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Everything posted by Yukazi

  1. That barrier is strong though...think about it... Buu did an attack called "big power" or something like that (i couldnt really hear what buu said) and Babidi used his barrier and came out unhurt, the barrier can guard again ki sttacks more than it can physical, which Piccolo showed us
  2. Vegeta had his power forced towards one individual, Majin Buu, thus his attack did not destroy the earth, Babidi was probobly protected from the blast since he was so far into the crator that the blast just missed, Buu healed Babidi and thus he was put back together, but later one, SSJ3 Goku tells Buu that he is stronger and could easily kill Babidi, so he does (blows his head off) Hope thats enough info :)
  3. As Suzuku continued to look for X-Ray, Cruizr had an idea... Cell: It wont work, we have tried everything, and we still cannot get out of here Cruizr: KAIOKEN x20!!! Freeza: He's about to find out the hard way there's no way out Cruizr: *flies towards the clouds* KAAAAAAAAMEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAMEEEEEEE... Cruizr continues to charge his attack as he neared the clouds... Cruizr: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! The attack hits the clouds, putting a hole through them as Cruizr races through it... Freeza/Cell: :wow: Cruizr then climbs onto SnakeWay, then falls unconsciense from kaioken...
  4. Answer to: 2: 2 Rojins went in...we killed the Rojin that tried to attack us(going to hell was my original plan...until people said they wanted to goto heaven) 3: We can all know moves the original Vegetto(Goku/Vegeta) knew (Kaioken,Kamehameha,Big Bang, etc) 4) ugh...ok...the Moon was slowly moving towards the planet...causing the gravity to increase as it goes along...i just needed a gravity area without using a gravity chamber...so thats my reaso and im sticking with it :D
  5. Majin Buu was created by a wizard known as Bibidi, he was a creation of mass destruction, made for destroying planets and entire galaxies in a matter of moments...Majin Buu was put in a magic ball to be tranfered from planet to planet, until he reached earth...after arriving, the magic ball was lost...Babidi then went looking for Majin Buu's ball so he could follow in his fathers footsteps, he then found him, gathered energy from Gohan and the battle between Goku and Vegeta, thus releasing Majin Buu once more...
  6. After Goku vanishes and isnt seen again...many think they will not see him again...but then Gohan gets a message one night from King Kaio...Saying that his father is still alive, but evil... ------------------------------------------------ Ok, everyone has 100,000 Power Level stat points to put between: Strength Speed Ki Defense Ki Defense When you Power level reaches 300,000...You go SSJ, when it reaches 600,000...you go SSJ1 and so on...After 7 posts, your training sesion will be over and you will have 50,000 more stat points... ----------------------------------------------- In 1 month time period, Goku will arrive to destroy planet Earth...and with a Power Level of 1,000,000,000...we will need help stopping him... Ask questions if you want... ----------------------------------------------- Name: Cruiz Race: Saiyan Bio: A Survivor of Planet Vegeta... Personality: A Saiyan warrior with the only thing on his mind at the moment is stopping Goku... Strength: 25,000 Speed: 10,000 Ki: 20,000 Defense: 25,000 Ki Defense: 20,000
  7. Actually i didnt make this up...my power level was 7...although i find that low... ;) I saw it on numorous websites(probobly copying eachother) and decided to post it here, and add it to my 'Useles Info' list
  8. After many days, Cell and Freeza taught Cruizr and Suzuku many techniques... Cell: Good job, now you can crush the Sayans...but you must now fight me and Freeza with your new attacks... Freeza: Let us begin They fight for hours, with every punch thrown, they weaken...until cell does something... Cell: Cruizr...you are the weakest link...goodbye With that, Cell rose his hand and pointing...a yellow stream of ki goes through Cruizr's chest as he falls... Freeza: Only problem is he cant die...jus be in serious pain...but now we have guarenteed his staying here Suzuku: :eek: INSTANT TRANSMISSION Suzuku disapears from hell, reapearing on Planet Vegetto Enma: *telepathic* You have broken the rules of the 'other world'...but my powers cannot extend into the world of the living... Suzuku then goes in search of X-Ray...to tell him Cruizr is not returing...
