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Everything posted by Stitch
What do you find so mindboggling about the opposite sex?
Stitch replied to Ryan's topic in General Discussion
most of them want to get laid or think with thre well ummmmm u know..........:blush: but yea also they lie all the time it makes me madd:cross: -
nappa because he made me laugh at his stupidity lol:rotflmao: :laugh:
Have you ever had just one of "Those "days...
Stitch replied to D. Dark's topic in General Discussion
bad days are a normal part of EVERY day for me so yea u learn to live with it after a while but it still sux alot:p -
i'm afraid of fear.........don't ask cause i really don't know i'm also afraid of getting jumped or raped:nervous: :nervous: :nervous:
whut u did was wrong because ur getting punished and it will go on a record of some sort and ya know whut even tho he *raped* ur girlfriend that dosen't mean u pound the poop outta him its wrong and you know it and now u gotta pay the price i totally agree with tn it was wrong u shouyld have called the cops.:twitch: :lecture: :lecture:
Anime Girls Topic Only: Cutest guy from any anime?
Stitch replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in Otaku Central
gohan gohan gohan gohan gohan lol ithink u get the point also i like future trunks piccalo (tho he has no gender) krillen (don't ask!):D :D :tasty: :love: :tasty: :love: -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B][color=red][size=3]Dude, you're reading too much into this...it's a friggin' cartoon![/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] um correct me if i'm wrong but arn't we the people who get pissy at people for saying DBZ is a cartoon when it is really anime there is a difference ya know put you guys are picky about it and cmplain and then u go ahead and do it urselfs but ya back on topic lol it is just a tv show and it really is not realated to satan besides if u rearrange the letters in santa don't u get satan so is santa clause evil i think not!!!
a bunch of really hott guys lol and ........ a LOT of sunscreen :D :p :D
itz ur life u control it not her so i say no don't listen do whut u want to do but no suicide ok???!!!!!!;)
buu blows up the earth?????????? aghhhhhh weird we are a li' behind............. he .........blows...up ...... the...............earth um ok.?????????????????????? yeah we just started the buu saga yesterday :p
um i can't rember how this goes but i'll try ......... when goku is walking around in the dark during his fight in the buu saga and he hits his knee all you hear is " ow that hurt who turned out the lights??"
Did gohan ever fight his father in a real one on one match not just as training????? if they did who won???? also does gohan ever die in the series and not from old age?????????
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Herman Nation [/i] [B][COLOR=deeppink][SIZE=3]I think it is the mere fact of protecting the innocent and destoying the evil or of cource it is just a cartoon show....[/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] actually they didn't protect anything but themselves and their planets because the wanted power and to be the best or i think vegita said the highest on the food chain
erm wish i knew somthin but i can barely ever get to watch DBZ anymore but yeah i don't know alot just the basics not the deep hard core stuff tho i'm tryin to learn about that stuff so these quizes are really helping!!!;)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B] ~Gohans Gurl~, wanna join my bud list? [/B][/QUOTE] sure i would love to!!! by the way goku was sent origanaly to distroy earth as a child but master roshi brought him up to be good instead of evil thats the only reason earth wasen't distroyed
well i've participated in a few every time we have a subby we play sink the sub so we get off to lunch a half hour early and we change our names and stuff i also helped tie all the mouse's in the computer lab in to a huge knot took the custodian 1 hour to get them un tangled then he took another hour to figure out which mouse went where we also filled up the principals office with ballons on his fotith birthday but that was more as a surprise then a prank and we switched the o'canada tape to play eminem it was funny!!:D :laugh:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B] ---------------------- 1) What is the difference in power level from Son Gokuu with weighted clothing to Son Gohan when he is very angry (which Radditz stated to himself from his scouter), in the Radditz saga? 2) What is the name of the planet that Bejita-sama and Nappa stopped at on their way to Earth, destroying it along with two lovers on it named Atlia and Lemlia? 3) How old was Son Gohan (presicly) when Bejita-sama and Nappa arrived on Earth? 4) How many Saibamen did Nappa plant to fight against the Z-fighters? 5) What are the names of the two illusionists who pose as Nameks when Buruma, Son Gohan, and Kuririn crash land on their planet? 6) How long is a Namekian year in earth days? 7) How many times did Piccoro enter the Room of Spirit and Time? 8) What plan was discussed in bringing Son Gokuu back to life after he died by Cell? 9) At what Super Saiya-jin stage did Bejita-sama fight against Kid Buu? 10) True or False? Bejita-sama had the ability to go Super Saiya-jin 2 before he became Majin Bejita-sama. [/B][/QUOTE] 1.No clue 2.Arlia i'm absoultly sure!!!! 3. 7 4. 7 5. i forget but they were damn ugly!! 6.180 7. 2 8. they were going to wish themselves to new nameck then use the dragon balls there to wish back gokuu as the dragon there could wish someone back as many time as u wished. 9. level 2 10. true
hmmmmmmmmmm sounds like u had fun matt
no i haven't heard of them BTW pm me iwant to talk to u about somthin even tho u don't know me
a super saiyan was ment to destroy people and planets and have no mercy and reign the universe with and iron fist (which is exactly whut gohan has lol) but yes i think that is right because i do belive it said this when vegita was first introduced in the storyline ;)
hmmmmmmmmmm i say don't take it out also i have 6 earings in total and they said i had to take them out 4 soccer i didn't tho cause they we'ern't healed completly
i don't drive them but i like Yamaha RT100
plz don't think i'm crazy but i love DBZ and Gohan is the coolest character and i kept wishing someone in real life would be like him so i started dreaming about what it would like to be his gurl so my name became ~Gohans Gurl~
The Official Serious Injury's Disscussion Thread!
Stitch replied to Matt.D's topic in General Discussion
erm...... worst accedent............ well i would have to say i was helping my dad split wood with a wood cutting machine and it was really fun cause i would sit on the tire and pull the lever that control the movment back and forth but ant way i went inside got a drink came back out and when i went to put my leg over the tire to sit on it i kinda slipped and my hand landed on the muffler of the wood splitter owies it hurt a lot it was almost third degree burn and i had to get a skin graft to!!! but yeah for some reason other then i'm lucky i didn't get a scar it was preety bad tho. :p :p :p :p :p :p -
ummmm ok i don't get it y would someone do that