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Everything posted by Yukazi

  1. [SIZE=2][FONT=Times New Roman]Oooh, This is a good one... At our school, it is currently ruled by Popular Kids, if that is what you want to call them... I just call them annoying. Although, it would seem that Goths/Punks are taking over slowly. There were absolutely NONE until my 10th grade year, now you see them quite often. When it comes to myself, I fall into a few categories. I fall into Goth, Punk, Nerd, and Popular. I don't know how that works, but it's true. I do both of the Goth and Punk, so I am a Gothic Punk... I am referred to as Keitaro (Love Hina) in many aspects, and I am liked by people from all differant types. I don't know, I don't really like to be placed into one group, so this may explain how I fall into a LOT of them. :animesigh Im also called a nerd for the fact my locker is always stocked with Manga. :animeswea [/FONT] [/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=2][FONT=Times New Roman] Oooh, I remember it like it was yesterday. Back in June of 2000, I was wandering aimlessly through some sort of Marketplace when I came across the magazine rack. I began to flip through the random Anime magazines, until I came across an interesting Pokemon one. I flipped through it and learned a few more things that would benefit me in my Pokemon Blue. After making it to the back of the magazine, I found a list of helpful sites... Once being "POKEcheats.com". I could not check out the site because my WebTV was not wanting to allow me online. Sometime in mid-August, we won a new computer in some sort of town raffle. It wasn't really new, but it came with an external modem, which peaked my interest. After working a few bugs out, I finally got AOL 3.0 working. I began to rack my brain and finally remembered the URL of the POKEcheats website. I went there and, for some time, was quite content with the information, but dared not join the forum. On October 28th of 2000, I decided to join the forum and have had an account with the Otakuboards ever since, whether active or not. [/FONT][/SIZE]
  3. The deck has faired me quite well. I've won roughly 25 duels with it since this last weekends tourny, and only lost 3. I have also had quite a few victories this week with 3-on-1 matches.. Winning 17 out of 18 duels with it. Although.. I think the people I chose to play may not have been very skilled. >_>
  4. [B] Tribute Monsters [/B] 3x Buster Blader 1x Judge Man [I] Total: [/I] 4 [B] Non-Tribute Monsters [/B] 3x Dark Blade 3x Warrior Dai Grepher 3x Getsu Fuhma 2x Freed thr Brave Wanderer 3x Kojikocy 1x Princess of Tsurugi 1x Trap Master [I] Total: [/I] 16 [B] Spell Cards [/B] 3x Malevolent Nuzzler 2x Lightning Blade 2x The Warrior Returning Alive 1x Axe of Dispair 1x Horn of the Unicorn 1x Monster Reborn [I] Total: [/I] 10 [B] Trap Cards [/B] 3x Trap Hole 1x Magic Jammer 1x Seven Tools of the Bandit 1x Raigeki Break 1x Energy Drain 1x Magic Cylinder 1x Michizure 1x Hidden Book of Spell [I] Total: [/I] 10 [B] Complete Amount: [/B] 40 Cards ..A penny for your thoughts? :P
  5. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] [B]Non-Tribute Monsters[/B] 1x Right Arm of the Forbidden One 1x Right Leg of the Forbidden One 1x Exodia the Forbidden One 1x Left Arm of the Forbidden One 1x Left Leg of the Forbidden One 1x Sangan 1x Witch of the Black Forest 1x Magician of Faith 1x Mask of Darkness 3x Prevent Rat 3x Aqua Madoor 3x Lady of the Harp 3x Island Turtle 3x The Bistro Butcher 3x Hiro's Shadow Scout 3x Man-Eater Bug [B]Tribute Monsters[/B] 3x Labyrinth Wall [B] Trap Cards [/B] 1x Backup Soldier 1x Appropriate 1x Call of the Haunted [B] Magic Cards [/B] 1x Monster Reborn 1x Pot of Greed 1x Graceful Charity 1x Painful Choice I actually have not been able to try this deck out very much, since there aren't very many people left in my area who still play Yu-Gi-Oh!, but it has yet to fail me in the 3 times I've used it. Although, I think there may be some flaws in it, but im not exactly sure what. Please post any and all pointers on how I may be able to perfect my deck. [/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] My day was actually half decent for a change. Today, I woke up at 7:20 a.m. realizing that I had missed the bus. I was called by the Snack Line Lady across the street as she asked me if I needed a ride, I said I did but she ended up not being able to wait. Then, I call the school to see if our feild trip to the WTHR (Channel 13) studio was still on because it was snowing outside. After finding out it was, I immediatly got ready as fast as possible and my mother left from her friends and took me to school just on time to make it. That above is the only bad part of the day, apart from the toal 2 hour bus ride. I was able to spend an hour at WTHR and 2 hours at the mall in Indianapolis. Actually, I take it back.. It was a very good day for me today. When else can you be left at a mall without your teacher and left to run rampid for the rest of the school day while your friends work at school? Hehe, I enjoyed myself a little too much I believe. ;) [/FONT]
