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Roxie Faye

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Everything posted by Roxie Faye

  1. [color=#9933cc]I don't have any definite drawings, just a few ideas. The color scheme should definitely include grey, and some shade of blue, since almost all of the versions of OB (excluding skin choices) have been this color scheme. Sometimes it was dark blue/purple (v3 was this color), a navy blue (v5/6?), or the light blue we have now. I like the idea of sticking an owl on there for wisdom, as well. This is the place I come to when I feel like everyone else on the internet and IRL is completely stupid. A symbol of nerdliness might be appropriate, since (most of us) are here because we like video games/computers/anime/manga, which are all very specific hobbies. Um... that's it. I'm terrible with graphic design so I haven't got any visual ideas. That's just my two cents. ^^[/color]
  2. [color=#9933cc]It says, too, that he didn't become CFO until after the government took over. The amount of stress involved in that job, with the government watching you at every turn, must be unimaginable for it to drive someone to suicide. =( It's all so tragic.[/color]
  3. [quote name='Ace'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I would think there'd at least be some kind of reaction. You sure your Gaydar is properly tuned? [CENTER][IMG]http://www.geocities.com/yuugi_kura200142/info/baku4.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Here, you can borrow mine.[/FONT][/QUOTE] [color=#9933cc]Man, I love that series. The guys living next to me have been watching it all last week. "Screw the rules, I have money!" [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT="Arial"][I]*watches the humor of this thread sail over head after head after head*[/I][/FONT][/QUOTE] [color=#9933cc]*joins Allamorph*[/color][/color]
  4. [color=#9933cc]The first "job" type thing I had was volunteering for the local library one summer. I was supposed to work there during the school year and get paid, but they had issues. So the next summer I started to work for a doctor's office, and I've been working there every summer since. However, I'm trying to get a different job this summer *crosses fingers* because I feel like I've outgrown the place a little bit. It's sort of boring, now. We'll see. I may return to the doctor's office whether I like it or not. =/[/color]
  5. [color=#9933cc]I actually enjoy history class, and I think it's important to know where we came from, to know where we're going (and so we don't make the same mistakes). That said, the way they teach history in some schools and countries is ridiculous. I know people from Vietnam who told me history is taught this way: You have to know names and memorize dates of when everything happened. They ask you how many soldiers from each side were at a battle, how many died, how many casualties were there, why the one side lost/won and why it's important, and then, finally, squeezed in at the bottom, what the political implications were. That kind of history teaching is kind of ridiculous.[/color]
  6. [color=#9933cc]Chibi - sure, the thread can be closed if someone says something that violates the forum rules. Such as starting a flame war. Or deciding that he's going to sue theOtaku (and proceeding to ***** about it on the boards). Oh kuja. Also, botar's banner: I missed House today (I haven't watched it in ages), but I went on the website and watched a 2-minute preview clip of today's episode*. It looked really interesting, and now I have to wait a whole week before I can find out what went on, because Fox only posts videos 8 days after their original air date. =/ *at 9:15 PM. lol.[/color]
  7. [color=#9933cc]I dislike vampires. Therefore, I have voted in favor of pirates and sci-fi. Treasure Planet, anyone? =D[/color]
  8. [color=#9933cc]The 3000+ members was a while ago, when the new version of OB opened. At the time, I believe it was for... v6 or v7, and the boards had been down for like, a week, while James and everyone totally rehauled the entire thing. We all waited and waited for the boards to be re-opened, and swarmed it like crazy. OB is been a lot slower in the past couple years, actually. One of the (many) reasons, could be because it's not as boldy announced over on theOtaku at the main page. And yeah, it's a little tiny link under the "more" section - but my personal opinion is that it shouldn't even be under "more" if you want to increase traffic - make it it's own tab, right after "news" and before "fan art." I found OB (all those years ago) because every page on theOtaku would have some large advertisement/suggestion to go sign up at OB. And I finally said, "what the heck, might as well see what all the fuss is about." Edit: what version are we on, anyway?[/color]
