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Roxie Faye

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Everything posted by Roxie Faye

  1. [color=#9933ff]Thank you, CHW, for starting this thread. I was too lazy to start it, so... ^^;; I agree with Baron that they cut it pretty close, but at least they *did* catch it. The pandemonium it would have caused - had the attack succeeded, would have been incredible. They shows garbage cans fill of liquids being thrown away, on TV, because they couldn't take them. One woman had all these prefumes from Tiffany's that she had to dispose of, but she said it was a small price to pay for keeping her life. Most people have been pretty sporting about it, from what I've heard. In one of the preliminary reports (meaning this might have changed), they said that the attackers ranged in age from 17 to 38. I'm 17, and I'm sure a lot of you are close to that age - 15, 16, 17, 18. Can you imagine selling your life to a fundamental terrorist group? It's absolutely... I don't know what. It's just crazy. It makes me sad to think about someone so young being caught up in something like this. *shakes head* And before someone tries to rip my head off - I'm not sympathetic to him too much - I mean, they're trying to kill thousands of people, and they think what they're doing is okay - but just the age; makes you stop and think for a millisecond. *shrug*[/color]
  2. [color=#9933ff]Now that I FINALLY have my music list back (*squeals* ^_^), I can give you the name of that AWESOME Thai band. It's called [b]Zeal[/b], and I LOO~OOVE their latest album, "[url=http://www.ethaicd.com/show.php?pid=21140]Space[/url]." They have a couple of soungs on youtube, my favorite of which is "yàa yòo kon dieow." They sound like a pop-ified version of L'arc, but they're still pretty good! ^^; I appreciate all the music recommendations that you gave me. I ended up checking them all out. I did like some more than others, but all were good. I really really appreciate the recommendations. I think I have some new favorites. Here are other Asian bands that I thought were good enough to recommend: [list] [*]20th Century - Japanese. Good sound, funky! [*]Masaharu Fukuyama - Old Japanese guy. Look for (his not full album) "Tokyo," which is a love ballad. [*]5566 - Mandarin. Album: "Long Time No See."pop-rock, oriental, tap dance elements. Not as bad as it sounds?[/list] I want to warn you, they're not like anything you sent me. They're more pop, but even so, give 20th Century a chance, 'cause they're really funky. @.@[/color]
  3. [color=#9933ff]Ever since shortly before my excursion to a foreign country, I've started to become an international music fiend, picking up music from around the world. Of course, I realized that I was [u]always[/u] interested in international music. You know, I realized I didn't own an American band (that wasn't a boy band), so I told me my mom to buy me Apocalyptica for my birthday. I KNEW they weren't American, I just forgot. When I was listening to it on my birthday, I said to myself, "You know, Roxie, they're Finnish. What the hell, how did you forget!" And then I acquired both State-side released L'arc albums. And then I went away to a foreign country where the plane ride had the most awesome, interesting collection of Asian sings and bands ever. You see, the little screen on the back of the head rest in front of you had interactive software in it. You could watch movies, TV, play games, and listen to music. They had tons of Asian (And Thai) music, so I soaked it all up. I bought Tata Young while I was there, too. (I wouldn't recommend her to anyone who actually likes music. She's disgustingly pop.) So anyway, the point of this thread is to ask if anyone listens to bands and singers from other countries, and to talk a little bit about them if they do. My personal purpose for this thread is to try out some new bands and singers if I haven't heard them before. So while I'm mainly talking about artists who haven't really been imported to America (say, 'Rain' from Korea, or even Jpns artists), if you want to talk about Coldplay or t.A.T.u, go ahead. =) Lumi actually has my list from the plane. Yes, I went through all the artists on the plane and wrote them all down. Specified their nationality and approximate style type using my own words (since I have no brains or expertise to classify music into genres). I really want the list right now so I gave give you all the name of the most orgasmic Thai band ever with such a funky sound (it's reminiscent of L'arc but a LOT funkier), but I can't because I can't remember their name (it's a quirky English word, dammit) and I don't have the list, obviously. I *do* remember a really good pop singer. He's actually not bad if you're used to listening to Chinese. The Chinese language IS weird for those who haven't experienced it. And it's weird for me because I've never really been around a lot of Mandarin. I have been exposed to Cantonese, and that's probably why I'm in love with Cantopop. His name is 'Ronald Cheng' and he's Cantonese. Meaning he [i]sings[/i] in Cantonese. Cantopop. Yes, I said pop, but it's not that bad. Some of it's easy listening, some of it's got easy guitar in it. But I like him. I'm currently searching for a German band (that *isn't* Rammstein), since I'm high on a Weiss AMV with the song "Alles Schwarz" (Oh, come ON! SCHWAAARRRZZ) by uhm... *checks* ... Die Prinzen! If you've got one, let me know; Die Prinzen is... okay to me. *shrugs* Endnote: It would be difficult to walk into a CD store and sample this stuff, in order to listen to it. So, you can either d/l it (P2P, bittorent, other), or listen to it streaming on youtube. But if you like them, be kind and buy the album if you can. [size=1]P.S.: Twenty bucks says I get less than two responses to this thread, providing people understand [u]anything[/u] that I've just said.[/size][/color]
