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Everything posted by Stitch

  1. hehyeah i agree with tn i think my first qustion has been answered but man whut a stupid wish :P yeah some of these wishes you guys have are preety cool and i kinda knew someone was going to say world peace so congratulations shadow trunks ;) ~GG~
  2. i don't really think it matters so long as your animal/pet is healthy happy and having fun. mind you it is an interesting thing to think about like dog/cat years and i think the rule applies as 5 years for every one human year for a cat and 7 years for every one human year for a dog. ~GG~;)
  3. hmmmm i think the story line is great but try to end each episode at a really tense moment it will make your stroies really interesting but so far these are really excellent!! ~GG~
  4. vegeta i don't ever turns purly good he still has quite a bit of evil i mean if you killed thousands of people for fun i don't think you would become good in a few days. what i mean to say is vegeta was never truly good some PROOF of this is that babidi turns him into majin vegeta in the buu saga but babidi can only contol someone if they have evil in them so yes i think that clears that up on my part. though however i have not seen the buu saga yet (stupid funi won't put it on the air) so i could be wrong about him never turning good:cross: i think i'm done yammering now ~GG~
  5. are you sure they were saiyins like goku and vegeta or those weird sayins i forget what they are called right now. ~GG~
  6. :rolleyes: ok this is going to sound pathetic but still i want to know. i have two questions for all of you number 1 is did bulma really go searching for the dragonballs to wish for a boyfriend?? and number 2 is if you had all 7 dragon balls what would you wish for?? i would wish for a cure for cancer and an end to all wars and violence ..... or maybe some chocolate cake.......:tasty: :D ~GG~:D
  7. MY beach is awsome i love it we have like 4 or five beachs around this area mine is really kool it has a lot of space but the water is like blue blackish but it is always warm so we go swimming in november! but the strange thing is we live and canada and sometimes there is snow in november! ~GG~;)
  8. i drew an absolutly beautiful portrait of vegeta because he likes DBZ and vegeta is his fav character i would scan and post it BUT it is way to big lol my picture had vegeta powering up to ssj2 and for once in my life I COLORED IT!!!!! yay! lol the shading was good and i also used this pic as my art project except i redrew it in a smaller design with trunks powering up as well i got an A+ hee i'm so happy i also made him a card the size of bristol board with chocolate bars inside i think there was 10 chocolate bars in total i also got him new jeans new putter(golf again!) and an umbrella 4 when he stands in the rain lol all in all it was a good fathers day except i burt the toast this morning :P and now i must go cuz me and my brother are taking him to dinner which we are paying for AND he dosen't have to drive!! so i'll stop bragging now and go(yeah i'm a little bit of a brat) ~GG~
  9. Only one word WOW i love DBZ but this...... this is a work of art!! yeah u should really think of starting your own anime series!!! ~GG~
  10. yeah i have to agree with TN on that because i have heard about bra being possed but never bulma ~GG~
  11. No age is good to get married at. You Got to be a fool to get married. --Freddie, age 6 hahahaha sounds like my little cousin!! he keeps saying no 1 should get married because irls are stinky mind u that makes me madd! ~GG~
  12. Stitch


    ok yeah i'm so confused right now about all this pan stuff why i ahven't even seen pan yet i haven't seen 1 not 1 gt episode and i haven't see the buu saga so yeah i'm really upset that i'm missing so much grrrrrr and besides don't tell me to buy the eps cause i have no money im flat out broke!!
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B] So Genki-dama has [SIZE=10]MORE[/SIZE] then enough to destroy a planet. [/B][/QUOTE] it could destroy a planet but remember the genki-dama only destroys evils living things so yeah but if the blast was big enough sure it could blow up a planet
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Legend_Brolly [/i] [B]who ever can answer these questions is the dbz KING/QUEEN 1.wo is gokus father? 2.who did raditz kidnapp in the saiyan saga? 3.what is the name of gokus last son 4.who was the first saiyan to go ssj? 5.how did goku die in the saiyan saga? 6.who destroys the evil jan embra? 7.who is first to go ssj4? 8.what is the final stage of ssj? 9.who is the strongest fighter in the universe? 10.what attack did goku use to kill the evil MAIJIN BUU? :devil: :blush: :ball: :tasty: :p ;) :mad: [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DEEPPINK] bardock songohan songotenks songoku he held onto radditz while piccolo shot a beam through both of them(so brave so brave) gotega (sp?) songoku ssj4 goku:cross: spirit bomb wow HARD!!!:rolleyes:[/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]Hang in there. You'll get threw this. No one can Squash the Snail. (horrible, horrible attempt at a joke).[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=deeppink]i thought he was already squashed......... >.
