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Roxie Faye

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Everything posted by Roxie Faye

  1. [color=#9933cc]Boo - hmm... it seems like we have a few music tastes in common! lol. (This, and Wir Sind Helden) Aurgelmir - I LOVE that song. I really, really do. I'm 19, and at times, it describes my life perfectly. XD And xxxHolic for the win, definitely.[/color]
  2. [color=#9933cc]Boo - I didn't make the thread, but I'm glad I could direct you to it. ^^; And I'm also jealous you've seen Wir Sind Helden so many times. XD [quote name='Humaru']Hey not to be nosy but you've asked us what our specials songs are but what about yours...it only seems fair that you be able to share your special moments with us as well. Yeah I enjoy the stories behind the songs as well. Make a great thread. Great job Roxie Faye!!![/QUOTE] Oh damn. I was hoping nobody would notice that. >_> *whistles* Um, well, our song is "Baby, It's Cold Outside," and it's the Johnny Mercer & Margaret Whiting version from 1949. He's French (and technically my "ex", but only because he had to go back to France), so I decided he needed some "American" Christmas songs on his ever-growing itunes (because whose itunes *isn't* humongous?), so I sent him some off of this CD I have, one of which was this song. Personally, I really liked the song long before I knew him. One morning I was in his room, and the song came on (from shuffle), so I was explaining to him that I liked it because the lyrics were really cute. You can listen to the song on youtube [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szrqtgAd3h0"]here[/URL]. A day later (or couple of days), it was cold outside, and I was listening to the song, so my facebook status was "Baby, it's cold outside." And that night we were hanging out, and he mentioned my status, and it just became "our song." We still tease each other with the lyrics, if the weather is very cold. =P[/color]
  3. [Color=#9933cc]Boo - I didn't know you listened to Wir Sind Helden - that's pretty cool. I like them, too. (Bitte, gibt mir nur ein "o"...) I love everyone's songs, and I think the stories behind them are even better! That is, after all, what makes the song so special. ^_^[/color]
  4. [color=#9933cc]Inspired by CHW's "theme song" thread, I now ask you: what are your "relationship" songs? I'm not asking what songs you think are romantic (thread can be found [URL="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=59875"]here[/URL]), or what songs have good relationship lyrics. I'm just asking... what is "the" song you have between yourself and your significant other? The one that, when it comes on the radio in a crowded room, you two look at each other and smile secretly. The one you play when you're trying to apologize for screwing up because you know the other person can't possibly be mad at you if they hear "your song." That one. Feel free to add details of how you two came to have it as "your" song. Did you two pick it out intentionally? Did you turn on the radio and have whatever was on be your song? Did it just "happen" somehow? So, please, share! =) [size=1]I would say something witty about the Taylor Swift song, but I'm unfortunately not a witty person. There was a cute Death Note AMV for it (LxMisa), where they showed pictures of Light every time "God" appeared in the lyrics, but that's about it. [/size][/color]
  5. [color=#9933cc]For the longest time, I could not find my theme song, and I wondered if I even had one. Oh yes, I do! My theme song is [b]Just for now[/b] by Imogen Heap. Who is a really cool singer, in my opinion.[/color]
  6. [quote name='Petie'][COLOR=Blue]Okay, you now have options. Click on [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/profile.php?do=editoptions"]Edit Options[/URL] on the left, scroll to the bottom, and under Miscellaneous Options, you'll see a new setting labeled "Display Post Count." The setting is pretty self-explanatory but I'll go ahead and add one small detail here. The default value is yes which is why you should still see everyone with post count display enabled. Simply set that to no and click on Save Changes to remove your post count from the postbit. If anyone has any issues or suggestions to further improve this, just let me know but I figure this should at least be a good compromise for now.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=#9933cc]Thank you!!! I was really not looking forward to writing out a whole post about why I dislike post counts and can you make displaying them optional and blah blah blah. So, thank you very much. *hugs* ^_^[/color]
  7. [color=#9933CC]I, also, voted for FMA, because of the new season, and because I've just been getting back into the series lately, and I feel like it has a lot of potential for discussion: morality issues, alchemy stuff (there are some interesting and FUN alchemy references in the series), family relationships (*grin*), etc. For that reason, I also *almost* voted for Death Note, because that has a lot of potentional for discussion, too. So if you add another forum (after adding FMA), please consider that one. ^^; [size=1]P.S.: Where's the choice for Digimon forum? J/k...[/size][/color]
