Roxie Faye
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Everything posted by Roxie Faye
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Roxie Faye replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[color=#9933ff]Anomaly: THe last picture posted of you (by femme fatale) looks remarkably similar to one I've seen on an lj comm. You're not into gothic lolita, are you?[/color] -
[color=#9933ff]Like Rachmaninoff, ever since I've started college, I do notice that sort of thing on guys (and girls, too). I don't run into guys that I like every day though, so it's not like I do it all the time. I think the last time I noticed was when my friend wanted to know if the advisor of the pep band (our club) was gay, so I looked for a wedding band as an easy way to tell. We're still not sure, because he wore a ring on his *right* hand, not his left... SunfallE - That's a great story. I'm surprised people still came up to you even after wearing the ring. o_o [/color]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Roxie Faye replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Sandy']Like this: [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/omakuva28.png[/IMG] But I'm getting a haircut next week. XP[/QUOTE][color=#9933ff]I somehow missed this picture!!! I do like the color though. XD I got my hair cut as well. It's quite... short & "Katie Holmes" at the moment.[/color] -
[color=#9933ff]The Tuna, definitely the Tuna. What an ***. >_
[color=#9933ff]The Catholic Church consistently condemns any movies that challenge the authority of the Church or promotes witchcraft or "blasphemy" or what-have-you, so I've learned to ignore their opinions on books and movies... and a lot of the time in general, even though I'm Catholic (yeah, that doesn't make sense, I'm aware, thank you). I mean, I'd be missing out on Harry Potter if I listened to what they said. =) Censorship is sad, silly, and makes me angry! I believe one of the most important aspects of the free world is the availability of intellectual freedom. The fact that it is rarely available in the (so called) free world frustrates me a lot. I mean, even newspapers and TV broadcasts, to a large extent, have the information altered or given on a slant as to decieve the viewer or reader. Those against the Golden Compass are the same kind who continually challenge books, and in some places, succeed in banning them because some arrogant piece of shite thinks they have the right to tell others what they can and cannot read. Celebrating Banned Books week makes me smile.[/color]
Otakupedia Entries/Suggestions/Discussion thread
Roxie Faye replied to Charles's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Circéus']I'm just popping in (Oddly enough, I still occasionally browse around) to ask if somebody is willing to document that trend we had at some point of having "OB families", which were, unfortunately, mostly listed only in signatures?[/QUOTE][color=#9933ff]Oh yeah! If someone would like to do an article on that, it'd be great! I remember doing the family tree in MS Paint. Here's a link if you'd like: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v440/RoxieFaye/OBGenealogy.png[/color] -
[quote name='2008DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Dignity and morals are in the eye of the beholder. If we imposed an absolute system, we'd be, like, controlling people's brains and stuff. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=#9933ff]You know, I think I'm going to have to agree with 2k8DB. Thank you.[/color] [quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"]I'm just going to throw out there that prostitution isn't something girls aspire to be or something. It's something they do when they can't do anything else, and it's pretty much a last resort in many cases. It's not like girls, even in poverty-stricken or crime-ridden areas, are wanting to get out of high school just so that they can sell themselves. I really doubt that they'd want to do it even if it were legal. [/font][/QUOTE][color=#9933ff]Agreed. There are how many penniless girls and boys, men and women, in the world, and how many of them are prostitutes?[/color] [quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]What's all this emphasis on girls selling their bodies? There's such a thing as a male prostitute, you know. What about them?[/color][/QUOTE][color=#9933ff]I've been trying to keep my posts neutral in terms of gender, but I see what you're saying. I definitely agree that there isn't a lot of attention paid to the males in this profession, even (or especially) in terms of reach out programs for those who can't get out or don't want to be there and the like. Informational Wikipedia article: [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Male_prostitution"]Male Prostitution[/url][/color]
[quote name='Rachmaninoff']Yes you could argue about the dangers involved but prostitution isn't the only job with risks. Perhaps it may be higher, but firefighters, cops, soldiers and even professional athletes, all of them put themselves at risk in order to 'make a living'[/QUOTE][color=#9933ff]I think that's a good point. I never thought of it that way, but you're right.[/color]
