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Everything posted by CaNz

  1. CaNz


    its pretty easy to pretend to make you happy.
  2. I could tell SAO was gonna be great from the first episode. I was hooked just by the premise. Now .hack//Sign on the other hand I wasn't even sure what I was watching half the time, but ended up loving it. I don't think their has been an anime like it since... though Roots was close.
  3. CaNz


    I probably will get back on steam when I buy my new computer. (looks like a month till I can afford all the stuff)   When I do get it I will join. :]
  4. That did seem a bit unfair. All the drawbacks seem like good things if you use force fields offensivly. also expanding a forcefield to make a vacuum, or contracting it to make pressure is always cool for screwing with temperature and force.
  5. Well... in english speaking countries Otaku is usually just a person who likes anime and/or manga.  That describes pretty much everyone here, so you fit right in.   I wouldn't go around Japan using Otaku as an Identity though, since it really just means someone who is so consumed by their hobies they can't function well in society. I doubt anyone here fits that catagory... since jobs are hard to keep that way... and most parents don't allow that sort of stuff.
  6. I just started watching Kadocha! (well I'm 20 episodes in...  but there is a lot to go) The plot of this show is deep and sad... which is odd for a slice of life comedy... but I like it. I wonder what they will do after they go over all the family issues though.
  7. Insect battle minecraft rpg (title in the works)   I am really into customisation games, and this one would have to be epic in scale. You would start out as a generic bug of some kind, explore the world and fight other bugs... and if you beat them you can use their parts to evolve your bug. You can build a colony, explore dungeons and make aliances with other bugs.  Like Minecraft it would be server based, and mods could create whatever world they wanted... from rainforest to urban city. The plot would be loose but survival of the fittest will be a main theme, and resources can be set to a finite amount per week, making base raids important.   The insect creator feature would need to be very polished. The abilities should feel like leveling up, and everything would need weaknesses, but strengths could be left unchecked, so people could constantly improve.
  8. Your channel is pretty cool! I probably watched a bunch more videos than usual just because I love your voice, but views are views. I also like how much you bash Psionic Inundation... since my character uses it. d:
  9. CaNz


    I am pretty sure that score means you had 19/20 of the Femquestions maxed out, and one slightly positive neutral. pretty friggen impressive!   I probably missed a ton of those comics... maybe I will look for them.   You can wear the pants in our relationship. <3
  10. So I stumbled across this old 13 episode anime by watching a top 5 craziest anime characters video. Oddly enough I don't even think Hamdo was the craziest person in that anime.   Anyways the old school, cartoony animation and the optimistic nature of Shu hides the terribly dark subject matter. I was pretty sad through the series, not because of what I was watching but the real events that this was inspired by.   If you haven't seen it and don't mind being depressed about how scummy humans are, you should watch it. [spoiler]If you already saw it there are things I'd like to talk about. Firstly... the reason why I liked the show. I like how mostly whats wrong with the world is blameless. Hamdo is insane, but he either can't help his mental illness or was corrupted by power. Both of these things happen all the time. The people following him were cowards or sympathisers. both of these things also happen. The opposition were greif stricken or people attempting to defend themselves.   The only real evil things here are he people who gave Hando his power.  Abelia's loyalty and skill keeps Hando from self destructing years too late.  She lets him die, but at that point his dream and empire was dead. Her insane devotion to Hamdo is the sole reason any of these events happen... but is loyalty so wrong? Lala-Ru and her water powers save Shu... but she fuels Hamdo's invasion plans. its impossible to say what happens if she never got involved... but its likely that Hamdo would never be able to control the world, and assasins would eventually succeed. Lala-Ru never wanted to come though. Is her existance her fault? I really just end up hating how scared and corrupted we humans can become.   On a different note.. in the episode where Sarah tries to abort her baby, Shu stops it and forces her to keep it. The english dubbed translation doesn't seem to match at all. I wondered if that was because Americans could relate to Sarah and dislike Shu for telling her what to do. [/spoiler]
  11. CaNz


