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Everything posted by Stitch

  1. my dog loves to stare at itself in the mirror it will sit there for about 3 hours just looking at its reflection then it will go in my room and look in my mirror its creep i guess he is wondering why there are so many other dogs in my house that stare at him to! ~GG~
  2. .....well i think i will go for him but i have to wait cuz he is camping right now..... *sigh* I told the girl about my feelings.... she was preety pi$$ed of at me... she said i wouldn't get him .... but i think i will since the guy has been calling me on his cell phone non stop.We talk about stuff and complian about how his little brother keeps getting into trouble.... its really sweet last night he SANG to me it was cute! He asked me to go to the formal with him i said yes yeah but i gotta go now im going to the fair with my brothers and sisters . Wish me luck because he gets back tonite and i'm going to tell him how i feel straight out! ~GG~
  3. :'( i'm really upset because i have liked a guy for about two years now and he knows i like him and he is very sweet to me but there is one thing standing between me and him and its this girl in my class she is kinda a smartie-pants-know-it-all-that-is-never-wrong type of person and she likes the same guy i do and i feel sorry for her because no one will go out with her but the guy i like would probably go out with her........ this makes me sad because i don't know if i should burst her bubble and ask him out for my self when she has been nagging me about him NOT KNOWING I LIKED HIM!!! and she was like i'm going to ask him out for myself and this worries me because i know he will say yes. also numerous guys have used me to get to my friends i'm like a decoy i feel that no one likes me and everyone just uses me to get to other ppl its not fair and i get hit on cuz i look like the attached pic. GAH has this happened to anyone or does anyone have advice and should i ask the guy i like out first .... oh man i'm soooo confused i wanna cry its sooo annoying plz plz help me!!!! ~GG~ P.S. i don't really look EXACTLY like this my mom is a photograher and my dad used an sging program to make me look older and my nose id longer also i had to suck in my cheeks to make them look flat but really they are all chubby!
  4. actually i knda admire hercule considering he has saved gohans family from the publicity that chi chi didn't want when gohan defeated cell although chi chi does state she wished that gohan got credit fot it she knows the family will be better off with out all the reporters and stuff . also he has managed to maintian his false image for 7 years i think thats a good accomplishment especially for a nimrod as himself so no i guess i don't hate him ..... tho i still call him names such as loudmouth and other things that shouldn't be said...... ~GG~
  5. ehehehehe RAIN lol i opened this just in time i just got back from my soccer game and i'm soaked i have clean dry clothes on but my hair is really long and its dripping all down my back...... but i have a question do you mean warm rain or cold rain...... cuz i live in nova scotia canada and i'm right on the ocean and when it rains its all salty and sticky and freezing cold which was how our soccer game went........ brrrr i'm gettin chills just thinkin about it yeah i think i'm gonna go up to bed cuz i'm cold and tierd... and ithink i'm gettin the flu bug thats been going around our neighborhood... well tootles! ~GG~
  6. i myself am a christian but i don't belive noah got all those animals into one boat cuz yeah that would be hard ...... really hard..... lol anyone have an opinion?? ~GG~
  7. when you think its really bad its not so bad........ yeah there is a lot of stolenn stuff around here too because i live in the woods and the ppl around me hve house with trees hiding them so none of the neighbors can see if some one is stealing youir stuff but if you don't like living where you arew then i say MOVE! but yeah there was like 12 break ins in my neighbor hood last year and there are only 22 house's in my neighborhood!!!! >.< its freaky but i like it here! ~GG~
  8. lol like juu i dance to almost everything but country i can't do that stuff.....>.< i take dance class at the unicorn theatre i take jazz hip hop and tap dancing i used to take classical ballet but i broke my toes so now i can't. BTW there are 2 types of ballet classical and modern. in classical you are on your toes a lot and in modern you are on your toes but not very often...... o yeah in classical you need to know the three basic postions called 1st 2nd and 3rd position lol i only know one guy who can do a pleaea (grr i can't spell that word) but he isn't straight and he is my best friend!!!!! so yeah i'll stop rambling now :P ~GG~
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wing Gundam [/i] [B][COLOR=crimson] BTW punk IS dead. It's been dead for like 5 years now. So don't come back if you don't care about the topic, get a life moron.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] whoa!! PUNK IS NOT DEAD MORON sorry if that made you mad but just try to imagine if i said that the type of music you like was dead and then called you a moron how would u feel so u get a life and you think about what your saying now back on topic punk is not dead. i myself am very much punk i will post my pics soon and you will see that punk does live on. if you come to my area punk is as alive as you are everyone loves punk and everyone hates avril beacause she makes the name punk look bad. punk isn't trying to be a badass its trying to detrmine your individuality as you. there was a thread of quotes and i belive one of them stated "PUNK IS A STATE OF MIND" so you could look like a geeky overwieght bag of chips and still be punk. punk is who you are not what you do and look like so punk is alive no matter how dead you think it is ~GG~
