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Roxie Faye

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Everything posted by Roxie Faye

  1. [color=#9933ff]If I tell you I heard about the Drama CDs from Wikipedia ([url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouran_High_Host_Club[/url]) is it going to get me another "This is why you don't use Wikipedia" lecture? Because I don't need another one. >_< (and I'm still gonna use it, anyway.) On any note, I completely agree with you about Mamoru Miyano. And, as I said, I really like the entire Japanese cast, so I don't care who gets licensing rights ('cause I'm not gonna watch it in English) - just so long as I can have the damn thing, and they make subtitles for all the words on screen. (I HATE when animes don't do that! >
  2. [color=#9933ff]Ohmigod. So you're saying that it IS licensed by er... someone, and so sometime within the next couple years I can expect to see the anime come out in domestic markets?!? *gets all excited* I loved the fansubs on youtube so much that I REALLY want to buy it legit when it comes out. (haha, I didn't even finish watching the series because I figured I'd watch when I bought it.) I don't even care about whoever's in the English cast. And in fact, I feel sorry for them, because they have a ridiculous cast to live up to. ;_; Honestly, EVERY ONE of the seiyuus, I thought, were great. Tamaki is [i]so[/i] hilarious, Hunny has the cute adorable child down perfectly (sometimes when I'm even [i]thinking[/i] of anime, just randomly, the seiyuu's voice will come into my head), and Haruhi has just the right mix of tone and inflection. Not to mention I was surprised to see how close Kaoru and Hikaru's voices are. I just love [i]Ouran[/i] because it plays on so many of the anime themes - the bishounen thing, the boy-love thing (Kaoru and Hikaru? Come on...), and then there's our beautiful heroine in the middle of it all. She's every fan girl's perfect mary sue, without, well, being a Mary Sue. She takes everything in stride and isn't even fan-girl-ish in the slightest. She's witty without meaning to, and she's got a good heart. Oh man. I'm so excited for this possible licensing thing. On another note: Does anybody know anything about the Drama CDs for Ouran/have listened to them? I'm only wondering because Hikaru Midorikawa plays Tamaki in those, and I was wondering how he would do in such a light-hearted role. I've seen him in Gundam Wing as Heero, and fell in near love with him (Koyasu Takehito got my heart, though) in Weiss Kreuz as Schuldig, super sexy villain of Schwarz. But both of those are kinda serious roles (^^; ), so I was just wondering. *shrugs*[/color]
  3. [color=#9933ff][size=1]It is amusing that you bring up this topic, since I've been here for what seems ages (although there are many other OBers who have been here quite longer than I), and seen "popularity" wax and wane like the tides, as members come and leave. I'm very fond of the older popular members, since they were first here when I signed on. Among the ones who have long since gone, I liked GinnyLyn (eternally awesome, especially in her knowledge about Digimon), Devidramon (*moans sadly* I.freaking.MISS. the Tamer Rants!!!!! *sob*) Transtic Nerve (who, in the old picture forum, posted a picture of nekkid Gackt, thus introducing me to one of the hottest J-pop stars. *_* and besides that, Transtic was just generally cool), Zeh (yes, I did like him a lot), and Ger (Red, etc. *wants to huggle him*). Sephiroth deserves to get mentioned, too, just because he's that cool. ;P ...I *know* I'm also missing TONS of other long gone people that were cool, damn there's too many! There are also so many other "popular" OBers that I am fond of, but I'm not going to name them all, since those are all active, and that would take waaaay too long. *sobs* I think it's also important to mention the fact that popularity isn't all that it's cracked up to be. I used to be in one of those little "elite" OB circles of popularity (or at the very least, I deluded myself into thinking I was) - let me tell you the fall out from it is harder than rock. >__< It is *not* worth it to be in one of them. Just having my few friends here and there from OB is enough for me. Perhaps I'm reading you wrong (in which case I most sincerely apologize), but you seem concerned about being acknowledge and accepted into some OB circle of popularity, Forgotten Hero. Try not to try so hard. If there's someone you admire, grab their AIM handle and start talking to them. And keep being yourself on the boards - I already think you're a good member.[/size][/color]
