Roxie Faye
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Everything posted by Roxie Faye
[color=#9933ff]This is kinda inspired by Forgotten Hero's advice thread (though how I got it from there we'll never know). The thing is, I feel like one of society's rules is that guys are supposed to ask girls out, and girls aren't [i]really[/i] supposed to ask guys out. Why do you think that is? And, what's you're whole opinion on girls asking guys out? I'm interested in hearing answers from the guys, as well as the girls. [/color]
[color=#9933ff]Charles, stop being a jerk to the poor girl. You and a bunch of others have been raggin' on her since page one. If you don't like love advice threads then don't post, and stop talking about sexuality when it frankly ISN'T the issue. I know you were just joking around, but from her and everyone else's responses, everyone seems to be treating it seriously. Just drop it, everyone. Lostvoice, Like Dodeca, I think you should take a close look at fasteriskhead's comment, because I think it's really valid and has a lot of insight into it. I really think the question is, "Do you love him?" I don't know the answer to this question, but from what you've been saying so far, it doesn't seem like you're head over heels for him or anything. On page one you said that you think you liked the [b]idea[/b] of going out with him more than actually going out with him. This [b]doesn't[/b], by any means, make you a horrible person. Man, if it did, I think I'd be racking up points to hell by now. ;_; I'll tell you my own story, since it's kinda similar to yours. I've only had one boyfriend so far (whom I broke up with after a month). When he asked me out I said yes, because I'd never been in a relationship before, and I thought it would be great. The thing was, I wasn't crazy about him. But I did it anyway, partially to 'experience' a relationship, and partially to please him, since I knew he'd liked me for a long time. It was a big mistake for a lot of reasons that would take me about an hour to outline, but the one that's relevant to you is the fact that, because I didn't really like him, it was hard for me to be around him. I used to hate it when he put his arm around me while watching a movie. It was also the first time I'd ever kissed anyone, and the reason I did it was because... well, I felt obligated. I felt like he was such a nice guy to me, and he had done a lot for me (he was into gift giving. Expensive chocolate and CD mixes), so I kissed him. (And ended up brushing me teeth afterwards...) It sounds to me like YOU feel obligated to hug him or kiss him when you don't really want to. You [i]shouldn't[/i] feel obligated to do anything, dear. Do only what you want and only what makes you feel comfortable. It sounds like you care a lot about his feeling, and giving to him, but you need to take care of yourself, and YOUR feelings, first and foremost. It's not a crime to think about yourself, I promise. So the FIRST thing you need to decide is if you really like him or not. Do you like him for who he is, his personality, his character, or do you [i]only[/i] like the idea of him? If it's the second one, you need to break up with him. I realized I didn't like this guy, and I knew it wasn't fair for him, or to myself to be with him. Same thing. It's not fair to him, but it's not fair to yourself, either. There's no reason to make yourself miserable over a guy. Really! If you do really like him, as in, you like him for himself, then talk to him and tell him how you're feeling. If he truly cares about you, he won't be bothered by your "lack of intimacy" if you explain it to him. And if he breaks up with you, he was a jerk anyway.[/color]
[color=#9933ff]Well, everyone's pretty much said their bit about asking her out (which I agree with). I would like to say that it's not true love, though. I mean, I'm not saying that to deflate you or anything, but this isn't like you're going to stay with this girl forever, or marry her. (If you think you are, I suggest you take some time to digest the fact that you won't be.) People change. Your priorities change from age 15 to age 20, and what you thought was important at 20 changes when you get to 30. If you get together, you'll both change eventually and then move on. But that doesn't mean it was a failure, and that's no reason not to enjoy the good times with this girl. It may not be 'true love,' but that doesn't mean it can't be great. But before ya even get to the "going out" part with this girl, you gotta ask her, of course. Good luck! =)[/color]
