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About AnbuKira13

  • Birthday 07/31/1985

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    Hmmm... Ask away.
  • Favorite Anime
    Anime: Naruto, Bleach, Fushigi Yuugi, Death Note, Fruits Basket, Soul Eater, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Tenjho Tenge, Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, Blood +, and many more...

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  1. [quote name='Heaven's Cloud']I picked up [B]Bayonetta[/B] yesterday. So far I enjoy it, but the load times are a little bit of a pain (I read that this is only a problem on the PS3 version, so if you buy it for the 360 you should be kosher). The main character is really fun though, like a hot chick version of Dante from the DMC series. It is taking me a little while to learn to cope with the speed of the game though.[/quote] One of my friends has that he basically said the same thing as far as how the character is and such. Keeps telling me I should try it out. :P So far only bad things I have heard on it were on G4, something about a lot of pointless nudity, and issues with the voice of some filler character you talk to in the game? Eh regardless I'll probably look it up once I get the chance. Got burned out on my 360 a little. Finally tried playing Rock Band on the ps3. Apparently I don't have the ability to anything above medium level wise. But eh its cool. I already know I can't do anything with the drums short of fail the songs in like 3 seconds. Oh well, its still fun regardless. Probably gonna get back to Prototype soon. Got a bit repetitive for me though. :/
  2. I've always had bizarre dreams. For me to wake up not going "WTF? Oh well.." is an odd thing indeed. Example wise... Once dreamed a guy I was dating turned into a wooden puppet that was talking and talking and talking and wouldn't shut up so I tossed him into a wood chipper. Woke up to find I had also punched him in the face in my sleep. That's only happened twice though... well the punching thing anyway... :animeswea Backwards almost series of dreams involving zombies. Hard to explain but they all seemed to be linked together almost like parts of a story. Only dreaming from the end to the beginning. @_@ Yeah there are other examples but I think I'll stop there before I end up getting too far into the weirdness. :P "Normal" dreams for me is unheard of.
  3. [quote name='Sara'][center][URL="http://www.mooncup.co.uk/"][IMG]http://www.mooncup.co.uk/assets/images/widgets/what%20is%20it/mooncup_actual.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] Anyone heard of this?[/quote] What in the world is that? All I can think of is a funnel... and that and the current topic to me just... Nevermind my question Im happy not knowing. Chibi... why apples? I dun see how that adds time in between but okies. :P Whatever helps I suppose.
  4. [quote name='Desbreko'][COLOR=#4b0082]Uh... Are you sure you didn't just have episodes that were soft-subbed and were using a player without a subtitle renderer? (Like WMP by itself.) OPs and EDs tend to be hard-subbed into the video, in which case they don't require a subtitle renderer.[/COLOR][/quote] Yep I'm sure. The episodes didn't give me any trouble the whole time up till that point and they all had subs in the intro some in the outro's too just not the episodes themselves. Its like they got lazy and just gave up. As far as the players used I have like 3 or 4 on here. Checked em all. Same issue each time. Its fine I liked the series enough, least what I saw, to wanna buy it. So Im just gonna do that anyway but still it was really annoying. Happened right when the series started to kick into the more major fights etc...
  5. [quote name='Ace'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]On the subject of subs, Gratuitous Japanese. I can hear it just fine myself, thanks. Now tell me what the hell it means. Honestly, what is the point of translating something if you're only going to do it halfway and leave your audience even more bewildered than before?[/FONT][/quote] Thats exactly what I meant last post. Happened to me with Soul Eater. Had all the episodes, I think anyway, and after 35 all the intros were subbed but the show itself wasn't. YAY! I know the lyrics thats great! Now wtf is happening?? >.<
  6. [quote name='Allamorph'][center][IMG]http://p1.hotornot.com/bl/brands/NMKRR/CFCEGJTJHWCQPSETLVKA.jpg[/IMG][/center][/quote] For some reason he used to scare the hell out of me as a child... Now he just slightly bothers me. Hmmm today should be interesting I get to fill out job applications and hope I can get one out here without it becoming too irritating a quest. Should be fun since all the holiday people have been fired lol! Oh well...
  7. Eh new years here was rather tame. We did have a friend over for some drinking and such but we didn't get to go out. Kinda dunno much still about the town were in now so we didn't know where to go out to lol! Also really sucked trying to get alcohol. We had to drive like 20 miles out of town to find a liquor store. GO TEXAS!! :P They also asked us for two forms of ID since ours are out of state. Apparently in Texas Colorado ID's look fake. XD
  8. After getting a few new games for my 360 it died. I think somethin happened to it when we moved. Anyway got a new one and knocked out Assassins Creed 2 in about two days. REALLY liked it! Also been kinda rotating through some of the games we picked up. Onechanbara, Prototype, and The Darkness (Mike Patton is awesome in that
