...There.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]I think it's safe to say that he was being sarcastic, a la PT's thread of a few days ago (see "Mi life is teh suk!!!1!!!11"). ~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE] I agree, although there's one small difference. PT's thread had a point, this is just spam. XD
Any reasons why, Bloodsin? :rolleyes: I choose "Life is good, as long as you treat it that way". Lately, I've been getting not-as-good-as-before grades at school, and my families financial status is getting screwed over at this moment in time, but I keep myself happy by telling myself that no matter how bad things get for me, at least I'm better off than those kids in 3rd world countries. XD Yes, it's a mean way of thinking, but it works. Knowing you're better off than someone else makes you feel happy. [SIZE=1]Well, it makes [I]me[/I] happy, at least...^^;;[/SIZE] All the people who spend their lives posting at forums all about how much their life sucks, they need to stand back for a second and look at themselves, and what they have around them. They're wearing clothes. They have a computer. They're under a roof. So what if their family hates them? At least they HAVE a family. Does life really suck that much for them? No, they're just looking at everything bad in their lives, and blocking out the good stuff, to make it seem worse. They need to think about all the tramps in the world, and realise that their lives aren't all that bad.
The Otaku/Otaku boards in ten years
Dragonballzman replied to GreatDeitylink's topic in General Discussion
Ten years? Meh, I doubt OB'll still be here. If it is, it'll probably be overrun by n00bs. Also, if it does last ten more years, I have no idea if I'll still be here. I suppose I'm gonna be here as long as I can, but ten years? ...Joining as a kid and still being here when I'm an adult...o.O;; That's a little...weird... -
Like your banner says, "You are the one who will open the door to the light". We can't really help you with this. Just put in that extra bit of effort yourself. Make a few sacrifices. If it ends up with you having to cancel plans to make time for extra studying, so be it. Your friends will all understand, after all, being away from them will make them sad too. If getting bad grades means you'll be away from them, they'll want you to do well, no matter what it takes. And if you DO end up getting better grades, you can make up the time lost studying after X-mas with all your friends.
Writing OtakuBoards: Enter the Net [PG]
Dragonballzman replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Creative Works
I agree with Molleta, the burping smilies was great. That had to be the best chapter yet. ^_^ Lots of action, with just the right amount of humour and description. If you wouldn't mind putting me in it for a short cameo or whatever, my avatar would be Megaman.exe...I'd be hanging out in Sprite Central, completely zombiefied infront of a computer. ^_^ Keep up the good work, I'm loving it! -
Writing OtakuBoards: Enter the Net [PG]
Dragonballzman replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Creative Works
Heh, this is great. The whole thing had me...Well, not rolling about on the floor laughing, just laughing, but that still makes it worthy of praise. Keep up the good work, Solo! :) -
If he prefers a more serious multiplayer than Mario Kart, F-Zero GX is a good choice, and Viewtiful Joe is a must-have if he likes side scrollers...I've been playing them both non-stop lately.
From what I've seen, it looks amazing. I'll have £40 by monday, but I'm stuck between F-Zero and Viewtiful Joe...My friends all say F-Zero 'coz it has multiplayer, but this looks really interesting...;_; I want to rent them, but if I do, I won't have enough to buy either of them for another week or two... Help, anybody? ^^;; I think the main problem is "How long will Viewtiful Joe last?".
Yup, I'd have to say Capcom too. Megaman, Resident Evil, Street Fighter...They've came up with some of the most memorable game series. The Capcom 5 is also looking extremely promising.
Firstly, I feel [B]so[/B] sorry for you, Mitch. I had to use AOL for a while, because BT got rid of our account. Seemed we weren't allowed to spend over 12 hours a day online. *Cough*. Funny thing is, AOL supported Internet Explorer, so all I had to do was minimize the AOL window and get on with my daily site routine in the IE window, free from any restrictions. I use Tesco.net now, £2 cheaper and I just gotta keep a tiny window minimized in my taskbar thingie. On the subject of parents seeing wherever you go, I'm pretty much safe on that one too. I've turned off autocomplete, and delete my history on a regular basis. Anyway, that Net Nanny sounds like the ultimate in suck. My sympathies go out to all you people who have it.