  9. More useless info from yours truely... If you add your: Age Height Weight and How much you can lift together Then divide by 50, you'll have your Power Level! Thats all for now from: "Cruizr's Useless Info"!
  10. Cruizr: We need to get back X-Ray: Why? Suzuku: So we can help in the war X-Ray: Oh...yeah With that, they get their space pods and go back to Planet Vegetto Cruizr: That wasnt the best landing ever... Suzuku: When has there even been a good landing? X-Ray: ... Suzuku: Whats up? You've been really quiet X-Ray: Rojins are coming this way... Cruizr: So? X-Ray: Their going against us for leaving them to die... With that, a army of Rojin run towards them as Cruizr and Suzuku fuse Cruka: X-Ray, run away, get away... X-Ray: Why? Cruka: *stares* X-Ray: ...oh...ill see you later then... X-Ray runs as Cruka stands and lets the Rojins come a little closer... Cruka: ULTRA FINAL ATTACK A blinding light filled the area as every Rojin within half a mile was killed...and only a statue remained of Cruka... Enma: For killing of innocent, you have been judged to go to Hell A hole in the floor opens up... Cruka: AHHHHHHHH Enma: And that fusion...has ended... Cell: Look, more victims Freeza: Wait...they may be useful to us...
  11. Cruiz goes after the strongest he can find... Cruiz: Ah yes...theres a good one... Cruiz flies forward, his punch missing as his opponent hits him in the side... Blank: Your pathedic... Hearing that, Cruiz flew behing his opponent, sending out a Ki blast...blowing his head off Cruiz: Pathedic huh? Suzuku: Just watch out... Cruiz see's a row of 4 soldiers and gets an idea...He points his finger and sends a beam through every one of them Xaida: ...show off...
  12. Later, after their traiing had gone on for a while, X-Ray decided to teach Cruizr and Suzuku how to use Kaioken Cruizr/Suzuku: KAIOKEN x10!!! With that, a red aura flew around them both, their power seriously increased... X-Ray: Good job, now for this training to be fair...KAIOKEN x10!!! All three were then in red aura's... Cruizr: Ok, lets continue... Suzuku: Thanks X-Ray X-Ray: Hey, cant leave you two out :D After a while of them training...they saw somwthing in the distance... X-Ray: Whats that? Suzuku: It seems to be... Cruizr: Earth! They all three stare at it, and uncontrollably start going Oozuru Cruizr: Whats going on? X-Ray: Obviously somethings making us go Oozuru Suzuku: We looked at a full earth.... :demon: X-Ray: What? Cruizr: I know now...whenever a Saiyan or in our case, Rojin looks at a full earth, they go Oozuru...but something else happens... X-Ray: Cool, but what happens? Suzuku: Going Oozuru is differant when done this way...when were done, our power will be x100! X-Ray: :wow: With that, all three go Oozuru...their power hightening more and more...then they go back to their normal forms...realizing the power was still there... All 3: :demon: Lets go... Their training begins again as their power has grown higher...and now the gravity is holding steady at 3500x
  13. Movie 8: At the hands of Goku Movie 10: Gohan, Goten and the Spirit of Goku (With the help of Trunks Big Bang, which disracted Brolli[Cell Saga remake?]) Use the Kamehameha Movie 11: Gohan and Gotens energy Blasts(With the help of a Tidal Wave[or just water]) Hope that helps :)
  14. Herman Nation, please stop bringing up old topic...all these topics you've brought back may affect you by ending in a ban! so please stop bringing back old topics