  4. [color=#9933ff]Visualkei - I totally and completely agree with you, on everything. Heero yuy, yes as everyone has said, that guy is a complete jackass who's insecure about himself, and so he needs to make fun of others. Man, I'm Asian too - I'd be completely pissed off if he said something like that to me. [quote name='Visualkei']Most women just want equal opportunities, and to be treated fairly by having the same opportunities as men. I really don't think that's asking for a lot.[/quote] Thank you! As a bright young woman who wants to enter into a career in science, and perhaps even politics, I know I have my work cut for me. I shouldn't have to fight for the same position that a man would easily be given, but because of gender discrimination, I do. I credit all the pioneers in the women's movement, and all the brave women who have made my path easier. It's still gonna be difficult, but not as difficult as it was for them. Someone on page 1 asked, what should we do about it, and no one wants to answer that question. We'd all like to gripe about it instead. I think that feminists need to keep persuing female interests, especially in the government. Wait, wait. Let me define feminism first. I did an entire report on the 1950's and 60's movement, so I'll dig out my definition.There is no single feminist theory or set of principles, and even the classification of different types of feminists (liberal, socialist, radical), assumes stereotypes. (Losely) Feminism as a movement is: the act of making "the issue" all about women, as a response to push for equality between men and women politically and socially. So, I think feminist political activists are needed to call attention to those discriminating against women, to make the government (at any level) uphold equality laws. I think women need to persue their careers, no matter if it's a field dominated by males. It's hard to even get a job, but keep trying. Don't give in. Pave the way for the next generation. I feel that the best way to START to overcome gender inequality and discrimination in all aspects is to use the laws to push for equality. If women can show that they are just as capable as men (and men aare finally starting to realize that since the last few decades) in the workplace, and can be just as secure economically, I think that their attitudes will change. Then the attitudes of those around them might change. In order to enact a social change in regards to relationships and perspectives on women, I think we (women) need to show we are capable in others aspects, i.e. work. I would also like to say that a lack of respect for women - as human beings - is intolerable. But what bugs me is the opposite: a need to "protect" all women. I've had a nasty run-in with someone like this, and though I didn't say so, I find it highly offensive. I can take care of myself, goddammit! I don't need someone to care for me or "save" me. *growls. ... wants to kill him.* (And ironically, I can take care of myself a lot better than he can take care of himself, might I add). Just a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T for another (woman) human being, based on how much said women gives respect, is all we're really asking for. (...Visualkei, like I said, you hit the nail right on the head.)[/color]
  5. [QUOTE=Sonic Boom]I don't worry about it, it's just another form of self expression. Some kids are identifying with the emo thing the same way I identified with the new wave/goth thing when I was in high school. The tight jeans and shag haircuts have just replaced the leather jackets, creepers and Morrissey hair I used to have. You know, some kids are into football, other kids are into AFI. Everybody's different and it's all cool. Having said that, I seriously doubt 99% of the kids who claim to be emo have any idea who Grey Matter or Rites of Spring are.[/QUOTE] [color=#9933ff]I think this is the best post so far, and I found it very true in the "style" aspect. That style is becoming more popular; it's fashion. The thing is, I don't think anyone really knows what the hell Emo is. I don't even [i]call[/i] people as Emo - I call them goth, actually. lol. (As in, reference to the fashion type; not the music nor the architecture, etc.) I think it's a way to label today's middle-to-upper-class angst ridden high school youth. Though honestly, I really do think it has a lot to do with fashion. People who dress emo don't necessarily act like it, and I think that's okay as long as they don't call themselves Emo. I liked Goth Loli for a while (not anymore, heh), but the bibles scared the crap outta me, so I never identified with the movement. It was just fashion. *shrug* What I would really like to know, from someone who thinks of themselves as Emo - what's it all about? I really don't get it, and I don't see the big deal over Emo. Enlighten me! ^_^ [QUOTE=RiflesAtRecess][font=trebuchet ms]I like to begin posts with some introductory point to make, but after five minutes of re-reading things and staring around thinking about it... I'm just going to skip it. I listen to emo music and I'm a complete purist in regards to it. Most music that people call "emo" and "screamo" are just marketed as such, or based off of some misunderstanding 14-year-old's perception of the term. Emo stands for emocore which itself is an abbreviation of emotive hardcore, a genre made up of fast and sometimes textured guitars, at least two screamers at nearly all times, segments of spoken word, and some emotion present in the lyrics or instrument playing that is not present in regular hardcore. Most kids who are "emo" wouldn't touch that ****. Honestly, I'm really sick of seeing clothing styles differenciating who is emo and who isn't. People say that their style is to break outside of the box, to speak out agianst whatever is ailing them. To quote a brilliant emo band, The Assistant: [i]you want to be an individual, right? You look like you're wearing a uniform.