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Roxie Faye

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Everything posted by Roxie Faye

  1. [color=#9933ff]Thank you also, Venge. ^^;;; I googled Tsunehito and I'm DEFINITELY going to agree with you there. xD And, you're not bad looking yourself. [quote name='"Sandy"'](which is a small city by a lake)[/quote] No surprise to me, like you [i]don't[/i] live by a lake. I've been so educated about Finland by my friend it's ridiculous. Did you know Finland is the country with the most lakes in the entire world? *_* It looks like your boyfriend snagged a hottie. Congrats to him. ^_~[/color]
  2. [quote name='Arispa']ZOMG... Roxie is Asian. o_o That makes her twice as sexy! Much has been done to my hair since my last set of pictures... Hope you all like![/quote] [color=#9933ff]Heh. Thanks, I think. ^^; Now, if only a guy would think that, I'd be all set. ;) You're really really pretty, Arispa! I love your hair and your make-up, too. ^_^[/color]
  3. [color=#9933ff]Straight. (Catholic.) Surrounded by gay friends. Member of the Gay Straight Alliance at my school. =) (We just went bowling last night!! Totally awesome.) It was weird. I wanted to join the gay straight alliance, just out of nowhere, but I thought that would seem super weird, so I was really glad when I saw my friends signing up, that way I had a good reason to join. lol. I also don't have gaydar (???), but every time I find a guy attractive, he turns out to be gay. So now I just use it in the reverse. "I really like him!! Oh wait, that means he's gay. Damn."[/color]
  4. [color=#9933ff]Raiha, yes they do. About the time you posted I was fiddling around with uploading larger versions of them and such. I'm surprised you caught the post at a time when it HAD linked images.[/color]
  5. [color=#9933ff]Kenny looks silly with all his facial hair. ^_^ Naw, it's just much diff. from the pic. of you on like... the first page, el-oh-el. Squee, here are pictures of me: [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v440/RoxieFaye/0627_InFrontoftheVictorEmmanuelMem.jpg[/url] That's my friend and I in front of the Victor Emmanuel Memorial in Rome, Italy! (I'm on the right in case you couldn't tell. :/) And if we're posting up costumes, here's mine for Halloween. I made it based off of the mask I'm wearing, which I bought in Venice a week after the picture in Rome was taken. [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v440/RoxieFaye/2007_1101Image0076.jpg[/url] [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v440/RoxieFaye/2007_1031Image0079.jpg[/url] [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v440/RoxieFaye/2007_1101Image0082.jpg[/url] The last one is taken with an Austrian exchange student, who decided to dress up as a girl from the Alps. She looked great. ^_^[/color]
  6. [color=#9933ff]Way to not be remotely cool 13thMan. As for me, when I'm sick, I usually do what Lunox does - sleep and watch TV. Of course, that is, presuming I stay home at all. If it's not too bad (just the sniffles) I'll go to school. But usually being super-sick involves me hacking up a storm with lots of phlegm and stuff, and I like to rest. About a week and a half before state competition for USAD, I got really sick, so I stayed home for about three days (once, and then later twice in a row) so I wouldn't be too sick on competition day. And yes, I HAD to compete. When I'm sick like that, I usually drink a lot of tea with honey in it, water, seltzer, etc. If I'm ever sick like... throwing up sick, my mommy usually cuts up a banana for me, and then makes me chicken broth with rice. ^_^; Now that I'm at college, though, I really hope I don't get sick like that, because what'll I do without my mommy? (I'll call her on the phone, that's what. XD)[/color]
  7. [color=#9933ff]How could I NOT remember you, ravenstorture. lol. *waves* Glad to see yer back. And yeah, I remember that group of you being rather tight. Oh, cloricus and the glory-filled days of the Digimon forum![/color]
  8. [color=#9933ff]Kay. You believe that and I'll believe in the fact that it's a bad idea to use Oujia boards at a seance in a haunted place. =) I already know you're not superstitious, so why do you have to attack [b]me[/b] and no one else who's said they believe in things? It's kind of like arguing with a Catholic that there is no God. It's moot; don't be a brat.[/color]
  9. [color=#9933ff]13th man - I completely see what you're saying; I should have been more specific. I think doing a [i]seance[/i] with a oujia board, or using one in a place that is *known* to be haunted is a bad idea. And when I say Oujia, I'm not just talking about the parker brothers version (not very creepy anyway), but any form of Oujia (homemade, whatever). >>[/color]
  10. [color=#9933ff]I thought I'd add a funny story that Luminaire was telling me. She works at staples and these high school senior girls came in the other day to get papers from the common app copied. Their Halloween costume? The college application process.[/color]