  4. [color=#9933ff]Wow! Thank you so much - my nomination actually counted!! ^_^ I get excited when things like that happen, because it means that someone's actually paid attention to me, instead of swatting me like a fly. YAY!! ^__^ (Okay, yes, you can call me pathetic for getting excited over this. *_*) The sad thing was, I didn't know a lot of the stuff that got nominated. It just sucks that the past year I was so busy with schoolwork and everything (Junior year, 20 page research paper + 10 page paper [done in 2 nights!!] for US History + everything else...), I didn't really have a chance to be online at all. :( Hopefully things will be different this year. I'm posting at least a little bit, ne? ^^; Anyway, congratulations to all the winners!!! And I still wuvs you too, Ken. ;) [/color]
  5. [color=#9933ff]What insurance company do your parents have? Friends? Ask around and see how much they're paying. And you're right - there's absolutely no way you should be paying $250 for car insurance a month. I'm 17 (female), and I live in New Jersey (yeah, that place where you all think we're bad drivers, we're not- We're just agressive. MA is the place with the Massholes, I tell you. But insurance thinks we're bad, and subsequently we have high insurance), and I don't even pay that much - $800 for six months. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help to you (I don't know a lot about car insurance. >
  6. [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v440/RoxieFaye/slightlydecolored_baker.png[/IMG] [color="plum"][b]Do I look like Martha Stewart or what? a.k.a. Creepy homemaker, anyone?[/b][size=1] Photography Credit: My sister. (Whom I didn't think would take the picture) >_> Gimping: ...slight sepia layer and lightening Special Thanks: Luminaire. Just thanks. ^_^[/size][/center] Explanation on the picture: Not that I ever want to be a chef (NEVER! Nightmares about being a chef, brought on by life-scarring fanfiction! *_*), but I would love to improve my baking skills. I can barely make things come out okay, and that's when I'm actually following the recipe. =P [b]Roxie Faye: [/b][i]She can bake, and she can bake while wearing a frilly pink apron completely sewn herself![/i] (Yes, I did sew the whole apron.) And for the record, I also admire Martha Stewart a lot. I think she's ingenious to be able to turn the profession of homemaking into an entire multi-million-dollar-making company. [size=1][b]Side trivia:[/b] Ms. Stewart grew up in the same town as my first home: Nutley, New Jersey.[/size] [b]Do you have a job? If so, where and what do you do? If not, where would you want to work?(Feel free to answer both questions in the bold if you'd like).[/b] Yes, I have a job. I work as a receptionist in a doctor's office. A podiatrist (all those feeties, although thankfully I don't have to see any of them. =P) I'm usually filing away [i]something[/i]. Filing is like my life at that job. *_* I like my job, and I like my co-workers a lot. And they seem to think I'm the best thing since sliced bread (not kidding), so it all works out. The job I hope to have one day is working as an environmental scientist of some type, or working with environmental law, perhaps for the EPA. I'm a "tree hugger" at heart - I've always loved the environment, and I want to do something to improve the world we live in. [b]If you were an assistant of Donald Trump, what would your job be? (If you don't know who Donald Trump is, look him up. I guarantee he's at least on Wikipedia).[/b] Wouldn't it be assistant? I could have sworn assistant meant just... assistant. :therock: But since I'm just that great, I'd be his [i]executive[/i] assistant. :p [b]How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?[/b] Since groundhogs are [i]totally[/i] better than woodchucks, what you [i]should[/i] be asking is: How much ground could a groundhog grind if a groundhog could grind ground?[/color]