  7. [font=times new roman] I wanted to drop the Holocaust, and I did just that. It was the only class that I could really not stand at all. I was good until we began to watch the movies, and no matter how much violence you are used to, its too violent to comprehend the bloodshed. I went ahead and went to the Guidance Office and changed to another class, which happens to be a computer class. I should do pretty good now, but who knows.. People may start ripping off my work again. :p Also, Since the Holocaust doesn't really bug me now that Im out, I would like to get out of Algebra 1. Ive finished the course already, passing, and their making me take it again because we have a new book. I would at least like to switch teacher if anything. I like my current ones style, but having him every day instead of every other is kinda driving me crazy. But, that's just my thoughts on his methods. If he needs two classes, then maybe I really do.. Who knows. [/font]
  8. [font=times new roman] I have found the Zanarkand item. It is the one where you light up all the white boxes and get the Destruction sphere, then you place it in the slot by the puzle zone and get the item. I do have that on. But it claims I still do not have 3 items needed to get Anima when I have gone to every individual temple and the items are no longer there. It is getting annoying to lose to Jecht everytime I fight him, I just need to know if there is anyway I can defeat him without Anima or the Magnus Sisters. If not.. I dont think Ill be able to finish the game.. [/font]
  9. [font=times new roman] [b]"The World?[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Hades [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Affiliation:[/b] Player [b]Class:[/b] Twin Blade [b]Special Ability:[/b] Date Drain [b]Weapon:[/b] 2 Long Daggers [b]Description:[/b] 5'8"; Short Brown hair; Hazel eyes; Wears a black long sleeve shirt with a pair of black baggy pants, along with a pair of black boots and two spike wristbands to secure his daggers in place. He also has a strange silver emblem on his back resembling that of a hacker.. [b]Level:[/b] 37 [b]Role:[/b] Player Killer [b]Real World[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Lance A. Blunt [b]Age: [/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Description:[/b] 5'8"; Short Brown hair; Hazel eyes; Almost always wears Jnco or Southpole related clothing and hoodies. Always has a pair of baggy pants of the same brand to make the outfit complete, along with a pair of black boots. [b]Bio:[/b] Lance has always wanted the freedom within a game to kill anyone he choose. He found that "The World" gives you the freedom to do whatever you want, thus exciting his brutal instincts, and making him want to kill more and more. He is simply in the game to do what he can never do in real life.. Kill without concequences.. [/font]
  10. [font=times new roman]I have visited every temple, and it still shows me that I do not have all of the items needed to get Anima. Im afraid that I wont be able to get him due to me using the Sphere type items when I first got them. I do, however, have Yojimbo. He usually dies with the first strike from Jecht. I have also attempted to get the Magnus Sisters, but I cannot get the last item needed to unlock the door. Also, I did get to strike Jecht with Zanmato 2 tries ago, and it only did about 5,000 damage to him. The last time I fought him, I got him only to 75,000 HP in his second form, and he Petrified Auron (My last standing character), thus causing a game over.. [/font]
  11. [FONT=times new roman] I need a little help with a Game Plan to defeat Braska's Final Aeon. I have been stuck at this point of the game for months now, and I wish to get it done and over with before I purchase FFX-2. The first form of Jecht is quite easy, it is the sword slinging 2nd form which is impossible for me to defeat. I have Auron (7,000+ HP -- 47 Defense -- 74 Atk) Wakka (5,000+ HP -- 39 Defense -- 53 Attack) and Tidus (6,000 HP -- 47 Defense -- 57 Attack) as my main hitters through the battle, then I use Yuna to summon Aeons and do Overdrives. My Bahamut (I just know I have butchered his name) does 22,000 to Jecht and the two Yu's. Then the rest of my Aeons do 9,999 to all three of them. Auron does 9,999 base, Tidus does 6,000, and Wakka does 5,600. I try every possible strategy I can think of to defeat the last form, but it is proving quite the task. I know it would be much easier to just get the Ultimate Weapons and unlock the "Break Limit", but it is proving a little too time consuming. Does anyone have any tips on how to do this? Also, if you need any more info on my characters so you can give an accurate strategy, I will supply. Thanks for your time. [/FONT]
  12. [font=times new roman]It is proven that people may be wished back after a years time, because of the fact that Goku trains with King Kaio for 1 years time, unless I am mistaken. Also, I have come to the conclusion myself that the Saiyans indeed came back from the dead, but suffocated in space where Planet Vegeta had exploded. I came to this conclusion when they stated that they had to first wish for Krillins spirit to be returned to earth, or else he would wind up in the empty void in which Planet Namek had exploded. But, the most likely reason Bardock and the other saiyans did not return was simply because Akira had no further use for Goku's father, nor any of the other saiyans, so he did not pursue that possibility. [/font]