  15. All of a sudden, the gravity has a 274x increase, as X-Ray falls farther behind Cruizr: I know its hard man, but c'mn, you need to keep up so you'll be strong enough for Blanka Suzuku: We may be the only 3 Rojin left to figt once we get back, ou want that to happen and you be the weakest link.. With a burst of anger, and pain X-Ray: NO! KAIOKEN x6! With that, a red aura flies around X-Ray Suzuku: :wow: How did he do that? Cruizr: I dont know...Hey X-Ray, dont use that for too long, it could kill you X-Ray: I know, ive used it before... Their training continues as X-rays problems with the gravity has seemed to have disapeared... X-Ray: Lets keep it moving! With that all three begin their training, shifting it into overdirve so they will be ready for when they get back...but for now, their only problem to deal with is eachother and te gravity, which has grown to 2476x
  16. Personally, i got a Brainboy attachment and taught my Mewtwo: Lock-On, Horn Drill, Mind Reader, and Fissure...but thats just me...what i recommend is: Lapras (Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Confuse Ray *Leftovers*) Marowak (Earthquake, Rock Slide, Swords Dance(Crystal)/Screech, Body Slam *Thick Club*) Machamp (Cross Chop, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Light Screen *Bitter Berry*) Houndoom (Flamethrower, Crunch, Sunny Day, Solarbeam *PRZCure Berry*) Jolteon (Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Reflect, Hidden Power *Miracle Berry*) Alakazam (Psychic, Barrier, Recover, Ice Punch *Mint Berry*) Battle 1: Lass Terry Her team: Bellossom (Giga Drain, Endure, Solarbeam, Posion Powder *Focus Band*) Furret (Slam, Dig, Surf, Ice Punch *Berry Juice*) Azumarill (Surf, Return, Attract, Tail Whip *Quick Claw*) Wigglytuff (Protect, Body Slam, Sing, Disable *Pink Bow*) Ampharos (Zap Cannon, Thunder Wave, Fire Punch, Light Screen *Magnet*) Togetic (Safeguard, Fly, Double-Edge, Swift *Sharp Beak*) Recommended: Jolteon, Machamp, Houndoom Jolteon should lead, and use his Thunderbolt on Azumarill and Togetic. Machamp can waste the Normal types and use Earthquake on Ampharos, while Houndoom should take Bellossom. Battle 2: Blackbelt Yang His team: Wobbuffet (Counter, Mirror Coat, Safeguard, Destiny Bond *Focus Band*) Primeape (Detect, Cross Chop, Seismic Toss, Screech *Beserk Gene*) Hitmonlee (Detect, Hi Jump Kick, Mega Kick, Reversal *Quick Claw*) Hitmonchan (Detect, Mach Punch, Dynamicpunch, Thunderpunch *Black Belt*) Hitmontop (Detect, Triple Kick, Dig, Counter *Mint Berry*) Nidoking (Detect, Toxic, Double Kick, Horn Drill *Bitter Berry*) Recommended: Alakazam, Houndoom, Marowak Alakazam can take everything here; Psychic alone will take out 5 of Yang's Pokemon. Bring Houndoom for Wobbuffet and Crunch away. Fill the final slot with Marowak. Battle 3: Bird Keeper Adam His team: Charizard (Slash, Flamethrower, Dig, Iron Tail *King's Rock*) Aerodactyl (Ancientpower, Fire Blast, Earthquake, Hyper Beam *Focus Band*) Fearow (Mud-Slap, Drill Peck, Mirror Move, Agility *Scope Lens*) Murkrow (Fly, Night Shade, Faint Attack, Attract *Sharp Beak*) Gligar (Sludge Bomb, Iron Tail, Toxic, Faint Attack *Poison Barb*) Dodrio (Toxic, Tri Attack, Hidden Power, Drill Peck *Pink Bow*) Recommended: Lapras, Jolteon, Marowak Can you say "massive weakness?" Lapras can sweep this team with Ice Beam and Thunderbolt. Bring Jolteon for speed and Marowak for ultra-powerful