  7. [color=#9933ff]I feel like there's always been distance between theOtaku and Otakuboards. Mind you, I came during the middle of v4, so I dunno about earlier. I was always visiting the both of them in the beginning, because GinnyLyn's digimon site was pretty damn awesome at the time, but when she left, and when theOtaku & the anime lounge were remodeled.... *shrug* Although I found Otakuboards through theOtaku, nowadays, I don't really check up on the latter (except for wallpapers, occasionally). I'd also like to say that I think it's terrible that the con in Vegas turned out to be a scam. My condolences to everyone who got screwed, especially the people in the theOtaku community. >_< [/color]
  8. [color=#9933ff]Oh. I see what you're saying. Well, I mean, they're not going to sell BtSSB or anything "sweet" lolita. Actually, they kinda remind me more of putamayo, which is half lolita, half weird punk style, lol. ^^;;; [/color]
  9. [color=#9933ff]White: Billie Jean! *hugs you* OMG!@!! *laughs hysterically* The only reason I have to be laughing hysterically is because of a damn FANFIC where this Japanese guy who, like most Japanese, can't actually speak English, is trying to sing Billy Jean to cheer up his boyfriend. And naturally, the point is to make himself look like such an idiot that his boyfriend cheers up. Can you imagine THIS guy: http://siberian18.fateback.com/images/wk10.jpg ([b]first from left[/b]) and here: http://www.geocities.com/weissflowergirl/weissbluecool.gif ([b]third from left[/b]) dancing to Billie Jean, and how FUNNY it would be? XD ...and the b/f is the redhead. That fanfic seriously scarred the way I look at the song. *__* Er... yeah. going away now.... >_>[/color]
  10. [color=#9933ff]Ppfft. You haven't been looking. I don't even [i]go into[/i] that store and from talking to people about where they got their lolita-esque clothes (when they're unaware of the loli style, too), I know they've had stuff like that in hot topic. There are a lot of people who have online shops for loli clothes they make themselves and sell. [url=http://www.inthestarlight.com/]In the Starlight[/url] is the only one that I ever really look at. However, [url=http://www.avantgauche.co.uk/]Avant Gauche[/url] is a loli site. It has a LOT of links that you can sift through and hopefully find similar personal websites that make loli clothing for order, to customers in the US (since not only is name brand usually expensive, they don't ship a lot to America). Good luck. =)[/color]
  11. [color=#9933ff]Thanks, Raiyuu. =) While I admit, compared to everyone else's shot, there isn't as much action, it's a completely candid, off guard picture. I've got tons of me in the water, in all the damn scuba gear, but they really just didn't look as good, unfortunately. *_*; Thanks again, though. 'Preciate the feedback. ^_^[/color]
  12. [color=#9933ff]Hmm. I'm not sure how much original advice I can give, since everyone here has pretty much got it all covered. I know how it feels to be picked on and harassed - and I've usually gotten it just for being me (*_*). It sucks that the coaches aren't willing to address it; if you do compete again, it's an issue you'll have to push with them. Also, is it possible that some of this could be affecting your performance on the mat? Either way, I'm also going to go ahead and quote Delta's first paragraph on the subject. And I was [i]also[/i] going to mention Judo as an alternative. It's actually more similar to wrestling than Tae kwon do. Additionally, if you [i]are[/i] of a smaller physique, it will work to your advantage. Judo, in part, uses the laws of momentum (yes, those things from physics class). Momentum = (mass x velocity). Objects (people) of large masses will gain more momentum and thus be easier to pin down, so it works to your advantage if you're smaller.[/color]
  13. [color=#9933ff]Edit: Okay. Here it is. I hope it's not too photoshoppy. I just had this stupid idea and ran with it. *_* [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v440/RoxieFaye/Flippers.png[/IMG][/center] [center][size=1][b]Photography credit: [/b]My Dad. He's a pretty [strike]good[/strike] awesome photographer. ^_^ [b]Image Scanner: [/b]My friend Piranha, who scanned it for me. *huggles her* [b]Photoshopping: [/b]Gimp, actually. Added text, and pixel manipulation to take out the date in the bottom RH corner. Nothing else touched. (I can barely use this thing, come on.) [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v440/RoxieFaye/backofpostcard.png[/IMG] The watermarked image is an aerial picture of the pool. Google image "Marriott Hua Hin" and you should get it; first one... The stamp is actually Wat Phrat Kao, in Bangkok, but it's the most famous temple in Thailand so I didn't figure it mattered.