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Everything posted by ChibiTerriermon
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RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Galadar:Im sorry,My princess,but he did leave something for you. [I]All of a sudden,Something dropped to Lauren's feet,[/I] Lauren:The bow of Lothlorien...the most accurate bow ever.. [I]Looks over to Lalaith[/I] Lauren:Next to me..this was his greatist treasure.He told me that.[I]starts crying[/I] Galadar:Im very sorry, My princess..but i must leave now [I]Galadars image dissapers and the others start to wake up[/I] -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]Lauren.Whos eyes are slowly filling up with tears[/I] Lauren:My father...didnt make it... -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]Long after everyone was sleeping,Laurens ears started to prick.She sat up and a small holographic figure appeared infront of her.[/I] Lauren:[I]yawns[/I] Yes,Galadar? -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Sam:Maybe you should get some sleep,get your energy back Lauren:[I]smiles[/I] Yeah,I think i will,Thanks Sam [I]Lauren didnt have a sleeping bag,she loved the outdoors.She layed down and fell asleep pretty quickly[/I] -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lauren:... [I]Lauren grabs on to a branch above her head and helps herself up.The she walks away to sit with Sam[/I] -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lauren:Is something wrong? [I]Lalaith hesitated [/I] Lalaith:No,of course not.. -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]Lauren was well awake by then.she had seen lalaith walk away.she wanted to see what was wrong,but she was still to weak.[/I] Lauren:stupid spell! [I]She looked back toward the forest and saw Lalaith comeing back.His sword was gone.[/I] Lauren:Lalaith? -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]BY the Time Lalaith got back,Lauren was sleeping softly[/I] Lalaith:That spell musta REALLY taken alot out of her,oh well -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]Lauren,who still didnt have alot of energy left,crawled over Lalaith[/I] Lauren:Dont be so harsh to the Halfling.Its not their nature to fight. Lalaith:I guess your right [I]Lauren sat silent,the same as Lalaith[/I] Lauren:well? Lalaith:well what? Lauren:Go apologize! Lalaith:Fine! -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lauren:do any of you know spells? Others:uh,dont think so Lauren:No problem [I]Lauren Stiffined her kneck and looked into the sky,eyes closed.her arms Lay moitionless by her side,her feet werent moveing ether.A green aura statred to form about her.She stayed like that,the fellowship and the Orcs stareing at her.untill she dropped to her knees.[/I] Lauren:Theres[I]pant[/I] alot of them[I]pant[/I] there comeing from both sides know[I]pant[/I] Redgar:well get up and help us! Lauren:I dont know if I can move for a while[I]pant[/I] -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lauren:Lalaith! [I]She ran to the back sliced one of the orcs in half.[/I] samantha:Dont worry![I]She unsheathed her sword and sliced the heads off two orcs that attacked her[/I] -
[I]Lauren stepping up[/I] Lauren:I belive i will
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]Laure walked in front with Ellsa.[/I] Lauren:How do you know something is comeing? Ellsa:Its easy,were elves.we have keen scences on all of the 5 scences.I can smell,taste,hear,feel,and almost see it comeing. Lauren:ahhh -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]Lauren stood up and went next to Lalaith[/I] Lauren:and I belive i have done the same [I]She gave him a small peck on the cheek and walked away,hideing her blushing cheeks[/I] -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]Lauren stares at Lalaith's blushing face[/I] Lauren:well,by your look,you want to say something that youve been hideing for years... -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lauren:are you sure?Im actullay quite cold. Lalaith:Well,im wearing more layers then you! Lauren:Lalaith,ive known you for years,you never fooled me,and you never will[I]Lauren starts laughing[/I] -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lauren:excuse me? Lalaith:[I]blushing madly[/I] Uh..oh.realy nothing Lauren:your blushing! -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]Lauren grabs the sleeve of his shoulder[/I] Lauren:wait a second,you were going to say something.. Lalaith:... -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
Lauren:And I? Lalaith:uh... -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]Lauren smiles to Lalaith as if to say thanks,and puts the plate at her feet[/I] Lauren[I]Back to Samantha[/I] :My father has been hit with many arrows in his time.. Samantha:But these are posionous! Lauren:Im sure Abob's poition will work,and if they dont,Im sure sir elladan can heal him.[I]I hope[/I]. Samantha[I]smiles weakly[/I] :I belive I will go and talk to Redgar,good day Lauren [I]Lauren looks at her food and gives it to Lalaith[/I] Lauren:Im not hungry,you have it. -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]Lauren sighed and sat down,she tired her hair in a pony Tail,Not a big one,considiring she has short hair,she noticed samantha was looking at her[/I] Lauren:Kinda crazy how short hai can get in my way,hehe..he... Samantha:yeah... Lauren:this about my father,isnt it? Samantha:how did you know? Lauren:when your a princess,you get tought these things.so,whats on your mind? [I]The smell of Samwise's dinner made there mouths drool/[/I] Samantha:well,I was wondering,do you think he'll be okay? -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]Lauren sheathed her sword and took out her map.[/I] Lauren:Right,the high pass is that way. [I]she pointed to north-east.[/I] Sam:why dont we rest?I can make us some dinner? Lauren:I do- Redgar:BEST idea ive heard all day. -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]Lauren gets the same rage as Lalaith and starts hacking away with her sword,every Orc that is next to her got its head got chopped off.She finally colapsed to her knees from tiredness,Taking long breaths of air.all of the Orcs were long dead.[/I] Abob:Lauren,are you ok? [I]Lauren slowed got up and loked toward the setting sky[/I] Lauren:we must make haste. Ellsa:I agree.But im sorry about sir legolas. [I]Lauren wiped of some Orc blood from her shirt.[/I] Redgar:Lets go -
RPG Lord of The Rings:The Re-Creating of The Ring{play}
ChibiTerriermon replied to ChibiTerriermon's topic in Theater
[I]Lauren pulled the arrow out of her fathers chest and inspected it...[/I] Lauren:Abob! [I]abob blocked an arrow and ran over to were Lauren was kneeling,[/I] Abob:Yes? Lauren:Your pouch of anidotes,please. [I]Abob handed her his pouch of posions and anidotes.[/I] Lalaith:Why? Lauren:This arrow is posion, [I]she took out a small vial of purple liquid and rubbed some on her father wound.[/I] Lauren:Galadar! [I]One of the elves walked over to her and bowed.[/I] Galadar:Yes,Master Lauren? Lauren:Bring my father back to Rivendell to heal,contact me if her surrvives. [I]Galadar bowed and sumoned a few more elves to his side,they nodded and picked up Legolas and walked back to Rivendell,with Lauren watching as the carried him off...[/I]