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Everything posted by CaNz

  1. For sure, sorry I missed this before. I guess I was off being lazy or something.
  2. haha, well you never need to like it dear!

  3. CaNz


    well you gotta do what yah gotta do!

    school doesn't change much and you are still very young.

  4. you people and your snow days! In the desert got hot days. (i am really glad i moved to Oceanside to get rid of those. Nothing was worse than the wind blowing up to 120 degree air in your face. it feels like a giant hair dryer pointed at you everywhere.)
  5. CaNz

    Well, glad it all worked out for you!

    If my suggestion ended up costing you your c+ I would never forgive myself d:

  6. CaNz

    so i here you got a 100% on your physics paper!


  7. sure, the font is actually supposed to be thinner, but i dont thikk it really gets any easier to read. i will make a few different ones and if you still dont like it i will use a different font. EDIT:here yah go, lemme know if you need any more changes done. [IMG]http://i619.photobucket.com/albums/tt278/PandasQ/kor-1.jpg[/IMG] http://i619.photobucket.com/albums/tt278/PandasQ/kor-1.jpg [IMG]http://i619.photobucket.com/albums/tt278/PandasQ/ey2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i619.photobucket.com/albums/tt278/PandasQ/ey3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i619.photobucket.com/albums/tt278/PandasQ/ey4.jpg[/IMG]
  8. aaawwwww shiiiiiiii