    I think both feminine and masculine traits are socialy constructed anyways so it doesn't matter if I am or not... but I must see myself as feminine, even if I don't act feminine... otherwise my results wouldn`t be so one sided.   Thanks for trying to make me feel better though! (if thats what that was)
  12. No judgements! I am not gonna make either of those though... storebought brauts are just not the same... and tacos are like  joes but in a different starch/carb wrap.   I think I will make beef & broccli. add oystersauce and heat and its done!
  13. CaNz


    hehe... testee... Anyways I was just initially not looking for information because of my "normal" orientation. Thats why this test intrigued me. It only shows how much you identify with either gender.   I do think your results perfectly suit you.
  14. I need more inspiration! What should I make now?   I have always called them tots... which kinda makes me sound like a baby eater... so I think I should switch.
  15. Well thats good to hear.  You can go into NOT with no reservations! (after a good sleep of course ¤v¤)
  16. CaNz


    35.833/100 Masculine 80/100 Feminine and 56.667 Androgynous.   Those are my somewhat suprising scores from a Bem Sex-Role Inventory test. I already knew I never felt all that masculine, but the large gap between it and my feminine score shows how one sided my identity seems to be.   I have never looked much into this because I am attracted to females, and though I have thought about intimate relationships with other males, its never been sexual. Essentially I thought that I have the right tool for the job, even though my gender identity was messed up a bit.   This test is old, and I may have some conformation bias... but I do think its cool to have data on this. I think its given me some information about myself that I overlooked.
  17. That is what I should do tonight! I havent had normal ground beef tacos in forever.
  18. I did play the matchmaking raids. probably 3 times for each. They were more fun than the story missions but I never really felt like we were working as a team.   As for a PSN ID I used my roommates. I can still play on it though if you wanna do a couple things on Destiny. SOLIDSNAKESK7 is the ID.
  19. The characters were definitely the strong suit of the show, but I did like the plot. Having the main message for this book be the hero should try to understand the villain so that she could empathize with them seems totally new, but awesome. Like Toph said, most of the bad guys did have good reasons for their actions, and led the way for beneficial change, even if they were misguided. For being a wise man, Tenzin is just terrible with people in general. Its as if he has no idea how anyone could possibly think differently than him, and is constantly surprised when they don't listen to him. He does a lot of cool things, but man... he seems so dense at times.    I think the writing suffered from all the books coming out so far apart. each one pretty much could have been the ending to the series, unlike  the original, which only wrapped things up at the very end. 
  20. I can agree that its worth playing but I typically require a lot from my games if I am gonna spend money on them. I don't buy them now if I cant get at the very least 100 hours for a 70$ game. A lot of people aren't as stingy as I am, but I can buy a lot of books for 70 bucks, buy a lot of music, and buy plenty of cheap or on sale games that can easily hit that mark or exceed it excessively. Destiny was fun for me through the entire story and for a few raids, but after that I just felt tired of the grind, and I didn't feel like I was getting much stronger. Without Multiplayer I just had nothing fun to do, other than replay with a new character, which wouldn't aid the repetitiveness of the game.  A lot of people may easily get their moneys worth for it though so I can't hate it too much... but there are probably more fun alternatives. 
  21. Glad I could help!  Soul Eater does have some warm up time before it gets good. The early episodes kinda run through the characters personalities and overemphasize their quirks. Later on its less prevalent so if you stick with it the annoyance factor decreases... though the catwitch is pretty much just fan-service and never gets much better (but also has very little airtime)    Not is much shorter, and you could probably watch it first if you wanted since its a prequel and doesn't spoil anything, but you won't enjoy the cameos if you don't watch  the original.    For me when they build up suspense I always still cling to the belief that everything will work out in the end, so when they do something tragic I am like,"WHY DID YOU DO THAT! I TRUSTED YOU i~i"
  22. Wooo! I hope your education payed off!  I had a couple lazy meals of mixing both beans and rice. I felt extremely full but not too happy about it. ^~^
  23. Ah... there was a tread like this in a different section where you said a similar thing. I totally  forgot about it. I can kinda agree with that... but not all of them. A recipe channel called Food Wishes. Chef John is hilarious simply because he speaks to the viewer as if you are an idiot, and he is very sarcastic. 
  24. Well that doesn't sound like bragging at all. I did get to eat choclates with my my friend and we played with eachother all night long. [spoiler]We were pretty close to even in smash bros but I won at poker.[/spoiler]
  25. I think both the Wii U and the PS4 look sleek and function well. I kinda like the ps3 better, but in general ps4 is great. It doesn't seem like they changed much but PS4 has a far more comfortable controller now. I still think you can sub it out for a nice computer, but PS4 is very nice. XBONE is kinda bulky and odd looking compared to the other two (and 360slim) I am sure they will update it but its not too great. The controler does feel better than 360's but its minimal. The ones without kennect also look better, but not by much.
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