[/i] Sigh. It's really sad when people take a word that signified a genre of music breaking barriers of creativity, creating art, into a word that degrades and judges people. Real "emos" are artists.[/font][/QUOTE] Unfortunately (actually, I think it's very unfortunate), this happens a lot. A music style is turned into a cheap fashion trend. Goth, punk, etc., blah blah blah. And then consequently the true music fans try to distance themselves with the cheap, superficial teen movement. v.v I'm not into Emo and/or screamo music at all, but since you're saying that a lot of the music is labeled and marketed wrong, I was wondering if you would give me any band or song recommendations. I'm becoming something of an international music fiend, and I'd like to have a listen at what you're listening to. If you have time (or if anyone else does) to listen to D'espairsRay (Japanese band), my question would be: what would you label that? They scream, but I was hesitant to label them, since I know nothing about music genres. First try their song "Garnet" if you listen to them - it's a good song (and scarily enough, I can hear and understand their English lyrics. They sing English better than most J-artists, IMO.) And by the way, as someone kindly pointed out, cutting your wrist(s) has nothing to do with being Emo. I think people cut for a lot of different, individual reasons. I think it's a sensitive subject and while I know a lot of you are thinking of the dramatic posers looking for attention by cutting when you condemn them, please realize there are also people who cut because they have real problems. Be kind to them. If you want to call out on the posers, make sure you [i]say[/i] that you hate the posers specifically - don't generalize. It's generally a bad idea. (haha, stupid pun. *rolls eyes*) [edit]P.S.: Ever since I heard the song, everytime Emo is mentioned, I think ot that song "I Must Be Emo," which makes fun of the "emo trend."[/color]
  6. [color=#9933ff]I think you have a good point Lunox - WK (for Americans at least) is a very fan driven community. I think in a way, though, it kinda makes sense. To me, it feels like Takehito Koyasu & co. made this entire Weiss world, in a way. There's the anime, the manga, the OAV(s), Gluehen, the drama CDs, the manga again (side b). Just... everything Weiss. In a way, I feel as though the [i]concept[/i] Side B *is* a fanfiction or something. You know - take Aya and Ken and throw them in a story. Hehe. So er, yeah. You're right. It's fan driven, but to me, that's where it came from - people who act fan-ish. I like that, so it's not a big deal to me. Also, I really like the fan(fiction) community. It's smaller than I thought it would be, but everyone is nice. Even the people who write amazingly well and have frighteningly large thought processes on WK are not stuck up. It's nice to find something like that. Tempest - you couldn't find the DVDs? Really? My friend just bought them (the original series and Gluehen) at AnimeNext. You can order them online anywhere, I'm sure. The DVDs are great - my friends and I still crack up about the outtakes on there. Or if you're cheap and/or lazy, you can always snag them off of youtube like I did (it's fansubbing). So we've done favorite Kitten. What about favorite member of Schwarz? Post it! ^^ For me, it's Omi's "counterpart," Nagi. They're close in age, and they're both the computer geniuses on their teams. Nagi's so young compared to the rest of his team, and he's forced to act more mature. He's such a lonely boy with a vendetta against society. In truth, he's just a young teen struggling to find himself - only he's an assassin in the meantime. My biggest wish for Nagi is to be able to grow and develop mentally and emotionally. Schwarz is not my favorite - I honestly prefer Weiss a whole lot more. However, Nagi's about the only one I can truly like, on that team. I love his psi power (telekinesis), and I get the feeling that he's incredibly strong - stronger than any other telekinetic. *cites last ep* >_>[/color]
  7. [color=#9933ff]I was really surprised there's no Weiss thread (yes, I did check. ^_~). I guess this is it, then? Yeah, so say anything Weiss (or Schwarz. ...Or Schreient if you prefer large doses of "MASAFUMI!!!") in here. Let's start with: Favorite kitten and why. Me? Omi. To me, at very first sight, he was the most attractive one. Of course, even though I may or may not pick by most attractive, it's always their personalities that bring me into them. I like Omi because he's cheerful all the time, despite what happens to him or what he does. I've looked at his character, and to me, it doesn't look like a mask. He's very young and very strong emotionally. I think that he internalizes all the **** that happens to him, gripes and cries about it when he's alone, thinks and analyzes it, gets all his emotions out, and then just goes on. Well, that's my theory anyway. Everyone on that team's past is so tragic, but Omi's is close to being the most tragic. [spoiler]How would you feel if your supposed father didn't pay the ransom for you? And then to be picked up by Kritiker and trained to be a killer. They say that Reiji was psycho and he was, but I think Shuuichi is just as sick. To take a kid - Omi couldn't have been older than 7 or 8, and train him to kill?