  8. [color=#9933CC]chibi-master: haha, yeah, that came up when I looked up the actual definitions. In that context, it reminds me of Australian slang, for some reason. (No offense to anyone Australian. It just *sounds* that way, to me.) Darren - You know, I think you're right. I would call myself an anime nerd, but when I talk with all my friends who are science majors, we say "science geeks." =)[/color]
  9. [color=#9933CC]So, as someone who routinely thinks of herself as an anime nerd, and a school nerd, and as someone who uses "dork" affectionately, I was wondering what you think the connotation in all three words are. For me, a "dork" is generally less intelligent than either a geek or a nerd. I see a dork as someone who is socially awkward, and a little clumsy, but "cute" in a way. Between the other two, I can't really decide if a nerd or a geek is more intelligent, and what the difference is between them, really. Any opinions?[/color]
  10. [quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson]Dude my best Christmas gift this year was a Pembroke Welsh Corgi shirt given to me by my friend David. Awesome.[/color][/QUOTE] [color=#9933cc]I'm sorry I'm stupid - for a nanosecond, I thought your friend gave you a dog. Sometimes the ability to skim information quickly is unhelpful. I got a bunch of stuff for Christmas: The first 13 episodes of Ouran High Host Club (have not watched yet), 2 CDs (Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian Soundtrack, and Minutes to Midnight by Linkin Park). And YES I AM OLD - I STILL BUY CDs. Leave me alone.
  11. [color=#9933cc]I'm sorry to hear about your awful week, and about your grandpa. =( I can't say I've had one of those lately, but I have had them and I know how you feel. (Funnily enough, I'm pretttty sure this guy is still seeing his "ex" behind me, and I have to deal with that soon.) I've let myself let boys completely ruin my day to the point of skipping class because of it. I've had "friends" ignore me once they found out I wore gothic lolita. But the key words in those sentence are "I've let MYSELF let ________ upset me." Crap is gonna happen, does happen, but how we deal with it is the important part. And no, we're not all perfect beings or gods, and no, we can't all deal with it all the time. (I.e.: skipping class because of a boy...) It's okay to be upset for a while, but you can't let it rule your life forever. Talk to someone about it, write it in a journal/blog, make a song about it. Play video games or read a book to get your mind off it. Things will get better - we've just got to slog through until then. ^^; I also liked Korey's advice, please take it to heart: [quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Live life for yourself and only yourself. [/FONT][/QUOTE] I'd also like to add: try not to take yourself too seriously. Sometimes I get so bogged down in things that I just need to take a step back and say, "This is actually so ludicrious it's funny. I'm not going to waste my time on these people/this stuff anymore. Moving on..." Good luck with everything - hope it get's better! *hugs*[/color]
  12. [color=#9933CC]Okay, I'l going to *try* to set up a chat (*try* being the operative word), but I need a few things from you. Please reply with this information: Preferred Method of Chat: theotaku chat, YIM, AIM, MSN Preferred Time(s) of day, in GMT: Preferred Day(s) of the week (in GMT): The most popular chat client, time of day, and day of the week will be when the chat will be. Please make sure to post your times in Greenwich Mean Time. Use timeanddate.com to convert from your time to GMT if you need to. Anything not in GMT cannot be counted.[/color]
  13. [color=#9933CC]Chibi_master: You look beautiful when you smile! =) Gavin: I love your hair cut, but then again, I always love your hair cuts. I think it looks nice. You've got really gorgeous, sex-ay eyes in that picture, too. ^_^ Here's me, on Friday when I went to the orchestra: [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v440/RoxieFaye/headshot.jpg[/url][/color]
  14. [color=#9933CC]Just wondering - did you guys ever actually have the chat? Either way, I'd love to do one again if all of you are still up for it. I'm never on OB anymore, but a chat would be a great way to get to know y'all. I have a few ideas in mind for planning and such if you'd like to have one. Oh and Boo: [/color] [quote name='Boo'][size=1]I smell Teh Silly Circus.[/size][/QUOTE] [color=#9933CC]I love you. =)[/color]
  15. [color=#9933CC]Thanksgiving will be as usual this year. My mom cooks everything, we have Beaujolais Nouveau, and then we play scrabble after the pumpkin pie with ice cream. ^_^; I'm going to go shopping on black Friday this year. I've only done it once before, and I got a great deal on a Dooney and Bourke Tote bag ($99!), so I'm going to go this year, as there are things I still need to buy. Drizzt - I think that's a great idea, going with a group of people. It sounds like fun![/color]
