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Everything posted by ChibiTerriermon

  1. [I]Lauren sat and wiped off some blood form her brown robe.[/I] Lauren:ech...ow! [I]something skidded across her shoulder, it made a swishing,windhowling noise[/I] Abob:What was that?? [I]They looked behind them to see...[/I] ________________________________ Sorry for all of the"to see"crud, I know alot about SW,but i dont know all the bad guys and creatures ;)
  2. Name:Lauren Nickname: Age/Grade:10 Personality:Fun loveing,humerous(VERY) and heroic Phys. Description:Shes about 4`10(kinda tall for her age)other then that,shes pretty normal Family/BackgroundShe lives with her dad and Digimon Crest+color: Crest of Heroism,silver Digimon In-Training:Sademon(say~d~mon)/Bubble Blow/small with 2 pointy ears and nose,resembles a Cub wolf Digimon Rookie:Wolfmon/Wolf Howl,Bite/resembles a small wolf(not cub)only with 2 tails Digimon champion:Sabremon/Lockjaw,bite/Resembles Garurumon,except with 2 tails and is Brown,white.Its Teeth are huge,witch gives it a good lockjaw Digimon Ultimate:Aphiomon(A~pho~o~mon)/aphio blast,bites/Its probably the biggest Mega ever,its Mouth is too big to stay shut, and its paws are dark black.The rest of its like a HUGE wolf Digimon Mega:WarAphiomon/Aphio Galago Shooter/It stands on its feet, its hands are nothin'but claws,still looks like a wolf.One of the strongest Mega's ever Romance:she likes someone with a strong sence of Humor,and can take a joke. ______________________________________________ That took me 22 minutes to make! :eek:
  3. My Elven name is: Imbedil My Hobbit name is: Donnamira Gamwich from Tuckborough:bawl: My Dwarf name is: Borin Taloneyes And My Orkish name is: Bâzsnak the Squasher ~~~~Chibi
  4. [I]Lauren Sighed,she didnt have a weapon to fight with.Then she felt a new strange energy in her hand,she focussed it hard, and a Large Firey Sword(covered in flame) appered(cant spell) with Lauren's hand grasping it[/I] Lauren:Awesome...
  5. [I]Lauren was knocked off her feet when the ship landed[/I] Lauren:Man,That must be a huge ship... [I]She stood up, a small limp in her right leg,and unhooked her lightsabre,Abob took out his blaster,and Necare took out her Masshete[/I] (Cant spell:bawl: :( ) Lauren:should we go out, Necare:I dont think s- [I]It was too late, the doors were smashed open to reveal...[/I]
  6. No,I think i should be the Leader of the goodies cause I was the first good person to sign up:)
  7. [I]They continued running along, trying to escape when Lauren's Lightsabre fell of its holder,[/I] Abob:Lauren,You- Lauren:i know I know, [I]she reached out her hand toward the rolling Sabre and it flew back into her hand[/I] [I]Necare stoppped to admire the amazing trick[/I] Necare:Cool! Lauren:Nevermind that!Keep running!
  8. Ill join if I can be a Wolf^.^ Name:Lauren age:13 size:53 looks:She wears a jean jacket with the symbol of the Wolf(dont know what it is,:laugh: )and Khakies for loose fitting kicks. Bio:Lives in the U.S, and has been trained in the U.S,her extrodianary Karate and Punching/Kicking skills make her one of the strongest fighters. Animal:Wolf _______________________________ ~~~~~Chibi
  9. Im sorry to say,but this is the LAST ELF,there to many,so now you have the choice of: Humans Hobbits Dwarves ;)
  10. [I]Lauren was practicing some gestures with her Glowing lightsabre when,[/I] Lauren:whoa! [I]She was pushed down, next to her,a boy sat,[/I] ???:Hey,sorry, [I]The boy helped her up,Lauren looked behind them(some other people where there)and noticed the strange blobs that looked like...bugs[/I] Lauren:what is that!? Abob:Just go! ___________________ I know its crummy,but,i was going kinda fast, ;) :D
  11. Lauren:Raise skeleton! [I]Lauren raised her stff and thrust it down infront of a pearly white skeleton.The bones started to shake and rattle,and slowly they started to form a soldier.[/I] Lauren:good [I]She reached out to wipe off some dust from her tall skeleton warrior,as soon as she touched it, the bones fell apart and landed loudly on the floor[/I] Lauren:[I]sigh[/I] Well,i guess I should practice some more,and that wont be hard,[I]looks around in her Kurast[/I] theres plenty of Skeletons here...
  12. ChibiTerriermon


    Lauren stares at The Entai running at them, Lauren:Move! Lauren pushes all of her friends and herself out of the way seto(still sweating a bit):That was close,
  13. ok, since I was the first good person, do I get to be the leader?:D Oh, and Im switching to Terriermon instead of LopMon:)
  14. Ok,Guys, not so many elves, there should be some Dwarves and Hobbits to:D
  15. Yeah, in Ages, im in the part when Link is in the haunted graveyard and I dont know how t get past this level, can some1 heeelp me?:D
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=seagreen]The baby form of Mewtwo is Mew. Duh. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Uhh...No its not:nope:
  17. ChibiTerriermon


    here,im confused, Where am I? I havent been on this for a while,so uh,where am i?
  18. uhh, could you maybe add me somewhere,Boba?I dont know where to start...sorry for the enteruption:)
  19. Can someone please tell me whats going on here?:( :confused:
  20. As the day dragged on, Lauren gradullay became better. Abob:Should we practce now that your better? Lauren:Hey,why not :)
  21. [I]Long after The ring was destroyed by Frodo Baggins of the shire,The Dark Lord Sauron regained power.He set out to create his One Ring again.The world of Middle-Earth has had a shadow fallen upon it.Everyone has cowerd with fear at the power,but the only ones who have a enough will to fight it, are a few:Elves,Dwarves,Humans,and Hobbits.Now, they must set out to destroy Sauron and The One ring...[/I] Post a Bio like this to join: Name:Lauren Greenleaf Age:116(16 in Human years) Weapons(up to Three):Bow and quiver, long silver dagger(not tall enough to be a sword)and the sword of her father(The one Legolas has in The Two Towers and Return of The King) Bio:This young warrior is also the princess of Northern Mirkwood, after she learned how much danger her beloved earth was in, and quickly agreed to set out. Appearnce:She is the only elf who has Short Black Hair,She wears travel-worn pants and and a T-W shirt(just like Legolas) Have fun P.S Sorry about all of the Legolas stuff:blush: :D
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