  13. Yukazi


    [font=times new roman] [b] First Name: [/b] Brent [b] Age: [/b] 15 [b] Hair Color: [/b] Brown [b] Eye Color: [/b] Hazel [b] Height: [/b] 5'8" [b] Wardrobe: [/b] Mostly Jnco or Southpole related clothing. [b] Personality: [/b] Mostly Shy.. I don't really speak much outside of the Internet.. [b] Hair Style: [/b] Long.. Usually just with my fingers ran through it a few times. [b] Favorite Music Type: [/b] No Prefrence. [b] Favorite Musical Band/Artist: [/b] Pilar. [b] Hobbies: [/b] Internet, Anime, Drawing..[/FONT]
  14. [FONT=times new roman] It all depends on if the topic could go anywhere.. Technically, Favorite topics are not permitted on this forum due to problems in the past. But if a general descusion can be created about it, Then it will be alright. A 'Favorite Recipe' thread should be able to generate some type of descussion. If you still are unsure, Just ask a moderator if they believe it would be allowed, They know more than anybody if something can be posted.[/FONT]
  15. [FONT=times new roman] Although spamming of the forum can prove quite annoying, Topic's about spammer's are not truly neccisary. Within' each and every topic, There is a 'Report this Post to a Moderator' link. This link is used to declare to staff spam is on the form, and is needed to be removed. Threads like this only clutter the form more, and usually bring forth more spam, and Double posting; Which was shown by XBebop. So, Even though Spammer's are annoing and such, They will be stopped once what they are doing is brought to the attention of the staff. XBebop, I agree that with you that people who spam need to get a life, but is spamming yourself going to get you anywhere? *Exit's to get much needed Sleep. [/FONT]
  16. [size=2] [FONT=times new roman]From the beginning, From the start. There's been a hunger, A broken heart. All that exists, Forever is gone. Your footprints vanish, Away from my lawn. All that there is, All that you are. Continues to plague me, Forever to scar. Leave me to go, Allow me to stay. Don't mind this body, Let it decay. Its form is dismantled, Never to stay. My soul is on fire, Long past this day. Your presence destroy's me, Never to end. My soul is dying, Unable to fend. You have now left me, Alone; Left to die. Goodbye to you, My soul shall now fly. You did destroy me, I am now free. Your evil released me, It was my key. It all is now over, Now it has past. The silence will linger, Never to pass. Do not feel sorry, It is now done. I am now gone, Please have your fun. Set another away, Another soul free. For it was your hatred, That helped to save me. Goodbye my dearest, I am now gone. My body now lay's, Just under your lawn. [/font][/size]
  17. [b] [size=1] Now, in Isle 3, the new and improved Viagra V2.0! Just look what it did for this man! *Watches in horror as a young child is smashed Narrator: Can we cut that part out? Well I can think of anything :p [/b] [/size]
  18. [b] [size=1] Name: [i] Brandon Stallion [/i] Nickname: [i] Hades [/i] Age: [i] 15 [/i] Appearance: [i] A fairly athletic looking teen, with a fair complextion. He has a slight trace of facial hair and blonde highlights through it. Brandon is 5'10' and weights about 175 lbs. He often wears a grey Jnco with a pair of black, baggy Jnco jeans. [/i] Character Sketch: [i] Brandon is a mild tempered teen with a soft heart, and a soft spot in his boot for all who get in his way. He has a huge over-ego and cannot control his anger at times. He has a strange innability to speak with girls and is a perfectionist at times. Although he may seem tough, He is often paranoid and inable to go into an open space at night without company. [/i] [/b] [/size]
  19. [b] [size=1]Note: This story was written during the depressing stage of my teen years and some parts may upset some, read at your own descretion. [/b] [/size] ----------- A young couple walked onto a boat for their honeymoon. This was the cruise that they had saved for so long. This was the week they?d waited for their whole lives. This was the beginning of their love for each other! They walked on, eager to find their rooms. The ship pulled out that night, into the dark misty sea. Everyone on board felt as if this week would change their lives. Everyone knew when they came home, they?d be changed people. Everyone was eager to arrive at their destination. What a destination they had before them. Their cruise was going to an old castle on a small island. They had seen the millions of brochures, telling how beautiful this remodeled castle was. Everyone was so eager to get there, they forgot all about the cruise. An old woman stood on deck, watching the sea flow by. She stood thinking of her wonderful life she had lived. She wondered if anything would be different if her husband were still around. Like many others, she believed the sea held the answers. She stared into the water, and watched as it became more alive than ever before. It moved quicker, and seemed to come closer. She heard