  10. heh just came up with a new one lol when your standing on deaths doorstep and ringing its bell don't forget to run away fast cuz he hates it when you do that! - me ~GG~
  11. i had long hair during the winter it was down to my butt but it kept getting caught in doors and it was a pain to wash so now i have it to my middle back and it is bright red its awsome i'm a girl tho so yeah ...... but i know this sounds weird but i just gotta say it I LOVE GUYS WITH LONG HAIR they are just so cute and sweet looking yeah they make my heart skip i dunno its one of the wierd wonders of life! so all you hunnz out there GROW UR HAIR!!! ~GG~
  12. yeah the shading is awsome how do you get it so smooth looking??? but yeah the head is too large and the eyes are well i dunno they look a little unproportional but then again i can't draw so yeah! but it is a good pic better then i could draw!!! kepp up the good work hunn!;) ~GG~
  13. ok u want quotes i am queen of quotes tho a lot of ppl have stolen my quotes frome me over the years i always come up with new ones or find new ones to say so here they are: If you're going my way, I'll walk with you. You laugh because im diffrent i laugh because you're all the same To the world your just one person but to one person you could mean the world I ran up the door, closed the stairs, said my pajamas, and put on my prayers. Turned off the bed, and hopped into the light, all because you kissed me good night A Person Who Asks A Question Is A Fool For Five Minutes, A Person Who Doesn't Is A Fool Forever .. Our eyes are placed in front because it is more important to look ahead than to look back I wasn't Kissing him, I was just telling his lips a secret!! (lol i said that to my grandma when she walked in on me) do u believe in love at first site? or should i walk by again? IT's better to let someone think you are an Idiot than to open your mouth and prove it (my personal favorite) God made mud god made dirt god made guys so girls can flirt The more I get to know guys, the more I like dogs (lol made that up in grade 6 oh how i resent that quote now) *Star light ....Star bright .... where the heck is Mr. Right?* (now how many of you agree with this one) now for my last one that i use all the time and i say it to my bro a lot well here it is....... everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge lol thats all i wanna type for now lol but i will be back muhahahahahahahaha ~GG~ :devil:
  14. i have some of those moment but not alot since my dog has chewed the poop out of all my memorable items it stinks but some song make me remeber things ~GG~
  15. Stitch


    i can give u details james give me a sec to figure and sort them all....................... ok i'm gonna put this in a list 1 i was hanging out with my friends and my old babysitter saw me with them 2 my babysitter told my mom that i was haning around with the wrong crowd 3my parents confronted me and told me that i was getting into things is houldn't be in 4 i told them that i didn't do any of the "bad" stuff and they were skeptical 5 they told me not to hang around with them because it was ruining my image or reputation 6 i told my parents my reputation didn't matter because my friends still supported me 7 they said well your friends arn't reliable because they could be high and giving you advice which isn't good 8 i got upset and told them they can't control who i hang out with they said well then we will make u switch schools 9 so i got sad came to you guys and told you and invited my friends over and my parents thought they were okay but they were still a little weird so i don't know how to make them feel comfortable with my friends ~GG~
  16. I AM CANADIAN hee i just had to put that but now getting serious i don't really agree to some of these things that people are stating such as "a split micro-second, a sense of vengeful satisfaction" well when those towers went down all i felt is that the amercian government had to get their heads outta of their butts and take a look around on how much influence they have on the world not just the good stuff but the bad too. i mean yes they developed a sense of women's right in some other countries and yes they gave some countries some ways of running a good government but you have to realize in some countries they don't want this change and they happen to like thier rituals and traditions and us being so powerfull and all they feel trapped between what they think is right and what we think is right so eventually war or assasinations will occer and yes it sucks but i think if the government like i said before gets thier heads outta thier ***$es they might see what they are doing wrong and then they can make it right but this isn't going to happen anytime soon that i know. ~GG~
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B] 1) Do you speak Japanese fluently? 2) Have you taken a class in Japanese? If so, how many? 3) Have you bought a book related to learning Japanese? If so, how many? 4) Can you count how many Japanese words you know? If so, how many? 5) Do you know hiragana and katakana? 6) About how many kanji do you know? 7) Do you have any friends or relatives that speak fluent Japanese? 8) Do you WANT to learn Japanese? OK, so I lied, it isn't super fun. BUT DO IT ANYWAY! [/B][/QUOTE] 1 no 2 no and 0 3 no and 0 4 no and 0 5 no 6 no 7 yes 8 yes oh but it was super fun!!!!