[/size][/center] In case you haven't guessed, I arranged this entry like a postcard. However, I'm duplicating my responses in text, so that DW can actually read them. [b]If you could combine two animals, what would they be, and why?[/b] (*scream of frustration* I can't think of anything good. ;_; ) How about a penguin and a wallaby? The looks of a penguin ("the tux"), it's feathers and beak, along with the pouch, the tail, and the hop of the wallaby. But the ultimate question remains: A Wallaguin, or a Pengaby? [b]If you had to film an action movie, what location in the world would you think would suit the most exciting action scene ever? (In other words, where would you film it?)[/b] I have never ever been to Berlin, but it sounds like a really cool city and a lot of fun, and a good locale for a movie. And there's always the whole post-soviet plot angle you can bank on... In terms of places I have been, I think Las Vegas, right on the strip, would be a great locale. LV is high energy in the first place, and I think that would definitely add to the atmosphere of an action movie. If Berlin doesn't have these things, LV is certainly suitable for car chases, night clubs, drinking, murders (CSI? haha), gambling - you name it, LV's got it! [b]Let's say you ruled a country. Whether your economy prospers or not is up to you. In otherwords, you can be a harsh ruler to your people or a kind one. But what of food? Do you vary in vegetation and agriculture? Do you have a large marketing system? Perhaps some world wide food industries were founded in your nation. The question is, how do you run your country's food situation following those guidelines? This takes more thought, folks. You can choose to make your food of plenty or not. What's it going to be?[/b] Since my country is large (^_~ - I wish, too) and spread over a long longitude, it has a lot of different climates suitable for different productions of food. We grow the basic staples - potatoes, corn, rice, etc., but in the more tropical parts of the country we also grow delicious tangerines and the juicy [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mangosteen"]mangosteen[/url]. In fact, mangosteen is our national fruit. Fishing is a big industry, but cattle herding isn't bad as well. We are fairly self-sufficient in terms of food, but see no problem trading with other countries. We are a mixed market economy with Socialist government influences. And while we recognize the importance that every job contributes to the economy, the farmer is praised slightly more for his/her contributions to meeting the basic needs of all our citizens. Lastly, thank you for accepting the slight lateness of my entry.[/color]
  14. [color=#9933ff]I agree that you should keep candy-grams if they are there as a fundraiser for something school related. Our school sends red roses out to people (instead of candy grams), and the money actually goes to a club, interact, which does volunteer work - building houses and spending time with children in the inner city (Paterson, actually), etc. The easiest way to solve the problem of people feeling left out is to arrange for friends to send each other candy-grams. I used to feel really left out too because no one ever sent me even 1 single rose. ;_; However last year, my friends and I "hinted" to each other that we'd send one another roses. So I got a few roses and they got some, and it made everyone feel special. It didn't have to be a romantic, "ooh, so and so has a g/f or b/f and they're so special" - we made it into a show of friendship. ^_^ [/color]
  15. [color=#9933ff]Oh! AnimeNext is in Secaucus, NJ. So, north jersey-ish. Sorry if you're south jersey. >_> (Not that you couldn't come, it's just a longer drive.) I also made a mistake; AnimeNext is NOT competing on Anime Expo weekend; Next is the weekend [i]after[/i] Expo. Two conventions on the opposite sides of the country one weekend after the other. I'm also contemplating attending Conneticon, which is the weekend after AnimeNext, but I don't know about that. It's more likely NOT to happen, unfortunately, but possibilities remain. *_* +P[/color]