[color=#9933ff]In regards to Sakura's accusation that Tekkaman is the killer, I would have to disagree entirely on this point. Tekkaman's "confession" that he killed [spoiler]...Delta...[/spoiler] was complete sarcasm, even an idiot should be able to see that. :/ And if you still want to maintain that his statement should be taken seriously (*rolls eyes*), as Sakura pointed out it still leaves him as either one of the mafia, the detective, or the priest. He's still got a 50% chance of not being the mafia, and that's [i]after[/i] you've decided to ignore language and rhetoric. I have to say, if the purpose is to keep talking to flesh out the criminal, Tekkaman has been a very active member of the whole game (probably the biggest poster), and he has yet to incriminate himself at all. You can look back at all his posts - they speak for themselves, IMO. I'd also like to say that I've talked to him over AIM, and he's said enough to convince me even further that he's not the mafia. I've never ever thought of him as the mafia, but my conversation with him is just more proof that he's not. I don't feel I have any obligation to discuss the conversation word for word (private convos are private convos), but Tekkaman said a lot to me. And I mean a lot, and not once did he say anything that could make me suspicious that he's the mafia. I find it interesting that even though he accused [i]me[/i], first, I was still able to come to the conclusion that he was innocent. I understand he was only eager to begin the game and hunt for the mafia, and chose my name at random, so that others would start posting. Just because Tekkaman posted first doesn't necessarily make him a killer. ;)[/color]
[color=#9933ff]I know I haven't said much recently, but I have read it all, and have been thinking about it. I really appreciate what Allamorph has said, and it's been a wake up call for me. I admit I hadn't said a lot (and been very careful talking privately) because I was afraid someone would actually think I'd done it. But after what Allamorph said, now I understand how we should be working together, not seperately. =) Edit: I'd also like to give out my AIM handle at this point, should anyone want to talk to me. It's TsarinaRoxie, although if you're not on my buddylist, I won't be able to IM you. Anyone who listed their AIM handle in their user profile, I have on my b/l. Everyone else, I do not. ^^;[/color]
[color=#9933ff]I have been given the priviledged task of selecting manga that will be ordered for the middle school library in my town that serves grade 6-8, ages 11-14. The school librarian is friends with my mom, and my mom said that I would look over and recommend manga before she bought any. I've looked over the titles and while I know some of them, I'm not familiar with all the titles, nor are all of the titles age appropriate (I nearly said "yikes!" when I saw Angel Sanctuary in there!! Yuki Kaori is not for kiddies. *__*) I'm going to put up a list of all the titles, minus the ones I know are completely not appropriate. Since I don't know about all of them, I would be grateful if you would give me your input on which mangas [i]you[/i] would choose based on how much you liked it, as well as age appropriateness, and most importantly [b]WHY[/b]. Try to include a mix in your recommendations - nothing more boring than ALL love stories or ALL action. I would love it if you gave me a short summary of what it's about, and why you thought it was a good choice. Or, if you see something that is completely graphic and violent that wouldn't be a good match, please let me know. ^_^ Also, important note: If you know that any of these have strong Boy Love/yaoi hints, PLEASE let me know. I'm actually more concerned about BL than I am about violence - public school system, sexuality, you know? ;_; Thank you for your input. By doing so, we can recommend entertaining and fairly non-life scarring manga to kids who we can only hope will grow into avid anime fans. :P [b]Bleach[/b] [b]Cowboy Bebop[/b] (the manga; vol 1, 2, 3..) [b]Demon Diary[/b] [b]D.N.Angel[/b] (I'm pretty sure I'm going to pick this one) [b]Dragon Knights[/b] [b]Fullmetal Alchemist[/b] [b]Fruits Basket[/b] (Question - are there a lot of yaoi/BL hints? I actualy don't know about fruits basket) [b]Girl Got Game[/b] [b].hack[/b] (Legend of the twilight) [b]Initial D[/b] [b]Jing: King of Bandits[/b] [b]Kare Kano[/b] [b]Kill Me, Kiss Me[/b] (oh man, as much as I love this, I'm not sure it's good for 11-14) [b]Mars[/b] [b]Naruto[/b] [b]Neon Genesis Evangelion[/b] [b]Oh My Goddess![/b] [b]One Piece[/b] [b]Peach Girl[/b] (heh) [b]Rave Master[/b] [b]Rurouni Kenshin[/b] [b]Shaman King[/b] These are classified as "older teen": [b]Ceres, Celestial Legend[/b] [b]Fushigi Yugi[/b] [b]Inu Yasha[/b] [b]Negima![/b] [b]Pet Shop of Horrors[/b] [b]Ranma 1/2[/b] [b]Tsubasa[/b] [b]xxxHolic[/b] (I think I'm going to pick this one, too. What do you think?)[/color]
[color=#9933ff]Ah. sorry 'bout that. Musta missed your post. Man I feel retarded. X_x;;;[/color]
[color=#9933ff]Am I the only one who isn't convinced that Tekkaman did it? I am sincerely grateful for everyone's continued support for me, for a while I was rather alarmed at the prospect that people would think I did it. As I've said before, Delta is someone I respect and I'm rather shocked that she would be the first to go. =( My one question for Tekkaman is this: Why did you post first, and why did you pick me? Answer honestly and truthfully and hopefully it will help make sense of some of this.[/color]
Otakupedia Entries/Suggestions/Discussion thread
Roxie Faye replied to Charles's topic in General Discussion
