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Everything posted by Stitch
ok i'm really confused by something going on at my school. People are running around wearing basically the same thing and then saying they are oh so different from everyone else i mean the all act the same like the same things and dress and eat every thing is tthe same its like a hall of clones! i have never really gone with any trend at my school oh sure i've liked some of the stuff and gone with it but i have never really gotten into it. so one day i saw a leather cuff braclet with metal studs in it and i bought it and went to school. i get there and everyone thinks i'm a freak for wearing one????? i didn't get it. then to make things even more confusing the next week half the school (AT LEAST) has leather cuff braclets with metal studs in it !!! what is going on here!! this was a while ago now i dress however i want and no follwing trends or styles people thought i was weird at first and now a few ppl (my friends) all wear what they want to wear and since we do so we are considered losers. A sophmore at my school confided in me that she wanted to be able to be her own person but she dosen't want to be called a loser for doing so and thats why she dresses just like everyone else! so wheres the creativeness teens are supposed to have and do people just wear clothes they don't like just to fit in?? i mean whats so big about being popular?????? stitch
heh i FINALLY found the true meaning of my name!!! Ashlea- ash tree lynn- Variant of ancient Welsh given name. In Arthurian legend Lynette accompanied Sir Gareth on a knightly quest. Bungay-......no clue! stitch!
lol to talk to my parents more and to get better grades i'm not doing so great right now stitch!
1. sleep 2. sleep 3. sleep 4. my pillow and blankets i need my sleep i just got surgery on my ear and i'm not feeling well at all and i'm just gunna sleep for the next two weeks it was only a minor surgery nothing big but i can't take pain killers and that stuff for sum reason so i'm in more pain then the other ppl who get the same surgery! >.< stitch
love them i really like thier song homies and goin all the way they are so much fun and all they care about it havin fun! stitch!
about a year ago my friend decided to try drinking and he got really drunk and i was walking home home with my frinds and i said good bye to my frinds and started walking home which was only about 400 yards away and my friends were not in sight anymore and he jumped on me from behind and was like literally trying to rape me he was trying to kiss me and force himself on me. though at the same moment my brother came outside to take our dog for a pee and he saw me yelling and struggling so he ran to us and pretty much beat the living hell out of the guy while i ran home.... we charged the guy i haven't talked to him ever since... i thought he was my friend. even though he was drunk and he didn't know what he was doing i still can't forgive him because he shouldn't have been drinking. but yes in your case i know how it feels and i know that it sucks but things will get better! i know things got better for me after a while! bones and brusies will heal the only thing thats hard to get over is the anger and hate. Stitch
lol canada = snow! i live and canada and we habve had it snow for three days now there is 30 inches piled up by my house tho the streets are plowed so we srtill have school !!!! besides i walk to school so i have to go anyway! Stitch:)
heh i wanna meet Kinetic, rain, juu and james because they all seem so nice a nd polite ans besides i wanna see kinetic cause he is such a stud lol! i also wanna meet mitch cuz that name ryhmes with my name! ~stitch~
super model- anorexic/bulimic, snobby, B***h, w***E, insanly stupidyly skinny!, think they are different when they are the same as the other million super models out there! so being skinny isn't everything so you shouldn't call yourself fat! Marylin Munroe wore i size 14 ladies in pants! and she was considered the most beautiful girl in the U.S.(i think)!! so don't feel bad about what jeff did this stuff happens. Jeff may be going through a really hard time about something i mean god knows what might be running through his brain but he didn't come and thats a fact you have to face. but i would follow Tasis advice because it has a lot of truth in it! blah okay i sound like my mom now...... i'm gunno go shut up! Stitch!
1. skateboard 2. boxcar racer cd 3. simple plan cd 4.blink 182 cd 5.BOTH good charlotter cds 6.any clothes so long as they come with atticus or level 27 written on it! 7.hmmmm a cd player so i can play my cds! 8. a stocking 4 tha fireplace cuz the dog ate mine! well thats all i want lol Stitch!
voting lol hehe i lughed so hard i fell off my chair. people vote because they are scared. plain and simple i mean your so scared the person you don't want to win is going to that you vote for a person of better quality but nope you will never see me voting i hate the stupid process. i hate they liying cheating and unfairness of the whole process so i say burn the ballots cuz its cold up here in canada and we need the heat wave!!!! hahahahaha oh and bush can come to canada anytime as long as he sticks a stick up his a** and says he's a popsicle the cold heartless retard. stitch p.s sorry if this offends anyone but its just the way i feel!
yeah she should definatly braek up with that guy it is obvious that he will hurt her emotionally if she doesen't i think it is quite unfair to her to have to go through the anger and worry over a guy who is gonna treat her like a dirtbag. i went out with a guy like that 13 times and i still went back to him finally i relized i was being stupid and i broke it off for good..... but don't worry about your friend to much it is obvious that these two will not get far in thier relationship ~stitch~
yeah i love graffiti but not profane graffiti i mean any idiot can draw i stick figure that is naked i mean c'mon whats the point of drawing something with no talent or effort and as a graffiti artist i feel the person doing this is ruining their reputation and bank account i mean it cost money to buy paint!!! but graffiti actual graffiti now there is something worth talking about ... my tag is "MINT" does anyone else have a tag?