  9. [color=#9933cc]Kissing drunk boys who have girlfriends. (I have no excuse because I was sober.) Oh the things that happen. In another incident, I drove to the Freehold Raceway mall, with my friend in the car, on impulse. We were coming back from the shore, and just decided to take a detour. Of course, the Freehold exit we took was, like, nowhere NEAR the mall. We eventually ended up in downtown Freehold, visited the Monmouth County Republican Headquarters (even though I'm a Democrat and he's a Green Party member in Finland), and then asked a policeman how to get to the Freehold Mall. Apparently we made a right to get to downtown when we should have gone left to get to the mall. So close!! (But we got there eventually.)[/color]
  10. [quote name='Neptune']1. Would you rather be a dragon or Superman? 2. Would you rather have no arms or no legs? 3. Would you rather never be able to listen to music again, or would you rather never have sex again?[/QUOTE] [color=#9933cc]1. Both of those are very, very negative concepts in Nietzsche's philosophy ([i]Thus Spoke Zarathustra[/i]). If I believed in Nietzsche's doctrine, I'd choose "The act of becoming a Superman." ;) But since I don't, I still choose neither. Neither of those options are really appealing to me. 2. No legs. Arms, with your fingers on them, are really darned important. And I couldn't play the piano without my fingers and arms. ;__; 3. If it's one vs. the other, then never have sex (not that I have, so really, I'm not sure what I'm missing out on). Music is waaaaaaaay too important to me to ever even consider giving it up. If I ever went deaf, I would probably kill myself. I really don't know how Beethoven lived that way. That is just torture to me.[/color]
  11. Roxie Faye


    [color=#9933cc]Sorry if this has been asked before (I didn't *quite* read through the whole thread), but do you prefer to watch Digimon in English or in Japanese? Personally, I can't imagine watching Digimon in Japanese, no matter how good the voice acting. I grew up with Digimon, watched it on Saturday mornings, and I am thusly endeared to the American voice actors (Derek Stephen Prince is a god!) Opinions?[/color]
  12. [color=#9933cc]Darren - you don't like the loft? I've never had one, but I always thought they looked spiffy, and it made more room for everything. Is this not the case? Why don't you have a roommate? =( Mitch - lol. I suppose that explains why I haven't seen Charles lately.[/color]
  13. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4]But I am curious about the ones who have refridgerators under their beds. In college all I could stick under my bed was my storage container. I had off campus housing so I had a very small 2 bedroom apartment with my own room.[/color][/font][/size][/QUOTE] [color=#9933cc]My bed sits a couple feet off of the ground (hence why I can fit so much stuff underneath). And the fridge is a mini-fridge. It's not like a regular kitchen fridge, lol.[/color]
  14. [color=#9933CC]The fact that my laptop battery is dead. I imagine transmutation could take care of the ion/electron problem really easily. There are other things I WISH even trasmutation could fix, but alas, it does not extend to human relationships...[/color]
  15. [color=#9933CC]Oh my god. EVERYTHING is under my bed! I'm a college student with lack of space, so there's a whole lot of stuff under my bed. Let me see if I can get to it all, in general terms. [list][*]refrigerator [*]A suitcase filled with summer clothes that I'm not using right now [*]A box on wheels filled with sheets, towels, kitchen utensils, dishsoap, & dish towels [*]A box with food in it [*]Lots of books, notebooks, etc. for class (On Monday they start out on my bookshelf, and migrate to under my bed by the end of the week) [*]A box with assorted papers, music sheets, Yu-Gi-Oh cards, doujinshi, my flute & lyre... etc. [*]A box with assorted house stuff: extra tissues, extra soap, lightbulbs, cables, etc... [*]Apples to Apples and Clue (great games) [*]A 24 pack of Poland Springs water bottles, though there aren't 24 anymore. [*]A box with sewing supplies [*]A sewing machine. Yes, I have a sewing machine at college under my bed. XD[/list][/color]
  16. [color=#9933cc]Wow! That sucks, hearing all the bad mechanic stories. I have a Saturn, so I always go to the dealership to get my car fixed. The dealership I go to apparently has one of the highest ranked customer services of all the Saturns in the country. They're so nice and I never have any problems with them. Unfortunately, at the Saturn down by where I go to school (I guess it's not ranked so high), they tried to sell me a more expensive package to get a "full check-up" since my car was "nearing a certain age" (even though my milelage wasn't close to the recommended mileage on the full check-up package). I told them "no" and just got my oil changed.[/color]
  17. [color=#9933cc]Like sequels, prequels are usually pretty terrible, and I would prefer not to have them exist. The only time I've ever really seen a prequel done well is "Batman Begins" but that's not really a "prequel" to anything else, per se, since all the Batman movies are kind of independent of one another. It's only the "prequel" to, well, the Batman story itself.[/color]
  18. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]And you still don't know either of the suckers. Ain't that fun? :animesmil[/FONT][/QUOTE][color=#9933cc]lol. You are hilarious. I'm also mildly proud of myself that I can still answer the question although I haven't taken math in a while... *_* If I could minor in math at college I would, just for the hell of it.[/color]