  16. oh dear god i didn't almost kill someone by accident but my friend ted did he had a tec-9 (SWEET!) and he was fooling around and the gun went off (the idiot) and it blew a hole in the wall 3 cm away from my friend josh's head omg he is sooo lucky josh couldn't stop shaking and he couldn't speak for a whole 4 hours it was so sad i hugged him 4 a really long time it brings tears to my eyes now because i laugh so hard when i think about it lol :laugh: ~GG~
  17. my birthday is in 4 days it is the 23 of may i can't wait i will be 14!!! whoo hoo! but yes bulmavegeta i got the same thing as u i cried on my b'day and i didn't know whut was wrong well let me tell u somethin it is called a mood swing or as my mom calls it a down day and u and me we were unfortunate enough to have one of these "down days" right on our b-days but cheer up it goes away real fast and if it don't ...... get help cause ur depressed hun ~GG~ PS i will be away for a month sorry 4 the inconvinence
  18. LM if u want to see real violence not the piddly lil' stuff u have said come here lol its a riot down here gunshot stabbing fire u name it my house has been robbed 5 times in the last 2 years the school isn't a school its a place to hang out and smoke weed pot hash sniff some cocaine why ya know i might go to school 3 days a week only if i know that the EVIL kids arn't gonna be there and my mom is relutant to let me go we will be moving soon but i have probably seen more death suicide crime and abuse in my 13 years here then u will ever see in your entire life so hey anyone wanna vist me?? but carry the risk u might get robbed shot or stabbed befor u make it up the driveway! my point is its ruff all over and u gotta deal human life is a precious thing but some ppl don't see it that way and there i nothing we can do because we cannot be thier eyes or thier souls for them we can try and if we are lucky we might make a slight change but not enought to stop the stuff that goes on in our lives or that take away our loved ones i may not see the point in smoking weed but the ppl here do and i can't change that so i don't ~GG~
  19. our school get this has 1 computer that works!! grant urselves lucky!! also this other schoo; thinks they are better then us cause they all have a personal computer!! lol we showed them tho when we went there for a ceremony thing lol me and my friend screwed the entire system bwahahahahahaha:devil: but mind u it was only temporary we just scared them then restored the whole thing lol scared em s**tless
  20. yeah i hate kids who judge by clothing i mean for an example i got 3 t-shirts yesterday for 12 bucks at wal mart. now my mortal enemy comes to school the next day ranting about some t-shirts she got THAT ARE EXACTLY THE SAME and guess whut just because she got them at a designer shop they cost 78 dollars in total now u tell me who looks smarter?:rolleyes: ~GG~ PS this is my first post in a while so please excuse the poor quality of my post.
  21. hmmmmmm to bad i don't know anything about politics...... oh well all i can say is this guy sounds like a loser but anyhoo yeah just a quick note hitler became a vegitarian after his 1st love shot herself lol :laugh: hitler+veggies= :laugh: :rotflmao:
  22. funnist time...... well it wasen't my b-day it was in the summer last year this guy i totally liked came over to my house and we went to the beach (in the rain) it was alot of fun cause we slid down this hill in my backyard and it was all muddy so there we are covered in mudd when here comes my mom so we hide behind this bush my mother looks left and right and jumps down the hill for the best mud slide i've ever seen lol then i invited my friends over we got ditier then anything u could ever see!!! hee but the best part was we got hih and i actually stole a kiss from the guy i liked
  23. yeah so i cut my self once (purposely) so that makes me immature i thnk not suicde was truly his only way out and i mean i tried to help him but suceeded in getting suspended beacse i broke her rib ~GG~
  24. hmmm most ppl already got the answers :'( 1- Tapion 2- he absorbed good buu which made him super buu 3- Bulma's brute ray 4- The ledgendary ssj
  25. but also u gotta remember that gohan dosen't exactly like to fight he does it because he respects his dad and when his dad dies his mom totally takes over and dosen't let him train as hard as his dad would have let him done so in all of course gohan was going to get weaker most of us knew it a soon as goku died.
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