[color=#9933ff]Digimon Forum: Man. Anyone who was a part of the Digimon forum group knows exactly what I mean when I say "Remember the Digimon Forum?" You get this warm nostalgic feeling, remembering the people that felt like close friends or family. Some of the prominent members of the Digimon forum include Ginny, Sara (Cera, man so loooong ago!!), Shy, Rokas, Blanko, calumon_luver (I think she changed her name?), Sandy (haha, yes yes, you WERE a Digimon Forum-er!!!), Solo Tremaine, I think Baron Samedi came in there once in a while. Well, and myself, I guess... One of the most popular threads was a sticky thread that Shy I believe initiated to clean up the Digimon forum a bit. It was a thread to show off all your Fan Made Digimons (FMDs), and worked well for its purpose. One of the best things about the Digimon forums was Devidramon's (was that his name?) rants about Digimon Tamers. Every week after it aired on Saturday mornings, I could hop online and read an amusing, sarcastic play by play of the entire episode. His posts were not mean to put down Digimon as an anime, but point out the strengths and weaknesses of the show, and to make us laugh. I will have to admit that his rants influenced me enough to make Tamers one of my favorite seasons. ^_^ Another part of the Digimon forum history was a thread about "Digimon appearing in real life" and the "interactions" that members "had" with Digimon. It went on for pages and pages, I think to around 57 pages (standard # of posts per page), until Shy, newly appointed to... Category Mod? (Supermod was it?) closed it down in an effort to clean up the Digimon forums. I realise this Digimon entry is incomplete, so anyone else who cam help with it, please do. I hardly touched on Ginnylyn's, Sara's or Ben's roles in the forums, but I don't think I have nearly enough knowledge to do that; nor is it my place to. Anything anyone else would like to add about the Digimon Forums, feel free. ^^;;; Fuel for the Kuja entry (and by far one of the best threads in OB history): [url]http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=11179[/url] I also really want an article about tehsillycircus, but I don't know who created it and I can't remember how long it lasted. I know I made a banner for it at some point. ;_; [/color] -
[color=#9933ff]Thank you so much for all your support, everyone. I was rather annoyed that Tekkaman would accuse me, of all people. Delta makes intelligent, thoughtful posts, and I respect her a lot. I can't imagine anyone wanting to kill her off first, and especially not me. I'd also like to say to Tekkaman's arguement that if the lights were out, you can bet I'd be scared witless, as well as upset that access to my computer was down. Seriously, if the electricity went off, I'd be hiding in my bedroom with all the candles on, not out in a storm killing someone. ;P I feel like Tekkamon is putting the spotlight on me to detract attention from other potential suspects. Taking John's stance on his first accusal, I'm not sure that Tekkaman was the one who killed Delta, thought it is possible. Is he accusing me to cover for someone else? And who would he be covering for? I'd also like to ask the question: [b]Who is Delta friends with?[/b]. I don't know the social life of OBers like I used to (heh. ^^;;; ), but if any of the players are extremely, extremely close to Delta, it would be wise to eliminate them at this stage of the game. I say this because I'm in the frame of mind of: "Would you kill off your best friend in the first round?" I mean, sure, it might be possible in the third or fourth round or something, but no good friend kills their other friend off the [b]very.first.[/b] round, you know? Just some questions, perhaps, to think about...[/color]
What You Want For Christmas THIS YEAR
Roxie Faye replied to DeadSeraphim's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Bláse][size=1][color=slategray]- First season DVD set of [B]Digimon[/B] [/color][/size][/QUOTE][quote name='Solo Tremaine][color=#503f86']There's a one of those? I want one too.[/color][/quote] [color=#9933ff]Lol, I saw that, Solo, and I'd have to say I want it too! Although, I might opt for season three, instead. Oh man, devi's weekly rants about Tamers were the shiz, back in the day. I asked my mom for a lot for Christmas, although I know she'll buy a bunch of other things to surprise me with. The thing I'm looking forward to (if she can get it) is a DDR pad and a USB cable. I want to be able to plug it into my comptuer so I can play step mania with it!!! She went to toys R Us and they said that the USB cable from a DDR mat to the comp didn't exist. I have to research that. (If anyone can verify its existence, I'll be grateful. ^^; ) I also asked for a white Coach bag (yeah, I love designer handbags. That's really my only indulgence, though!). The funniest thing I asked her for was $40, so that I can buy a Drama CD on cdjapan.co.jp. lol. I'm not sure which one I was gonna get for Weiss Kreuz, but I was thinking ofstarting chronologically by release order, which would mean getting the Crashers CD. Omi's my fave, but damn, Takehito Koyasu's (plays Aya) [u]voice[/u] is [u]hot[/u]! I asked for a couple of other things, though I don't really remember what they were. I'm sure I'll be pleasantly surprised. =)[/color] -