Rock Slides. Battle 4: Cooltrainer Flora Her team: Stantler (Hypnosis, Return, Earthquake, Hidden Power *Quick Claw*) Hypno (Hypnosis, Shadow Ball, Dream Eater, Psychic *Focus Band*) Exeggutor (Hypnosis, Leech Seed, Sludge Bomb, Giga Drain *Miracle Berry*) Clefable (Sing, Dynamicpunch, Fire Blast, Hidden Power *Leftovers*) Victreebel (Sleep Powder, Swagger, Sludge Bomb, Slam *Miracle Seed*) Poliwrath (Hypnosis, Body Slam, Submission, Surf *unknown*) Recommended: Alakazam, Houndoom, Machamp This trainer likes to put Pokemon to sleep, so counter with the Mint Berry- packing Alakazam. Ice Punch and Psychic will take Eggy, Victreebel, and Poliwrath. From there, bring Houndoom for Hypno and Machamp for the two Normal types. Battle 5: Fisherman Chase His team: Mantine (Waterfall, Wing Attack, Headbutt, Icy Wind *Nevermelt Ice*) Gyarados (Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Bite, Twister *Focus Band*) Dragonite (Outrage, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Hidden Power *King's Rock*) Lanturn (Thunder Wave, Spark, Surf, Whirlpool *Miracle Berry*) Quagsire (Haze, Surf, Dig, Dynamicpunch *Mystic Water*) Dewgong (Rest, Sleep Talk, Ice Beam, Headbutt *Mysteryberry*) Recommended: Jolteon, Lapras, Houndoom Lead with Jolteon here. He can use Thunderbolt on Gyarados/Mantine/Dewgong, his Hidden Power (ESPECIALLY if it's Grass) on Lanturn and Quagsire, and Thunder Wave on Dragonite. Lapras should beat down Draggy with Ice Beam. Houndoom should be around to provide SunnyBeam (if needed) on Quaggy and Lanturn. (You'd think a Fisherman would have at least one pure Water Pokemon on his team, but nooo, they had to screw around with the other types.) Battle 6: Scientist Craig His team: Ninetales (Confuse Ray, Flamethrower, Endure, Fire Spin *Focus Band*) Persian (Swagger, Screech, Iron Tail, Slash *Bitter Berry*) Electrode (Swagger, Explosion, Zap Cannon, Screech *Mint Berry*) Crobat (Confuse Ray, Fly, Screech, Bite *King's Rock*) Forretress (Swagger, Explosion, Double-Edge, Toxic *Quick Claw*) Sneasel (Swagger, Dig, Ice Punch, Surf *Miracle Berry*) Recommended: Machamp, Jolteon, Houndoom Machamp should lead with the Bitter Berry, as this trainer loves Confusion. If Machamp gets Swaggered, mail it in... it puts his attack over 700! Cross Chop should take Persian and Sneasel, while Earthquake will take out Ninetales and Electrode. Jolteon should take on Crobat, and Houndoom can burn Forretress. Battle 7: Skier Kathy Her team: Slowking (Ice Punch, Shadow Ball, Iron Tail, Psychic *Leftovers*) Lapras (Body Slam, Ice Beam, Dragonbreath, Icy Wind *Focus Band*) Pilowswine (Blizzard, Icy Wind, Earthquake, Take Down *Berry Juice*) Feraligatr (Slash, Icy Wind, Bite, Screech *Miracle Berry*) Jynx (Psychic, Lovely Kiss, Frustration, Blizzard *Gold Berry*) Mr. Mime (Psybeam, Reflect, Double Team, Baton Pass *Quick Claw*) Recommended: Houndoom, Jolteon, Lapras Kathy usually leads with Mr. Mime and uses Double Team twice, then passes. So Houndoom's got three shots at knocking it out. 