  19. [color=#9933cc]Anomaly: Off-topic, but what city do you live in? I only know that Bangkok has a sky train, and I'd be interested to hear of more cities with one. Lunox: that feeling comes and goes quickly in me, but when it does come, I know what you mean. [/color]
  20. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Afterthought to you people who seem to feel like people are parading their partners around in front of you.... ...have you ever considered it might be your jealousy souring your attitude, and not their ostentation?[/FONT][/QUOTE] [color=#9933cc]That's what I said in my original post. Not gonna lie, totally jealous. But from the responses I've been getting here, the reason people engage in PDAs is because, well, duh, they're really into the other person. And I can't begrudge someone that (even if I am jealous - does that make sense?). I just hate that society (or biology, take your pick) is all about finding someone to be with, and if you don't have anyone, you're some kind of failure. *This* is why I hate Valentine's Day. In the words of Lunox, [/color][quote name='Lunox'][font=trebuchet ms] This Valentine's Day is going to suck. lol[/font][/QUOTE]
  21. [color=#9933cc]So my pseudo-philosophical question goes something like this: Why do PDAs (public displays of affection) exist? Why do we engage in them? What do they mean? Is it because we want the whole world to know whom we love? Is it because we can't keep our hands off the other person? What is it, for you? Personally, I always thought of PDAs as a form of bragging. I've never really had a lot of boyfriends, and I feel like society places such a *huge* emphasis on being with someone that I always thought of PDAs as sort of a... "hah! I finally have someone, so there." Which also explains why I dislike PDAs - they just remind me that I'm still single. XD And yes, maybe you think that's a horribly selfish way to think, but it's the truth and I won't lie. [size=1]Disclaimer: It's really late, and I tend not to think straight at these hours.[/size][/color]
  22. [color=#9933cc]Okay. I just wanted to make sure my laptop would still work on AC power and that it wouldn't blow up on me because I didn't have a battery. XD Thanks![/color]
  23. [color=#9933cc]Haha, actually, I have a question of my own, concerning my laptop. It's a Dell Latitude D630. I've had it for about 18 months and when I start it up, it's been telling me, "Your battery is able to charge normally. However, it is reaching the end of its useable life. You can experience a longer operating time with a newer battery. You might want to consider purchasing a replacement battery now." And of course, it comes with a helpful link to the Dell store where I can buy a battery for $149.99. -____- Since I am a poor college student with little/no money, my question is this: if I always run my laptop on AC power from this point on, do I still need to buy a new battery? I'm also reluctant to buy any battery other than the one on the Dell website because I have a warranty on the rest of the computer (which conveniently covers everything BUT the battery) and I'm afraid if I buy a generic battery, it might void the warranty. =/ I've googled the problem, but I keep finding conflicting answers, and I pretty much trust you guys, so I thought I'd ask.[/color]
  24. [color=#9933cc]Most of the songs by Ayumi Hamasaki. She sounds a lot like a chimpmunk. Why did I like her so much? I was listening to my Card Captors CD two days ago (it's an American CD, I guess put out by 4kids, who did the English dub for CCS). I used to *love* that CD when I was 11 or so. Now, there's only two songs on there that I still like, a bunch of them that are "meh" and some of them that I think, "How could I have ever liked this??" [quote name='Rachmaninoff']Popular versions of religious hymns. I loved them as a kid, but now, other than stuff that is purely classical, they just get on my nerves.[/QUOTE] You mean like how every artist out there sings Amazing Grace and makes up their own tempo as they go along? Yeah, I can see how that would get annoying. *nods* There are some artists whose religious songs I do like, but I don't know if they fall in the category of "popular": I like Enya's "How can I keep from singing?" and I also heard Michael Crawford sing some hymns. They were beautiful. Gosh, his voice is to die for. *_*[/color]
  25. [color=#9933cc]You know, this is the second time I've visited this thread, and I still don't have pants with pockets on (I'm in my pajamas). When I am wearing pants with pockets in them, I usually don't have anything in them because I carry a purse, instead. When I'm just wandering around my dorm and I don't need as much stuff with me, the things I have in my pocket are: [LIST] [*]Keys to my room [*]Cell phone [*](Sometimes) University indentification/swipe card [/LIST] Those are the three things that are necessary for me while I'm on campus. (And why does the list tag decrease the size of my text?)[/color]
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