  16. [color=#9933ff]Currently the only one I'm going to is Otakon. What sucks is that I'm ALWAYS a week late for Anime Boston. ...But I'm (hopefully - fingers crossed!!) going to school there next year, so I'll be able to attend in 2008. Nyah. ^^;; I Really, REALLY wanted to go to AnimeNext (it's in NJ!), but damn it, I'll be in Italy! *growls* The thing that sucks is that they changed the date of the con. Last year it was mid June, and this year it's competing on AnimeExpo weekend (which was a dumb thing to do, IMO), but I'll still be away!! *wails* The only plus to being in Italy (besides being in Italy) is that I'm bringing a Subaru cosplay and taking pictures in Venice. Woooyeaha!! ^__^;;; (Er... presuming that my cosplay doesn't suck too much. *__*) If anyone is going to Otakon, let me know. I'll be there! =D And I know I'm totally dominating the conversation with anime conventions right now. But I just wanted to say that Vic Mignogna (voice of Ed Elric) says that (or rather, someone else in a panel with him said that) he's such a big Star Wars fan that he declined an invitation to an anime convention - in HAWAII because in conflicted with a Star Wars convention he was just attending (as a fan). Lol. Well, you gotta love the dedication. ^_^;[/color]
  17. [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v440/RoxieFaye/9_600.png[/IMG] [color=#9933ff][size=1][b]Photography Credits to: [/b]Luminaire. She has an amazing eye for shot angles. Thank you, dear! [b]Set: [/b]On top of a low table in the senior commons. I just wanted to explain, in case the angle looked bizarre. >_> [b]Image effects: [/b]Grayscale + border[/size][/center] [b]What's your favourite hobby?:[/b] It's really really hard to pick, and just because after a long tine of deliberation I finally came to a decision doesn't mean that I don't have TONS of other hobbies that I'm engaged in. With that in mind, my favorite hobby has to be playing the piano. I LOVE music - I'm in the band, the jazz band, have done pep band, I also play flute and tenor sax, and of course I take piano lessons. I've been playing the piano for ten years, and I absolutely love the instrument; I don't know that I could live without being able to play it. When I play pieces (especially classical pieces), I feel connected to the music, and I pour my emotions into what I play. It gives me deep pleasure every time I press on the keys and feel something within me. It's really more than just a hobby, it's a part of who I am. [b]What do you think your best personality trait would be?:[/b] =/ ? Not really sure what to say here, so I'll just go with what people tell me. I guess then, my best trait would be kindness? People tell me that I'm kind to everyone I meet. I try to be understanding of others, and fair to everyone. Even people that may seem weird to the general populous, or even annoying. I try to help people out, and I always am willing to lend an ear to anyone if they're upset. I mean, don't get me wrong, there are people I do despise and wish I could severely injure - I'm human, too, but for the most part I'm nice to other people.[/color]
  18. [size=1][color=#9933ff]Great thread, Tekkaman! [b]1) What day is your birthday?[/b] May 29th. [b]2) What is your zodiac sign?[/b] Gemini, making that three of us here. W00t! [b]3) How does your zodiac sign describe your personality?[/b] Instead of requoting Sandy, here's another couple sources of mine: [quote][size=1]The twins represent the split in Gemini between intellect and emotion. Geminis seldom mix the two, and strongly favor their intellectual side. Mercury-ruled Geminis are good at communication on many levels: composing variations on musical theme, translating foreign languages, or selling almost anything. As a mutable air sign, however, Geminis seem to be on a remote control that is constantly being switched from one channel to another. Their communication skills and ability to see many sides of an issue make the effective debaters, but they are unlikely to stick with a point of view for any length of time.[/size][/quote][quote][size=1]Element: Air Planet: Mercury Quality: Mutable Polarity: Positive A Gemini likes to do two things at once and like to change their minds a lot. The Roman god Mercury (Hermes) carried message between the gods. Like Mercury, Geminis are usually athletic, quick, and communicate easily with others. In the constellation, because Gemini is the twins, it is the only sign that has two brightest stars, not one.[/size][/quote] [b]4) Does the description of your zodiac actually describe you? Why?