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Everything posted by Yukazi

  1. [font="Tahoma"]Thank goodness this week is almost over.. I just hope we can talk Mother Nature into taking it easy on us next week..[/font] [quote]Dear Michigan, I feel your horrible burning pain. Sincerely, Indiana[/quote]
  2. Happy Zombie Jesus Day! ♥

  3. [quote name='Nerdsy' timestamp='1301599010' post='706159'] [color=deeppink]So today is my tenth anniversary here. Consequently, it is also the tenth anniversary of the Otaku Triad.[/color] [/quote] Nobody will ever be as dynamic and cool as Nerdsy. â?¥ [quote name='Neptune' timestamp='1303630282' post='706811'] [font="Comic Sans MS"]I haven't logged into OtakuBoards in a long, long time. Everything is so different, it's going to take some getting used to. Hi everyone! :3[/font] [/quote] Welcome back! :D
  4. I've been trying very hard to bring my gaming brethren over to the pony side. I have to keep my mancard out of reach though . . they keep trying to take it. D:< [img]http://img846.imageshack.us/img846/2226/cupcakesp.jpg[/img]
  5. I found my old Sonic the Hedgehog shirt and it still fits. Three cheers for always buying things 3 sizes larger than I needed when I was younger! :D [b]*le Edit*[/b] According to everyone (the internet), the shirt is classified as "Rare".. so that's kinda cool. xP
  6. Why do I always wake up/get out of bed and look a the clock at 11PM sharp? Go to bed at 8PM? Wake up at 11PM. 9P? 11P. 10P? 11P. 1 AM? Time travel. [size="1"](EDIT: This page is ponilicious)[/size]
  7. I could most likely make a thread about League of Legends or bother searching for one but I really don't want to jump into something like that right now.. [img]http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/7604/1337nz.jpg[/img] As goofy as it is I am very pleased with how I played as Pantheon and the ending score also made me happy. :D
  8. Sweet! My birthday is Waffle Day! Looks like a trip to Waffle House is now mandatory.
  9. [quote name='chibi-master' timestamp='1300410857' post='705766'] I fell down the stairs at school today and rolled down just fine. I hopped right back up with confidence, turned a corner and stubbed my toe so hard that I was brought to my knees. Some things are just messed right the hell up. [/quote] Reminds me of the time I managed to slip all the way down some stairs like I was skiing only to faceplant at the bottom. :(
  10. [quote name='Magus' timestamp='1296412687' post='704539'] So we have a winter storm watch that'll be in effect for probably Tuesday night into Wednesday. I take a look at what the storm prediction center site thingy says and wow, they're predicting anywhere between 5-9 (perhaps more) inches of snow Tuesday night alone with an additional 3-5 inches on Wednesday. I think it's been quite some time since Detroit's seen a foot of snow. Ahhhhh, I want to learn how to snowboard now. [/quote] Indiana thanks you for your snow.. it's always your fault Michigan! D:<
  11. [quote]Return of the King[/quote] [size="2"][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I was unaware that Nerdsy ever left![/font][/size]
  12. Watching you watching me on the Online List. ;D

  13. Listening to the Podcast for the first time and laughing too loud for 1AM. Great stuff! :D

    1. Boo


      Awesome! High five!

  14. [center][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xRPmhWmaNY[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ylVRGttEW4[/media][/center] [size="3"][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Really sets the mood for PvP. :D[/font][/size]
  15. Yukazi

    Marble Hornets

    [size="3"][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I remember spending a whole day back in July watching the videos. I haven't checked back for an update since then and I point blank [b]refuse[/b] to check in at 1 in the morning.. something I'll have to do later today when I'm feeling a bit more daring. Marble Hornets is amazing until about mid-way where it got a little ridiculous. Sure there were still the scares here and there but it became a little more predictable and the camera footage in his room moved into the "not scary" domain. All in all I am still terrified of the scenes with Slender Man so.. yeah. Putting this one off until morning. xD[/font][/size]
  16. [quote name='Yukazi' timestamp='1288587806' post='701451'] [font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Personally I am excited for tomorrow. I do love me some Deviled Eggs. As for the 30th.. if I am sick will I have to go to work? :[[/font] [/quote] [font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]So as to not necro a really old thread.. I started a new job on the 30th of November and I was sick. I answered my own question! :D[/font]
  17. [font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]I popped on my WoW account yesterday after a full year. To put this in perspective it was patch, as I recall, 3.2.2 and now it is patch 4.0.3. I am highly undergeared, spells and abilities are completely different, and I feel like I bought my character off eBay. I am kinda excited for the expansion for my 60 though (aside from losing Zul'Gurub). :][/font]
  18. has just noticed there was a status area.

  19. [font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Personally I am excited for tomorrow. I do love me some Deviled Eggs. As for the 30th.. if I am sick will I have to go to work? :[[/font]
  20. [font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Blargh! I wandered off for a bit and missed the whole Isaiah Mustafa chat! [center][img]http://thatgirladele.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Isaiah-Mustafa-Old-Spice-Guy.jpg[/img][/center] In other news.. Titanic still makes me cry like little girl man. :[[/font]
  21. [font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Whoo! 10 year anniversary with Otakuboards. *dances* Maybe I should be more active now that I've hit such a milestone. [/font]
  22. [quote name='CaNz' date='21 October 2010 - 05:03 AM' timestamp='1287651828' post='701205'] is this another minecraft fan! I cant wait for Halloween just for the update. [/quote] [font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]What do you think will be in it? Some rumors are flying that it will finally move into Beta. I have no idea where to get accurate information since I've only been playing a few weeks.. all I know is that I wanna use my fishing pole for something![/font]
  23. [font="Franklin Gothic Medium"][size="2"]I'm horribly addicted to Minecraft. As I start to drift off to sleep after playing for a few hours I swear I hear a faint "[font="Impact"][size="2"][b]SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS[/b][/size][/font]" in the distance (which makes no sense if you know what that's all about)..[/size][/font]
  24. [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="1"]I am (unfortunately) getting back into World of Warcraft for their annual Arena Tournament (3/3 Attendance). Also, I've been suffering from insomnia a lot here recently. I, in fact, hve not been to bed yet and it is 1:45 in the afternoon. Yogurt.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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