[/spoiler] Everyone says that Rozenkreuz is a horrible place, but think about it: How much better is Kritiker? Ken comes in a close second, and that's mostly because of his soccer thing. I love soccer, he's a soccer player. I also like Ken because he's so down to earth. Once I heard him described as "the guy next door that you could take home to your mother." He's awesome like that. And, I'm just kinda sad that he never got to play soccer again. I would have liked to see him get up after Weiß and go back to soccer. Of course, that isn't really possible (heh). I know he [spoiler]went to jail, but not how he got there[/spoiler] (and I'd rather not). Though I imagine that pretty much screwed things up for him. However, I had an actual reason for creating this thread. I wanted to know about Schuldig. I've only seen the anime and nothing else. Not the mangas (gyah, not sure I want to even touch SideB), not the OVAs, not the Drama CDs, and not Glühen... yet. I know not a lot, but the one thing I wanted to know is: "Is Schuldig an orphan who grew up on the streets?" I saw nothing in the anime about his past at all. The only two we really catch a glimpse of is Farfarello and Nagi. However, in a lot of fanfiction, I see him written as an orphan. Is he? I've got this notion in my head that he was born to German aristocracy (if that's possible). Do we really know anything about him, or are we free to make stuff up? I really would like to know, because that notion is bothering my head and it won't go away. :/ The things that annoy me: [list] [*]Because half the information I get about these guys comes from fanfiction, it's awfully annoying as hell when fannon is thrown around like cannon. [url=http://www.thenoodlebowl.com/schuldig/fandom.html#fannon]This[/url] was a nice starters guide to tell me what was real and what wasn't. Mergh. :/ [*]Spelling. It's Schwarz. I don't care about German pronuncation. German SPELLING says that it's Schwarz. There's no 'T' in there, damn it! Esset also bothers me because I don't actually know WHAT the spelling is. I usually accept Esset, Estet, Eszet, SS, or SZ.I've seen Este, which to me gives an entirely differen pronunciation. And someone spelled in Aste once and it took me forever to figure out what they were talking about. Glühen also bothers me (though I think it's the creators' faults for choosing a word with an Umlaut in it). Since I found out a little bit of German from my father, it bothers me when people write it as "Gluhen." If you don't know the alt number for the ü (0252, btw), PLEASE USE "E". Traditionally when you don't use the umlaut, you follow the vowel with an "e" to denote the "e" sound in the word. It's either Glühen or Gluehen. Please try not to use Gluhen. Schuldig bothers me, in part because I'm not familiar with German enough to know the pronunciation of that "g." As far as I knew it was a regular g, but people seem to write it "Schuldich" at times and it baffles me. Schuldig is the actual word in the dictionary, and I would advocate that usage.[/list] I'm not asking any Weiß fans to be perfect with spelling, far from it. I hardly know German myself, and I don't expect anyone else to just instantly know it. What I would advocate is education. Correct people when they are wrong. Spread knowledge of the right spelling! Gyah. And so ends my german spelling rant. (the alt code for ß, by the way, is 0223). Please comment on any aspect of Weiss if you haven't already turned away from my spelling rant! I'll appreciate it if you do![/color]
  8. [color=#9933ff]I have not read any of the replies yet, so please forgive me for my ignorance. Frankly, I find these stores scary. I had to go into American Eagle once to get my sister a gift card (which she liked, so it was kinda worth it), and I was freaked. It was all... [i]preppy[/i]. I'm very preppy myself, but this was terribly, SCARY kinda preppy, and I just wanted to leave before I either had a nervous breakdown, or gagged. Once I left, I vowed never to go back again. I hope I don't have to. It's so bizarre, though. This is my sister we're talking about, who was the biggest goth ever, hot topic lover, stevie nicks dress wearing drama-clique girl. And then she gets a job at age 24, and BAM! she wants American Eagle. X__x I hope I never get like that. Please. >_> Abercrombie and Fitch I can't comment on. It's okay. w/e. Hollister though, now that's a scary place. Have you ever seen the entrance from the outside?!? It's a pavillion that wants to engulf you!! It's incredibly intimidating, and just walking up to it, wearing the clothes I wear, I immediately feel like I *definitely* [b]don't[/b] belong, and I turn around and run the other way. AHH, SCARY!!!! >_> [/color]
  9. [color=#9933ff]I htink that's really cool that you want to learn more about your Asian side. That's kinda what I want to do, too. I want to learn to speak Chinese someday (I'm not counting on writing it - God help me in my endeavors if I even *attempt* to try to learn the writing), and I want to know more about Chinese culture. Next year's Academic Decathlon topic is all about modern China (History of Communism, China as a market economy, Chinese art, Chinese music, etc.), so hopefully that will give me a better understanding of Chiense culture. ^.^''[/color]