'Doom can also take Slowking, Pilowswine, and Jynx. Send Jolteon up against the other two, with Lapras acting as multi-type backup. Battle 8: Cooltrainer Marty His team: Mew (Psychic, Earthquake, Thunderpunch, Blizzard *Miracle Berry*) Starmie (Surf, Swift, Psychic, Light Screen *Bright Powder*) Umbreon (Confuse Ray, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Faint Attack *Blackglasses*) Tyranitar (Rock Slide, Earthquake, Crunch, Fire Blast *Quick Claw*) Muk (Screech, Attract, Sludge Bomb, Hidden Power *Focus Band*) Ursaring (Slash, Hyper Beam, Dynamicpunch, Fire Punch *Leftovers*) Try to have these Pokemon as close to max stats as possible, as some of the opponents can be tricky. Battle 1: Lass Terry Her team: Bellossom (Giga Drain, Endure, Solarbeam, Posion Powder *Focus Band*) Furret (Slam, Dig, Surf, Ice Punch *Berry Juice*) Azumarill (Surf, Return, Attract, Tail Whip *Quick Claw*) Wigglytuff (Protect, Body Slam, Sing, Disable *Pink Bow*) Ampharos (Zap Cannon, Thunder Wave, Fire Punch, Light Screen *Magnet*) Togetic (Safeguard, Fly, Double-Edge, Swift *Sharp Beak*) Recommended: Jolteon, Machamp, Houndoom Jolteon should lead, and use his Thunderbolt on Azumarill and Togetic. Machamp can waste the Normal types and use Earthquake on Ampharos, while Houndoom should take Bellossom. Battle 2: Blackbelt Yang His team: Wobbuffet (Counter, Mirror Coat, Safeguard, Destiny Bond *Focus Band*) Primeape (Detect, Cross Chop, Seismic Toss, Screech *Beserk Gene*) Hitmonlee (Detect, Hi Jump Kick, Mega Kick, Reversal *Quick Claw*) Hitmonchan (Detect, Mach Punch, Dynamicpunch, Thunderpunch *Black Belt*) Hitmontop (Detect, Triple Kick, Dig, Counter *Mint Berry*) Nidoking (Detect, Toxic, Double Kick, Horn Drill *Bitter Berry*) Recommended: Alakazam, Houndoom, Marowak Alakazam can take everything here; Psychic alone will take out 5 of Yang's Pokemon. Bring Houndoom for Wobbuffet and Crunch away. Fill the final slot with Marowak. Battle 3: Bird Keeper Adam His team: Charizard (Slash, Flamethrower, Dig, Iron Tail *King's Rock*) Aerodactyl (Ancientpower, Fire Blast, Earthquake, Hyper Beam *Focus Band*) Fearow (Mud-Slap, Drill Peck, Mirror Move, Agility *Scope Lens*) Murkrow (Fly, Night Shade, Faint Attack, Attract *Sharp Beak*) Gligar (Sludge Bomb, Iron Tail, Toxic, Faint Attack *Poison Barb*) Dodrio (Toxic, Tri Attack, Hidden Power, Drill Peck *Pink Bow*) Recommended: Lapras, Jolteon, Marowak Can you say "massive weakness?" Lapras can sweep this team with Ice Beam and Thunderbolt. Bring Jolteon for speed and Marowak for ultra-powerful Rock Slides. Battle 4: Cooltrainer Flora Her team: Stantler (Hypnosis, Return, Earthquake, Hidden Power *Quick Claw*) Hypno (Hypnosis, Shadow Ball, Dream Eater, Psychic *Focus Band*) Exeggutor (Hypnosis, Leech Seed, Sludge Bomb, Giga Drain *Miracle Berry*) Clefable (Sing, Dynamicpunch, Fire Blast, Hidden Power *Leftovers*) Victreebel (Sleep Powder, Swagger, Sludge Bomb, Slam *Miracle Seed*) Poliwrath (Hypnosis, Body Slam, Submission, Surf *unknown*) Recommended: Alakazam, Houndoom, Machamp This trainer likes to put Pokemon to sleep, so counter with the Mint Berry- packing Alakazam. Ice Punch and Psychic will take Eggy, Victreebel, and Poliwrath. From there, bring Houndoom for Hypno and Machamp for the two Normal types. Battle 5: Fisherman Chase His team: Mantine (Waterfall, Wing Attack, Headbutt, Icy Wind *Nevermelt Ice*) Gyarados (Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Bite, Twister *Focus Band*) Dragonite (Outrage, Icy Wind, Iron Tail, Hidden Power *King's Rock*) Lanturn (Thunder Wave, Spark, Surf, Whirlpool *Miracle Berry*) Quagsire (Haze, Surf, Dig, Dynamicpunch *Mystic Water*) Dewgong (Rest, Sleep Talk, Ice Beam, Headbutt *Mysteryberry*) Recommended: Jolteon, Lapras, Houndoom Lead with Jolteon here. He can use Thunderbolt on