  9. [quote name='John']Whoa, whoa, whoa. We're restarting this thread. Disregard all posts before this one. [IMG]http://www.crowndozen.com/main/archives/iron_giant.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://53cannon.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/the-triplets-of-Belleville.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.thehetre.vn/ichinews/090501230245-386-656.jpg[/IMG] Ok, now we're off to a good start. Commence posting.[/quote] Well if you wanna be obvious about it lol! Hmmm... A lot of movies I'd mention are ones I liked as a kid and still rather adore now. Though the Triplets I saw in one of my art classes. ^_^ Hmmm it's not really animated in the drawing sort of way but Wallace And Gromit anyone? Also rather like Persepolis. More mature I think as far as what its about. The animation was interesting though in its own weird way.
  10. [quote name='Magus'][SIZE=1][COLOR=navy]I was quite shocked to see that Jack Black beat out Mark Hamill for best voice... But then again, I'm also bias since I don't really care for anything Jack Black does.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/quote] Its not being bias really. He didn't do anything with his voice that he hasn't done already. He basically just talked and let em stick it into the game, Mark Hamill on the other hand... Until I finally payed attention to the credits of the game I didn't realize that was Hamill. Jack Black in comparison is... blah. Oh well...
  11. [quote name='Cloud Strife']I hate it when you're watching a subbed anime and the person who subbed it doesn't know how to speak real english. "You die shall!" and other such mistakes are irritating.[/quote] I dun like that either. How about when they're marked as subbed, and then magically only the intro is and it cuts you off right when the story is finally picking up again?
  12. [quote name='Gavin'][center][SIZE=1][IMG]http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/4977/howtwilightshouldhaveen.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/center] [SIZE=1] I wish to see the aftermath of this meeting. [/SIZE][/quote] LMAO! Indeed! :animesmil
  13. Hmmm I've gone back and forth on this mostly just cuz of what I've seen when it comes to rep points on different forums. Then again Otaku doesn't seem to have the problems we had on said forums so I'm probably just over thinking it. Though it might still be a good idea giving the mods some sort of control over it. And John's idea is also a good one. @_@ Confusion ahoy! I dunno I just see it more as if there are any issues that pop up with it the mods are gonna hear about it first. Maybe give em a go at it, however it gets set up, and then introduce it to the rest of the forum?
  14. [quote name='chibi-master']That old show Pepper Ann. I loved the hand movements that the characters made! INVADER ZIM. THAT IS ALL YOU NEED TO LIVE. *epic love*[/quote] Pepper Ann was a somewhat odd show but I liked it as well. It wasn't annoying and it was rather amusing. Also agree with the love of Zim.
  15. [quote name='Korey']A game I found a letdown was Mortal Kombat VS DC. I thought it had some nifty features, but most of them turned out to be gimmicks. Doesn't help that the combo system is so tight that mashers can take advantage of it. Also, while you can move in 3D, there is no real point.[/quote] Agreed. Though I didn't expect much from it to be honest. Seems like a pretty cool idea but they kinda tanked on making it worth buying and actually keeping. Hmmm... Personally I can also agree on not caring for the wii either. It's okay for some stuff but its not really as amazing as people like to think. Suppose the only reason I would get one is to at least try out the Bleach game they got for it. Some of the sports stuff isnt bad though either. Even so if I do ever get one it's gonna be cuz its been reduced to like $70 used. The Astro Boy game that came out on the ps2... I dunno if there was just one but the husband and I found it and gave it a shot... and immediately got rid of it. The controlls were really stiff and it was just all around stupid in general. A LOT of glitches too. The Naruto games for the game cube... Oh goody I unlocked Akamaru... All he does is bite bark and hop like an idiot. How wonderful. I breezed through those in like 15 minutes... Pointless. Hmmm another Naruto related game that I have an issue with is Rise Of A Ninja. I don't really hate the game itself as much as I hate the voice acting in english for it. Pervy Sage does not sound like Pervy Sage... And at Ichiraku they pronounce ramen like ram-men as do a lot of other characters in the game. Its just an annoyance that made me swap it back so I couldnt hear it anymore. Perfect Dark Zero for the 360. Husband wanted it since he liked the old game on the 64, he played it and I more or less just watched. Watching him play pretty much told me what I figured the end result would be in the first place, trade back in for something better. Controlls, graphics, virtually everything in it was horrible. The story line was something a five year old may as well have wrote. Rather stupid all around. The final boss like battle was really weird too, considering how the game play went up till that part it didnt make much sense as to how you had to go about it or why they even set up the way they chose to. Hmmm... To be honest Im having trouble thinkin of more simply because the games I've played that I don't like I generally don't remember since I don't like em. Can't really say I expected much from anything I mentioned either. Just more or less random bits of bad games I've run into.
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