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Everything posted by ChibiTerriermon
Lauren:Quatre...:( Lauren sits down with Terriermon next to her Terriermon:Lauren,Why did he won(Speech inpedament) away? Lauren:I..dont know:(
RPG X-Men: 2nd Evolution--EVE(sign up and play)
ChibiTerriermon replied to JessieRocket's topic in Theater
[I]Lauren continued to run down the hall,the occasional"Het,No running!" from a teacher, she ignored them.she finally reached Prof.X's office, she slowly reached for the handle turned it."Is everyone okay in here?"Lauren asked cautiously,She looked in the dark room, she stopped,her ears catching the sound of breathing, then all of a sudden, a Huge man sprang at her, She qucikly turned into her wolf form and doged, she ran into a corner,where another goon was, he knocked on her head, and she fell down, returning to her human form...[/I] -
Lauren just stands quiet and picks up her Terriermon, quatre:well? Lauren:I dont know...I just dont like seeing people(or Digimon) get hurt... Quatre:Hey, Thanks:)
Hey, I havent been on in a while, so can someone Please tell me whats going on here?:D
RPG X-Men: 2nd Evolution--EVE(sign up and play)
ChibiTerriermon replied to JessieRocket's topic in Theater
[I]Lauren sat in her class,her sensetive ears twitching at everything the Professsor said,her extreamly sensative nose catching the scent of all the snacks the kids were eating under there decks,[/I] Prof.:Very good, class, you are dismissed, [I]Lauren sighed happily and gathered her things, she went straight down to her room,haveing no friends, she didnt have anyone to have fun with,howling at the moon that bathed her room everynight annoyed everyone,her ears constantly twitching at every sound,made no one really like her,she sighed and flopped onto her bed[/I] Lauren:My life...stinks... [I]Then, she heard a blood-chilling scream from Prof.X's room, she jumped off the small bed and rushed to the office...[/I] -
Ill join Boba, just add me in somewhere. name:Lauren age:15 species:Human belongings:Light Sabre(green)Pistol bio:Abandoned as a child, she learned to live in the wild, one day she witnissed a gorey battle between two Jedi, after one was defeated, the other left and Lauren took the green Light sabre used by the dead one and learned to use it well. skill:Speacel(cant spell:bawl: )
These songs might be a little old, but then again im ten so i havent heard many songs;) I like: Angel,by shaggy I dont know who sings this and i forget the name:confuse2: so ill sing a little of it. Follow mee everything is alright, ill be the one to tuck you in at night, and if you, want to leave I can garantie you wont find nobody, elses like me:D And of course,Gone,By N*sync:love2:
Lauren runs infront of vilemon, stopping him from doing abother move. Vilemon:MOve! Lauren:c/mon, hes already out cold, dont torture him anymore! Terriermon:yah!
Right, so I got Duo, eh? Ill do it like Spikey 1:Death Sabre 2:Stab:devil: 3:chest Im waiting Ril :devil:
RPG X-Men: 2nd Evolution--EVE(sign up and play)
ChibiTerriermon replied to JessieRocket's topic in Theater
Are we gonna start soon or do we need some more people:D -
RPG X-Men: 2nd Evolution--EVE(sign up and play)
ChibiTerriermon replied to JessieRocket's topic in Theater
Name:Lauren X-name:Wolfhowler Mutant powers:CAn transforn into a wolf, grow EXTRAEMLY long slashie clawies:drunk:,Can howl to the moon to gain more power. Age:16 Appaernce:Lets her long black hair dangle by her back, has a scar on her cheak, wears White vest, Black shirt, and Khakies, Backround: she was found by the Prof.X as a wolf.(she can still talk in her wolf form) she asked him how he found me. He told her he had psychichy powers.She has been in xaiver instute for 6 years now. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B]Voltage:Whoa.. good job.. Figure#2:Thank you.. [i]Valeigh rolls her eyes and steps in front of Chris, shielding him from the 3 men.[/i] Figure#3:Let him go.. you wish not to know what happens when you don't.. Piro:Love your grammar.. [i]Voltage snickers and she and Piro turn and begin to leave. Without warning, Piro is slammed into the ground, Valeigh laying ontop of him. She had a severe burn mark on her back and was unconcious. Chris was running away and the three men were in pursuit when Voltage screamed at them.[/i] Voltage:STOP! Nobody hurts my friends and gets away with it!!! [i]Voltage rolls up her sleeves as Piro sits up behind her, trying not to harm Valeigh's already mutilated body. He lays her gently on her stomach. Then he turns and goes after Voltage who is in stalking slowly behind the 3 Figures.