Gyarados/Mantine/Dewgong, his Hidden Power (ESPECIALLY if it's Grass) on Lanturn and Quagsire, and Thunder Wave on Dragonite. Lapras should beat down Draggy with Ice Beam. Houndoom should be around to provide SunnyBeam (if needed) on Quaggy and Lanturn. (You'd think a Fisherman would have at least one pure Water Pokemon on his team, but nooo, they had to screw around with the other types.) Battle 6: Scientist Craig His team: Ninetales (Confuse Ray, Flamethrower, Endure, Fire Spin *Focus Band*) Persian (Swagger, Screech, Iron Tail, Slash *Bitter Berry*) Electrode (Swagger, Explosion, Zap Cannon, Screech *Mint Berry*) Crobat (Confuse Ray, Fly, Screech, Bite *King's Rock*) Forretress (Swagger, Explosion, Double-Edge, Toxic *Quick Claw*) Sneasel (Swagger, Dig, Ice Punch, Surf *Miracle Berry*) Recommended: Machamp, Jolteon, Houndoom Machamp should lead with the Bitter Berry, as this trainer loves Confusion. If Machamp gets Swaggered, mail it in... it puts his attack over 700! Cross Chop should take Persian and Sneasel, while Earthquake will take out Ninetales and Electrode. Jolteon should take on Crobat, and Houndoom can burn Forretress. Battle 7: Skier Kathy Her team: Slowking (Ice Punch, Shadow Ball, Iron Tail, Psychic *Leftovers*) Lapras (Body Slam, Ice Beam, Dragonbreath, Icy Wind *Focus Band*) Pilowswine (Blizzard, Icy Wind, Earthquake, Take Down *Berry Juice*) Feraligatr (Slash, Icy Wind, Bite, Screech *Miracle Berry*) Jynx (Psychic, Lovely Kiss, Frustration, Blizzard *Gold Berry*) Mr. Mime (Psybeam, Reflect, Double Team, Baton Pass *Quick Claw*) Recommended: Houndoom, Jolteon, Lapras Kathy usually leads with Mr. Mime and uses Double Team twice, then passes. So Houndoom's got three shots at knocking it out. 'Doom can also take Slowking, Pilowswine, and Jynx. Send Jolteon up against the other two, with Lapras acting as multi-type backup. Battle 8: Cooltrainer Marty His team: Mew (Psychic, Earthquake, Thunderpunch, Blizzard *Miracle Berry*) Starmie (Surf, Swift, Psychic, Light Screen *Bright Powder*) Umbreon (Confuse Ray, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Faint Attack *Blackglasses*) Tyranitar (Rock Slide, Earthquake, Crunch, Fire Blast *Quick Claw*) Muk (Screech, Attract, Sludge Bomb, Hidden Power *Focus Band*) Ursaring (Slash, Hyper Beam, Dynamicpunch, Fire Punch *Leftovers*) Recommended: Houndoom, Machamp, Jolteon How Marty got a Mew is beyond me... Houndoom's Crunch should be your main weapon, as Marty usually leads with it. Jolteon's MO is to waste Starmie and paralyze the other Pokemon. Machamp shouldn't have any problems finishing the job (if you're that scared of Umbreon's Psychic, Light Screen when it shows up). If you want a Rental Team...ill put one together, test it out and tell you later :)
  17. Thats what i said...kids nowadays, dont listen... :D Goku, Vegeta, Hurcule and Bee are the only ones to survive Buu blowing up the earth And kakkorot ssj4...dont double post...just edit your previous post if you want to add something :)
  18. Cruiz finally lands, nearly hitting Suzuku Suzuku: What took you so long? Cruiz: I got lost Suzuku: How in the world you can get lost in a piloted Pod...ill never know... Cruiz: Have i missed anything fun? Blank: Not yet...were just kinda waiting around... Cruiz: ok....shouldnt we be doing something? Suzuku: Were you around for the meeting? Cruiz: no, i was sleeping... Blank: *falls over* oh yeah, he's gonna be a LOT of help...