[color=#9933ff]This is a really strange question, and I'm hoping to get interesting answers. The question is, in your mind, have you ever created what otakuboards looks like, and if you have, please share a description. For example, if you've ever read Solo's fabulous [i]Enter the Net[/i], he gives a description of Otakuboards as a real place. I remember something about zooming over a very large lake to get to Otakuboards. For me, Otakuboards has always been a bunch of extremely long corridors and hallways, all on one floor, although the entire building is situated on a hill. For story purposes (a story that never got written, mind you) I have imagined myself climbing into my closet, closing the door, stumbling around in the dark for a bit, and when I come out and open my door that leads to the rest of the house, being confronted with a looong hallway with grey-ish white walls, and old, beat up dark wood baseboards and crownmoulding. The corridors are rather long and boring, but if you open any of the doors, you're greeted by loud sights and sounds coming from the different forums on the boards. I imagine that somewhere in the complex, everyone has a tiny personal room, where PMs are delivered and such. There's also a bunch of studies (like the room, study, you know) wandering around there. Mostly with rich, dark wood paneling, dark wood furniture, a nice leather swivel chair, etc. My mind says that when people sign up for RPGs, they are evaluated by the creator in these studies. I also think of Charles sitting in there like the Godfather of some sorts, passing judgement on those who are silly. lol Have you ever thought about what Otakuboards would look like if it were a real place? ...Or am I the only one. *_* Mata ne, Roxie[/color]
[color=#9933ff]Hmm... Today's the last day to sign up? Let's see if I can give this a go... [b]Why do you think being Mafia would be the best?[/b] Who [i]wouldn't[/i] want to play the bad guy? Keeping secrets, having power, and deciding things is always fun. There's also something to be said about the excitement of trying to not get caught. [b]Why do you think being Townspeople would be the best?[/b] Trying to find out who it is. Everyone loves a good mystery. Being townsperson also involves using your wit and intelligence to determine who is who; who is lying to you and who isn't. [b]Have you played a version of Mafia before?[/b] Nope. ^^;; [b] If not, why do you want to try it?[/b] It looks so easy, and yet a lot of fun. Even though OB events try to bring the board together, I feel like a lot of them require massive RPGs, and I've never really gotten into the huge roleplaying scene. This sounds pretty easy, kinda of like a party game if you will, and party games always go well.[/color]
[size=1][color=darkorange][i]'Ugh,'[/i] she thought, [i]'Not another headache. And I just took advil two hours ago. Yuck. God, I love the city, but it gives me freakin migraines!'[/i] As she walked along the Manhattan sidewalk, shopping bags with designer brands on them in hand, Lydia Vissenfolk grumbled to herself about her telepathy-induced headache. Her particular telepathy, as she had been told so long ago, was pretty strong. She couldn't listen to people at will, but was constantly hearing a buzzing noise around her. If she tried hard enough, she could listen in on the thoughts of someone around her, and even make mental "suggestions" for them. That is, if she could concentrate enough. Lydia was always having problems placing a mental shield up to guard against the thoughts of others. She had heard the basics of it from another telepath back in Germany, but he wasn't a very good teacher in general, and she hadn't had a lot of time to really have him practice with her. Today, she was supposed to meet a friend for lunch a little later, go back to her apartment to try on the clothes she bought, and then go out for a blind date that her friend had set her up on. Some guy from NYU, is that what she said? Maybe. She couldn't remember. Lydia was not fond of dating, blind or not, and she knew her personality tended to scare people off, anyway. Great, she was in for a long rest of the day, and already had a headache. Suddenly there was an audible [i]crash[/i]ing noise. Completely absorbed in her own painful headache, Lydia felt herself ram into something and fell to the ground. Ouch! On top of her headache, that [i]really[/i] hurt! She looked up to see someone else sprawled on the ground. Apparently she had run into some[i]one[/i], not something. He picked himself up, and despite her headache, she couldn't resist tapping into his surface thoughts. [i]Oh man. I'm going to be late. I can't believe I did that though. Oh no, she's holding shopping bags from designer stores. Probably some snotty prima donna whose going to titter on about me crashing into her. And I'm going to be late...[/i] Lydia left his mind and smirked. How cute. He thought she was a spoiled rich daddy's girl. He bent over and offered his hand to help her up. As she took it, he said, "I'm so sorry about that miss. Are you all right?" The smirk was still in place, although she looked more amused now. "Apology accepted. You should really watch where you're going, you know. If you left a little earlier you wouldn't be late, or have run into me. I [i]guess[/i] I'll be okay, though. I'll just take a little asprin, ja?" This was fun. She could be a little dramatic, and act like prima donna he thought she was. It was really both their faults that they ran into each other, neither looking where they were going, but if she could get him to take the whole blame (without using her telepathy, too), why not try? She smiled secretively. Even running into someone had its entertaining moments. [/color][/size]
Anime Animes That need To be Remade , Revised, or Redone