[color=#9933ff]I'm very aware, in fact, that this has been a thread before. But we haven't had it in a while, and I don't know if I've ever participated, so I'm making this thread again. So, opinions on prostitution? I'll share mine. If someone makes the conscious choice to sell their bodies for money or objects or what-have-you, or to make a living off it, I really don't have a problem, and I don't see the need for authorities and such to get involved. However, I do understand the need to make prostitution illegal, in the case of those who are forced into prostitution or can't get out of it or are there against their will. I guess... I don't understand why, when two people have some random hook-up, people think it's okay, but when there's an exchange of money or items, it's suddenly so horrible.[/color]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Roxie Faye replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']It's a Trap!!![/quote] [color=#9933ff]It had to be said. Hm, on second glance, that's also not such a great picture of mana. The lolita site avantgauche.co.uk (Galleries > "Mana" [under "artist"]) has a lot of better pictures of him, in case anyone was interested. ;) [/color] -
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Roxie Faye replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[color=#9933ff]Mana makes an awesome drag queen. Although, if I had a team of make-up artists, I would, too. (er... and if I was a boy) And he's making big $$$ off his Lolita clothing brand, Moi-Meme-Moitie. (Although apparently among the lolita elitists, it's not okay to like him?) [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malice_Mizer"]Malize Mizer[/url] actually broke up a while ago. Mana is now in a band called [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moi_dix_mois"]Moi dix Mois[/url] while [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gackt"]Gackt[/url] is a successful solo artist. [/color] -
[color=#9933ff]In reality, I'll probably end up doing nothing, but I'm *hoping* to go out to dinner with a few friends and see a movie with them. We'll see... Edit: Plans include going over to a friend's house - there'll be four of us in total, and we'll probably watch Firefly, now that I have the whole season on DVD! ^^[/color]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Roxie Faye replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Sandy']Yes, my Gay Beam finally works! Mwahah, soon you boys shall all be gays! XD[/QUOTE] [quote name='Sojiro47'][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Yes it does. That's what happened to me, anyway.[/FONT][/quote] [color=#9933ff]*laughs* *snerk* The two of you are so funny. Hmm, so what colour is your hair now? =P And Sojiro - you look adorable! (And I prefer the second picture, btw) But then again, I do have that thing for blonde hair/blue eyes, (regardless of sexual preference. seriously.) so that might be why. =P Athena: You were at the shore? Do you live in NJ, or were you just visiting? I was at Normandy Beach, NJ this summer, at my friend's uncle's summer beach house w/ my friend, which is *sort of* near Seaside.[/color] -
[quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]I've always been a good cook, for the simple reason that I know how to follow directions.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE][color=#9933ff]And that, ladies and gentleman, is [i]exactly[/i] the reason why I [u]cannot[/u] cook: I have a very hard time following directions. Which is why I'm an even WORSE baker. I remember making bagels with a friend saying, "Hmm, maybe we should add more of THIS, even though the recipe doesn't call for it!" and she was like, "NO! Stick to the recipe, Roxie." The one thing I can make is soup. Because then I can add whatever the hell I want and have it come out okay. XD I also make this weird spring-time treat by which I carve out the inside of those gigantic strawberries and stuff it with vanilla ice cream. Served slightly chilled. Oh, and of course I can make pasta and ramen. But seriously, that's about it. ^^;[/color]
[color=#9933ff]I bought a laptop with XP over the summer. When I tried to play a DVD on it all those months ago, it said I didn't have the drivers to do so, and directed me to websites with drivers starting at around $30. I talked to someone a week fews ago who told me that there are drivers to play DVDs that should be free. One, I'm not sure who is correct. And two, if there are free drivers, are there any that you know of that you would recommend? I don't want to pick something sketchy that will screw up my computer, so I'd rather have your input. Thanks! P.S.: The laptop in question is a Dell Latitude D630 if that helps.[/color]
[color=#9933ff]I just wanted to put this band (duo?) out there as a recommend, and to see who else knew of them. I went to NYAF this weekend, and they had a concert on Saturday night. It was really cool, and a lot of fun. I got up and danced around. ^_^ I have to say their work is [i]very much[/i] of the "bubbly-pop" variety. But with that said, they're pretty cool otherwise. They have this very "clean fun" "feel good" quality of sound to them that's great to bob your head to, or sing along. (We did sing along during one of the songs - the singer, Salia, held the mike out to us so we could do "nanananas") If you've ever seen the anime Jinki Extend or Super Sentai Gaoranger, you may be familiar with their songs. I'm mad at myself now because I didn't buy their album when I had the chance. I can still order it directly from their website online, though, so I guess I'll do that sometime. *shrugs* I really like the singer, too. She dressed in all lolita clothes, which was really, really cool! I liked it a lot. ^_^ If you have the time, check them out: unicorntable.com, myspace.com/unicorntable, or search them out on youtube. They're totally fun.[/color]
