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Everything posted by CaNz

  1. if people didn't like them the networks wouldn't put so many on the air... I personally am getting addicted to talk shows... especially Craig Fergison.
  2. Paramore and flyleafs new albums.... GIRL POWER!
  3. whats more non-Japanese than America? [IMG]http://i619.photobucket.com/albums/tt278/PandasQ/6518american_tail_resize.jpg[/IMG]
  4. [quote name='Fourth World'][B]loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding x guilt x shame x failure x judgment [/B] [B]n=y where y=hope and n=folly[/B] [B]love=lies, life=death, self=dark side[/B][/quote] [B]loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding x guilt x shame x failure x judgment[/B]= self esteme [B]n=y where y=hope and n=folly[/B] simplified hope=folly [B]love=lies, life=death, self=dark side[/B] simplified code of the sith... does this make me good at math?
  5. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Calibri]It amuses me how this until-so-recently-humorous thread has turned into a haven for petty squabbling because one or two people can't allow themselves to possibly lose a little face.[/FONT][/quote] [|]_ ...thats my face... sure, urban dictionary is fine for slang... i was just joking around because people use it as proof... once i lied to someone and made him believe it by editing a wiki page then sending him a link. i dont remember what i lied about but it was an obvious one... so whenever i see a user generated databace listed as proof, especially urban dictionary i laugh a little. I mean, you couldn't find the definition of "what" anywhere else?
  6. well all i know on that is Completed01 was a bot (i am pretty sure) that posted cell phone ads on the boards in random places. thats why its banned now. thogh the Iphone RP did look promising with great winter deals. ....i want to pet a kitten now... right now... sigh...
  7. using urban dictionary should automaticly disqualify that point valid or not. plus the post above made total sense...Boo called Sara an elitist pig right after calling Sara a speciesist (i am pretty sure that means hateing other species but go ahead and check your urban dictionary... should be fun ^_^) using pig as a derogatory term was a blatant speciesist remark, there was a lot of thought in Ace's post making it the opposite of your "[COLOR=#ff1493]ridiculous or makes no sense[COLOR=black]"[/COLOR] [/COLOR] [COLOR=black]by the way... i love your pink font... Way easier to quote you.[/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='John'][I]What.[/I][/quote] that response only works when "guess what," has been said first...
  9. do it... its hillarious! i wish everything i watched on the internet was dubbed as well as the how i met your mother one.
  10. [quote name='Sara'][FONT=trebuchet ms] [URL="http://symptoms.wrongdiagnosis.com/cosymptoms/acne/menstrual-irregularities-all.htm"][B]menopause, Type II Diabetes, pregnancy, stress, or adrenal cancer.[/B][/URL] [/FONT][/quote] Can i choose all of the above, [spoiler]or secretly a boy.[/spoiler]
  11. do tell... all i did today was play poker (won a cool 65 bucks) and eat donuts, not bad... but not great.
  12. I think I am gonna use the Caramelldansen skin from now on. It really is quite destracting, but its pretty dang cute as well.
  13. [B]Timothy Harper:[/B] an undercover cop that has been the main cause of thirteen major criminal busts in shell city. He has been working directly under some of the higher ups of the SCPD. With each bust the police gain more credibility, though the criminals arested have been competitors of certain crime lords, such as Boris Gen, and in there absence the have been able to flourish. this charicter is going to be apearing in a bigger role in my story.
  14. pish-posh if your making out and she sees that your flag has been raised, she is not gonna just ignore it and go back to kissy-facing with you. do I think getting overexcited is a bad thing... nah, but if she sees it your probably going on time out for a cool down...
  15. [quote name='chibi-master'] if you paid a fangirl in whatever it is she obsesses over, you'll have an undying army of unquestionable loyalty. Seriously, they never die. I've experimented...[/quote] aww come on chibi, why did it have to be you that states flat-out that you've expirimented with fangirls? I'm not that into the its funny cuz its true humor. :animeswea
  16. [quote name='Citric']I haven't gotten my period in well over a year. And no, I'm not pregnant.[/quote] I think you coulda left that last part off. I sure hope no poor soul has to take more than twelve months to have a baby. Any longer than nine is pushing it... and in my case it was more like seven and a half.
  17. i searched 3 gamestops and a game crazy and came home with one of my old favorites Mobile Suit Gundam Encounters in Space. in my opinion the greatest gundam game that i have played... which is all but the ps3 ones i could find. this game is addicting and has so many mobile suits its maddening (since they make you unlock almost all of them one at a time.) but overall it can be fun to explore the 0079-0084 gundam world.