[/i] Piro:Voltage stop! You can't fight yet, you haven't recovered from nearly wiping that other boy out of existence.. don't do this.. you'll kill yourself! Travis:Please.. Lauren:I don't care about you, but we do need all 10 people.. so you can't be killed or captured.. Voltage:Well then.. you might want to get off your lazy -beep- and HELP me! Piro:Voltage! [i]Piro runs up behind Voltage and grabs her by the waist, pulling her back. Her eyes flicker dangerously into his but he holds her fast. Voltage glares angrily up at him but Piro keeps her still. Finally Voltage relents and lets her arms drop. She turns her head away and he lets go of her. Piro smiles to himself and turns to the three men. With an evil glares in his eyes he holds his hands in front of himself and concenrates on the ground. From it rise huge dogs made of fire and teeth. They rush for the men, teeth gleeming and rip them apart piece by piece. When they finish at last, the ground is stained red. The dogs turn and bow on one paw to Piro. Piro nods his head and the dogs return to the ground. Piro swivels's his head and sees Voltage knelt next to Valeigh. Her hands are positioned over the wound and as Piro watches in amazement, tiny blue strands of electricity, no thicker than a spider's thread, charge from Voltage's hands into the wound. Valeigh's skin pricks up at the sensation and it heals quickly, leaving no mark. It was as if nothing had happened and Valeigh were merely asleep. Piro knelt beside Voltage.[/i] Voltage:Neat little trick isn't it? Piro:Amazing.. [i]Voltage looked up at him and smiled sweetly. She shut her eyes as she smiled. As her smile faded she opened her eyes, curiously locking them with Piro's.[/i] [/B][/QUOTE] :flaming: Its not like Im mean or anything! I wouldnt have said I dont care!:flaming:
Its actully Bio-Merge, and me and Terriermon Biomerge to Megagargomon(see pic) Lauren and Terriermon continued to glow untill they where both fully Biomerged.(im just gonna add some smoke to this:laugh: )After the smoke cleared, there stood a very tall, let me define TALL!:D The tall figure aimed his HUGE gun(like Gargomon's) at DevilRapidmon. Megagargomon(T-mon and Laurens voice together)Mega Gargo Blaster! The huge blast EWmidatlly hit DRMon at amzing speed.After the dust cleared, Quatre lay temmporaily uncouncious with :devil: Terriermon following. Lauren and Catlin ran over to them. Catlin:should we help him? Lauren*thinks*yah...
Beat me easily!!?? any ways, i have da flu so I cant fight:p
Lauren watched in horror as her Beloved Terriermon jumped in the way of the destruction Pellet. Lauren:No! Before LAuren could retrive Terriermon. the pellet exploded and Terriermon flew into Laurens arms, making them both fall down, Terriermon lay in Laurens arms, Catlin and Vilemon ran toward them. Lauren looked at Terriermon Lauren(cocky Smile)How crazy can you get? Terriermon laughed and said, Terriermon:Lauren, whats happning to us! They both started glowing, and coming together Vilemon:there Bio-Mergeing...
Lauren saw :devil: T-mon coming straight at her and Catlin, Lauren:Get out of the way! She pushed Catlin oiut of the way and took the blow. She slid back some feet, but by then, Terriermon was awake...
Ok, I dont think weve even met up with you guys yet:confuse2:
Jokermon de-digivolved back to Terriermon, and fell from the sky, Lauren:Hey! Lauren caught him neatly. Terriermon:Whoa, Digivolin takes alot out of you*falls asleap:sleep: * Lauren notices a girl and a flying bat watching nearby. She walks over to her. ???:Hi, im Catlin, your digimons pretty kool. Lauren:Thanks!*looks at Bat*, erm, whats that? Catlin:Thats my digimon, Demidevimon. Lauren nods with Terriermon snoozing softly in her arms
Havent been on for a while. Jake took a towel from his pack and wet it with cold water and gives it to lauren Lauren:Thanks,*takes it and puts across forhead.* Umbreon sits loyaly beside his trainer. Abob:I havent seen alot of Umbreon. Jake:They are pretty rare, strongest of the EV evouloutions. abob:cool
Lauren and the other four walk down an street and see 2 boys, and a fainted girl. ???:Im a Mage, like you Lauren rides over to them, Lauren:excuse me, but did you just say you have powers?
Cool!:cool: Where did you find these pics?
[I]Elfgirl had saw the hole thing, a boy be knocked off a flying cloud, and being knocked out by a girl,she didnt want to, but she did, she followed the girl back to this place and followed her i n without being noticed...[/I] ???:Maybe ill keep you, and train you as one of my own... without thinking,Elfgirl burst out, EG:What kind of crazy person would do that!!!! The girl turned toward Elfgirl EG:Opps...
Sure, you can join:D
Dragon Tamer: Lauren Dragon: Dorid Type: HP: 100 MP: 30 Attack: 20 Defense: 20 Item: Herb Staves: Spells: Age: Egg Money: 300G