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Everything posted by Yukazi

  1. (ROMs be Illegal) Here, we have a DBZ game that could have done wonders, been the best out of all the others, but instead, we have an exact copy of the older game "Legend of the SSJ". Eh, oh well, I guess we'll have to settle with it until something better comes along.
  2. The reason the fusion did not last was because the entering of something made of magic (Buu) caused the affects of the fusion to wear off. Also, Frieza did not defeat/kill Goku. Whenever they had wished for Goku to be brought back to life, the dragon replied "I can not bring back to life what isnt dead". Goku went on to defeat Frieza, but not kill him. The only people to beat him were Trunks and Gohan (Movie 12).
  3. DarkYoda recently handed over 2 cards to me that young eyes shouldnt see... "Suduction" and "Confusion" Suduction...well...has a woman on the card...Ill leave it at that. And confusion has a picture of a bong. I just recently got into MTG due to DarkYoda, and these two cards actually do well in battle.
  4. Even though some people do know what will happen, It may be a good idea to add "Spoiler" to the title. Since you are talking about future episodes. But I myself am just going to wait until September to see the Edit Happy version.
  5. [I] Juiz grinned evily at the two slugs he was given to destroy... [/I] [B] Juiz: [/B] You know what the funny thing is? [B] Gollen: [/B] No, what? [B] Juiz: [/B] We aren't even SSJ yet... [I] Gollen laughed as he realized Juiz was correct, neither one had gone SSJ yet...Until now. [/I] [I] The 4 slugs looked at the two warriors power levels jump. A few moments later, their scouters exploded. Gollen went after his 2 slugs and beat them easily with his Fial Flash. Juiz raised his arms quickly, letting out a Fire Well that destroyed the remaining slugs... [/I] [B] Juiz: [/B] Its sad when it gets this easy... [I] Meanwhile, Frieza watches his warriors easily taken out by only 2 Saiyans... [/I] [B] Frieza: [/B] Look how cocky they have grown. Well, this will be no laughing matter when I reach their planet...
  6. [I] Juiz wondered what was going on, but he threw it from his mind. A few moments later, his fusion wore off and he bean descussing with Jeson about the Chamber. [/I] [B] Cruiz: [/B] This might be the break we were waiting for, but the true Frieza's wrath has yet to be seen...How do we know that this all isnt in vein? [B] Jeson: [/B] Well, its better to try...then give up this quickly. We have to try and put up a fight... [I] Later on, everyone began searching for the Training Chamber that Jin had spoke of. Sometime later, the started to pick up an object on the scouters...It was the chamber... [/I]
  7. The only way I could beat them in Blue was with the Rare Candy + Glitch cheat... But on Silver Version, I used Feraligatr Lv. 47, and beat them al w/o him dieing...that does prove that they are weaker in G/S
  8. Name: Havoc Age: 14 Sex: Male Millenium Item: Millenium Heart - An item the attached itself to Havoc's chest...It has the appearence of a Millenium Eye inside a heart. Millenium Item Powers: Monster Control, Dispell, Sense Powers, Shadow Magic and Combat Trance. Bio: A young teen who was brought into wars at a young age and long since forgot his true name. His nature has gone from peaceful, to hateful...He found his item atthe age of 9. Discription: 5'6. Short Brown hair. Wears a Army outfit. Jungle looking shirt and pants, Black Boots.
  9. Well, even thought there is no proof any of it is real, I myself like to believe there is something out there... Now, Spontaneous Human Combustion, that I really do think happens. People would be found where they last were, only a few body parts remaining and the rest completely gone...No fire can completely destroy bone. Except for the humans own body. Me? I blame it on stomach acid escaping...It is the only conclusion I can come up with that makes sense to me... Here's something...Everybody has a 6th sense...Everyone can tell when another Human is around (ex: In the same room) and not seen...But they can feel the presence of the second person...
  10. [I] Juiz stared down into the hole, relizing it was almost over...He Raised his left arm...Fire shot around his entire body...He was charging up his Flaming Destruction... [/I] Frieza got up slowly and looked in horror, relizing that any moments, it would be over...Frieza flew into the sky, hoping to get away, but to no avail. Moments later, the charging process was complete... [I] Juiz gave Frieza anevil grin and released his Chou Flaming Destruction at Frieza...When the smoke cleared...Something odd was left standing that left everyone in shock...It was only a Slug, formed to look like Frieza...They havent even seen the real thing yet... [/I]
  11. [I] After the last competition, the creator of Duel Monsters is holding another competition. 10 Packages were sent out, all containing the same glove and holder, 2 star chips, and a video. All of the recipiants put the video in and had a dear member of their family taken away from them. Now, all are on their way to win back their souls...But only 2 may enter the castle... [/I] ------------------------ Info: Name: Age: Bio: ----------------------- All who joins will be told what card will be in their decks and in which order...Then, in whatever order people join, makes the order they Duel... ----------------------- I will just say the battles, and say the winner, and then the next match again. It would not be fair for me to play. ----------------------- If there are any questions, ask.