[color=#9933ff]And while waiting for James or someone else to reply, please also explain to me what the hell the "commonwealth of nations" is, because that [i]really[/i] makes li ttle sense to me. >> P.S.: I can't believe you're up at 3 in the morning Ken! I have an essay - what's your excuse? =P[/color]
[color=#9933ff]I stay here currently pretty much because I have fond memories of a few of the members that are still around from when I joined. It's nice to see them still here. *waves at Ken* And despite OtakuBoards inactivity as of late, I still think this is a really nice space on the internet to hang out. As people have said, it has good grammar and a real lack of drama. OB was one of my first message boards, but now that I've seen others, I really appreciate how it is run by the mods and conducted by the members. Some of the lolita lj communities I'm on really need to tone down the drama and improve on the grammar. It's so [i]nice[/i] to come to OB and not have to watch every single teeny word or passing comment that I make. We can [i]joke[/i] on OB and not have people flip out or take it the wrong way! And compared to other places I've been, this is a major accomplishment. I also really, really appreciate the moderators and the way in which they conduct themselves and remind members of the rules. You have no idea how annoying it is to be "modded to" by non-mods who think they're special, or to have moderators who cause unnecessary drama, or are innefective in general. I love all of you guys for being professional, enforcing the RULES of the board (seriously, especially the "don't mod for the mods" rule), and generally being cool. I
[color=#9933ff]Through a series of clicks and links on Wikipedia, I found out that Australia has a [i]monarch[/i] who is none other than Queen Elizabeth II herself. ([url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monarchy_in_Australia[/url]) I don't really get this one, even after skimming the page on it. I always thought that Australia was a completely separate and independent nation from Britain, kinda like the USA, so um... why does it share a queen with Britain? (Why the hell do you also have a "Governor-General of Australia" ?) I'm posting in hopes that one of the few Aussie members on here can explain this one to me. =/[/color]
[color=#9933ff]I live near New York City, and they have Rockefeller center all lit up every year? Although I've ever exactly gone to see it light up... My campus is having a holiday lighting in front of the library tomorrow, I'll probably go to that. ^^[/color]
[color=#9933ff]I guess my "life goal" if you could call it that is to work for the EPA, and then get into politics. So, I'm in school and I do all my work with that goal in mind (of course, I also do my work so that I can keep my scholarship, not fail classes, etc.). Sometimes I don't really believe in the eternal, thus, whatever I do in this life doesn't matter for the next cos there is no next. Or, I know the Earth and universe will get wiped out someday, so in the end, a lot of it seems pointless. But even then, I'm still motivated to get up and go about life and achieve my goals. For whatever reason, we're stuck here on this Earth - it's just as well that we'd better make the most of it, for our sakes and future generations, until the end comes. No sense in moping forever. Happy > sad.[/color]
[color=#9933ff]Haven't read all of them in here yet, but I once had a dream that I wasn't allowed to be in band and it wasn't on my schedule. The next day I got my preliminary schedule for the school year and I didn't have band on it. I couldn't be in the band class that year. I practiced on my own and only played in the concert with the band.[/color]
[color=#9933ff]The problem with white lies is compounded by the fact that everyone has a different opinion on what constitutes a white lie. For example, Retribution thinks that lying about your political party affiliation is a white lie. But for me, it's a really big, gigantic lie. (if you tell me you're a liberal, and you really like Bush, that's it for you. Way to earn my ire by lying.) So the whole "white lie" business is in a matter of opinion, and when you're dating, it's not like you know the other party's opinion of it.[/color]
[quote name='AzureWolf'][LIST][*]While honesty is the best policy in a long-term relationship, a few white lies in the beginning to get a date with her is ok. She will forgive you if she digs you and had a chance to know how awesome you are. [/LIST][/QUOTE] [color=#9933ff]While the rest of your suggestions are very pertinent and [b]wise[/b], I'm just going to add a little extra caution with this one. Before you tell any white lies, you better be decently sure the girl is going to like you. Last (and only) guy I went out with made lies about things he liked, so they'd match whatever I liked. He said he'd seen XYZ movie when he never had. And it was just another strike against him when I broke up with him and realized he was an a**. I mean, if you're going to lie, use some common sense. For God's sake, if she tells you her favorite movie is some sappy chick flick, do [i]not[/i] say [i]"That's my favorite, too!"[/i] unless it actually is. [/color]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Roxie Faye replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Sandy']Yes, "the Land of a Thousand Lakes"[/QUOTE] [color=#9933ff]Ooooh. That makes sense... in a lot of ways. Er... yeah. Long story. Involving lolita. >>;[/color]