her husband call out to her. She felt his arms wrap around her. She felt him pull her down. No one heard any screams. In fact, no one noticed the absence of the old woman. Well, almost no one. The sea noticed. ************** The next day a bright sun shone from the sky. It was uplifting to all on board. If you listened, everywhere you heard people talking about how wonderful this was. No one knew the night before the sea had taken a life. Why think of that? When everything here is so wonderful. The couples danced on. The men went right on eating. The crew shuddered in fear when they heard the sea had taken another. The crew knew the sea well. That evening a couple stood on the deck. The moonlight shone right on these new lovers. They smiled at one another, and talked of their future together. Then they turned and looked out across the sea. They saw in the distance their destination. They walked happily back to their rooms, knowing they would arrive at the castle by morning. ************** That morning luggage was everywhere. It seemed as if excitement had taken over the passengers. For some reason the crew went right along with the speedy unloading. They said they?d get those people off that boat before any of them knew what had happened. The crew kept their word. Everyone was out of there in less than an hour. At the castle door, a butler greeted everyone. Each person awed over the castle. Many remarked on how ?cute? it was. The butler led each of them to a separate room. He split up every family, every couple, and every friend. If two people roomed together, they were strangers. The honeymooners held hands, as they were led up the stairs. Then two men came and separated them, telling them they could not be together. They looked back, reaching with their hands, trying to pull the other back to them. Then the men forced them to look forward, saying the past is not worth thinking about anymore. All rooms were filled, except one. One room was saved for the old woman who was taken by the sea. No one knew of this room, except the old women herself. ************** The honeymooners found themselves separated. Lonely for his love, the husband left his room and went out to search for his wife. Meanwhile, the wife was lying down in her room staring at the ceiling. She could not sleep because her unknown roommate was snoring loud enough to start an earthquake. As she lied there, she thought of her husband. She wondered where they had put him. Later that night, her roommates snoring ceased. She thought she could finally fall asleep, since the room was now silent. Soon the silence was broken by a metal scraping noise, and a voice moaning. Curious of what it was, and hoping to help the moaning person, she left her room and wandered through the hallways. She ran towards the noise, and soon found it. She knew it was around the next corner. She turned the corner just in time to see light dancing off metal, and a person running. She ran after this person. She followed this person for a long time, but eventually, the person got away. She turned around ready to go back to her room. Before her she saw five different ways she could go. She stood there confused for a moment, before she picked a way to go. Then she walked on, completely and totally lost. At this time her husband was walking the same path as her, two stories down. His mind told him to follow something, and he listened. He walked on and on. Finally, he heard his wife?s voice. He ran towards her, but found it was not her at all. It was an old woman. The old woman was moaning. He went up to help her, but could not, for in a minute, she was gone. He walked on till he came to a room. Opening the door, he noticed the room was filled with darkness. He walked in, feeling his way around, till he found a way out. Past this room, everything was dark. He had to use the damp walls to find his way. He wondered why there was no lighting in this area. Meanwhile his wife walked down a flight of stairs. She leaned on the wall, to rest, and found it was very damp. She decided she could rest later, and walked on down the hall. She heard footsteps ahead of her, and a familiar voice. She ran to meet the voice she knew so well. Then someone came up behind her, and grabbed her. This person carried her down many long dark hallways. Each hallway smelling of rotted lives. The person carried her down a steep stairway, and into a small room. There the person threw her upon the floor. After she became conscious again, she found she was sitting in a chair. Well, not sitting as much as her body was strapped in a sitting position. She saw a man walking toward her. In his hand he held scissors. The light danced on the scissors, as they opened and closed over and over. They went toward her. She gasped in fright, thinking of what horrors they could do to her. She watched as they started to cut her hair. Then she chuckled to herself, thinking about the millions of reasons this man would give her a free haircut. After he finished with a normal haircut, he started chopping all her hair off. She watched the strands of brown hair fall down around her face. The man kept cutting away, until every bit of her hair was lying on