Well, this game isn't [i]extremely[/I] overrated, but it's still something I feel strongly about. Soul Calibur 2. Now, before you all start flaming me, I [I]do[/I] think it is a [I]great[/I] game, but I personally feel that all the gaming magazines (that I've read) are giving it too much credit. All the GCN magazines I've read so far have had most of their review babble on about Link, leaving out all the other characters, and I wouldn't be surprised if this was the case with Heihachi and Spawn in other magazines. "Oh look it's Link wow he's got all his classic moves this is such an amazing game". Also, all the gaming magazines are failing to realise how cheap some of the characters are. I completed weapon master mode with Link, using mostly the same moves. (-> -> +Vertical attack/Horizontal attack) Raphael is even worse. -> + Vertical attack, over and over again = almost guaranteed win. If they block, simply use a guard break, then carry on with the "Ch3apo-Strike-Of-Doom" Nightmare is another cheap character; for so much power, they should have made him [I]alot[/I] slower. Yet another person I can trash enemies with, while only using a few moves. I'll admit that the ability to get new weapons [I]is[/I] interesting, do they really differ that much from one another? Oooh, more attack but less defence with this weapon. So original. It's got a whole 1 feature different from the weapon before it. Big wow. It's also a button masher. Sure, not in weapon master mode, as you have to complete certain tasks in there that require skill, but get some friends to fight you, and they'll put up a good fight without even knowing the buttons, and that's a proven fact. As soon as I let them try their button mashing skills on a level I had previously done using certain moves, they got their asses kicked, even though they had beaten me a few times. People are saying it's a revolution in the fighting genre. It's not, it's just Tekken with weapons. I'm not complaining, I personally love the Tekken games, along with SSBM, the Tekken series gives me hours of fun with my friends, but anyway. A good game it may be, but it doesn't deserve the 95%'s it's recently been achieving. Take it down by 10% and I'll be happy. *Waits for the flames to start flooding in*
Ack, stuck on [SPOILER]Gospel[/SPOILER] in MMBN2...[SPOILER]Bass[/SPOILER] is pathetic, but after he [SPOILER]bug fuses or whatever[/SPOILER] he whoops me. Lowest I got him to was 847. >_< Anyway, let's hear it for showing off good games! Since my last post, about 6 of my friends have seen me playing MMBN3 (I'm in the [SPOILER]Secret Area trying to catch all the viruses to get through the Door of Love[/SPOILER] right now)and thought it rocked, so they got MMBN3 and now we spend all our Lunch Breaks battling each other. XD I can't wait for MMBN4, [SPOILER]Protoman Soul[/SPOILER] (Meh...Dunno if it's really a spoiler, but meh) is gonna be so cool. XD From what I've seen so far, they look pretty interesting, but I hope they make more. So far I've only seen [SPOILER]6 souls. Metal, Number, Blues (Protoman), Search, Fire and Guts. Yes, they're all based on the Navis.[/SPOILER]
Meh. If it turns out good I'll take back what I said, but for now I'm basing my prediction on all the other racing cartoons I've seen... and they weren't exactly amazing. At least that means the F-Zero anime doesn't have much competition. XD
Ah...Yeah, I've heard about this on another board. I personally don't think it's gonna do well at all. I've got nothing against F-Zero, but...Well, the races are gonna get pretty old, pretty quick. Sure, it's fast, theres danger at all times, but after a few races you'll have seen it all before, which is when the half assed plots start to show up. I personally think that after the first ten episodes it's gonna end up being a high-speed Wacky Races. Falcon: OMGZ I GONNA WIIIN!1!!/1111!!! Samurai Gorah (is that his name? Go-somthing. I can't remember >__>
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rain [/i] [B][size=1]Trust me, none of you guys want to be a girl for a day. Your brain will explode from the confusion >.>[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Fine then, I'll wish for 3 wishes then wish for a ton of money to be stored in my bank account, for my brain to be resistant to exploding and to be a girl for a day. :D Actually, that could be risky...I might not be able to say it all quick enough...o.O;;
I get called a "greb" simply because I wear black most of the time. My usual clothing is black trainers, black jeans, black hooded top with a picture of a demon on it...You get the idea. No collars or anything, just casual clothes. Black casual clothes. o.O;; I also have people walk up to me and ask me in a mocking way "You been listening to any Slipknot lately? ****ty greb music like that? :smirk:". Meh. I just ignore them...I prefer Tool. >_>
Roy, most of the time. I'm untouchable when I use him. Air dodges, rolling dodges and sidesteps galore! ^.^ His Smash Attack has a great reach, and deals out some good damage. Even though Marth is faster, I prefer to be able to run into the battle and knock everyone flying. It even says on his trophy that it's best to just run into the fray with Roy. XD It's funny when people accuse me of being Roy because he's a godmodder and I have no skill...Especially when I kick their asses with Pichu in the next fight. XD If I'm not Roy, I'll be Young Link instead. YL's a good all rounder, and even though he's weaker than AL (Adult Link), his down+A attack in the air still works well for clearing out an area with 3 other people fighting in close combat. I don't like using Fox or Falco though. Their attacks are too risky to use on small stages, their speed and how fast they fall adds a great risk of comitting suicide.
Oooh. £2,282.81...Yeah. That would be good...Maybe I should alter my wish though. A ton of £10 notes...In a magical wallet that always weighs...Uh..."Not very much", that shrinks anything that goes into it. Waitasec...Would that shrink my hand then? Damn. This wish is confusing...[OLD MAN VOICE]EEehhhhhh...Be cawful what you wish foww![/OLD MAN VOICE] EDIT: Oooh goodie. 2000th post. ^.^ Do I get my wish now? XD
A ton of cash. Yeah, I'm greedy, so sue me. We all know this is what most people would say. XD If I, for some unknown reason, didn't wish for that, I'd wish to become a girl for the next 24 hours, just to see what it's like. No, I'm not a transvestite or anything like that...I'm just curious.
I'm not really a prankster...The only lesson I really mess about in is French, but so does everyone else. Noone likes the teacher. ^.^;; In all the other lessons I either get on with my work while having a conversation with the person next to me, or argue with the teacher, but that only happens if they start picking on me. My science teacher would be a good example. You've probably all had a teacher like this, one who shouts at you in particular when you're just whispering to the person next to you while other people are shouting across the classroom. >_< There's about three people in my class who are proper class clowns. Sure, they usually get the lowest marks in tests, but so long as we get a good laugh and still get good marks, that's their problem. >XD
Nope, I don't believe in them. Until I've had one stand in front of me and say either "Urrrrrhhhhhhh" or "Hello. I'm a ghost." I'll believe that there's always a different, more easily believable explanation for it.
Gaming You know you've been playing too much AC when...
Dragonballzman replied to Hyper's topic in Noosphere
- You dig holes, push your animals into them then hit them with a bug net. Repeatedly. - You call your boss Nook. - You try to catch Bees and sell them for...(how juch was it? 4500? I remember reading somewhere you could sell 'em for something like that...) -
Good luck, LostProphet. Hope they don't care too much about whatever that misdemeanor was. :)