  12. [I] Cruiz rushed towards Frieza and threw his knee into his gut. Frieza just lasughs and kicks Cruiz into the ground. [/I] Jeson flies down, cups his hands around Frieza's neck and releases a great Ki attack, but to no avail... [I] Cruiz helps Jeson in knocking Frieza to the ground. Friez alaughs at their furtile attempts. Cruiz stomps his foot to cause a Planet Eruption, and follows with his Fire Well. When the smoke clears, both Cruiz and Jeson smile and release their finishers. Frieza is hurt slight, but not much else is done... [/I] [B] Cruiz and Jeson: [/B] FUSION! [I] They fuse one more and go at Frieza with all they have. Juiz kicks Frieza into the sky and lets loose his Ultimate Finisher. Frieza is knocked far, far back and back past the moon... [/I] [B] Juiz: [/B] Everyone, this is your last chance to get the last of the beans, we may be able to beat Frieza once he gets back...But only if we are at Full Strength...
  13. [I] Cruiz looked over to Jeson and grinned... [/I] Cruiz realized that Reid wanted to do it on his own, but everone wanted to be ready to jump in... [B] Cruiz and Jeson: [/B] FUSION!! [I] A cloud of smoke was seen as a single warrior appeared...A warrior named Juiz (If you can think of anything better...) [/I] Juiz knew that the fusion woud not last long...He appologized to Reid and went after Frieza... [I] Reid was left angry, wondering why they had stopped the fight... [/I] Juiz charged towards Frieza, trying to give him everything he had, but to only miss with every attack... [I] Frieza smiled evily and released a Finger Beam which grazed Juiz's shoulder... [/I] Juiz powered up and finally began to land punches...But Frieza extended his Finger and let lose another Finger Beam which punctured Juiz lung...Reid watched in horror... [I] Frieza began to absorb Juiz, as a Fire Well stunned him for a moment... [/I] Left gasping for air, Juiz reached and grabed another Senzu Bean...Juiz looked at Frieza with rage, looked with hatred... [I] The unexpected happened, Juiz fell to his knees, as veins popped out. He let out a scream...and went SSJ... [/I] Frieza raised his hands above he head and created a large, purple energy ball and trew it at Juiz...He was not strong enough to block it. After the dust had cleared, Cruiz and Jeson were left lieing on the ground... [I] Reid began to sweat heaely, realizing that they had become SSJ, and still lost. [/I] Cruiz and Jeson slowly began to get up...Both flying high into the air...With a gat struggle, they managed to go SSJ seperated. But the moment Frieza realized they were back up...A V-85 Deathball was already on its way up into the sky, and towards them...
  14. Us americans last episode was "Final Atonement" We have yet to see "Evil Lives On" and soforth, so England is ahead. But America has now gone back to "The Arival of Raditz" and yesterday was..."Goku's Unusual Journey". I do believe thats what it was called...
  15. 2) Its was created sometime in 1982, but not released until a later date. 4) Goku had a Power Level of 330 with his weighted clothes and 410 without them. And his Kamehame strength reached into the 1200 range, so I am pretty sure he could destroy a planet. 5) Born: 2 Dragonball: 10 End DBGT(Said Level, Not Official): 1 Billion 7) That is correct, 13 episodes were not aired. Had they done the edit process, they would have been left with only 4-5 minutes for a show. 9) DBZ is the longest running show on Toonami.
  16. Here is just something else, The ice shelf has broken off from the Antartic (sp?) and if it keeps its course and keeps from melting (which it doing a very good job of staying solid) It is heading direct north towards California. Should it collide, there will be a major shockwave...Anyway, the coin thing didnt really worry me, but my parents, friends, and our local church are all worrying about it. So I was just wondering if we all should take it seriously.
  17. [B] Everyone looks up as they stare in horror. Frieza s closing in...They know they must finish off the Slugs quickly... [/B] [I] Everyone gets together and begin to charge their Ultimate attack. The slugs begin to run for them as Cruiz knocks them to the ground with his Eruption attack...Moments later, the Slugs get back up and begin running for them once more. Everyone yells as a huge attack flies towards the remaining Slugs, killing them all instantly... [/I] Everyone falls exhausted, their attacks caused their power to fall greatly. A few moments later, Cruiz shows what he was hiding the entire ime, an old bag of Senzu Beans, everyone realizes that once they eat them, they will be healed and stronger... [B] Now that everyone is at full strength, they prepare for their final battle, the infamous Frieza is landing... [/B] ------------------------ Everyone now has a Power Level of: 2,500,000 ------------------------ Everone learns a 4th attack: Fusion: Last 3 posts ------------------------
  18. OOC: Hey "TDB" please, try to write more descriptive, and replies with more length, ok? ---------------------------- [I] Cruiz realizes there are too many slugs and begins to try to distract them. A slug speeds forward and knees Cruiz in the mouth [/I] Cruiz uses his Planet Eruption - Fire Wll combonation once more to crisp the slug warriors. Jin distracts the Slugs while Cruiz charges his Flaming Destruction. After a few Slugs had been desroyed, Cruiz stomped his foot to the ground, causing the Slugs to fall, While he flies in the air and releases his attack. [B] 7 Slugs managed to survive the attack to Cruiz's surprise... [/B] Cruiz runs and cups his hands around a Slugs neck, while releasing his Fire Well, and engulfing the opponents head. ---------------------- [I] Meanwhile, Frieza is watching the onslaught against his Slugs... [/I] Frieza instructs everyone to prepare, Frieza is 15 hours from reaching earth...
