I have been playing a lot of Star Wars, the Old Republic.
I am not sure if I will buy it or not, but I could certainly see myself wasting tons of time on it if I did. I mostly played as imperial agent, but the other charters looked like they were just as expansive. The story seems like it will be the main fun part of this game, unfortunately, there is no way I am making 8 characters to get the full story. This game is also full of lag problems, and the npc movement is so strange that it is funny... well... for a while. Graphics are pretty, especially the cutscenes. If they gave EA and Bioware a movie budget they could easily make a fantastic Star Wars movie... instead of the so-so Clone Wars one.
Anyways the game is basically a WoW with a Star Wars skin, and a little Bioware twist on the story. It all comes down to the price for me, because I am not gonna waist a bunch of money when I know Mass Effect 3 will be a much better game in almost every way.