  11. [color=#9933ff]My mom's pretty Catholic but she's never had a problem with Halloween, and she' pretty much encourages it. I've always gone to trick-or-treating followed by parties and friend's houses, every year, and I know I've hosted a few of those parties - my mom really getting everything together. I'm not a giant candy fan, so the aspect of Halloween that most appeals to me is the dressing up part. I love pretending to be something that I usually am not. It's a lot like cosplaying, but to a much free-er extent (since you can be ANYTHING). I actually have a rule that I don't cosplay anyone on Halloween, but make up my own costume. And ever since I started cosplaying, I've been sewing my costumes for Halloween. First time was a horrible attempt at lolita, which turned into "creepy doll," then I was mermaid (^_^), and last year I was a Ninja, with the sign "I am Ninja, you can't see me." This year is based on the Venice Carnival. As for superstitions, I completely believe in ghosts, think that Oujia boards are a bad idea, and anything else I'm doubtful of/ only marginally superstitious.[/color]
  12. [color=#9933ff]I love the option "beat someone you hate." Not that there's many people I hate, but I'd certainly love to kick the **** out of *certain* people. =D Incidentally, (see picture attached). And while I know asteroids and meteors are different, the destructive end result is about the same.[/color]
  13. [color=#9933ff]I made a costume, but I have absolutely zero plans for Halloween, so I probably won't we wearing mine. In any case, I bought this mask in Venice (carnival, you know?) So I made a costume to go with it.[/color]
  14. [color=#9933ff]*Le gasp* You [i]are[/i] sneaky! *forceful poke* I find it amusing that I got to the end anyway, without using that. (even though it took me more links). And, since no one has gotten my challenge yet, I'm altering it slightly. Juniperus communis to William Schatner. That should be easier (IMO). And yeah, I used a couple tricks too, but if I could get e's anyway, y'all should be able to get mine. =/[/color]
  15. [color=#9933ff]Oi. I don't know if anywhere in our town is really safe. Maybe the schools would act as shelters? O_o; As for zombies on campus, we'd all either hide out in the basements of our residence buildings, or personally, I'd hide in the library and throw books at the zombies. =P[/color]
  16. [color=#9933ff]I'm a virgin, I don't get made fun of it. There's no one I want to lose my virginity to. Probably waiting for marriage, unless it's Gackt or something. BY THE WAY, I can't believe you changed your name to Deus ex Machina. To all the oldies, does anyone else remember Dan? :/ (I thought it was him for a minute and I was like... why is he writing like this? Then I looked at someone's user profile.)[/color]
  17. [color=#9933ff]Oi! I didn't even think of that. *laughs* Perhaps I should have started with Thor.... It was supposed to be Anglo-Saxon Mythology > Thor > Mjolnir > Hammer > Hammer& Sickle > Austrian Coat of Arms, which is actually a longer route than you proposed. Good for you. I shall, however, leave your riddle to someone else, as I'm supposed to be writing a lab report at the moment (or, you know, if no one has found it, I'll come back to it later) [i]Edit[/i]: Got it! Not gonna lie, that was REALLY hard. I had a request for a hint up here for a while, but I finally got it when I clicked on the link for fullerenes from calixarene. I had already gone the route from football to Truncated icosahedron but couldn't get to calixarene so I abandonded it and tried a bunch of other ways. Here's your solution: Sam the Eagle > USA men's national soccer team > FIFA World Cup > Fifa world cup balls (real article name is "History of football (soccer) balls") > Truncated icosahedron > Fullerene > Calixarene > Oligomer This is also longer than six degrees, so how did you get there, Nerdsey? [i]Edit #infinity:[/i] Okay, next one? Juniperus communis to Klingons. I admit, it wasn't that difficult, buuut I'm bad at thinking these up. X_x;[/color]
  18. [color=#9933ff]Got it! Lemmings > The Walt Disney Company > Walt Disney Pictures > Paramount Pictures > Fatal Attraction. I'm glad you brought this topic back. I was so busy the last time it was running that I never had the time to sit down and figure out how to get from the beginning link to the end link on Wikipedia. How I reached my conclusion: I knew I somehow had to get from birds to media, so I looked for any link that was media related, which included the Lemming game link, and the Walt Disney Link. The Lemming game link was getting me nowhere, so I went with Disney. I also went and looked up the end page, Fatal attraction, which told me it was distributed by Paramount pictures. So then I thought, "huh, I have to find a link to get me from The Walt Disney Company to Paramount..." That was the only link I was missing, but it was pretty hard to find. I tried looking for "rival companies" links on the Fleischer brothers (it's the only context with in the paramount page that mentions Disney). Fleischer brothers brought me to popeye which brought me to Disney... and then I realized I didn't need any of that. So I got the answer in a round-about way, but what the hey. Next challenge (it's a challenge, believe me) Anglo-Saxton mythology > Coat of arms of Austria Starting link: [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Saxon_mythology[/url] Endling link: [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_Arms_of_Austria[/url] hint: try starting with the ending page? It'll take you back to the fifth, then fourth rung - try to make a connection from there.[/color]