  10. [color=#9933ff]Hey, that is a pretty interesting site, Dagger. I got 9 out of 18, and it was purely by guessing. It is a touchy subject, but I like that site - it's pretty cool. Heh, I'm sure that can get annoying for you mom when people start to assume and talk to her in their language. My dad doesn't assume - he just shows off. Honestly, he's such a show off; he spoke Mandarin to someone at a Chinese take-out place once, in front of all these other people. Or, perhaps, he was only trying to help out the person taking his order? I don't really know - I was littler, then. I know he doesn't pretend that he can speak Japanese, though. He's really funny - he asked about superglue in a store in Toyko once, and he told me that the guy just kept talking and talking to him, and he didn't understand a word of what the guy said, and then walked out of the store (without the glue) in a daze. Hehe. I kinda like that test; I want to make my mom take it - lol. [/color]
  11. [color=#9933ff]Thai? Really! Cool! *pounces* sowat dee ka! I'm Thai... in spirit. ^__^ Sorta, I mean. My dad is 100% chinese, but his parents were Chiense immigrants living in Thailand, and he was born and raised in Thailand all his life. He identifies himself as Thai in the same way that I call myself an America. So I'm "kinda" Thai. Some of you are talking about how people mistake you for other Asian nationalities. Is there actually a way for people to tell nationalities apart, or are these people just being idiots who think they can 'call' someone's nationality by looking at them. I seriously don't think it is possibly to just [i]say[/i] someone is Chinese or Malaysian or Korean or Vietnamese by looking at them. ...It's not possible... right? The only way I can tell is by looking at their last name. Give me a name, and I'll tell you if it's Chinese, Korean, Japanese, or Thai (generally with Thai; a teacher at my school had a really short name, though, bestowed upon the family by the king, and I didn't know until she told me. Long names, as a general rule, are Thai). I'm not so good with Vietnamese, though, and anything else (Indonesian, Malaysian, Laotian, etc.) is lost on me. *_*[/color]
  12. [color=#9933ff]*hugs you, NekoSama* Masquerade, Masquerade, paper faces on parade... hmm? ...May I also introduce you to Duo Maxwell - a character who does exactly what you do. I know people who do the same, though I am not at liberty to discuss them. I know, then, from experience, your reasons for acting cheerful all the time. If you want to talk about this, please feel free to PM me. I'll be more than willing to listen. I think maybe you need someone to talk to. Okay okay, since we're all spilling our souls out here, I guess I will, too. To an extent. So, right - confession. Mine is that I'm more selfish than people think I am. I try not to be, but sometimes I'll find myself thinking horribly selfish things, or wanting selfish things, and no matter what I do, I can't drive it away. It's a personality flaw that makes me 'bad,' and I'm terrified of it. People always tell me I'm not selfish, but I don't think that unless they [i]were[/i] me, they would understand how selfish I can be. I like hearing them tell me that I'm not, because it gives me stability for at least one single moment. *sad smile*[/color]
  13. [color=#9933ff]Ohhh. That's one hell of a question, considering I am a musician, too. I totally understand where you're coming from, and it's a really hard choice to make. In the end, I choose option number one, just because I would *know* that I was making a mistake, and would be able to fix it. The fact of *knowing* something makes it a better option. The reason number two looks appealing is because if YOU don't notice your mistake, it's even less likely that your audience knows what's going on. However, there is always the chance that someone WILL recognize your mistake, especially if it's in something like rhythm or tempo. There's been a few times where I've actually screwed up the tempo and/or rhythm and not known it until my teacher pointed it out to me. And then, it's ten times harder to fix, because you've already got your original rhythm stuck in your head. I also find that when you DO realize the mistakes you've been making all along, it's incredibly embarassing. Even if no one else knows, YOU know, and if you're any dedicated musician, you like to get things right. Just one of many examples: I played the opening to Tocatta and fugue the wrong way for the longest time. It was really bad. I finally realized what I was doing wrong, but I have to make a concious effort to play it right every time I do it. *_* I would have liked to have known what I was doing wrong earlier, so I could have fixed it sooner. *smile* Here's one, based on personal experience: Would you rather: Take an AP English class your Junior year, where you are assigned a 25 page paper over the course of six months (with 3 or 4 deadlines at different intervals), even though you're taking all honors and AP classes in everything else... or suffer the wrath of your parents (or parent) who happen to be English teachers by taking the easier CP English class? They'll get in an arguement with you, and then give you a stern lecture once they've found out, ground you for a week, and through out the year, make random snipes at you for being an underachiever, and occasionally you'll get in arguements with them about it. I think the answer depends on how important school is to you. I chose the former, just to let you know. Even [i]thinking[/i] about taking the CP route was unacceptable because my mother WOULD have done all that and WORSE (I thought those were pretty lenient), and I am not joking. Urgh, just thinking about it is scary.[/color]