yeah i have been stalked by this really strange man with a hood he kept asking me if i wanted a cookie but they way he did it was sooo stupid he acted like he wad 3 years old and was really shy he asked for about a week then he pesterd my friend
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rain [/i] [B][color=blue]My first name is Ashlee. I don't know what it means or where it's from or even why my parents named me that. It's really annoying when you want to buy pens and stuff with your name on it, and the only have Ashley and Ashleigh. Teachers are always spelling my name wrong as well. Everyone does. To this day, I have never met another Ashlee. It's freaky, lol. And my middle name is Elizabeth. This seems to be a popular name. I got that name from my great-grandmother. So that's my name[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] OMG my name is Ashlea with an "A" and i know exactly how u feel about the teachers never spelling your name right and never having things with your name spelt correctly on them wow you the first ashlee besides me i know with this problem!! my full name however is Ashlea-Lynn Chloe Bungay i have no clue what it mean but i think my first name and the way it is spelt(ashlea) means songbird.... but i hate to sing lol. but yeah my mom told me if i was a guy she would have named me larry or steven! stitch
i went to her funeral .... i hadn't cryed my but when i saw he rso still and un moving the laughter gone from her face i burt out crying i had to be takin outside because i was making such a fuss my boyfriend just held me for a while then i had to go inside and say my part about her when i got up there i had a hard time saying things i was so choked up but i got halfway and i srated talking about her achevements and who she was to me .... all the ppl said i had a really touching things to say about her whjen all the rest were stuffy speechs about someone who didn't sound like her i'm going to cut this off i need to go lie down i have been feeling sick the last few days... my grandpa has lukemia but its so slow the doctors say he will die of natural causes before he die of the diesease... stitch thanks lady A for you input you to rain .... it made me smile to think of all these ppl who don't know me still putting and efort in to make me feel better u lightened my heart thanks agian!
it to late.... shes gone shes not coming back... her funeral is tommorow.... i don't like the thought of her packed away inside a box...... it scares me ..well at least i made her laugh just befor she died... i told her she could eat as much cotten candy as she wanted when she got to where she was going...she told me not to cry for her because she is happy and she isn't afraid she smiled when she passed my mom is really upset i'm not that upset though because her last words told me she was going to be happy... i'm still upset that i cannot see her thank you for all your prayers they were appreciated..... stitch
:bawl: i can't stay close to her.... she lives to far away... i don't even have i good picture of her. my heart goes out to all of you guys.... i can't even talk on the phone with her because she can't breath properly its getting sickinly upsetting because i could go oupstairs and my dad would be at the table with my mom crying telling me shes gone and i won't here a word he says cause all my senses will go numb now my saddness is turning into anger i get violent i told all my frineds to leave me alone....it hurts to talk to anyone..... stitch Ps sorry if none of this makes sense i'm just really upset.
I'm really upset because my grandmother has bone cancer. she has been doing okay for about 3 weeks now and she went in for a check up to see how things were going, and we found out that she has lung cancer to because the dratted diesease has spread. they put her on oxygen yesterday...... my mom started crying yesterday night and that really scared me because my mom is so strong and i don't know how to be there for here and be there for myself.... it scares me because i feel so alone and i can't imagine life without my grandma.... i'm really freaked because i know she is going to because it hurts for her to even breath she can't even move .... has anyone delt with this before....? stitch :bawl:
well i think you should just get in out i usually rant about it to a good friend i can trust or i talk to my parents stitch:)
yeah i love thier music i have their cd its awsome voodo is definatly the best! also i really like the song the made for the scorpion king its totally wicked ! *~*stitch*~*
lol this is kinda stupid but a few years back i used to dream of gohan being real and that i was dating him.......... oh i cannot beive i said that but yeah so when i signed up i just put ~Gohans_Gurl~ cuz thats whut my friends would call me whenever they teased me about liking and anime character gah well there you go.... my other nicknames are potty pants(don't ask!) stupid lil princess, dumbo, and tazz off of bugs bunny cuz i make a biiiiig mess and i like to spin around ~GG~
oh i know how u fell i;m in dance we did a show last week and i had never been freaked out befor but then i got all nervous.... well whut i have to say is your probably reallly excited over being on stage showing your stuff and you can't wait to do it.... you also are probably not scared at all.You could be interperting excitment for being scared however i'm not phycic or else i would know but hey just relax and go with the flow i'm sure you will be awsome!! ~GG~
hehehehe i have a parrot but i gave it away yesterday she used to swear at my brother and then when i walked in she would say honey i'm home it was sooooo cute and she would say treat and my dog would come running and then she'd jump on his back and ride around the house on him but my dog and parrot always got along now i need a new pet because my doggie missis her! i miss bella soooo much :'( ~GG~(freak of nature)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kagome [/i] [B]1. what is the most embarass thing you ever done? 2. what one thing that you said and you want to take it back? 3. What's your view or opinion of true happiness? [/B][/QUOTE] 1. um well if i do something that should be embarassing i usually laugh about it 2. if i said something i mean it i'm not one to throw out words 3. true happiness is beaing at peace with yourself ~GG~(freak of nature)