Roxie Faye replied to Kenshin DX's topic in Otaku Central
[color=#9933ff]Weiß Kreuz Kapitel needs to be remade in terms of animation. The animation is just really cheap (kinda reminds of G-Gundam animation, though not quite as bad. ^^), and needs to be redone. And there needs to be blood. They're freaking assassins, and even in the jpns version there's hardly any blood! I Love WK to bits and pieces, but Kapitel (- the OVA is pretty okay for the time span, and Gluehen does a great job on expanding emotions) also needs to have its characters expanded. All of them are so under developed. If someone could PLEASE explain to me why Yohji's entire life revolves around the deceased Murase Asuka, I would be quite happy. (Because sometimes I want to slap him upside the head and say "Get over it, man!") I wouldn't want them to touch the character designs, though. Personally, They're all at their hottest in Kapitel. Yeah, they're still sexy in Gluehen, but Aya's just so hot in Kapitel. ;_; (And so is mein Schuldig! ^^; *squeals fangirlish*) I know this doesn't make a lot of sense, but I'm hoping it's enough. It's late, and I have to go to bed. X_X[/color] -
[color=#9933ff]*laughs* Rain is like... Gackt for Korea. My step mom told me about once when she was watching the news, and the entertainment section was on, and it showed a picture of a [i]mob[/i] of Korean fangirls who had followed Rain all the way to Hong Kong on his tour. She said of him, "That's it? That's who they're following? He's not even THAT good looking!" LOL But Rain's pretty hot. ^^;; I asked this Korean guy what type of music he liked and he said "only Korean music." So I said to him, "Ah. I don't know too much about it, but I know Rain. I'm guessing you don't like him, though." He said he didn't like Rain. I thought it was because he thought Rain's music was too pop-ish, but he said it was because he wanted to look like Rain so that girls would admire him too. I ended up laughing at that. KEKE. My friend said she saw Rain's new CD, when we were in a store in Chinatown... but she didn't tell me until AFTER we left the shop! ;_; I really want to listen to him, to hear what he sounds like. ^^;; [/color]
What comes to mind when you think of Australia?
Roxie Faye replied to drakkeness's topic in General Discussion
[color=#9933ff]Well, to be perfectly honest, it's that stupid phrase "G'day all" which I've been told most people don't do? Is that right? And the second thing I think of is usually Steve Irwin. =( I really liked him. I used to watch all of his shows. =( The third thing I think of is Melbourne. I don't ever really think of Sydney, and I never really think of the opera house. It's all about Melbourne. Of course, I think that's because one of my favorite actors plays a character whose hometown is Melbourne. So err... >_> And BTW, that actor would be the lovely Jesse Spencer who plays the ever gorgeous Dr. Robert Chase on the completely wonderful House M.D. I'll tell you, it's really hard to tell the difference between accents from anyone who's not from the USA or Canada. Couldn't tell you any of the different English accents ('cept maybe cockney? It's really weird), and I can't tell you the difference between a Welsh and Australian accent. Mistook a hot, hot Welsh man for an Australian once (but I didn't say anything so I wasn't embarrassed). He looked like the stereotypical Australian surfer dude. ...Which I guess is another thing that comes to mind when I think of Australia, albeit not really one of the first. Stereotypes aside (because I know i've mentioned a lot), I always think of the costal cities in Australia (even though most of it is desert - lol), and the wide blue ocean. It just seems so picturesque, and... almost like you could go to the beach every day. ^^; (well, in the summer...) Most Aussies I know are cool. I cite James and Baron Samedi for the time being. ^^; *pounces on them* [/color] -
[quote name='Aaryanna][COLOR=DarkOrchid']You missed the point of my post. Which was that because of a show being translated into different languages, you end up with different title names. Regardless of which language it may have started in. ^_~ [/COLOR][/quote][color=#9933ff]=) True, true. I don't think I missed the point though; I realize that when you translate, you're going to get a lot of different versions. I just wanted to also point out that WK doesn't have [bJapanese[/b] titles, per se. There's a lot of (or just too much) German in this show. I apologize if I sounded snarky. I went back and read what I said and it was like, "ouch," but I definitely didn't mean it that way. >_> Prime example of Japanese people screwing up with German: Schuldig! I can'ttell you how many misspellings there are of his name! ;_; I've even seen SEVERAL of these misspellings on official merchandise, and it's incredibly confusing. He's been Schuldig, Schuldich, Schurudich, Schuludich... and I'm not even going to go into the way they pronounce it. The Japanese are just laughable with a lot of foreign words, and Schuldig is definitely not an exception. If you're interested in the series you could always do the (illegal) thing and watch them on youtube. I'll warn you, though, it's not so great. Truth told, WK, the first series, really isn't the best of animes. There just a lot of underdeveloped characters. The