the ground. She then looked up, expecting to be unstrapped. She was horrified to see that instead of unstrapping her, he was starting to cut away at her flesh. Millions of thoughts began to run through her mind. First she thought ?no! I?m too young to die!? Then she started to think about all the people she had loved in her life. She thought of their futures she would never know. Then her images of love turned to images of terror and she watched torture fall upon those she loved most. She watched burnings, hangings, murders, and so much more. She opened her eyes, hoping to no longer see images of torture. As she looked down at herself, her eyes grew wide with fear and the realization that this man had cut off all her skin. Then she closed her eyes, and let go. The last thing she saw was the image of the scissors cutting through her muscles, to her heart. She imagined the sharp blades puncturing her heart. Then darkness fell upon her, and she thought no more. ************** Strange eyes peering from the dark windows would see nothing but light dancing on metal. They would never see the heart of it all. But those onlookers did see one thing, a man with no face walked out of that room. In his hands he held scissors, covered in blood. No one suspected, or else they were too afraid to believe the truth. ************** This man walked into another room. He led himself by the scissors. If you asked him, he would say, ?the scissors call to me, they tell me where to go. The scissors know.? He walked forward, in what seemed to be a crowd of people. His ears were deaf to the screams. He never heard the women scream as his scissors cut her baby?s neck. He never heard the scream of the man who no longer had his wife. He heard nothing, but the sharp noise of the blades closing and opening. Although he heard nothing, his mind was very busy thinking. He remembered long ago, when he had last seen his father. In fact, his father was the last thing he ever saw. He remembered the day very well. His mother had made a wonderful breakfast. He remembered her face smiling at him. He remembered as he walked out of the room, he heard her laugh. He never knew why she had laughed. His father came up to him, and told him to follow. He never asked where they were going. His father took him to the storm shelter. There he had chained him. He remembered his father coming up to him, holding scissors. The same scissors he held in his hands now. He looked up at his father, confused. His father?s grin was the last thing he saw, for then the scissors flew towards his eyes. He cringed as he remembered the pain of that day. After he could no longer see, he had heard his father cheer. He felt more pain, as his blood trickled over the remainder of his face, and into his mouth. He quickly put that horrible day out of his mind, and walked forward. His nerves were calmed as his listened to the blades opening and closing. ************** The young husband walked forward in the damp darkness, looking for his lost love. Many rooms ago something had falling from the sky. It felt like a dry mist. He did not know what it was, for since he looked up, all he had seen was darkness. He did not know if he was now blind, or if his eyes were forever closed. He reached forward, trying to find his way. His hands blackened by the fire upon the wall. He walked forward, screaming for his love to come to him. Finally, after many turns down this long hallway, he came to a door. He pounded on it, begging for someone to open it. He heard a moan from inside. Then he found the door was unlocked, and walked in. He felt around the room, trying to find help. Near the center of the room he found an upward table. He used this to stand up. Then he felt the other side of the table. When he touched it, he cringed. It was covered in some type of fluid. Then he realized it moved. He felt more, hoping it was human. Then the whole table started to move. He screamed, frightened that it was cursed. He took out his knife, and started to stab the cursed table. He stabbed it until the movement stopped. Then suddenly the blackness was lifted from his eyes. He looked at the table, and saw before him a site more frightening than any he had ever seen before. On that table, his wife was strapped. His wife, covered in blood, with no hair, and no skin, was on that table. He looked at her face, and saw the pain in her eyes. He knew if she could she would be crying. He cut the ropes from around her body, and took her into his arms. He held her in his arms, as the life drained from her body. He told her over and over he was sorry, and that he never meant to hurt her. He said he loved her. Right before every bit of life had drained out, he asked who had cut her skin away from her body. The last thing she said was, ?the flickering metal, the scissors.? He stayed there for days, holding the remainders of his wife?s body. ************** After many days of mourning over his wife?s death, he decides he will avenge her death. He remembers her last words, where she spoke of scissors. Whoever did that to her, is the one who carries the scissors. He takes her body, and lies it down carefully, in a safe place. Then he takes off running