  19. As their training has grown to 1753x, Cruka looks in the direction of Planet Vegetto, once again stunned by what he felt... X-Ray: Hey, whats up? We need to keep going Cruka: ...we have a SSJ problem... X-Ray: ?! How !? Cruka: Its Blanka...we now know that his power is over 300,000...he is much stronger than we though... X-Ray: So...do we stand a chance? Cruka: Maybe...if we can train enough today...but it all depends if we can get enough in...We've gotten our power up high...but its still not high enough yet... X-Ray: Then lets kick it up a notch... Cruka separates, now 3 Rojins power up and training all 3 together, in hopes that they will stand a chance when the get back to Planet Vegetto...
  20. While training, Suzuku and Cruiz stop as they stand...stunned in horror, feeling the emense power that Blanka had just let off... X-Ray: Whats going on you two? Cruizr: We have to get back Suzuku: Or we may lose the war X-Ray: Why? What happened? Cruizr: Ill explain on the way there... Cruizr, Suzuku and X-Ray make their long way back to Planet Vegetto, as Cruizr and Suzuku tell X-Ray what they had felt and seen in their minds... Suzuku: I suggest we rest, that way we'll be healed and at our new full power when we get back... Before they go back, they realize that Blanka was severly drained and wouldnt be a threat...for long, so they stop...at another gravitised location...but they had to catch up because it was 1200x... Cruizr: X-Ray, since you are the weaker of the 3 of us, me and Suzuku are going to fuse and train you until you are as strong as us combined... X-Ray: Im ready... Cruizr and Suzuku do the fusion dance, becoming Cruka X-Ray: ...your...power... Cruka: C'mon X-Ray, this will become harder as we go along since the gravity keeps increasing... X-Ray: Alright...let go As the training goes on, X-Ray proves he does have good moves for a low level Rojin... Cruka: FLAMING DESTRUCTION!!! The attack flew towards X-Ray, no room for him to dodge on their small training spot... X-Ray: BIG BANG KAMEHAMEHA!!! Cruka: What?! Cruka's attack was more massive than X-Rays, as X-Rays smaller attack hit and held back the attack...moments later, X-Ray screamed as his energy had increased...but not enough X-Ray: AHHHH The attack overtook X-Ray...but as the smoke cleared, X-Ray was still standing Cruka: How...did you take that attack? X-Ray: Im dont know... Cruka: Well, it seems your more powerful than we gave you credit for... Their training continues as the gravity has grown to 1350x
  21. The Gravity continues growing to extensive levels Cruizr: Well, this is a work out huh? X-Ray: I think my bones are gonna break! Suzuku: Be a man...er...Rojin dude, you can take plenty more than that All three continue lunging at eachother, muscles bulging, forcing against the pulling Gravity Suzuku: Its at 849x... Cruizr: Lets keep it up, we only have one more day to train... X-Ray: Ok, one more day...i can take that... The Gravity continues to rise as the training continues with fists flying, ki's flying through the air, and every moment they train, they become stronger...
  22. Ive always mixed the Saiyan race with the Changeling race (Freeza)...i dont know why...but its fun :D (Edit: If your talking to me...ive been around longer :D )
  23. As the 'ground' moved, the Gravity increased...So with every moment gone by, Cruizr, Suzuku, and X-Ray had to get stronger so they could take the punishment of the next... X-Ray: This...is...getting...hard... Suzuku: You just arent used to it... Cruizr: C'mon, we need to train...and you said we needed to kick it into overdrive, so here we go... Within an hour, the gravity was at 437x... X-Ray: This is killing me... Suzuku: Dont whine...you done see us do you? X-Ray: no... Cruizr: ...Lets Go! They continue their training, with the gravity increasing 3x every minute...
  24. Name: Cruiz Age: 19 Race: Saiyan/Changeling Weight: 174 lbs Height: 6'3 Bio: The son of Freeza who was immediatly put to work when he turned 4, Forever hating his father, for what he did to the Saiyan race...and his son Appearence: Dark Purple Saiyan armor, looks like Freeza's 4th form, and can push between Changeling and Saiyan looks at will Disposition: A evil, killing soul...but somehow with a good heart... Power Level: 20,000
  25. I havent watched it yet (keyword: yet :D ) but i love seeing DBZ and such stick fiqures fighting...it was called "Death by a Stick Figure" Productions
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