  18. [SIZE=1]The Deputy was quite certain that the commotion was coming from a vigilante. Following a trail of broken glass and a lot of guesswork, he didn’t have much to go off of but he thought the chase must be close. Across the street he caught a glance at the vigilante Ghost jumping down a manhole. The sirens were coming closer now. It seemed they were doubling back. He didn’t feel any camaraderie between the vigilante, and he figured if ghost did anything to attract this much attention it was his own fault, never-the-less he pushed the heavy sewer cap back over the manhole. If anyone was going to put a vigilante to justice, it would be him, any cops running down that hole would ether kill him or more likely get killed themselves.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]The deputy ran for it. He took his hooked lasso and latched on to a nearby balcony. He scaled two stories then opened a window that was closed but not locked, thinking to himself [and they are wondering why crime rates are so high.] the people in the house were still asleep, apparently unbothered by his entry. If they didn’t wake up when the police pass by they wont even know he was here. Hopefully it wont take too long, he really wanted to sleep tonight.[/SIZE]
  19. I get PMDD and i have to use winged-tampons.
  20. [quote name='Shy'][SIZE=1]Just because something isn't worthy of its' own thread doesn't mean you shouldn't post about it. Use this thread for random thoughts/life happenings, or to respond to something someone else wrote. [B]There is no topic, so therefore this thread can never go off-topic. [COLOR=red][Update: Except for LOL Cat Pictures. Those are banned.][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]-Shy[/SIZE][/quote] [IMG]http://i619.photobucket.com/albums/tt278/PandasQ/icanhasbootycopy.jpg[/IMG] and to Xyander... Drink up me hearties yo ho!
  21. i went and watched the videos.... man... the how i met your mother one was hilarious, and perfect dubbing. i personally think they did nothing wrong, it is 100% parents responsibility to watch there kids. if that means selecting a few parental controls for there kids computer then they should do it and stop complaining.
  22. Haters gonna hate, but that eggnog was the best thing that happened to me all week.... so either my life sucks or it was great. either way it was still the best thing. is it bad that i plan on getting smashed christmas eve?
  23. [SIZE=1]The muffled blasts of the shooting range through his earplugs seemed to calm him down. Benjamin Gato sat in his office reading a paper, and glancing at the police officers through the bullet proof glass as they went through there routine practice. Everyone always gets a kick out of shooting his full body targets, This time a vigilante known as Clown face. This was all routine for Gato as well, but what surprised him was how the cops were wiping the smile off the vigilantes face. Head-shots are not usually the protocol , but he had noticed a lot of things had been changing over time. Murder used to be committed by murderers, now it seems like every night a common thug is killed by a masked vigilante. Gato Acknowledged that it couldn?t happen to better people, but the streets are starting to run red.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]It was time to fix some targets. The turned on the projector that signaled a cease fire then stepped out from behind the glass. When the gunfire stopped they all took out their earplugs and mufflers.[B] "You guys do know the chest scores more points don?t you??[/B] Gato jests.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?We aren?t ones for keeping score Benny.?[/B] the bighearted quip came from Officer Timothy Harper., he never wore a badge but Gato knew he was an undercover cop. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?well most of those masked murderers would do a man in just the same, so long as it fits there twisted moral code.?[/B] Gato knew just what these folks wanted to here and didn?t mind saying it, he even meant what he said some of the time, however, he did know that without those ?masked murderers? this town would be flooded with all kinds of evil. [B]?Alright everyone, it will just be a second and I?ll have your next victim up.? [/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]They acknowledged him and he went downstairs to rotate the targets . The machine system could have been reinstalled upstairs when he replaced the and crank and lever system with a piston set, but the downstairs room was well ventilated and he could catch a few conversations from his guests. He could never spend to much time, but he could usually catch a name or two and let Deaths Deputy deal with them. Gato placed his head on the wall and listened in. he could hear Tim and another senior officer speaking softly,[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?I am just not sure why Bates would keep these ones hidden from the public.?[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?I have a few guesses, Maybe he thought three more bodies would just further civil unrest in the sector, plus you know he dislikes those masked vigilantes roaming the streets, he wont hesitate to show one of them killing people, but all three of those corpses were machete wounds, and the press could easily turn it into a serial killer story and the crime rate is such a touchy subject with bates.?[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?I don?t know Tim, it just seems like there?s something going on even we don?t know about, and those S.W.A.T. training routines that are off limits, its like they are practicing for something, something big.?[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?I hear you. But we shouldn?t talk about this anymore, Benny will be back up here soon,?[/B] That was his cue to get a move on. He threw the new target on the racks ( a convict on death row this time.) and hit the switch to activate the pistons, then headed up the steps to be greeted by cheers of approval.