  14. [color=#9933ff]*shakes head* Raiyuu and I must have posted at the eaxt same time because I did [i]not[/i] see what he said. But I follow the rules - I'll explain my titles. First was "Mistress of Darkness." I think it's ironic, because I'm an incredibly happy/cheerful person. But I wanted to be a bit of a rebel, all gothy-like and whatnot, so I said "Darkness! Why not? Yay!" And, I wanted to be the ruler of darkness, like the expert, the master of a skill or trade, but only, the female word is mistress, so... *shrugs* I'm sure people over the years have misconstrued the title, but that's not my problem. I'm an expert, a ruler over darkness. ^^ keke. "Doma the Angel of Silence" is a Yu-Gi-Oh Card. A really crappy one at that. But I just thought the "Angel of Silence" part was really cool, so I took it. My anime mascot for the Angel of Silence is Subaru from .hack//SIGN, and I think she is well chosen because her gentle and caring personality reminds me of myself. ^^' Tsarina of Hearts was harder to think up. I actually thought of that one last. I knew I wanted the title of Tsarina, because I think it sounds lovely, and my sister's Russian fanatacism had finally caught up to me. *_* (the 'tatiana' in 'roxieortatiana' refers to the second oldest sister in the last imperial family of Russia. Major points if you know [i]exactly[/i] what I'm talking about! *snickers, staring pointedly at older members*). Darkness and Silence are two descriptions that don't really match me at all, so I finally wanted something that did. If asked to describe me in one word, everyone says I'm kind. Eh. I, myself, care a lot about people and how they feel, so being the 'Queen' of [u]Hearts[/u] seemed to fit. *grins wickedly* SELF-PROCLAIMED TITLES ARE FUN!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! *bounces up and down like an annoying n00b*[/color]
  15. [color=#9933ff]OMFG!!! I AM [b]TEH [i]MASTER[/i] OF SELF-PROCLAIMED TITLES[/b]. Who started the Mistress trend? I DID! W00T! ^__^ Self-proclaimed titles are SOOO much fun! They are the BESTEST EVERRR. A long time ago I actually made an entire speechy thing to say off all my self-proclaimed titles. I can't remember it to the letter (probably more punctuation back then), but this was my speechy rant thingy that I used to say ALL the time: [quote]I am Roxanne Faye Shen. My name means Fairy of the Dawn, but I am the Angel of Silence, the Tsarina of Hearts, and the Mistress of Darkness![/quote] BUWAHAHAA!!!! SQUEEE! Oh, and I still have bottles of purple nailpolish, and a squeaky m4llet0rz that I carry with me. *giggles* Wow, I feel like such a n00b right now. I'm so excited about this. Man, those titles? Good times, good times. ^___^[/color]
  16. [color=#9933ff]After reading people get upset on pages 2 and 3 I just didn't read page 4. *shrug* I believe in God. I believe that all Gods and higher beings in all religions are the same thing, so it doesn't matter to me which one you believe in. So the god of Christianity, the god of Judaism, the god of Islam (Allah - I think the use of 'Allah' is awesome), nirvana in Buddhism, all those millions of gods in Shintoism, the gods in Hinduism, even that two-personalitied god in Zoroastrianism (I don't remember his name, I'll have to ask Lumi), etc. are all the same thing, and they are all God (God as a general term for higher being, not God as in just the Christian one). I believe in God, because he is THE only answer to all question. Try this: Where did the grass come from? Seeds. Where did the first seeds come from? They were probably a mutation of something. How did this thing mutate? Spontaneously. Why is it spontaneous? ... ...The only answer I could come up with was because God said so. And that was a piss poor example, but I can't think of anything else. ;_; I believe that entropy is caused by God. I believe the Big bang was caused by God. Do you realize how many patterns and orders there are for things in the world? In biology, phi is the golden ratio for everything. It is amazing how well SO MANY things fit into phi, that I can think of nothing else other than God willed it to be that way. In chemistry, when you learn about the periodic table of elements, the orbitals, the energy levels, why there can only 118 elements, and when you see how well the periodic table lines up in so many different ways (periodic trends), it is simply astounding. I believe that God was wise so he willed the elements to be ordered in that way, to make a more organized world. I don't believe people create organization out of chaos - they find God's message of organization. I was raised Roman Catholic, and I go to church every Sunday. I am currently struggling to find what I believe in [i]besides[/i] God, and what I believe from the church. However, despite anything else I believe in, I believe in a higher being, in God, and I believe he is all knowing, and that he created everything. I guess I'll say this - I don't understand atheists. I don't know if I haven't tried hard enough to understand them, or I just don't, but I know that I get in a state of disbelief when I think of people that don't believe in a God. I respect their beliefs - go believe what you want - I just don't understand their choice. I... If anyone who is an atheist wants to answer my question: why don't you believe in a God? I'm just curious. I think it would help me to better understand the choice you make. I don't [b]*have*[/b] to understand it by any means, but... I want to, if that's okay with you. [/color]
