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Everything posted by ChibiTerriermon

  1. Legolas, totally. Im the biggest fan of Orlando Bloom and Legolas. Ive read the first book(not the hobbit) and half of the two towers, and Legolas has been my favorite the hole way. I like link, but on my opinion, Link doesnt stand a chance against my Hero!
  2. Umbreon digs a big hole while Lauren&Abob are chasing Jake. They chase him over to the hole and he falls in it. Lauren*grinning* thats what you get for getting us lost! Jake:erm...Sorry? Lauren sits down next to Umbreon Ros:Well your taking the evouloution well. Lauren:*shrugs*yah, i guess Abob puts out the fire and they all go to sleep better knowing Jake is lying in a hole:) :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
  3. Good,Chris. You can be like my rival because I got Terriermon and you got Dark Terriermon:D
  4. okk......:drunk: how did THAT happen...
  5. They continue along until its dark. Ros:We should stop here to sleep. Abob&Lauren:good idea They sit down. Abob makes a fire and lets out his pokemon. Abob:go play guys, just come back in a while. Lauren hands out poitions to Abob and Ros. Lauren turns around not to fing her Eevee,(which she let out) but An Umbreon!
  6. Lauren:I can try, return, Eevee. Eevee starts to protest, but is sucked into the pokeball. Lauren:good. They start to crawl in the cave, they hear faint noises in the distance, ???:snnnnee Ros*sigh* here come the Sneasle brothers. Lauren:cool, im gonna capture one! they continue on, they also hear, muk and grimer voices. Abob:ow! Abob was hit with a rock. Lauren:you wasnt kiddin when you said those two were pranksters. Jake:nope. Ros shines her light on the two sneasles. Lauren: I chose, you, POnyta.(shes a small Ponyta, she can fit in here.) Lauren:Ember! The Ponyta embers both of the sneasles, they fall down, almost fainted. Lauren: :ball: Go! The pokeball hits One of the sneasles and it shakes 3 times, finally, it stops. Lauren:great, Ponyta, return! ____________________________________________________ One of you guys can have the other 1
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blanko_el-miez [/i] [B] lauren:.ok.....eevee return *pulls out a hat and puts it on* i am ready [/B][/QUOTE] Eevee hates the pokeball
  8. Everyone packed up and continued Jake:Ill trade you my Marril for your Ursaring Ros:No way, you kiddin? Lauren:yah, really Jake:*anime sweat drop*
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sexynickman [/i] [B] Almega is the digimon!!! Dark prince is the person [/B][/QUOTE] I dont think you geet what im saying, All Digimon have MON at the end of thier names, exp:Almegamon
  10. Lauren 19(not real age, but I want to make this more realistic for me) 5'6 Necromancer Staff Raise Skeleton Necromancer Kurast Even though she can control the dead and summon nasty spells, shes a good guy. She was taught to be a killing machine, to destroy the planet.but when she heard about Diablo and his brothers returning, she swore to protect it.Her staff can summon demons.
  11. Thats good, but just don't shoot us:laugh: And Almega needs a mon at the end
  12. Lauren 18 used to live in America(where she got her Crystal) then she moved to Tokyo, Japan she has stuided evry type of fighting skill, Joujitsu, Kung Fu, etc... look at da Attar Lauren was very Young when she found the Fire Crystal. Ever since shes found it, shes been a Lonor, always training. For eight Years shes been training, now. after she beat all the tournaments in America, shes headed for Tokyo to test her skills.She Uses Fire in all her attacks 1# in America. Leader of the Fire Pack Fire Crystal Fire Kick(Kick goes so fast, it seems as if her leg is on fire) 1st move she learned. Fire Glow(She glows with fire to regan some CP or HP)Fire Punch(pretty much the same as Fire Kick) and last, but DEFINATLLY not least, The Hyper Fire(Every single kick Punch, Karate move, Loujitsu move, special move etc... put together for a huge destructive move(she cant use this without her losing counciousnouis after Doh!)
  13. Lauren Jumped out of her sleeping bag to see a huge Ursaring(typo:( ) The Ursaring bared its teeth and and his claws appered. Lauren backed up toward a tree, with The ursaring comming nearer and nearer...
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryo the Tamer [/i] [B] P.S.- J. R. R. Tolkien and his books 0wn!!! [/B][/QUOTE] That is True:blush: You don't need to have crest but I suggjest you do, and you can make up your own Digimon
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blanko_el-miez [/i] [B]jake:.....well your all lucky i have 7 pokemon so that makes it where i can only capture a small few......... lauren:..........well that was your fault ros:..........jakes got a bunch of types....you and i only have normal nad i have an ancient rock flying type........these triners must have many types devided between all of them it dont matter at least we wont be fighting them [/B][/QUOTE] I actually have a Ponyta, too
  16. Name:Lauren Digimon:Lopmon Crest:Humor D-power: White Good Bio:Lauren likes making jokes and likes to be the hero Desciption: Wears a Black Shirt with Khakies
  17. Ok, This is well a Digimon RPG:rolleyes: Post a Bio like this to join: NAme: Lauren Crest:HUmor Color of Digivice: White Age:10 Type:Tamer(you know, using the cards and stuff) you can also be like Willis or Davis and those guys Partner:Terriermon Bio:She loves making up jokes and entertaining people, sometimes her jokes suck, though :blush: Apperance:She wears a Black Shirt with Khakies. Have fun!:toothy:
  18. Lauren Stares at Abob with suspicion. Anoncer:Trainers, get ready, All of the trainers line up at the starting line with Ros And Lauren & Jake next to eachother. Annoncer:Go!
  19. Lauren and Ros find the seat next to the starting line. Eevee and Poppy look around at all of the trainers LAuren: what kind of Pokemon do they have here, strong ones? or regular like Eevee and Poppy?
  20. Lauren's Eevee is sitting on her head and looking around excitedly. Lauren:so Ros,I hear you were a little late getting to the Prof. To, eh? It sorta strange how all the late people get Eevees:shifty:
  21. Lauren walks over to Nurse joy and heals her pokemon Lauren:Thanks Nurse JOy:no problem, Lauren Lauren sends out her Ponyta and heats up with her eevee
  22. Lauren:no prob She hands the unbreala to Ros Lauren:The exits this way Ros: ok Lauren Leads Her out of the forest and into the Pokemon Center.
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