through the hallways, all the while, listening for the scraping of the scissors. Watching for the flickering of the light dancing on the metal. After running through many hallways, he hears something. It is not the scraping metal he hoped to hear. Instead, it was the screams of tortured people. He followed the screams, and walked into a room filled with bleeding people. Many of them had cuts in the arms. Some of them lie dead on the floor. Others mourned over their dead children. He looked to the end of the room, and saw the flicker off the metal. He knew the man with the scissors had just left this room. He ran through the hallways, following the sound of the metal scraping. He knew this was the scissors opening and closing. He no longer heard the screams of the people. He heard nothing, but the scissors opening and closing. He got closer and closer to the sound. Then he turned a corner, and saw the light dancing off those terrible scissors. He was close enough he could see the bloodstains. The fresh blood of those recently killed. Somewhere on there, his wife?s blood. When he could finally stop staring at the scissors, he noticed something strange about the man holding them. He moved closer, and was horrified to see that the man had no face. Instead of a face, there was a scar, and bloodstains. One big scar covered in bloodstains. When he got over the shock of the faceless man, he remembered why he had come. He slowly moved toward the man, never taking his eyes away from the scissors. Then he reached out and grabbed the scissors. Before the man knew what had happened, the scissors were stabbing his heart. He had avenged his wife?s torture. He looked down at the faceless man on the floor. Then he slowly removed the scissors from his heart, not bothering to wipe the blood off. He walked back to his wife?s body in a trance. It took quite awhile to go through all those hallways. He did not know where he was going, but he knew something was telling him. He soon came to his wife?s body. He put down the scissors, and went and held his wife. Then he lay her back down, and picks up the scissors again. He told her that he was going to avenge her death. He said he had started to, for he had killed the man who put her through so much torturous pain. He said to her, ?I am not finished, for I am still alive. I cannot live without you, so I am coming to you. Also, I must avenge your death.? Then he takes the scissors, and slowly moves them to his neck. He starts to open and close them, slowly cutting away at his neck. Finally he finishes and his head falls to the floor. He thinks this is no pain at all, compared to what his wife went through. Then from the floor, he watches his body die, and fall to the floor. Then he looks to his wife, hoping she will forgive him for killing her. The last thing each of those young honeymooners saw was each other. The scissors lie on the ground, covered in fresh blood. Blood that would soon dry, and be forgotten. The scissors started to open and close. Light dancing off them each time they searched for another victim.
  20. [b] [size=1] '..I see dead Pokemon o_O' Yeah, I always try posting something funny in the middle of the night, so sue me, I think its funny right now o_O [/b] [/size]
  21. [img]http://www.members.aol.com/shadowedcloudx/strange[/img] [b] [size=1] 'Finally, I am cured of those pesty nasal allergies...But how am I supposed to thwap mesquitoes?! NOOOOOOOO!!!' Yeah, that one didnt take too much brain power...Too sleepy :shifty: [/b] [/size]
  22. [b] [size=1] Link: [/b] Could you please release my arm? Your pulling is making my heroic costume rise a little too high >_> Yeah, Im not too funny with this one either TN :bluesweat [/size]
  23. [size=1] [b] How did I find the Otakuboards, Let me think.. Ahh, now I remember. It was the spring of 2000, and I was going through the grocery stores magazine rack. In one of them, there was the web address [url]http://www.POKEcheats.com/.[/url] I went there a few times and looked around. I found it quite a good site, then I noticed there was a message forum, and decided to check it out. I went around for months, days ata time, just looking around, but not posting. I officially joined October 28th, 2000, and have been here ever since. I remember in a conversation just like this on the Otakuboards, I brought up how I found the site and Adam was in shock that it was in a local paper :p [/b] [/size]
  24. [b][size=1] It has been a very long time since this discussion had begun, and I am sure everyone now knows what they didnt back in October. But now, this topic has run its course, actually, many months ago. So it is now time to cakk upon the local Moderater to close this topic. :toothy: (P.s. SSJ3 Goku is currently holding his own against Kid Buu in the America showing, so I believe he easily could have defeated Fat Buu, should he of kept it up longer.) [/B] [/size]
  25. [SIZE=1][b] Well, I believe this thread ran its sad excuse for a course some time ago, and it really has no revelance anymore. So, I shall ask the friendly neiborhood Moderator to close this thread...Have a nice day :toothy: [/b] [/size]
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