  19. [quote name='Aethon_Liam']This happens to me all the time. Especially after watching a movie or reading a book that I was really into. I explain it like this, you get so emersed in the world you're reading/watching about, that you lose focus of your own suroundings. You eventually become so distant from this world, that you find it "hard" to come back. Thus, the zombieness. You forget what time of day it is, you forget where you are, you might even forget what day, month or year it is. You can even forget names of people. (I've done all of the above... except forgeting what year it was... but I'm probably on my way.) Everyone experiences this in some form or fashion. Some people just don't get as distant from this world as others.[/QUOTE][color=#9933ff]I totally agree with A_L. This happens to me too when I read a really good book (HP #4, Otherland, Kite Runner - yes I liked it, let's not argue please. pls? k thx!), or I've just finished watching one of those really moving episodes of FullMetal Alchemist. I totally get emotionally involved when I read, and sometimes when I'm watching something moving. You're not alone, sayoeimomo. =) I get that way sometimes when I read good fanfiction. Usually that happens when it's a semi-angsty introspective piece with too much description/thoughts and not enough dialog. I don't understand how you guys can ave such awful fanfiction experiences. I have TONS and TONS of really good recs for Harry Potter, Digimon, Weiss Kreuz, Count Cain, House MD, Pirates (well, if you like Sparrington). I'm going to agree that, yeah, a lot of it is on livejournal communities, but many of them also post on ff.n. And I've never met a fanfic lj comm that was locked, other than pornish pixies, and that was because of the recent lj purge. (I'm so mad! I used to lurk for some really cool PWPs!) BTW, if you're looking for good fanfiction, the Weiss Kreuz fandom has a ridiculous proportion of good stories to total stories. There are more good than bad. The fanfiction is the only redeeming quality of Weiss Kreuz - seriously. (Well, and maybe the OVAs)[/color] [b]Edit:[/b] [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'] Mind you, I am still the Almighty God of pornography for making the ToS characters do things you couldn't have possibly imagined (that thing had over 8000 hits, swear to god. My ****ing blog only has like a fifth of that. And, at the time of writing it, I'd never actually seen 2 people having sex! not even anime!) but still.[/quote][color=#9933ff]*snerk* I find that amusing. Loves it. XP[/color]
  20. [color=#9933ff]I guess this question stems from being on a college campus, where, when you arrive as a freshman, you have to figure out where everything is. And then being completely lost when your friend on another campus is saying "I went here, and then there" when you haven't got a clue where those places are. So, I thought it would be an interesting discussion question. But what I'm asking is - where do you go to school? What does it look like? What are the buildings like? Even if you're not on a college campus, what is the building like, or the hallways. The shape? (My high school was a big square with side wings) Are the middle and the high school attached? Let everyone know! I'm not going to describe the layout of my campus (Rider University, NJ baby!) because you can find it on their website as a map. Some of the more "pertinent" details of the campus: The library has a sweet 24 study lounge with soft cushiony chairs. I hang out here with my friends a lot. My dorm is right across from the dining hall - yesssss! The sidewalks on our "quad" (from the BLC to Sweigart Hall) form the shape of a pentacle. lol! Each of the dorms are special in their own way: Lincoln - Air-conditioning, and some lucky mofos who have it. *grumble* Wright - All girls, and home of giant bugs *smirk* Conover - Freshman experience (only freshman) Olson, Switlik, Hill, and Kroner - boooring Poyda - Really far away, on the other side of the frickin' campus. I'm glad I don't live there. It also has 4 floors, instead of 3 like most dorms. Gee - the "projects" or the "ghetto" of Rider. It's getting renovated over the summer so we won't be able to call it that anymore. Last year it used to be "the place" to smoke, drink, and buy/sell drugs. This year they stuck the international kids in it to make it more "respectable." I always like to joke with my international friends that it's basically like saying, "Hi! Welcome to America, we're going to put you in Gee, this sucky dorm." Ziegler - My dorm!!! Home of the honors students, and suites/apartment-ish things. Everything here rocks, including the kitchen, and the giant TV on the second floor lounge. We're also the only dorm that has an elevator - made moving in a LOT easier. But everyone else only wishes they were cool enough for Ziegler. :p Oh, and yes, we're home to GIANT bugs. There seriously must be something in the water, because all our bugs are at LEAST [b]twice[/b] the size of normal bugs. X_x;[/color]