OVAs, verbrech und strafe are a little bit better, but uh... not by much. There just isn't room for character development, so.. Now Gluehen - I will never understand why people hate it so much, but i love it. It does so much with the characters, and *finally* starts to wrap up some of the loose ends in their development. ^_^ Even though the characters are really underdeveloped, I like that aspect aboutthem, because it means you can suppose, and create your own backstory, reasons, and reactions for the characters in the fanfiction world. WK is one of the best animes to write fanfiction for because there's a lot of loose ends that you can work with. So whatever the downfall/downside of WK the series is, is made up for by all the kick-*** fanfiction the community has. (If you ever want any of it, I've got a list of recommendations - provided you don't mind yaoi. Just ask.) Oi! I should be writing an essay. Ttyl. [/color]
[color=#9933ff]Merfl. This looks incredibly fun. I think I'm done with my sign-up. Yay. ^^ [/color] [color=orange][b]Name: [/b]Lydia Anne Vissenfolk [b]Age: [/b]20 [b]Gender: [/b]Female [b]Occupation: [/b] Student. Current life goal is to be a diplomat at the United Nations. [b]Bio: [/b]Her birthday is November 29, 1986. Her parents are U.S. Diplomats, and she was born just on the west side of the Berlin Wall, although she scarcely remembers it at all. Lydia attended a international schools in Berlin until she was twelve years old, when her parents moved back to the states. They relocated to Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey [/color][color=#9933ff](haha. I've been there. I know the superindendtent of schools - he's a friend of my mom.)[/color][color=orange], where she finished the remainder of her education. She now attends Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY, but regularly takes the train into New York City on the weekends. [b]Personality: [/b]Snarky, talkative. At first glance Lydia is an incredibly annoying person, but once you get to know her, people seem to [i]like[/i] her personality. But a lot of people don't understand her, so it does take that special person to do so. [b]Home City and Current Residence: [/b]"Home" City: Berlin. Currently lives in Poughkeepsie, New York, attending college. [b]Powers/Abilities: [/b]Telepathic and minor precognition. She met another telepath in Germany who showed her how to control a lot of it. She also got advice on precognition from said telepath's friend, but is much more intuned with her telepathy than anything. She can hear people's thoughts, and it's a right pain in the ***. She lives on Advil, though she has been trying to lower her intake after she overdosed one day. [/color]
[QUOTE=Raina][COLOR=Blue]I'm 19 years old (going to be 20 in November)... And I finally have a boyfriend for the first time in my life... (He's 22) It's a weird feeling... I don't really know how to explain it... Any way, I'm quite lost, because it's a whole new experience... So does anyone have any advice? For example, when we kiss, we hit our teeth... It doesn't have to be an advice... Maybe you would like to write your own experiences, or even experiences of other people...? [/COLOR][/QUOTE][color=#9933ff]You know, I completely know how you feel when you say that the whole thing is a weird feeling. The first (and only) time I went out with someone, it was like that the whole time I dated him (which was for about a month). I used to have this weird feeling when I thought about it. And I used to get upset. I cried on the phone with my friend and asked her for advice. I just used to get this really nervous jumbly feeling and I didn't know if it was just me or what. It was really stressful on me, and after about a month, and time away from him (a week), I realized I didn't want the relationship. I don't think I liked him very much, and I realized this, so I broke it off. I think I was in love with the idea of having a boyfriend, and this was my first time having one, and so I went along with it, when I really shouldn't have, because I didn't like him as much as I thought I did. I have a feeling I convinced myself that I liked him a lot more than I actually did. So, the most important thing is to ask yourself whether you want it or not. It seems to me that you really like him, but this is your first b/f - don't be like me and go out for the sake of it. I just want you to ask yourself: "Do I really like him?" before moving forward with it, because that was my experience. Though, even if you look at yourself and realize you DO like him, my friend says it's still normal to feel weird about the whole thing. It seems that the general gist of what everyone's saying about the secrecy thing is that the important thing about a relationship is to keep the channel of conversation open. I think what MoyakuKeramushe had to say was extremely important, so I'm going to quote it again: [/color][Quote]I don't generally like to be a bubble-burster, but you may want to take a closer look at the secrecy thing. If there's one thing I've learned in my multitude of relationships, it's that if you've got a feeling something is off, there's a fairly decent chance it is. [b]I'm not saying it's a 'doing something behind your back he shouldn't be' thing so much as a 'keeping things from you that he should be discussing with you' kind of thing.