  19. Just something I wanted to state. I read in the bible that before the world ends, every country will have the same currency(Money). Well, now there is a coin called the "Euro" and it is used across Europe. Just one question: Should we worry about this?
  20. OOC: Just saying, whenever you guys post, please put more idea into it, and allow yourself to get kicked around a little more than that. Not being bossy or anything, just saying to put some thought in before posting...Dont make me sick Neil on you! :D
  21. [I] Cruiz charges towards the group of "Slug" warriors, powering up along the way... [/I] A slug quickly releases a Ki Blast which burns Cruiz barely. Cruiz comes back with a Fire Well which engulfs one of the Slugs. When the attack ends, the Slig come out nearly unhurt as Cruiz smacks his head realizing it isnt very affective. Jin quickly joins the fight and releases another Saibaimen, which is quickly killed off. Cruiz then uses his Planet Eruption, which knock the slugs on their backs. Cruiz flies into the air and uses his Flaming Destruction technique which only defeats 3 of the slugs. Reid sneaks up behind one of them, puts one of his hands on each side of the slugs head, then releases a strong Ki blast. Cruiz and Jin look on as the slug falls, his head completly missing. [B] 19 "Slugs" remained the fighting ground, all angry to see their comrads defeated... [/B] Cruiz used his Planet Eruption attack once more, as it sent 4 more slugs headed for the ground. Cruiz then released his Fire Well attack, which completely killed off the enemies... [B] 15 Slugs remain, and need to be taken out... [/B] [I] Elsewhere, Frieza is still coming, and waiting on his report from the Slug warriors... [/I]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj chic [/i] [B][size=1]um..do you really want the whole list? I'll just name my favorite pets... *deep breath* 7 dogs, 5 horses, 3 cats, ALOT of fish, 2 turtles, 16 hampsters, 14 doormice, 1 rat, 2 ferrets, 2 sugar gliders, 14 corn snakes, 1 boa constricter, a bunny, a cuban tree frog, 2 lepoard frogs, and MANY MANY more... (these are the current pets [B]I[/B] own..my brothers are a whole different story....)[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] :eek: ......My God! Sorry... I have: 16 Cats, 3 Dogs, 2 Dead Cats, 2 Dead Dogs...So I have/had 18 Cats and 5 Dogs. I love them all.......except when cleaning time comes around...
  23. -Sighs- Forget what I said, but the RPG play has been up since last night so.......enjoy!
  24. Cartoon Network had decided to restart DBZ from the begining. Personally, I had been hoping for this for some time now (Buu was getting kind off old) And today they showed "Arrival of Raditz". Now, I will be able to see the entire Frieza saga (I went from Goku Vs. Buter - Jeice to SSJ2 Gohan kicking Cell in the stomach) Im just wondering, if others also like what they chose to do.
  25. [I] Frieza has sent weaker warriors to fight the battle for him, to test the abilities of the current warriors. 25 land on the planet and two have already found Cruiz... [/I] [B] The two warriors know only as "Slugs" charge for Cruiz as he realizes the other 23 are headed for the others. Cruiz powers up slowly to see what they think of his power, but they just laugh... [/B] The fight starts as one Slug speeds around leaving a blurring affect and reappears behing him. Cruiz starts to turn around as one slug gets him in a strangle hold and the other begins punching away. After recieving a severe beating, the Slug sends a powerful Ki blast at Cruiz as he escapes and the attack takes out the other. [I] The other warriors realize what is happening and wait for their opponents to appear, and a strong fighter is coming yet closer to the planet... [/I] [B] The battle continues as Cruiz goes against the 2nd "Slug"... [/B] The Slug leads off with a hard puch to Cruiz's gut, as he bends over in pain... Cruiz turns and screams loudly as a Well of Fire erupts from the earth below the slug, but Cruiz is surprised....the slug is unhurt. The slug gets behing Cruiz and fired a slicing attack which nearly slices off his head. Cruiz then gets behind him quickly and unleashes his Flaming Destruction attack, which annihilates the final opponent...But he knows it is just the beginning as he heads off to assist the others in beating the "Slug" warriors...
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