[/b] Yes it does. I am a very logical person; you can win me over more easily based on facts than emotions. My friend says I'm like Dr. Jackyl and Mr. Hyde sometimes though, because I can get really passionate about politics or something I really like. Like the time I totally pwned this Republican (total TOOL) in a debate in a Coach bus on a school-ish trip to Washington D.C. I was practically yelling at him and everything; in short I was REALLY aggressive, and people don't see that a lot, so they all thought it was cool. XD I love to learn languages, and I AM really good at selling things, if given the chance. I'm like one of those overly-perky sales reps. that are annoying, but you know you still want to buy whatever they're selling. XP Aaand I also get bored really easily and switch projects a lot. ^_^; [B]5) How does your zodiac sign PWN over the rest?[/b] Our intellect wins over all of you. And like the Roman god Mercury (the planet we're ruled by), or in Greek mythology, [b]Hermes[/b], we're multi-talented. Hermes is like... the god of everything that doesn't have a god. And we're just that good. =P And TWO brightest stars instead of one? Now you KNOW we pwn. Incidentally, I also wanted to post this up: Gemini's Romantic compatibility by sign. I have the compatibility for every sign with one another, but I only want to post Gemini's. If you want to request a pair of signs, PM me. =) [list][*]Aries-Gemini: One is physically dynamic, the other mentally prolific. They team up to generate action and excitement. [*]Taurus-Gemini: The bull forms attitudes and values for life; Gemini?s change every half hour. Taurus lives in the material world, whereas the twins exist on a purely mental plane. [*]Cancer-Gemini: Intellectual Gemini can be too cerebral for Cancer, who needs emotional warmth more than mental stimulation. [*]Leo-Gemini: These two talkative signs have little to say to each other. Leo creates his own universe around himself-whereas Gemini is off in the ether exploring new ideas. [*]Virgo-Gemini: These logical children of Mercury find conversation easy, but deeper connection harder. [*]Libra-Gemini: Constant communication and deep understanding bring these two together and keep them united for the long term. [*]Scorpio-Gemini: Playful Gemini and scheming Scorpio may find each other amusing, but neither sees the other?s point. [*]Sagittarius-Gemini: Both have an appetite for an ever-changing menu of people, places, and ideas, and enjoy sampling them together. [*]Capricorn-Gemini: The appreciate each other?s sharp wits, but changeable Gemini may eventually want to flit away from Capricorn?s possessiveness. [*]Aquarius-Gemini: These two air signs can dwell happily together in the intellectual and philosophical realm. [*]Pisces-Gemini: One is pure logic, the other pure emotion. Needy Pisces can be too clingy for the cool, freedom-loving Gemini.[/list][/color][/size]
  19. [color=#9933ff] [b]What is it?[/b] Retribution. Retribution ALWAYS knows what I'm thinking. Always!!! That in itself is really nifty. Everytime there's a debate thread, I read what Retri's written, and then I'm like, "damn, he said EXACTLY what I wanted to say!" Plus he's nice enough to humor me and my silly conversations. >_> [b]What is it?[/b] Mafia. Mafia was SO much fun to play. I really had a great time. It was simple to play, and yet complicated as well, to figure out who the mafia was. Everyone played so well, and it was just great! [b]What is it?[/b] Otakupedia. We've had certain archives of Otakuboards things in the past - Otakudaily, um... that site that breko had with OB stuff, the picture site by QA hosted by Tony, the Otakupike (shy!!), but Otakupedia is really nifty because it's RIGHT on the boards, it's organized, and you can see exactly what's in it. And yes, Charles always comes up with nifty ideas. [b]What is it?[/b] DeathKnight, aka Ken. YOU! *points finger accusingly* You had BETTER PM me or something. You're never on AIM. *whines* Oh, I'm not supposed to be talking TO you, but about you. Gotcha. Right. Ken is intelligent but funny and sarcastic, all at the same time. He has great potential to become the next Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart, only about a hundred times better. And he's never afraid to speak his mind, which I admire about him. =)[/color]