  18. Stitch


    my parents trust me with a lot of stuff and they know i have tryed drugs trust me i won't try them again i have tryed smoking and i have tryed drinking. i am having all of my friends over at the house tommorow night as some ppl have suggested so yes i hope all goes well and yes my parents have offered me to drink but i didn't cuz i had already tryed it ~GG~
  19. war is war there is no end to them there never will be so no matter what sex is on the world they will never be an end to war and there will be no more or less then if the opposite sex was on the earth instead of them ~GG~
  20. Stitch


    yeah this topic is about a fight with my mom and dad they said they don't want me hanging around with my friends that are guys i have known these ppl 4 a long time and i share everything with them and all of a sudden my parents tell me i shouldn't hang out with them and i told my parents that they can't chose my friends and my mom goes well i can chose your friends i have the power to put you in another school i was like totally shocked so anyway i was thinking about the reasons why they would tell me to ditch my friends and i came up with this list 1 some of them smoke 2 some of them smoke ... grass 3 some of them drink 4 some do all of the above 5 some of them arn't virgins 6 some of them don't belive in god that is the list and i know these are all really bad things but i only have about 5 to 8 friends that do this stuff and i have plenty of other friends(who i love dearly) but these guys are close because i can talk to them about my problems and they can relate and they don't talk behind my back and they respect me too. i wish i knew whut to do in this situation but i don't and i'm not ready to ditch my friends for my parents or my parents for my friends. it hurts because these guys may have bad habits but that dosen't make them bad people and its whats on the inside that counts right??? so please tell me what to do i'm really lost and torn between what to do or how to make my mom and dad understand where i'm coming from even though they are open to my opinions i have a feeling that i'm gonna need more then just a hug and one sentance ~GG~:bawl:
  21. i think before you change your religion you should explore inside your religion in the hope of finding something that you belive in but don't search because your bored but do it because you want to so it feels like it means something. then take a look at how much the god or idol or whatever it may be that you workshipp in your current religion was if you truly don't find something there then take a look at another religion so basically what i am saying is explore different religions starting with your previous one but explore then to thier roots so you find the true meaning of the religion then pick the one you feel makes you feel good about yourself or if you feel the choices are all against your beliefs then stay as an Athesist. a little while back i was doubting my religion to and my mom sent me to bible camp tosee if she couldn't get me to change my mind as i was thinking of becoming a wicca to. at bible camp we studied my god in a way that gave me a new image and made me think i actually do love this god so thats how i found my beliefs by looking at my religion through a new perspective ~GG~
  22. hi i am a christian and i was just wondering if anyone else on the boards is beacause i love knowing other christians beacause we all have a bond though god and i would like to know about other religions for a project i have to do in my youth group at camp (yes i'm still at camp!) it is about buddisim(SP?) and i was wondering if anyone one knew about this religion beacause it would help me out a lot PLEASe don't turn this into a religious war!!! from what i hear there has been one of these on the boards already and i would really like this topic to stay open! ~GG~
  23. i read it and loved it do you know what the sequel is called???
  24. yeah i pull all nighters when i have a big test or something i also just stay awake till 1 in the morning for some reason its weird i can go to bed and lie there but i won't get to sleep till 1 AM tis strange ~GG~
  25. yeah piro beat me to what i was going to say lol but now that we are talking about tails i forget if goten was born with or without the tail beacuse i haven't been around the house much to watch the episodes and my dad forgets to tape them :p ~GG~
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