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About OMGWTFRunAway

  • Birthday 07/10/1990

OMGWTFRunAway's Achievements

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  1. [I hope I'm not too late? Also, if there's anything that you feels need changing, just tell me. :)] Name: James Joanes - Pronounced ?Jones? Age: 25 Personality: When people first meet James, they expect someone quiet and serious. After all, does he not have glasses? Does he not wear a lab coat? Was he not an assistant to the Scientists who found the machines? Yet, he is neither cool, calm, nor collected. He?s not. Childish as all get out, James is always trying to emulate the heroes of action he?s seen in comics and read in books. The hotblooded type. You know the ones, the men who scream out their attacks? The ones who believe that they can fight against fate just because they felt so? Yeah, he?s no where close, his attempts to emulate fall far from the tree. There?s still tomorrow though right? Appearance: As said earlier James wears a lab coat and glasses, giving him the signature geeky look that one would expect. Other than that the man isn?t really much to look out. His need to exaggerated expressions and make odd poses, however do make him something to look at. Look at and pity. Mech: Falcon Other: Despite his other ineptitudes, James has proven himself to be a resourceful, and wonderers lab assistant. His knowledge on the machines, while no where near the actual scientists, is still rather impressive. Don?t forget, there?s a reason they let him near the machines.
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