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Everything posted by Stitch

  1. wow those were good lol do u have anymore i really liked them!!;) ~GG~
  2. Stitch


    all i can say is u forgot a name justin whut a about gohan even though he gets absorbed or somthin (sry but i haven't seen the buu saga yet >_
  3. well i play the saxophone it is really interesting specially with the jazz band i'm a really fast player i can play the scales and songs faster and better then my band teacher!!!:) ~GG~
  4. CHRIS ROCK man i love him to death he is totally kool have u watched him lol it is very very interesting to watch i can tell u that hee yeah got to go his show is comin on:D ~GG~
  5. lol nothing is correct lol i told u it was easy hee and lemming are evil!!!!:nervous:
  6. i got a riddle it is preety lame got it off some site: whut is greater then god, more evil then the devil, the rich need it, the poor have it, and if u eat it you'll die?? preety simple if ya ask me lol;) ~GG~
  7. there is no way that is possiable!!!! i refuse to belive there are essentric beings living or whut ever in my computer that can think 4 themselves thats just scary!!! *runs away and hides in corner* ~GG~
  8. actually it could be because teenagers don't have a lot of power to do stuff so when the have to save the world its harder because adults sometimes won't listen so it makes the whole show much more interesting and longer;) ~GG~
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B] [size=3][color=blue] Oh and Goddess I won't be surprised if your kids run away or become hookers and stuff because of what they watch.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] ummm but we all watched those movies and we are not hookers or nothin so i don't blame her it is her choice because the kids are to young to understand or notice and the ones that do are all teenagers or 10 and up so we are already informed about that kind of stuff so it really dosen't matter i mean we as kids are all whut age ummm 10 and up and we are prolly some of the only ppl that notice and all of us are grown up so it dosen't matter its published its out there already and complaing about it here will not change the fact that those movies exsist so yeah its just dumb and it is sick but i'm not to worried i'll be worried if in later life my kids come home talking about s-e-x at the age of three! (o BTW i stink at puntuation:cross:) ~GG~
  10. well at least they don't call u freak! lol hahaha anyhoo yeah being put down or watching other ppl put ppl down make s me sick :cross: :p :(
  11. be urself because thats the best u can be and i totally understand where u are comin from even tho i'm not lesbian but i have a hearing disablity and i et teased i even got beaten up but what ppl don't understand is now how much they beat u u can't change because no matter how much they hurt me i can't make my hearing come back and if i could they wouldn't neeed to beat on me all the time so hang in there if u need to talk i'm always here and i'll be glad to help but listen to tn he will help u he knows 100% how u feel and besides he is a kool guy to talk to and in my case listin to ;) ~GG~
  12. OMG i fell so sorry for the little boys parents but u didn't state if the little boy was alive or dead mind u i would think he would be dead also i agree with u on this the man should be put in an assylum where he can't hurt anybody ~GG~
  13. lol cheerleading tips yeah i was a cheerleader one tip DO NOT FALL i did that and now i can't cheerlead anymore so i beg u don't fall oh and if ur really enthusiastic (like me) go for the star quarter back (but only if he is nice) lol j/k j/k yeah i loved cheerleading i was always on top it was fun but make sure ur ovments are precise and exact but plz plz don't look like a robot make ur movements smooth and easy also smile a lot like BG said cause its really important!!! and don't look at ur other teamates and if u mess up just get back on ur feet and pick up where u left off!!! good luck and positve attitude and enthusiasim usually help A LOT!;)
  14. no offense but south park just never really striked me as interesting i watched it a few times then i just sorta lost the whole concept of it so yeah lol no i don't really like kenny but timmay is kool i did a project on him i got an A :D
  15. well i thinbk blink 182 rox i love them but i'm finding that they are turning into a pop band no matter whut anyone says but i think if their next album is hard core punk i think i'll get back in my blink me t-shirt lol! also linklin park rules i love all of thier songs though with some of them they make me think that the band is walking the same path as blink >_
  16. he's okay i guess but i don't really like him all that much bit "raunchy" in my opinion lol
  17. angelfire sux i wouldn't go there it is better to go to a different site snglefire is very limited with thier sorces:p
  18. do i trust the media............NO that preety much says it all!;)
  19. two words............... weird,KOOL!!:eek:
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]Bear in mind that International military forces outnumber US military forces in the Persian Gulf. The USA isn't undergoing the mission in Afghanistan alone...there are something like 20 different countries involved. Also, I really don't think you can say that the USA and its allies are striking out with the hope of hitting something...any strike that is performed is very precise and deliberate. I'm glad that the forces are over there and I hope that they totally wipe out any forces which would seek to ruin the country all over again.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] yes james but it is still murder every time the don't hit somthing they want but i guess it is a matter of opinion!!
  21. if they targeted canada then yes i would still feel the same way because everybody would still be blaming the wrong people i mean we are bombing peoples homes and work places and all of the places they were once hppy i mean they didn't do anything so don't blame people who laugh blame people who flew the stupid planes into the buliding you are ruining the future for all of the kids over there ever think of that and when the next bomb get dropped over there who laughs then huh??? so i say we are just as much of a terroist society as they are and if u are going to fight with me better do it in pm or james will get mad
  22. alot of good ideas urs make a lot of sense gohan !!! karma what goes arond comes around!
  23. i don't get a lot of stuff that happens in the buu saga do vegeta and goku fuse???? and do goten and trunks fuse?? i don't get it how do they fuse anyway and gohan_1 pm me
  24. well i'm canadian and the WTC dosen't really matter to me besides it ain't my problem so i say leave it and live on cause we peeps have better things to do then get angry over what hppened a few months ago yes i morned for a month and a hlf but that was all now my work is done sendng food items and money to the US for suplys sheesh i spent like whut 150 bucks and gave half my refridgetator christ!! give it up i'm starting to get mad at all the people who bring this topic up!!!:flaming: BTW osma bin ladin is the one who did this not all of the muslims stop blaming people who are innocent it makes me sick!!!
  25. why does vegeta get it so rough i mean he fights goku and loses his son dies in the cell games and i mean goku has all this luck and both his sons are ssj i mean he has one son and he dosen't win very much except for the world martial arts for juniors i mean it gotta suck! i personally think that he has such crabby attitude that he dosen't get a lot out of life does anyone agree with me ?? i hope this isn't spam and i hope i'm not the only one who thinks this way lol;)
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