  21. [color=#9933ff]I've been made co-webmaster (mistress?) of my University's equestrian team website. I asked the captain if I could do a redesign, and he said yes (basically). The problem is, I'm at a loss for how to re-vamp it, design wise. (I just know it's icky and needs to be redone) So, I came to the art forum to ask if anyone has a good design idea for the site. I'm not asking for coding help (although if you want to make a pre-made layout for me, go right ahead. XD), I just want your opinions/suggestions on design. (I figured this belonged in art because it was most about appearance than coding, but if the mods move it, c'est la vie.) I want to make the standard font verdana size 10 (along with our "logo" font Monotype Corsiva), but am afraid it would be too small since everything on the site right now is size 12 and up and verdana looks awful larger than size 10. One fo the Franklin Gothics I was thinking of, or Tahoma (the cooler version of verdana). Suggestions for standard fonts welcome (try to pick fonts most computers would have.) I also like the way the links are set up at the top. However, the table they come in is not so cool. And what should I do with the background? 'Cos it needs to go. I was thinking to put everything on the site in a cool looking table (?) to make it look more "framed," like the way this lj is "framed": [url]http://community.livejournal.com/_ansatsusha_[/url] . And here's the website I'm re-designing, so you can see it: [url]www.rider.edu/~equestrian[/url] Please keep in mind that our school colors are dark red and white. Also, no recommendations for insane stuff that requires flash or javascript or php. I don't know them. lol.[/color]
  22. [quote name='Matt']Anyways, I moved from Boston to North Carolina my Junior Year, and it was actually Kevin who got me into anime and, consequently, OtakuBoards.[/QUOTE] [color=#9933ff]Is it bad that when someone says Kevin, I think of RickHunter? What OB member are [b]you[/b] speaking of, with the name Kevin?[/color]
  23. [quote name='Odin M Yggdrasi']Ever hear of the term "Looney"? It's a derivate of the term Lunar, which is used in scientific circles for the moon. It was originally defined because some women would act wierd in the few days before or after a full moon as part of the natural cycle having the same time interval as the moon's phase. I don't see how a man would be vulnerable to it though unless he was driven looney by his woman during that time.[/QUOTE] [color=#9933ff]I don't think you're expressing yourself quite clearly. Do you mean to say that if the period of menstruation coinsides with the full moon, women are more crazy? :rolleyes: The fact is that if you believe the moon affects the moods of people, it affects ALL people, and that ALL people exhibit some sort of craziness when the full moon rolls around, REGARDLESS of gender. Don't make this a gender issue or I'll be all over your *** about it. I'd also like to say that the craziness has nothing to do with the PULL of the moon on the water in your body. Whether or not you can see the moon, it still pulls the same amount on you all the time. The craziness has to do more with biology - bio-luminesence/over exposure to light, rather than physics. (If, you know, you believe in this sort of a thing anyway...) I also think Allamorph hit a very important point - Werewolves see to exhibit more human emotions than Vampires, and thus (those of us who LIKE werewolves) feel that we can relate more to werewolves than vampires. No matter what type of mythical creature you're writing about, they must have some human quality to them, or else the reader won't like them at all.[/color]
  24. [color=#9933ff]Aww. Thank you, Chris. *hugs* ^_^[/color]
  25. [color=#9933ff]I really don't like vampires in general, with the whole "never dying" thing. I also don't like all the inconsistencies revolving around Vampires. I have a friend who insists, in "Interview With a Vampire" fashion that they can't be killed by ANYTHING other than sunlight, while 200 years ago, Vampires were believed to go out during the day just like normal people. :/ Others say you can ONLY kill them with a stake, or ONLY with a silver stake, or ONLY with salt, garlic, and a stake, etc. Werewolves are pretty simple - they turn into infectious monsters on the full moon. Lol. Besides, Remus Lupin PWNS. P.S.: Lupin really does pwn. If you ever read one of those cheesy (or not so cheesy) fanfics where someone finds a cure for lycanthropy, you'll find Lupin loses all of his intrigue quite quickly.[/color]
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