  20. [color=#9933FF]*laughs* That was a brilliant ending, Katana. Congrats to my living teammates, Allamorph and Aaryanna_Mom. We did it! Special thanks to Tekkaman who was a great player from the very beginning. You were an awesome detective in your own right, and when you posted all your proof, everything fell into place for us. You've been there for me since the beginning. *hugs* And thank you to everyone else! I had so much fun playing with you guys, although I was really sorry to see Delta (and Sakura) go so soon! V_V Thank you White, for the amazing opportunity. And Sandy, for continuing the story. Best luck to both of you.[/color]
  21. [color=#9933ff][center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v440/RoxieFaye/2006_1225.png[/IMG] Name: Roxie (Roxanne - it's a good enough name for this contest)[/center][/color]
  22. [color=#9933ff]If you were looking for me to say you were innocent, no luck here. By process of elimination, I think that you are the other mafia. John trusted Tekkaman and Allamorph. Allamorph trusts A_M. Therefore, I trust Allamorph, and A_M by extension, leaving [b]you[/b] in the position of Mafia. Katana, you became extremely flustered and upset when Tekkaman accused you of being Mafia in the underground thread. Tekkaman accuses [b]everyone[/b] of being mafia, and no one else is getting upset about it. I wasn't even hurt by it, and promptly allied with him shortly after the first incident. But you were clearly flustered by his accusations. And although I haven't spoken to you since the beginning of the game, you were also the only one at the time who didn't want to talk about it. We avoided the subject for a long time, and when I finally brought it up, you wanted to switch gears. As Allamorph has said, your responses have not been substantial enough to convince me that you are not the other mafia.[/color]
  23. [color=#9933ff]Aarayana_Mom, don't feel bad about your judgement. I'll admit that I was quite suspicious about Ikillion as well, and he hadn't done a [i]thing[/i] to convince me otherwise. Mistakes happen, we can only hope that Ikillion's soul in the afterlife will forgive us. >_> We all just need to move on and focus on who else the mafia could be. On Tekkaman's remaining list, there are five people, one of which is myself, and I KNOW I'm not the mafia, lol. So then we have: Aarayana_Mom, Boo, John, and Katana. I think that after the next round of night (I'm kind of terrified I'm going to be killed), we'll have better odds at picking the Mafia.[/color]
  24. [color=#9933ff]While getting revenge may be satisfying, it isn't the best way to go, as everyone else has said. Please, [b]please[/b] report what this scumbag did to the authorities. To someone at school, to the police, anyone. It is not okay for him to get away with it.Nobody, nobody has the right to touch anyone else without their permission. The other important thing is to be there for both these ladies. They should be re-assured that nothing is their fault, and any of your anger is (obviously) not directed at them. Once again, it's important to inform the authorities of this. The girls may need counseling to get through this, and that's important for them, too. [/color]
  25. [color=#9933ff]Charles (and sojiro47, DeadSeraphim as well) : If you really wanted to help lost voice, you'd be asking her these questions directly and [i]waiting[/i] for an answer instead of discussing her sexuality like a bunch of horny teenage boys. If you want to do that, then do it on your own time, not in an advice thread. Because really, what advice have you given her at all? If you really want to help, wait for her answer before you continue the conversation. None of you have been respectful about it at all, making jokes, jumping to conclusions, [i]not waiting for her answers[/i]. And the thing is, all of you know it's spam. Weren't you just making bets on how long this thread would last? Lostvoice deserves to get advice and have her questions answered, not to be the subject of a rediculous debate. If you aren't interested in helping her, then get out of this thread. I'm also aware that some of you really are interested in helping, and were only asking if she was gay in an attempt to help her sort out issues. I DO understand that, and that's acceptable - but then why are you joking around about it? Be mature. And lostvoice, I do apologize for talking over you, and I hope you're not upset at me. However, I felt these people needed to have [i]something[/i] said to them.[/color]
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