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Everything posted by CaNz

  1. CaNz

    Ohmahgosh! there is a kitty rin your photo!!!

  2. consumerism is the American way! you may be fine with making do with what you have, but its my right as an American to b***h and moan until i get my name brand shoes, Ipod nano 100Tb touch screen Mp3 player and my new new new Droid with gravitational dampener so that it can float. i also want a pony.... a pink one...
  3. but you have muffin in your name!!1

    you should try to find them, because you will be pleasantly surprised,

  4. I highly doubt that, maybe less annoyingly talkative.

  5. [quote name='Sangome' date='06 December 2010 - 03:27 PM' timestamp='1291678024' post='702449'] [color="#9932cc"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]What am I supposed to say to that? And nein, I've been hyper pretty much all day now. Hoowhee.[/font][/color] [/quote] don't listen to my little sister, complementing me normally just makes me say more things you wont know exactly what to say to... like "will you marry me?" really i didn't think you would reply to me! and if you did it would i thought it would be a scoff on my insensitivity to people who like to smoke crack. also my profile views are nothing to laugh at... 4000 views is serious business.
  6. common lady! I already broke the next 4000 level, you are supposed to be here with me.

  7. psssssh I don't need it. I could stop at any time, I just don't want to!
  8. I am interested in lots of fun things too!

  9. I don't think I ever get hyper anymore. Maybe if I smoked more crack I could pull it off, but for the most part my energy is the same, save for a few giant dips into slug mode. how many of you are ALREADY sick of Christmas carols?
  10. CaNz

    Epic Mickey

    i heard the same thing about the gameplay, interesting when you first pick it up, but it gets really stale after a while. the game does look pretty though. I like it when people push the Wii to its graphical limits. really the mixed reviews isnt enough to stop me from getting it, but the new game pricetag is. I will wait for gamestop to get a few dozen used copies and maybe get it for 2/3 the price.
  11. Awesome!

    i really wanted blueberry muffin frosted mini wheats

  12. CaNz


    all you need to do is get really sick. i usually sleep about five hours a day, but since i have been sick i have fallen to sleep around 12 and woken up close to 9 every day.
  13. CaNz


    you were always popular with me Cat, not that it means much. and I guess it makes sense why the teacher wants them in the picture... i didnt know it was a requirement....
  14. then you must know that what i was eating was sugar and paste! :P


    cause i could go for a cupcake or two or a thousand.

  15. CaNz


    well, since i am a 49er fan I am inclined to say both of them suck. but in i guess that's not right to do since you put effort into them. I actually really liked the text for the most part, especially the patriots one. as for the colors, i do like the vibrant red and blue shading in the patriots logo. the cowboys logo colors kinda seem drab cause of the all the gray, but the guns look really well done and details. also, does this count as redesigning the logo since the only thing that makes them look like the logo is the old logo still being on the picture? not that it really matters, the art is what is important and all the attention to detail shows.
  16. i made like 30 things total. it came with a few packs of food stuff, then we bought three more eventually, but after i used all of those the toys r us stopped carrying em, i had to give up my oven and learn how to bake for real

  17. its perfectly reasonable, after all sharing machine is super expensive, and not that great of a selection.

  18. CaNz


    that's absolutely horrifying!

  19. you can join the Hate-on-Shamalamadingdong club! and sorry, i just picked the first one that poped up, I heard all this stuff in physics class so I didn't have any good links.
  20. CaNz

    I wanted to add you as a friend.... but I can't stay here any longer.... Elmo is always staring at me....

  21. thats good... I just bought five shirts for people as presence... its a total rip off but i do read her webcomic and the shirts are pretty funny.

  22. [quote name='Lyndy' date='05 December 2010 - 03:36 PM' timestamp='1291592218' post='702405'] I never really [i]watched[/i] the animated series, but I have seen a couple episodes But my friend watched the movie and the series and she still liked both. :V And I never heard of the [i]God Particle[/i]. Oo But it sounds really interesting. And the idea of a black hole is just terrifying for me. ._. But I think I will use this for my class. Thanks. ^^ At first, I was going to talk about holograms, but this sounds more cool. =P [/quote] well, the series was a 61 episode set, comprised of three books. each episode can be fun, but you kinda get connected to the characters after watching the show for a while. these character types do not carry over into the movie, as well as many other key elements in the animated series. I suppose its possible to like both, but you would be a much more dynamic person than I am, because you would have to like them for entirely different reasons. the only thing the two have in common is a concept and a name or two. also, the black whole thing was just a skepticism. The press went wild and it became a global fear. Like most of these it died out once the the LHC was used and nothing went wrong. honestly wikipedia is a great source to find more information about it, http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/news/2002/08/54507 this wired article might help with the current event part.
  23. so you have been keeping up to date with Natalee Dee! :]

  24. http://www.seriouslysolutions.com/20latest.html best place ever to do any holiday shopping.
  25. even I got an easy bake oven, (but like you said, every girl got one) oh, I wanted a kitten for forever. i still want a kitten. the only cats i ever had were alive before I was.
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