  16. [color=#9933CC]First, I'm not talking about having a crush on anyone, or liking anyone. I'm talking about platonically. Or non-romantically, if you prefer. So my question is, other than your parents/guardians, did you ever really admire someone and want their approval or affirmation that you were doing a "good job"? How did it make you feel? What did you do about it? Did you ever get the approval you were looking for? [size=1]And yes, there is a long, dramatic story behind my question.[/size][/color]
  17. [color=#9933ff]...Okay, so I didn't exactly read all the replies. I'm not sure I wanted to, considering the debate between people going on. ^^;; Anyway, I'm against Prop 8. Did anyone go to one of the major rallies? I'm near Philly, so I know a few people who went to that. We're having our own little march on campus tomorrow, to promote awareness of what the heck is actually going on, and informing people about the situation. Also, just quickly, I saw something about hypocrites, I believe posted by MaskedRider (OMG, Kamen Rider, woo!!!). I read something interesting the other day. The number of times Jesus codemns homosexuality: zero. The number of times he condemns hypocrites: sixteen.[/color]
  18. [color=#9933ff]I'm been playing since I was six, but I've never been serious about it, so I've never been in a competition or a hard core recital where you had to memorize the piece or anything. Music is my stress relief and that would suck way too much if I got "serious" about it. I had a piano teacher once that would always tell me my playing wasn't good enough, and I got so upset and discouraged, so I would never want to get too serious about piano. I know there are people out there who make a living from playing the piano and thats superx10 awesome, but it's not me. My favorite composer is Chopin, and is the reason I still play the piano. I'm prejudiced against Mozart (I think the mental block is why I cannot get through this concerto!). Beethoven is pretty awesome. And there JS Bach, who is the man. I played all the way up until senior year of high school, until I went away to college. Now that I don't have formal lessons, I play for fun - i.e., I play much less often than I used to. But then, I'm busier too, so it gets difficult. I also play the flute and the tenor sax, which are almost the same, so it's nothing special, lol. [/color]
  19. [color=#9933ff]I can totally sympathize with how you feel. For the first week of school or so, I had an awful time, and I felt like I had no friends, but then things started to pick up. Have you joined any clubs yet? You can meet a lot of new people through clubs. Also, wait until classes start - that's one of the best ways to meet people. After the first couple days of classes, ask people if they want to get together and study with you in the library or whatever. (Don't expect to get any studying done - that's just a really good tool to have an excuse to hang out.) If all else fails, seek out the international kids! Not only are they completely alone, like you, English isn't their first language, so they may feel even more isolated. And I swear, the international kids will be some of the coolest people on campus.[/color]
  20. [color=#9933ff]I'm sure i have quirky habits, I just can't think of any right now. I know that I'm a complete spazz online, whenever I say something on a lj comm or message board, so I'm definitely not normal already. ^^;[/color]
  21. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']No, I'm a Cellist, not a pianist. I'm familiar with his works since I am a music major and I've heard quite a bit of it, which is why I called your statement ignorant. You said all of his left hand stuff was the same which isn't true.[/quote] [color=#9933ff]...It is. On the piano, it's mostly the same four notes for a song. And I know that because I've played it. Since you haven't because you're not a pianist, how can YOU say "No, it's not."?[/color] [quote name='Rachmaninoff']Whether or not you like his stuff is merely a matter of opinion and personal preference. It certainly doesn't bother me if you don't care for Mozart. lol I'll still argue that he doesn't suck, even if you don't like him though. ;) After all, I personally can't stand country, but that doesn't make it bad now does it? You just don't care for it. So what? There's no reason to tell someone a composer they like bites. That's just silly and kind of rude really. There's a lot of music I don't care for and I don't expect others to like the same stuff I do. But I don't see the point in telling you that stuff you enjoy sucks because I may not like it. Anyway, that's all I'm saying, if you don't like it fine. Just don't go making declarations as to why you think it sucks when you don't really know if what you said is true or not. lol[/QUOTE] [color=#9933ff]I think you need to not take this as seriously; I've had quite a few people tell me that Chopin totally sucks and they can't stand him. I was surprised at first, but then I moved on. I apologize if I offended you unintentionally - that was not my intention at all. But I won't back down from my opinion that he sucks. *shrug*[/color]