[/b] It may be that something is really off, or it may be that he's exceedingly uncomfortable discussing some things, but being uncomfortable with something does not count as a reason to not discuss it in a relationship.[/quote][color=#9933ff]Try and talk to him about it. Let him know you want to hear what's bothering him. Tell him it's not fair to keep it a secret. Are you afraid to ask about the secrecy thing because you think he'll get mad at you? If he gets mad about it, then how good of a person is that? There's no excuse for him not to talk to you about it. Really, there isn't, so ask. One last thing: about being paranoid - I always feel that way. I don't think it's bad. It's just realism and perspective kicking in. But you do have to realize the difference between instinct and gut feeling that something's wrong, with complete psycho-paranoia with no basis to it. For example, thinking that something's wrong because of the secrecy thing isn't bad. You've got a good reason to think something's up. Now, if you came up with something like "I think he's a druggie" might be crazy-paranoia, because there's no evidence whatsoever for it. But you've got a good head on your shoulders, so I would say go with your gut feeling. (That means ask him "why all the secrecy?") Good luck, and I hope everything works out for you! *hugs*[/color]
[color=#9933ff]tripperMM - I've never seen the first list, but I wouldn't be willing to rule it out. The one I've seen the most is the second one, with the German titles. The ep. titles are really just in German, those translations were provided by a fan. Aaryanna - All the Weiß titles are in German, so there couldn't be a translation from Japanese to German. It would have to be from German to Japanese. And the thing about 24/25 episodes: I'm not quite sure what it is. In my opinion, I think it's 25, but people tend to combine the last TWO episodes and call them, collectively, "Ende Des Weiss" (which is the name of the very last episode). And I'm posting because I want to know: how the HELL did you get the Verbrechen/Strafe DVD?!?!?! It's SOOO frickin' hard to find/buy! I'm gonna guess that you got from a fansub site, because I know it's not translated into English (dubbed or subbed). Man, I had to watch Verbrechen/Strafe on youtube for cryin' out loud. ;_; OUt of all the wacky outfits these guys wear, the Verbrechen/Strafe outfits are the absolute *worst.* I dispise them, and I think they're incredibly bizarre. Of course, I won't argue that the animation quality is supreme. Completely fabulous. I actually don't like Schwarz as much as I like Weiß, but I think the one scene with them [spoiler]Crawford and Schuldig, at the end of Strafe where they make that crypitic speech? yeah.[/spoiler] is absolutely fabulous. We don't really see them as much in the first anime, and then in Gluehen they look like they were dressed for, as this one fansite described them (man, I really gotta find that site again), "gay Nazi/Victorian porn," which I kinda have to agree with. (Even if Schu is sex on legs in it. ;_; ) Um... where was I going with this? Oh, right! I love the animation in Verbrechen/Strafe, especially Schwarz. That has to be the best animation of them, ever. (especially in the cooler, older style, before everyone was remodeled for Gluehen.)[/color]
[color=#9933ff](Ooh, so yer implementing new strategies of size 1 font, Chris? =P) I'm not a gamer at all, so I'm not like... envious or anything. I hope you really like the job, and that your thumbs don't get sore and stuff. Heh. ^^; I have worked in a podiatrist's office for two summers now (hopefully I'll be working there during this school year...). I would have to say it's really been a learning experience for me. You learn that people are crazy. Really, you learn how absurd and just.. [i]weird[/i] people are. I enver used to believe in the powers of the full moon, but sometimes when I'm working every day in that job, around the full moon - yeah, you can see where that theory has a LOT of merit. We get so many weird and annoying phone calls aroudn the full moon it's ridiculous. I've also learned how to DEAL with these crazy people. There's a lot school can learn, but in a service job like working as a receptionist in a Doctor's office, you learn the social skills of deal with them. My co-worker (whose about 55) said to me, "This is a good opportunity. It's better that you learn how to deal with them now, and have experience with them. That way, when you're out in the real world and people are frustrating you, you'l know how to deal with it, and they won't push you over the edge." And I think she's right. The job has been a real learning experience in the way of inter-personal relationships. And it's been enjoyable, since I like everyone in the office. ^_^;[/color]
[QUOTE=Retribution][size=1]Ford's in his flivver, and all's well with the world. (Did anyone get the Brave New World reference? No? ;__;)[/size][/QUOTE] [color=#9933ff]AHH!!!! This is why I LOVE you!!!!! HUXLEY IS MY FAVORITE!!! *glomps you to near-death* ^_____^ [spoiler]Orgy porgy Ford and fun, kiss the girls and make them one![/spoiler] I would have to say I'm most grateful for the harnessing of electricity to power appliances. Our computers run off electricity, and I also love my computer (another invention I'm grateful for). Have you ever had a power outage, and had to do without all your electrical appliances, including the cordless phone? When you're in a power outage, you really realize how much you depend on electricity. The last power outage I was in was um.... 2003? When the whole north-east coast got put out because of a downed wire. And yes, I started to realize how much electricity is a part of our lives. :)[/color]
