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Everything posted by CaNz

  1. Harsh... green day is an odd band... but i have gotten into more than just there opening albums. anyways i got a discount on this old star wars game called Rebellion. its a super strategy game taking place after New Hope and goes on into an alternate future... since you can play as the empire and defeat the rebels (not to mention destroy planets with the deathstar) the gameplay is bland, but addictive, and it takes a while to do anything, but at the end you feel accomplished. I wouldnt recommend this game unless you like strategy, and i dont mean age of empires or risk... i mean like chess or shogi.
  2. [quote name='chibi-master' date='21 June 2010 - 11:26 AM' timestamp='1277144779' post='695743'] Hey, Korey, interested in being my new big brother? [/quote] oh please... like thats the worste thing i have ever said... plus its my job to tease you.... i'd just punch anyone else who does it.
  3. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaoy1QKxGQs&feature=related[/media] i still cant stop laughing...
  4. CaNz

    you wont get an argument from me on that one. you're my friend now by the way.... just to let you know,,,,

  5. [quote name='chibi-master' date='20 June 2010 - 07:04 PM' timestamp='1277085887' post='695703'] Everything hurts from the belt testing yesterday... [/quote] why does this sound wrong to me? x[u]_[/u]X
  6. [quote name='Ravenstorture' date='20 June 2010 - 04:57 AM' timestamp='1277035043' post='695684'] I disagree! I do not drink alcohol and therefore was immediately excluded from your drinking thread. DISCRIMINATION!!! [/quote] you coulda posted... though this one is a better fit quite a few people who dont drink said why in my thread. plus i was kind of kidding... joking around with Botar is a new bad habit of mine
  7. probably because bosses have heard all the reasons before... so its not a stretch... the co-worker is probably new to this and is going through separation anxiety. I am sure its hard for him/her to let go of you.
  8. she called you stupid Botar! And thanks for using the right caps on my name... i dont know why it bugs me, but i think the name only works for me when its spelled that way... when it isnt it makes me feel like drinking.
  9. having a crush on every girl i meet on the internet. oh and this is totally a rip off of my drinking thread, you just made it vague... (i want ten percent of all profits or ill bust your windows... computer)
  10. clouds dont usually block all the sunshine... and id say most of the time bibrds fly below the clouds.... so sunshine+birds=run
  11. [quote name='Allamorph' date='19 June 2010 - 08:03 PM' timestamp='1277003037' post='695650'] [font="Calibri"]I don't think it would matter much whether or not it happened to be sunny, actually. Birds'll crap just the same. =P[/font] [/quote] well.. you cant see it coming at night... so the fear isnt there... dose anyone have school memories of running from flocks of birds flying overhead? it was as if panic sweapt over the entire school community.
  12. [quote name='Stephanie' date='19 June 2010 - 05:53 PM' timestamp='1276995226' post='695634'] Nice to know I have older guys encouraging underage drinking. [/quote] [size="1"]:the views expressed by members are not endorsed by OtakuBoards.com or its sponsors:[/size] I got no problems with underage drinking, just be safe about it and dont get caught(by the police or by Botar)... not that hard.
  13. ummm so you dont like sunshine because if you look up birds poop on you? thats what i got... and i could agree with it.
  14. CaNz

    just watched it... can i have some of your milk speed?

  15. CaNz

    especially the cat people with tails and claws (but not halle berry)

  16. [quote name='Allamorph' date='19 June 2010 - 01:43 PM' timestamp='1276980181' post='695620'] [font="Calibri"]The has been enough sap in the past page and a half of this thread that I could have made enough syrup to eat six dozen Belgian waffles and still been able to call my plate Lake Butterworth's.[/font] [/quote] your just jealous cause chibi is getting all the hugs. ...im sure shed give you one if you asked nicely. ;]
  17. [quote name='Botar' date='19 June 2010 - 03:36 PM' timestamp='1276986963' post='695624'] [color="#008000"]Oh Steph, If I could i'd drink with you. Hopefully It would cheer ya up. Oh, and CaNz, that S**T would burn. you're dumb And its still kinda bleedin[/color] [/quote] alright... drink a sip then pour it on... its manly... maybe it would impress Stephanie... though i doubt it, i guess your best be would be to get her to drink a lot :]
  18. CaNz

    I am a cat person!

  19. CaNz

    its been a long time since i have seen the awesomes...

    i watched all of them at one point, but if racer is new than no.

  20. [quote name='Botar' date='19 June 2010 - 01:14 AM' timestamp='1276935249' post='695603'] [color="#008000"]I'm that plastered that i'm goin around, bustin you're scouters and stuff I so started that level thing to get up to this point[/color] [/quote] i dont doubt it... maybe that should be a reason to drink as well... bad jokes become absolutely hilarious. i am a pretty happy drunk, and i always try to be the fun drunk guy so i try and make people laugh... I usually will get a few laughs off a random joke, but since i am drunk i never come up with new material, so i end up saying the same bad joke over and over... of course if the other people are drunk enough its still just as funny.
  21. [quote name='Piano Parade' date='19 June 2010 - 01:15 AM' timestamp='1276935345' post='695604'] [b] And on an unrelated note, my avatar is back CaNz.[/b] [/quote] ohmahgoshohmahgoshohmahgosh!!1 you made me so happy Lilt... can i dedicate my life to you or something? im pretty sure its the only thing close enough to what you give me each time i see that avatar.
  22. [quote name='Botar' date='19 June 2010 - 12:45 AM' timestamp='1276933543' post='695600'][color="#008000"] My levels at over 9000.[/color] [/quote] oh... so now we are getting crazy. especially when scouters are being broken. ( i only know how drunk i got when i wake up the next day)
  23. oh yah know after crawling back to my computer in a mushy pile semi-resembling my formal, non-mushy self enough times you figure out whats really important in life. gay jokes...
  24. [quote name='Botar' date='19 June 2010 - 12:12 AM' timestamp='1276931578' post='695593'] [color="#008000"]Back off mate, they ain't grubby, there just a little dirty, like you! [/color] [/quote] calling me mate then talking about how dirty we are? never mind... i was wrong about you.... hugging my sister should be no problem
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