  9. Fighting games are cool, but they are always more fun at arcades. nothing could ever beat the X-men VS Street fighter matches i have had with random people.
  10. [b]Name:[/b] Derrak "Flatline" Fernberg [b]Age:[/b] 38 [b]Nationality: [/b]United States of America [b] Personality:[/b] A sarcastic person with a get it done mentality. He is quick with his hands, and quick thinking in general, so he quickly becomes impatient. He is not overconfident in his abilities, but at the same time he has a problem with authority, going as far as directly disobaying orders. Had he not saved the lives of an entire city by doing so he would have been discharged. though he can be difficult to work with, few people would question his value to the team. [b]Appearance: [attachment=14950:xxx.png][/b] [b]Specialty:[/b] Medic [b]Weapons:[/b] Primary:[url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kel-Tec_SUB-2000"]SUB-2000 Carbine[/url] Side arm: [url="http://www.e-gun.net/more.asp?gid=20026&gun=Pistol"]LM4 Derringer[/url] Keeps multiple [url="http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.crocblades.com/images/products/TKSSS07.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.crocblades.com/knives/tops-knives-scalpel-s-tksss07.cfm&usg=__G_jYt_aZTlVpbVa6uKR8l6lGBcE=&h=300&w=300&sz=26&hl=en&start=13&sig2=9CBnCkq20rVnq62AMlTZow&zoom=1&tbnid=yxEyujVbazemxM:&tbnh=129&tbnw=140&ei=Zt8CTfelKdO9ngfPlKnlDQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dscaple%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D576%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C303&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=465&vpy=260&dur=1397&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=84&ty=191&oei=Jt8CTaf1G5CRnwecyvTnDQ&esq=14&page=2&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:13&biw=1366&bih=576"]scalpel knives[/url] on a bandoleer for easy access and quick removal of bullets and shrapnel... however because of the easy access they make excelent close range weapons. He keeps numerous medical supplies such as pain killers, anti-biotics, medical staples, aspirin for the whimps, and more. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M84_stun_grenade"]M84 Stun Grenades[/url] [b]Outstanding assignment:[/b] The forest vegetation was so thick Flatline was having trouble seeing even though it was barely past fourteen hundred hours Argentinian time. He had taken a point, because he was able to utilize enemy ammunition because of the versatile carbine he carried. Two men with enemy rifles followed behind him. The mission was to reach the military base in the La Cantera rain-forest. They were to take photographs of the missile base located 193 Kilometers inland. Three days have passed since the arrival of the nine agents. Their arrival started without a hitch, however upon entering the forest, an information leak exposed the plan to infiltrate and expose the base. It had been days of fighting. Two brave men will lie dead in this forest until they rot. now Flatline was five kilometers to the base. One of the men returned to the rest of the group to report and bring them. Flatline watched his surroundings for any sign of patrol. After half an hour passed the first sounds of the patrol came. Three men armed with a G3 variant assault rifles. Flatline held his breath as they drew near. Some audible sounds were heard and the group began moving forward, Flatline took aim. The three men stopped and began to turn around, but before the rotation could be completed, a shot was fired, hitting one of the patrol guards in the chest. It was a fatal mistake, Flatline shot the man he was aiming for before he could move, but the other guard called in their location. In twenty minutes they would be surrounded. The squad commander arrived five minutes after the incident. "We have a visual of the base, we can't get the evidence of missiles but this isn't a total failure." "Sir, that's not good enough, those guards have confirmation of armed troops in their country, its like the okay to start shooting. those missiles are probably on route to being fired" [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [left]This was probably going to cost him his career, but if he didn't do this, the lives of thousands could be as good as gone. He placed the charges on the wall of the missile bunker. He plugged his ears as the explosives opened him a path. Without hesitation he entered and put three shots in the sternum. Two soldiers ran to a nearby position. Flatline dived into a nearby room. The two men tried to peruse him but were cut down as they entered after him. Flatlin opened up a ceiling ducked and made it through to the missile bay through the ventilation network. While in the ceiling he spotted the pulley system that controlled the missle bays. Whither or not he could risk the lives of an entire town on the negligence of the door operators crossed his mind briefly, but he knew he didn't have very good odds of doing it any other way. He pulled out his scalpel and severed the the electric line to the [/left][/center] motor, but kept the main power functioning. If all worked out well the missile would be hitting the target a little faster than intended. He crawled back through the vent and set another group of charges in a wall he thought was facing outside. [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [/center]The La Cantera Missile silo never existed according to many, but forty acres of rain-forest were wiped out by a mysterious wildfire. Agent Derrak Fernberg was not discharged, however... he was transferred. OOC: hope I get in to this, It looks really impressive so far.
  11. oh... well i guess that's cool. who says you have to actually like what banner you have! d:
  12. [font="Lucida Console"][b]<-----------[/b][/font] I don't even know who this guy is.
  13. I... Umm... wow... I got a whole separate section in the teasing members part, as well as being fired into the sun... [attachment=14949:funny-pictures-cat-sits-on-other-cat.jpg] pic is unrelated to the incident... but isn't the kitty cuuute!
  14. well, Green Lanterns aren't Batman... so how good can they really be? there are a lot of people watching this thread!
  15. [quote name='Magus' date='10 December 2010 - 01:40 AM' timestamp='1291974010' post='702579'] You're the not the only one that's thinking along those lines, CaNz (1 specific character....). One person is upset because Strider will not be in the game. Even though I'm laughing at you and everyone else who're thinking along those lines all I can really say is oh well. [/quote] I might deserve it, but really its not the tipping point for me, none of my old team seems to be in this game, so if my favorite character doesn't make it I will be pissed but I am not avoiding it out of spite. It does sound really bad, but the game just does not have the grab.... i mean... deadpool is a nice feature, but not enough for me. honestly, i don't like many of the characters, and i would be willing to stick with 2 just so that I could play the ones that I like... I dunno... it doesn't seem that strange to me.
  16. if you think yellow is lame check out the original green lantern. and you dont have to worry, they get rid of the yellow weakness eventually.
  17. a color makes a decent weakness... just ask green lantern. why would anyone be against Caramelldansen? I always got the fumiest looks when people looked over my shoulder.
  18. a color makes a decent weakness... just ask green lantern. why would anyone be against Caramelldansen? I always got the fumiest looks when people looked over my shoulder.
  19. CaNz


    i got made my sister a bootleg of the new movie, and i put it in an old video game case with that as the cover.. ^-^

  20. -_-zZZ

    well naps are always fun... takes the pressure out of staying awake.

  21. so hows it going Indi?

  22. the santa hat is adorable! never since the pink stars and dancing anime girls has the website been this cute.
  23. CaNz

    haha, okaaay i will let it go. (for now)

    soo i just did a little bit of an artsy thing for a Christmas present!

  24. if Cyclops doesn't make it into this game i won't even consider getting it. I am already a bit iffy about the 3d characters (the more realistic they make these guys, the more you realize how strange they all look) and also fighting games never get old... i still like MvC2 just fine. hopefully one of my friends will get it so that i can see for myself how fun the gameplay is.
  25. CaNz

    well, its not like it matters much, the hole is gonna be too dark to see anything


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