  22. [quote name='Rachmaninoff']All you've done is prove that you probably haven't heard or learned more than a fraction of his extensive library of works. [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_compositions_by_Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart"][U]Click me![/U][/URL] If you had, you probably wouldn't have made such an ignorant statement. Many of his works are part of the standard concert repertoire for music students for a reason after all. =P[/QUOTE] [color=#9933ff]Lol, I'm extremely aware that he's done a lot of music, but since you are a pianist, I knew that at least you would be familiar with his piano works. His violin work is pretty okay, but I'm not one for his church music, his operas, or piano concertos. I haven't heard EVERYTHING he's ever done, and I doubt you have, but I've heard enough to know he bites, in my opinion.[/color]
  23. [color=#9933ff]So, I would make one myself (however awful it might turn out) but the sad thing is, I don't have any time to do that. ;_; I want to take this with me to Otakon in the hopes of getting it signed because I literally have nothing of Ken, so Wednesday early evening would be a cool time to have this? (I know, short notice, I'm sorry. V_V) If not, I'd still like it anyway, for the future. Ken's story: I'd like the wallpaper to incorporate the story of Ken's life through the different images: from finding his Digimon as a small child, to being the psychotic Digimon Emperor [Kaiser], to losing Wormmon and realizing what's important, to becoming a Digidestined, and finally to growing up to be a detective fighting evil, his digimon at his side. That's asking a lot, so if you can get even a fraction of that in, it'd be fine. XD The materials: -I've got tons of tiny, grainy images of Ken, and no real large ones. My apologies for the poor quality. X_x;;; -I've put the small images in a few different files for the sake of compilation -The "Please use first" file should be your first choice of images. If you run out of those, any of the other files are fine to use. -The files (in a photobucket folder): -- [url]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v440/RoxieFaye/Ken%20Ichijouji/[/url] -This site: [url]http://ericax08.tripod.com/index.htm[/url] has some other images should you not like anything I have Other caveats: -Size: 1024x768 -I'd like the overall color scheme to be in the purple family. -Please include the words "Ken Ichijouji" somewhere on the wallpaper ^^; -If you'd like to add anything else, like a message or phrase or song, please feel free. I know I've just asked for a whole lot of stuff, so if anyone choses to do this, you have my utmost gratitude. Ken's my favorite bishounen, and anyone who cares enough to work on this is automatically super-awesome. Thank you so much!!![/color]
  24. [color=#9933ff]Ever since I started working in the office again this summer, I've had a few work related dreams. For instance, last night I had a dream that I was planning on not going to work on Friday or calling in sick or something. (IRL I don't even work on Fridays!) I was telling my mom this in a public place and one of the doctors who work on Friday overheard me, and in the dream he said, "But you have to come in because I'm working in Friday." It's even weirder because IRL he's on vacation this Friday![/color]
  25. [color=#9933ff]Mozart sucks, just for the record. =P (Come on, his left hand is always the saaaame!) My three CDs were not hard to pick out, despite the fact that there's a LOT of music I really like. 1. [b]Speak for yourself[/b] by Imogen Heap - Funnily enough, I found the album through a YGO fanfic (don't. ask.) and it's become one of my favorites. "Just for now" is my own personal theme song, and a lot of the others I have stories and meanings to go with. I really love her style, and the fact that she did EVERYTHING herself (the instruments, the recording, the art). And there are so many things going on in all of her songs -- the extra sounds and beats, that even after having listened to her songs for a while, I can still find something new in them when I listen. 2. [b]Smile[/b] by L'arc~en~Ciel - L'arc are my music gods, and they are the alpha and omega of all music. The tones and chords in their music just strike me at my core and I absolutely love them. 3. [b]Chopin: Nocturnes[/b] performed by Daniel Barenboim - Curiously enough I don't actually own this CD, my mom does. However, this CD had a profound impact on the way I view music and my enthusiasm for it. At age eleven, having become dispassionate for the piano (which I had taken up at age six only because my sister played), this CD was the reason I decided to continue playing, for my own sake, and for the sake of the music. This was the reason I decided to take theory class, and the reason I enjoyed the class as much as I did. I'm so glad my sister brought this CD home when she did -- it has shaped how I view music.[/color]
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