[/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE=1]----------------------------[/SIZE] [/CENTER] [SIZE=1] [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]The deputy was prowling the rooftops near the back ally, using only a lasso with a hook to traverse between buildings. He had had a few close encounters traveling this way, but now he was quite accustomed to the lay of the land. It was midnight before anything caught his eye. Three gentlemen in suits were waiting in a dark ally one holding on to a steel briefcase. A fourth man was approaching. This one wearing a sweatshirt and sunglasses. This man was carrying a briefcase as well. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?Sharktooth??[/B] The man with the sunglasses said.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?Aaah, Blue Jay, you finally made it! I was freezing my fuckin balls off waiten for ya!?[/B] The man holding the briefcase had stepped forward.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?Do you have the cash??[/B] the man with the steel briefcase opened it, revealing probably around fifteen thousand dollars.[B] ?Alright.?[/B] he placed the briefcase between his feet and quickly removed his sweatshirt revealing three pistols two Uzi sub machine guns and ammo clips. [/SIZE][SIZE=1]He then handed the men the guns and ammo. Then opened his briefcase , containing an assault rifle, disassembled.. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?Assemble it for me.?[/B] the gentleman said, and it was done. The model was unknown to the deputy, but he did know it could pose a threat to civilians, police and even an unlucky vigilante. Caught in its path. He silently crept down a fire escape to reach ground level, careful not to make any loud sounds.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?Alright if our business is done I shall be leaving.?[/B] The man in sunglasses turned to leave but stopped dead when he heard the ammo clip lock into place. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?Hold on blue jay, I wanna know if this baby is as good as you say it is.?[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?I assure you it is of top quality? now don?t do anything stupid, our organization wont do business with traitors.?[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?Bossman already sold out your corporation chum, the police are gonna bust you by tomorrow night. The weapons dealers caught is gonna look great for the headlines, I can see it all now in big fuckin letters: [I]?Police doin? their part to keep us safe.?[/I] catchy huh? Now lets give this baby a whirl.?[/B] a shot went off. Both men were now screaming. The man with the sunglasses thought he was a dead man, and the man with the assault rifle was missing his pointer finger, as the back half of the gun was now scrap metal. Two more shots were fired in quick secession , and the rifleman?s cohorts were down. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?Its that damn deputy!?[/B] the man was shot in the leg with a rubber bullet, sweeping it out from under him and leaving the man face first on the ground leaving only the man with sunglasses who was now on the ground. He drew a pistol from his boot and began firing madly. The deputy dived behind a dumpster and waited. Once he heard the clicks of an empty gun he stepped out and shot him in the head with a rubber bullet, knocking him out cold.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]The deputy roped all four of them together with his spare lasso. He hated to waist supplies since whenever he ran out he would have to break into stores and take them. He left money, but the precaution of avoiding paper trails was still unfavorable. [/SIZE][SIZE=1][B]?I guess I should be thankful you got me and not one of those other guy. Burn killed more guys in a day than you did in three years.?[/B] [/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?I let the law handle scum like you.?[/B] The deputy reached into the suited mans pockets and pulled out the mans cell phone. ?[B]your calling the police to confess your crimes. As well as these men.[/B][/SIZE][B]"[/B] [SIZE=1][B]?Why, you gonna shoot me with one of that BB gun of yours. ?[/B] The deputy shot the man next to him in the kneecap. The sound of bone cracking echoed through the ally. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?I?m all out of BBs,?[/B] the deputy dialed 911[B] ?now start confessing, or I will put you so close to death you?ll wish burn torched you.?[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1] [/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE=1]------------[/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE=1]Back op on the roof the deputy waited for the police to take these thugs away. Five minutes passed and a parole car stopped at the alleyways entrance. Two cops exited the vehicles.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?roped, and for the most part still alive? those bruises are from the deputy?s rubber bullets.?[/B] the first cop said.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?yep, it was him all right. With a name like Death?s Deputy more people would wind up dead,?[/B] chuckled the second cop.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?Hahaha, you got that right, well are they boys of his?[/B] [/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?The guy with the shades isn?t, but the other three sure are.?[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?Well lets get outta here then.?[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][B]?Yeah.?[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]They left all for men. Got back in there car, then drove away. Something was very, very wrong here. There was enough evidence on those guys to have them publicly executed, and even dirty cops will book the criminals when they are spoon fed to them. The deputy had stumbled onto something big, he now had to find out what it was.[/SIZE]
  24. I appriciated it. but as for screamsin I appaulogise for the late entry, I had thought about posting when i first saw it but i hadnt thought of a good enough bio till just the other day. I will do my best to not give you something to regrett.
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