[font="Tahoma"]Let me tell you all a story. It's not one of my usual "I hope everyone gets a chuckle out of this" posts. It's a side-story that a lot of people don't know. What it's like for those of us who see the strongest person in their life being drained slowly and their every freedom ripped away. What it's like for the family of those who have cancer.
We have all seen death. We have all gone to funerals of loved ones and friends. We're shocked by their passing, we mourn, and we are able to move on after a period of healing. Now think of that loved one slowly dying and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Doctors and Nurses will tell you that they will be fine. That there is nothing to worry about. We all know that's utter bullshit. They either don't know or they are lying to your face to make you feel better. The Doctors will tell you everything is on the up-and-up and you could wake up the next day to find out your loved one has passed. That's not the case here but it's a start.
I have spent most of the past 5 years taking care of my mother who has cancer. In 2006 the tumor (Glioblastoma Multiforme) was removed, she struggled through Radiation and Chemo, and the doctors told her she would be fine. She struggled for years after suffering a blood clot which essentially crippled her right arm and the surgery affected her right leg. Years passed of gentle care, she climbed the ladder, and all was well. It wasn't nearly as terrible on anyone as expected..
Now it is 2011. In February of this year the tumor was back and ready to rumble. It seated itself in the hole the previous tumor had left after removal and we found that removal would be the last option. Why, you may as, would removal be the last option? She would never be the same. There was a very high chance that the surgery would disable her ability to speak, move, and in general be a human being. Radiation would have the same consequences. That leaves us with Chemo which, in case you are not aware, is the harshest thing you can introduce to your body without dying. It will kill any new cells, good or bad, to keep cancer from spreading. If you suffer a wound, it will take quite a lot longer to heal. It is not easy for the person suffering. They are confronted with their own mortality. None of us can imagine that unless put into a number of very specific situations.
Even though I have hope I am constantly wondering if she will make it through this again, whether I am going to wake up and find her dead in her bed. To you, a few hours wouldn't seem like much, but for me, I witnessed her going from walking and talking normally to literally dying withing two hours. Quite a difference. Now imagine the symptoms coming on just after I go to bed. There would be no hope.
I see the possibility of death looming over our home every moment of every day. I don't feel like I can leave the house for extended periods of time without someone being with her because of what could happen. My family tells me not to think of that "what-ifs" but how can I not? They did not see how quickly everything came tumbling down this time. I was the only one to bear witness.
I understand that this is a very serious topic for a place like the Otakuboards but I thought a thread like this is needed. I cannot be the only one here that has watched a family member struggle or had a struggle themselves. If I may ask, I would appreciate any prayer for my mother.
As for discussion, what are you thoughts on Cancer? I know that is a simple question to answer but everyone has a different experience with it in one form or another. Use this thread as a place to open yourself if you yourself need a place to seek hope, ask for prayer, or share your experiences.[/font]