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Everything posted by Bloodberry

  1. I think its a pretty good anime. Its got action, comedy and people with personality. Entertaining too. Lucky you can watch it on TV, I have to rent tapes. :bawl: My fav. character is May. (sp?)
  2. If you guys make all this hubub about Sakuya I wonder what'd you'd think about Tenchi Muyo GXP. :rolleyes: I personally like Shin Tenchi Muyo over all of the other seasons (braces for flames) because they focused more on character development of the girls than the action and Yugi was the best! The Sakuya parts were kinda too slow though and Washu was barely in it. I say more Washu! And I agree with you Zachary, Thunder Cats for Shin Tenchi Muyo? Are these people on crack? I know it isn't people's fav. but come on!
  3. ::Hears lots of screaming:: Karen: Okay... ::spots a Diglett:: Karen: :ball: GO!
  4. I liked Sakuya's character but she was annoying. But all of the girls were annoying in their own way though. If she wasn't constantly being shoved in the spot light she might have fit in.
  5. Weren't they only engaged? Now I'm confused...
  6. Just mute it and watch the pretty girls run around. It's less painful.
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