  17. [color=#9933ff]Heh. If the world didn't believe in interracial couples, I would be here. Keke. My mom's American (European mix), my dad is Thai/Chinese. I don't think it should matter what someone looks like, but how they act, and what they are like as a person. The Boss: You said it! It's sad, because I see a lot of times in history that tragedy occurs because people are unwilling to accept others because of their race, religion, etc., and people think they are better than others. In the age of imperialism and right before WWI, I learned that there were people who were in support of the supremacy of Europeans/North Americans (Caucasians) over others, and that there was even a guy who wrote a book trying to prove it based on "scientific" data (something about physical appearances, the brain, etc. bogus). And, of course, Japan thought they were better than [i]everyone[/i], so they decided to start WWII, which lead to the brutal tortures and murders of so many people. *looks up* Dunno where I was going with that - did you understand it? But anyway, I think superiority based on race happens more often than it should, and that's really... dis-heartening, and such a shame. More people need to understand equality,get their heads out of the sand, and get over their xenophobia. *_* Tell me if you understood that. I don't know how to make it clearer, yet I still feel like it's a little confusing. (My posting skills are deteriorating!!! ...Is that possible?!?)[/color]
  18. [quote name='Charles']There's no need to bite people's heads off because you voted for crappy people, Roxie. Calm down.[/quote] [quote name='Athena][size=1]'nough said. I'll stop there before I [i]really[/i'] get uptight.[/size][/quote] [color=#9933ff]Oh shut up, Charles. I was not biting anyone's head off by any means. I feel like I'm going to cry right now, because no matter how many times I try to say I wasn't yelling at anyone, and that I am sorry Athena took it the wrong way (and also that I regret my ill-worded reply), none of you seem to get it, and you all want to yell right back at me after I tried to clear up the misunderstanding! How about this, plain and simple, dancing naked right in front of you're face, free of sarcasm: I'm sorry. OKAY?!?!? Can you stop acting so irritable now, because I'm trying to smooth everything out, but you're still stubbing me right in the face, and it's frustrating, because I wish you [i]wouldn't[/i] be so uptight as to not see that I'm trying to correct it. But I can only go so far. And I'm really really upset that I have to go to these lengths to fix everything, after I made one misplaced comment. God, it's one of my first posts in months, and it leaves me with the feeling that OB's become hostile overnight. What's going on?[/color]
  19. [color=#9933ff]*pounces* Thanks for the congradulations. ^_^ I don't know what I did with your number. I used to have Ken's number, and a bunch of other people's numbers, too, and now I just don't have them - they all disappeared one day, and I'm very sad for it. ;_; (I think Ken's might be floating around on my computer - god only knows where.) And ygo tournament isn't corny or anything, you should know that. I mean, I think it's extremely cool to be that good at ygo - take it from the newbie, I know how hard it can be to win a game. You're regional champ - that's cool, too. Hehe, funny story about that, I'll tell you some time. Thanks for the warm wishes about nationals from everyone; we're just excited that we can go. Competing is icing on the cake to the fact that we're going. We don't expect to beat the psycho insane team from California that wins every year - we just want to go. And we have, so it's excellent. ^^ [/color]
  20. [color=#9933ff]Yeah, everyone's so excited about San Antonio and stuff. I'm just sorry I won't be able to go; my mom wants me to look at colleges over spring break, which is when the competition is, and I'm not even going to try to ask her, because I know she won't let me go (not that I have money for a plane ticket, either). Ugh, it's like... everyone says they're going to go, and I feel a little... unloyal? because I know that I just [i]won't[/i] be able to, because of monetary reasons, if for nothing else. =( But anyway, SHINIGAMI LOVES YOU, LUMI!!! LOL. ^_^[/color]
  21. [quote name='Athena][size=1']Who quoted the same nomination doesn't matter. Everyone's votes counted. That's my point. For the sake of accuracy, if quotes were wrong, oh well. It was a simple mistake. But, in regards to "Oh, my vote doesn't count"; that's wrong, it did make a difference in the final 50. That's all I'm saying.[/size][/quote] [color=#9933ff]Jezus, chill out. You're acting so uptight. I even made a winking face, AND I laughed. Semi-sarcasm, hi? I'm disappointed that some of my nominations didn't make it, and that was what I meant by my votes not counting, but four of them were included in the final, and I do realize that yeah, I was represented (in some perceived-weird way). And by the way, I also wasn't aware that you even counted votes, so how was I to know that you went on a numerical system? When nifty fifty was first introduced, the explanation made it sound like you guys looked over the list of what was nominated, and decided for yourself which fifty best represented OB, as a more... qualitative group than quantitative. I just assumed that you all coordinated your opinions over PMs and e-mails and stuff. No one ever told me [i]counting[/i] was involved. It's just really disheartening that you took my post that way, because I wasn't really mad at anyone. And in some ways, you act like I was personally attacking you, and for the record, I just wanted to let you know, I wasn't (so chillax, chica. ^_~). This means I'll have to try to convey my illogical-humor better in the future, or perhaps not go there in the future. *waves merrily* ~Rox =D[/color]