[color=#9933ff]For a woman, I don't really have a lot of shoes. I have maybe 7, 8 pairs total? I mean, I have more shoes than that, but they're things like slippers, or flip-flops that I probably need to throw away. Those 7 or 8 is what I actually wear. I only have one pair of running shoes - heh. So, when mine wear out, I [u]have[/u] to get a new pair. I've got a pair of black ballet flats. I've been looking for a complementary white pair, and I finally found one. ^_^ I've also got a pair of white, dressy heeled sandals with a backstrap, heeled black sandals, and thong flip-flops. I have a pair of black boots, too, and they're my favorite, because they're riding boots (by Millers. ...Which is out of business, which sucks. >_
Let's talk about sex (Mature please)
Roxie Faye replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[color=#9933ff]Speaking of the Church (RC, I mean), I think they're rather silly. They don't condone abortion (which, from a RELIGIOUS stand point, I can understand), but then they also don't condone protection in any form. Which is silly. Basically, they're implying that sex is ONLY for procreation, but I also got a booklet from confirmation class once that said it was okay to make love (once you're married of course) without the intent of having children. ... Okay. See? I think they're strange. My mom never explained sex to me. She tried once, but at that point I was already 13, and I pretty much knew the basics. *rolls eyes* Health class in middle school promoted abstinence and condom usage. Sex ed (Freshman health) was interesting. Most of it was about protection and birth control options. And a video showing how to put on a condom. At the end, they even had a gynecologist come in and explain different options with us. Like, they handed out some of the actual devices used. (I can't even remember the names of most of this stuff, now. Can you tell I'm still a virgin? ;)) They also went over the different parts in the body (most of which I already knew). That's about it. I don't really know a lot about the technical aspects. Basics or whatever. I suppose at this age I should know more? I could - there's a book lying around the house about it, but I'm too busy reading fanfiction. (Haha, in which lemons occur sometimes, though I don't suppose gay porn [when plausible] is very helpful to me as a woman. =D) [quote name='Raiyuu][FONT=Trebuchet MS]@ the relevant people: Is American sex education genuinely so bad that you learned more from [i]porn?[/i] Because we had it covered in cringeworthy detail at GCSE level - I think that's eleventh grade? - I say cringeworthy because I went to an all-male high school, with a female biology teacher. Up till that point I thought the verb [i]to giggle[/i'] applied exclusively to the fairer sex...[/font][/quote] The answer to your question, the answer which a few people have established so far is yes, we learn more from porn than school. It's pretty bad. I mean, what can you expect from a country that, at the break out of the AIDS epidemic offered NOTHING to the American people except "Just say no." He may have helped bring down the wall, but because of his own Christianity, he refused to take AIDS seriously, and start a campaign. Good job! *eye roll* You expect that a country with THAT type of mentality would willingly inform people about sex? Pfft. I've heard that yes, in the south, there really isn't a lot of sex ed, and if there is, it amounts to "abstinence." --Although, Sara's duct tape and color analogies were pretty bad (and she lives in the midwest-ish?). ;_; The weirdest analogy from school video tapes that I've ever heard was "Love (sex) is like a rose. And every time you pass it around to the next person, the rose gets more bruised, and petals fall off. And soon, there's nothing left of the rose, and it doesn't seem so special any more." And no, I'm not making that up. To me, sex isn't that important (but then again, this is from the perspective of a virgin). I can barely kiss a guy, and even then I brushed my teeth for about half an hour. I'd really have to be in a long term relationship with someone I really really loved, before I would even consider having sex with them. And, I've heard a lot about the first time. People say it's special, but I've also heard from other people that the first time isn't as great as they thought it was going to be. For that reason, I won't hold it in such a high place, but I'm definitely not ready, emotionally, to give myself to anyone yet. P.S.: [spoiler]Whoever said 'thinking about your parents doing it to create you is disturbing' is right.[/spoiler] P.P.S.: OMG!! RETRI - I just saw that you're a mod!! Congrats!! *hugs you* And yeah, I've been outta the loop for QUITE some time. ^^; Congrats to the person who is totally the other half of my brain - you ALWAYS think what I think. Even in here, you did. ¬_¬ *more hugs*[/color]