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Everything posted by Yukazi
I am very happy for you Lady Macaiodh. May your life ahead be happy, and you both remain in love until the end. I wish I could think of more, but im so happy for you, im speechless... ....I promised myself I wouldnt cry....
Thank you all for your help. Ive progressed a bit more, and am on a new mission. Im on level 30 now also. Im just going to keep getting my GF to learn new stuff :D Thanks again
I do believe it's name is still Jeneba...I bought some cards, and they said it's was was Hildgan...I dont believe that since there is a giant creature known as Hildegarn...Anyways, I think it is still Jeneba. I think that Vegeta is dead because of his "Ultra Final Attack" that he preformed against Buu...But, who knows, There are just too many holes in the show...
Well, ive never played one of these games before, and I finally went to the store and got one 2 or so days ago. I havent made it really far, Im currently on Level 28, with my Ifrit on Level 24, and the others on Level 19. I was made a seeD, and the instuctor was giving me one final lesson, to use "Sleep" on a T-Rex. With one problem though, I havent yet found out how to get it. If anyone could tell me how to learn it so I can progress, please do. I dont think that it is something the Guardian Forces learn, simply because they already have nearly all their techniques learnt. Thanks to anyone who can help.
I will usually bug James and "Keep him on his toes" if he so happens to be on...If not, Ill just wait for someone to post on the Otakuboards... If there is absolutely nobody on my buddy list and nobody posting on the Otakuboards, I will usually watch Dragonball Z Music Videos, or listen to the DBGT Them...Very catchy tune.
Wow, we are nearing our old record...It was 3,200 Members. Its amazing how many people come to this site and boards. Too bad that soem people dont stay, it would be great if all 3,000+ would come and post...But what am I saying, Spam could be a bigger issue if all 3,000 did. Even though the problems the boards have been having currently, it is still going strong. Very well done job everyone that brought someone here...I myself came because I read the URL in a book...
[I] Havoc stood, staring at the laughing Saiyan. He knew that Raditz's power level was 500 above his own. He quickly raised his arm, attempting to end it quickly. He shouted Flaming Destruction, as everyone flew back, fire flew around him. He looked at Raditz, and released his attack. The saiyan laughed as he raised his arm and pushed that attack away... [/I] [B] Havoc: [/B] Raditz is stronger than us...My attack did not seen to do anymore than slightly burn his hand. Raditz seemed to disapeared...After a moments, he appeared behing Havoc and folowed with a hard kick to the back of his head. Raditz bend down and began to insult the laying oponent. As he did, Havoc opened his eyes, and quickly kicked Raditz in the chin... Raditz spit out some blood as his face grew more serious. He fired a Ki that flew under Havoc...A Ki Well...Havoc was thrown out of the battle, and back into reality...
[I] After being summoned by Mr. Popo, the group of teenagers learned of an unknown force that was headed for earth. To prepare the group for what may lie ahead, the group was lead to an odd room which had a pendalum hanging from the ceiling. Mr. Popo explained that they would fight enimies of the past to buidl their strength, and that they would start with the one who was known as Raditz. His power level would be at 1,500. The teen's grew scared, knowing that he was stronger and could kill them, but Mr. Popo explained that the only thing that would happen after they were defeated, they would be tranfered back to normal time. They all gathered in the middle of the room, and began to teleport back...To the day of Raditz... [/I] [B] Havoc: [/B] This is what earth used to be like...But where is Raditz? A few moments after they began looking around confused, a tall Saiyan with long black hair appeared in front of them, getting into an offensive position...
Ill wait for one more person to join for an even 10. -------------------------------------------------- Name: Havoc Bio: A young teen who often gets into fights with his long time enemy Namreh. Truely hates to team up, but will do anything for a good cause. Personality: Normally calm, but snaps on an occasion. When angry, his temper is shown as he makes quick decisions and tends not to think things out. -------------------------------------------------- Power Level: 1,000 Strength: 250 Ki: 250 Defense: 250 Speed: 250
[B] Name - [/B] Havoc [B] Age [/B] - 14 [B] Description - [/B] 5'6, wears a Orange Shirt and Black pants. Also wears Black shoes and a Black hat. [B] Bio - [/B] A young teen who has always longed for a good fight. Has a very negitive side to everything and dreads working as a team.
Bulma seems to be following Bebi Vegeta around, seemingly trying to help him out. So, my guess is Bulma had become possesed and indeed was Evil for a short period of time. Bulma also helps Vegeta with the Brute ray we all hear about, which helps prove she is evil. She never shows signs of hating Bebi Vegeta, and she even helps transfer everyone useful to the newly created planet.
