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[COLOR=dark-blue]This is mine and Red XIII's attempt at an RPG so y'all know its gonna be good. This RPG is set after the Majin Buu Saga. ------------------------------------------------------------------ [I]King Vegeta had not just one son but three sons. Vegeta was the youngest of them. The others are Li and Jin; Jin is the eldest of them. Li is the most fierce fighting of the family. Down through out their childhood Jin and Li have been equal and also hated Vegeta for his boasting about being the best. Now they have come to Earth in search of their younger brother for him to prove his claim. They will do what ever it takes to find him and kill anyone who gets in their way. (Dende is still alive so if one of you should get injured just go to him)[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok Li will play as himself and I'll be Jin and the people who are trying to stop Vegeta's brothers are less powerful than Li and Jin. Oh and you person has to be Vegeta. Li and Jin have 50,000,000 as stats because Li and Jin are Vegeta's brothers and Li and Jin are elite class Saiyans The people who are trying to stop Vegeta's brothers have 20,000,000 as stats Name: Age: Race: Heigth: Apperance: Bio: Strength: Speed: Ki: Defence: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Jin Age: 20 Race: Saiyan Height: 6'4 Appearance: Looks like King Vegeta he has the goatee black Saiyan armor and a black cape white gloves and white boots. Bio: The oldest of the three, Jin has always been calm and cool and never lost his temper...well there was that one time but anyway...Jin and Li have hated their brother because their father has always treated Vegeta better than them. Stats 50,000,000 Strength: 15,000,000 Speed: 10,000,000 Ki: 15,000,000 Defense: 10,000,000[/color]
[color=red][I]Who was he and what happened to him[/i][/color]
[COLOR=red][I]When Planet Vegeta was destroyed, there were a few Saiyans that hadn't been on the planet apart from Nappa, Vegeta, Radiz and Goku and their where abouts were unkown to Freeza. When the group of Saiyans learned about what Freeza had done to their home world they vowed to hunt down and kill all of Freeza's followers then kill Freeza himself. But there are too few of them to take on Freeza's followers. So now they have gone inseach of allies. But be weary of Zarbon and Dodoria and the Ginyu force.[/I][/color] --------------------------------------------------------- Post in somthing like this Name: Age: Race: Height: Weight: Apperance: Bio: Your stats are 100,000 Strength: Defense: Speed: Ki: ---------------------------------------------- Here are the Ginyu force's, Zarbon and Zarbon in monster fourm and Dodoria Zarbon: 23,000 Zarbon (monster): 34,000 Dodoria: 21,000 Captain Ginyu: 120,000 Recoome: 55,000 Burter: 45,000 Jeice: 45,000 Guldo: 15,000 --------------------------------------------- Name: Jin Age: 35 Race: Saiyan Heigth: 6'4 Weight: 210lbs Apperance: Like Vegeta's armour but instead of the blue top and pants he make them black and a black cape. Bio: He was the first to hear what Freeza had done to Planet Vegeta. He was a brother of King Vegeta and an uncle to Prince Vegeta. Stats: 100,000 Strength: 40,000 Speed: 10,000 Defence: 20,000 Ki: 30,000
[COLOR=Red]I wonder what is the true purpose of a super saiyin? everyone and everything is made with the ability to survive in its natural environment. humans are smart so they can build shelter and make food. a woodpecker has a sharp beak so it can break a tree to get at the sap. so why do saiyans have the ability to turn into a super saiyan, changing there looks and strength immensely.[/color]
Name: Ryu Age: 20 Race: Saiyan/Human Height: 6'2 Weight: 200 lbs. Bio: The first son of chibi trunks. More intersted than his father in learning to fight and so was trained by his grandfather. Appearance: Because he was trained by Vegeta he wears Saiyan Armor. He looks like Trunks. Personality: Exactly like Vegetas Stats: 30,000,000 Strength: 8,000,000 Defense: 5,000,000 Speed: 6,000,000 Agility: 5,000,000 Ki: 6,000,000
Name: Vinny Age: 18 Bio: Illegal car dealer, [i]He brings you the best for the most[/i] also works part time for the Mafia. Description: Dresses like the Mafia street men with shades Weapon of Choice: a bat and handgun (uses bat for extortian) Vehicle of Choice: Mafia Sentinal.
[COLOR=dark-blue][I]The Chineses imbassador is visiting America and while he was being driven around unknowing that a Japaneses gang called the Yakuza are planning to kidnap the imbassador. The FBI have sent out a group to recover the imbassador you have one week. If you do not recover the imbassador thr Yakuza will kill him. The Yakuza drive three black Mafia Sentinals. You have a choice you can be one of the group that was sent out to recover the imbassador or you can be a Yakuza.[/I][/color] ---------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Age: Height: Job: Weapons: Apperance: There will be no need for a bio. ------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Jin Age: 25 Height: 6'1 Job: memeber of the Yakuza and one of the car drivers Weapons: two uzies Apperance: An Aisan look he is one of the drivers. He dresses in a black tuxedo but instead of the tie and shirt a black t-shirt and he wears black gloves.