  22. [color=#9933ff]Oh, well I was wondering why the heck it was taking so long. But, if it was for those banners, I don't mind. THEY were pretty nifty! lol. ^_^ But anyway, THANKS GUYS, MY VOTES TOTALLY DIDN'T COUNT!! Considering that the only people that I nominated that won were Retribution (YESS!), Ken (Deathknight), Solo (yeah well, he BETTER have been on there), and Corey (I love youuu!!). ;P *laughs* It's too bad Petie wasn't nifty enough. BUT HE'S ALWAYS NIFTY IN MY BOOK. And so is everyone else who posts in the PC forum. I love you guys! Some of the awards that I liked (besides the ones I nominated for): DebreSko, wrist cutter, charles (I love the quote that goes with it),CHW's crazy fonts (yay CHW, congrats!!! ^__^), and ob members who don't watch anime. *laughs* Too bad mediocrity of the memberbase wasn't nifty. It makes sense that it wouldn't fly with the committee, but I wish. *shrug* I would also like to thank Solo for nominating me. ^_~ I'm an oldie (oh yeah!!), so I was technically voted nifty. *snickers* That's cool though. Man, here since V4? heh. But I'm a newbie at heart. *grins* Newbie... and DARN proud of it!! (*huggles all the newbies. I love you guys*) And one last comment - Whoever did Justin and Adam's banner, I love you. I officially love you. Because, I just wanted to say that the people on that image are so sexy it's unbelievable. But don't you know, every time Justin and Adam step online, they look exactly like that - so sexy!!! AHAHAHA. XD *exits, cackling*[/color]
  23. [color=#9933ff]Wow. All of your accomplishments are awesome, you guys! Congradulations on the team and individual awards. ^^ Reading about mock trial, and debate team, etc. who have won competitions, I can relate because I'm sure that you have to put in a lot of time and effort, just like with Academic Decathlon. (crazy amount of time. >>) Winning isn't everything (heh, this team has had it's losses - too many), but I have to admit, it [i]is[/i] nice to win, you know? ^^; Today in school was great - we announced the win over the PA, and people gave me some congradulations (for my individual award - I got a silver medal in Music). I was just so happy that the team won states. This is crazy! lol. ^_^' P.S.: Ken, yis. You will come to see SUPER QUIZ!!! (It's the only open part - the rest are all tests in testing rooms.) hehe. @_@[/color]
  24. [color=#9933ff]I really can't be online right now - it's too late, and I have to go to sleep/finish my HW, so I'll try to make this as short as possible (which means it'll still be long). WE WON!!! WE [i]F***ING WON!!!!!!!![/i] Our school won the state competition for Academic Decathlon ([url]www.usad.org[/url]) and WE'RE GOING TO NATIONALS!!! I'm actually an alternate competitor, so I won't be going to nationals at all, but the regular competitors will be. My very good friend, a newer member of OB, [b]Chroniosis[/b] will be going to the national comptition IN SAN ANTONIO!!!! with the rest of the school's Academic Decathlon team. (Ken & Lea - RAWR, you will come and watch!!) Everyone of the regular competitors has labored SO LONG to win this to get to nationals. Every year before us, the same team has won states, but they didn't compete this year, so the team is FINALLY going to nationals. I can't think of [i]anything[/i] else right now - nothing else will enter my mind. Just the fact that the team is going to the national competition is the ONLY thing that I can think of. This is incredible. And, the best part is, we're the only team in our school (out of all the sports teams, too!) to ever go to the national competition. OH YEAH!!! Have you ever won a regional or state competition on a team at your school? How did it make you feel? (or, what degree of happiness did you feel?) [/color]
  25. [color=#9933ff]Lunox - you like half-Asians? That makes one of us. And, you know, you have no idea now inadequate it makes me feel when I know I can't write Chinese. Or even Japanese for that matter. My MOTHER (who is caucasian) speaks more Cantonese than I do! @_@ But, I would like to learn more about Chinese and Thai culture, and then Japan just because I can. I like anime and manga, and I'm interested in learning Japanese, as well as Chinese (because it will probabkly be useful in the future, and because I'm Chinese). Even though I am interested in learning, I don't think it's fair to expect that of anyone. Should I expect that you should know how to speak Polish, and know the history of Poland because you're Polish/ you're immigrant ancestors from 1905 were Polish? I don't think so. Most kids don't care what they are - I think everyone sees themselves as American kids, and American teenagers. Since America [i]is[/i] quite a melting pot, yeah, sure, for the culturally aware people I'm sure they'd like to explore the culture of their ancestors - whether it's Chinese or Polish, but I don't think it's should be a big deal, or it should be expected. We're American, and I think that's what counts the most. Hm, as a side note, I'm half-Chinese, and personally, I think it stinks. My hair is so much my mother's, and her hair just sucks. I always wish I can have that straight, glossy asian hair. It would make life good. ;_; And somehow I got stuck with eyes that are uneven, like my dad's. You know how people's ears can be uneven? Yeah, well, my eyes are uneven. -__-; And unlike Alannie, I look like I'm Asian and nothing else. People are surprised when I tell them I'm Irish. They're like: "*gasp* You're Irish?!?" And I'm like, "Yeah. My mom's got red hair and freckles. And I'm German and Dutch and French, too, on her side." I might make a face when I say France, though I've recently found hope on that front - I have suspicions that the relative is from Alsace-Lorraine, and married a German. Yes! *cackles* My sister got all the pretty genes - she always looks fabulous - and I got stuck with all the loser genes. I've got absolutely nothing special about me. Nothing of my looks, and I'm not even talented, either. I'm kind and I thank people a lot ...And I can do math decently. That's about it. Meh. >
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