[I] After centuries and centuries have past, the hero's we uswd to know, have all gone. The strongest person alive is once again Master Roshi. An evil force is headed for the now weak planet. A power that Master Roshi even trembles upon the thought that this creature is headed toward earth...A group of Teenagers must now get ready for the arrival of this unknown force... [/I] -------------------------------------------------- Information Needed from All: Name: Bio: Personality: -------------------------------------------------- Power Level: 1,000 Strength: Ki: Defense: Speed: -------------------------------------------------- Fusion Dance: Can be used once your Power Level has reached 2,000 Fusion Earings: Can only be used by a single team. Only can be used once Power Level has reached 5,000 -------------------------------------------------- Any further question should be asked here.
I watch "Beat the Geeks" every once and a while. I find it pretty entertaining when there isnt anything else on. One day, I hope to go on as the "Dragonball Z Geek". :D
Possible life on mars, I dont doubt it. After a while now, of compairing the Earth to Mars, it is great to see them taking the next step. There is another sign of previous life, besides Frozen Water. There is also the famous "Face" that was found on the surface of the moon. It is great to hear this latest news.
Bebi at some point, Makes it to earth and begins laying eggs within all of the people. Bulma, Bra, etc. Included. Once Goten Gohan, Trunks, and Bra gave their energy to him, they fell out of the spell. Also, the only people who escaped the Egg Implants were: Hurcule, Pan, Buu, Ubuu, and Goku. But, to answer the question, Bulma does become evil in Dragonball GT after being possesed by Bebi. Herman, im going to check my episodes to see if I'm wrong...If I am, I will feel like an idiot..
Well, It seems that I will be the fist to use a unique name. Havoc
Altron, You do realize that I always start my quizzes off easy dont you? Eh...I hate it when people dont pay much attention. Now, why did you go and post the answers right away? Anyway, If you listen closly Stone Cold Steve Altron...I too thought it was Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, but I saw the episode a few more times and heard its true name was Blue Eyes Ultimate White Dragon. Now, im going to have to make a new quiz quicker than expected...Thank you very much... EDIT: Sorry if I seemed a bit rude, but, I dont really like people blurting out the answer's after 2 people reply...
God dang Airport! I SAID TO STOP HIM EVERY CHANCE THEY HAD! Oh well... Welcome to the states F_F Here is your complementary Fruit Basket
Your Yu-Gi-Oh! Webmaster has been searching all over to put together a Grand Quiz. Let's see how good a job I did. ------------------------------------------------ 1) What is Man-Eater Bug's Special Power? 2) Who was the first person to challenge Yugi to a dual at"Duel Kingdom"? 3) Who ends up with the Millenium Eye? 4) What season is currently showing in America? 5) What is the "Blue Eyes Ultimate White Dragon's" Defense Power? Bonus: What are the names of the 5 Peices of Exodia? -------------------------------------------------- If this proves to not be challenging, Ill put together a Medium Leveled Quiz. Good Luck to all.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lego_sama [/i] [B]i have had my index finger hang only by a couple of nerves and some skin:nervous: [/B][/QUOTE] ...Someone needs to watch where their pointing that thing... Anywho, More of my injuries for those who love hearing about them... Injured Disc (Back Injury) Cracked Forearm Broken Knuckle Finger Nail torn off Toe Nail torn off ...Wrestling is so much fun...
Lets See... Wrestling Injuries: Dislocated Shoulder Broken Left Ankle Broken Right Ankle Cracked Skull Broken Right Leg Fractured Rib Injured Nose Missing Teeth Black Eyes Too many to list... Backyard wrestling is very dangerous and should truely not be attemted. I though am not too smart and cotinue to wrestle to this day, perhaps one day, Ill learn not to wrestle and take better care of my body...
I am very addicted to my computer, the internet, and the boards...Not to mention Adam wakes me up at 5:30 AM and makes me send him stuff ;) But the internet tends to be very addictive. It gives people something to do whentheir bored, and sometimes, people just sign-on because it is second nature to them. But yes, am ery addicted to the internet.
Yellow isn't my specialty, but I will try to help. 1) You will recieve Strength as a present for giving the warden his teeth. 2) You will find the wardens teeth deep in the Safari Zone. 3) You can only get a Pikachu from Prof. Oak, once you recieve that one, there are no more. I hope that information is all correct, I have not played those games in some time.
Its been a while since ive teased the brains of every DBZ fan, so I say its time for another Quiz! ------------------------------------------------------ Set One: Movies - Brolli ------------------------------------------------------ 1) What were the fluids released at Bio Brolli called? 2) What did Trunks do to get Bio Brolli's attention? 3) How did Goku defeat Brolli in Movie 8? 4) Why wouldn't the Eternal Dragon appear in Movie 10? 5) What happened to Bio Brolli once he was hit by the Fluid for the second time? ------------------------------------------------------ It may not be very hard, but you have to make the quizzes start off easy, no?
Ive been out of school since August 2001! I tried home school, which turned out to be a bust, so ive had nearly a year out of school now...I cant wait to get back into those cold classrooms and fake a sicknes once a week again...